Friday, January 29, 2016

"STORY IN YOUR EYES" moody blues

I've been thinking about our fortune, and I decided that we're really not to blame.

Well again today we were on the front page of the News-Herald.

City manager responds to community
By Tawana Roberts

Ultimately, we wanted to let everyone know we are willing to answer any question they had. Our main goal is letting them know we are responsive to our residents and businesses.
 Anthony Carson, Painesville city manager

Look I had an opportunity to buy a ticket to this state of the city affair but I chose not to first I shouldn't have to pay to ask questions plus I view these affairs as a dog and pony show!

Plus with the format of the affair "write your questions on a piece of paper hand them to Painesville Economic Development Director Cathy Bieterman and Cathy will not screen the questions?

Let's start with an easy one if the Cedarbrook Storm water project if the land isn't cleared by March 31,2016 there will be a six-month hold on the project? Since the land was purchased, I don't remember that ever being discussed? ( the purchase of the property) Along since last fall all I have seen are wooden stakes?

Let's talk about our new water inlet? Making Painesville's water the highest around. Some resident had their water bills double.

High Pointe Center the former city manager claimed at a hearing I attended that "we must move quickly to demolish that building because investors are anxious to start." What's that been six years ago. All those projects were to get residents to forget Lake East leaving? I challenged the state claiming that would be a good site for a Veterans Hospital, Nursing Facility and keeping the Emergency Room in our city. No we get a hill with dirt not even an Urgent Care Center that we were promised.

Please explain how the $96,000 the general fund received from Waste Management, looking at the rates for other communities how that didn't affect our rates. It is no more than an unvoted on tax increase period.

Where are our Senior Center advisors on how senior are being screwed by WM?

And to conclude how do we make the front page on January 27,2016

City sued over officer's demotion

This goes back to April 24, 2014? A demotion for a statement with concerns to being a witness in a sexual harassment investigation? Demoted can't work day shifts isn't in Painesville as well as our council's best interests to explain this? It make absolutely no sense to me. Maybe all those executive sessions?
Now don't go sending the blog. with you know what happened because unless you put a name to a comment I will not print Anonymous comments.  Doesn't mean I will print your name but I will talk to you first.

Be honest for a minute what was funnier? Sarah Palin's endorsement of Trump OR the Saturday Night skit?


At January 29, 2016 at 11:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take it from me. That rug at city hall has a big lump in it!
Their answer; It's none of your business!

At January 29, 2016 at 2:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My water/sewer was really high this month also. What happened on my bill was that I was charged for a lot more usage than I ever use. Did they lower the threshold for going from a "4" to a "6" now, for example, or did they just screw me because I complained last month about them billing for too few days the previous month, so they could charge for more days last month, which raises the water rates on your bill. (It will push your number up for usage, and since there is a minimum charge every month, you get charged for water/sewer that you never used.) The city retaliates every time anyone complains, so I'm not sure if they gouged me for complaining, or if something new is happening. Also, now we have the extra storm water bill on our property tax bill. This damn, incompetent, immoral city has us so over-charged that every time we turn around, there's another extra charge somewhere. How did they get away with this charge on my property taxes? Was that voted on, or what? They've got our monthly utility bills so over-charged, that I guess they didn't dare put the extra charge on there, so they put it on our tax bills. It's costing a ridiculous amount to live here in this city that they've turned into a dump. And that's the only thing Painesville had going for it, was that it was cheaper than all the areas around. I was just explaining to someone not long ago, that no, Painesville's electric was not cheaper than anyone else's just because Joe Hada, former City Council President kept saying so. I explained that they had the bills done in such a way, that by dividing some of the costs, it LOOKED cheaper, but that we were, and are, being gouged. This city is something else, that's all I have left to say...what this is, however, I couldn't say. I know I'm paying so much to live here now that it's ridiculous. And soon, I'm sure there will be another trumped-up, added-on charge somewhere for something else. Even taking kickbacks from our garbage hauler on the backs of the citizens. Unbelievable. This city is unbelievable. Just when you think you've seen it all, there's always more.

At January 29, 2016 at 3:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your blame should be with the hospital as they are the ones that promised an urgent care then put a clinic on the square instead. Why are you still frosted about the hospital? They wanted out and left. End of story. Why should any senior center get involved with a trash bill? Makes no sense. Why should council explain the PPD lawsuit? They are Carsons boss not officer Cunei. Id guess they had no clue what went on until they sat down to read the morning paper. Hope the officer gets all he wants and then some.

At January 30, 2016 at 7:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went to State of Painesville meeting (I have for the past few years since they started having them. The meeting was held at the Seele Mansion and included a nice breakfast which is why I believe they had a charge. This year unlike prior years there was no presentation to speak of by the city but rather as you said questions and and answers. Cathy Beitterman did read the questions in order as submitted, some warts and all. Mr. Carson responded or deferred to a an appropriate department head. I though the meeting was conducted well and fairly, not always getting the firm answer someone may be looking for but he did in fact address all questions. Many pointed questions concerning the deplorable condition of the parking garage ( response was they finally acknowledge there are sever problems there that must be addressed, and a decision will be made some point this year on what to do with it as in tear down or repair it). Other questions concerning the drainage issues throughout city, the road repairs and several others. I thought it was a good meeting and at least he was willing to address the issues straight from his mouth unlike Rita before him. I think anyone listening could see that he is fully aware that there are a litany of issues this city faces that took decades to build and that it will take time and money to address them, it will not all happen overnight.

At January 30, 2016 at 8:49 AM , Anonymous Elephant in the Room said...

Based on the recent school article there seems to be an elephant in the room. Are we all fat & happy with these results, don't care or just cant fix something so broken? Ms. Fyfe is so pleased with the improvement yet still at the bottom of the barrel. The new principal hired to fix things really hasn't. The only thing happening has been the demoralizing of employees at the high school. Don't residents realize what a big selling point a good school system is? When dose the state come in to fix this? As a priority school there are many guidelines to follow: Student recognition (this explains the yellow papers all around the building and the push to have one for everyone) Staff recognition -the need to recognize again. It takes something away that is required to do not wanted for a person. Health & wellness explains Ms Hananans position and the push for staff exercise (are you my mother) There are so many additional programs in place for students to get help - academic coaching, athletic coaching, graduation coaching, youth job opportunity coaching (lets not push graduation first), ELL, pregnant girls, and more. Behavior issues are well hidden and much of the blame on poverty. Taxes provide free breakfast, lunch, meals, food to pick up, clothes vouchers, rack to pick from, family resource w/staff at Elm. None makes sense when you see UGG boots, Coach and Michael Korrs purses, the most expensive footwear coupled with the newest and most expensive cell phones. Poverty? Another article in the paper showcased other school phone policies. Some not allowed at all on only at lunch. Where is PCLS on this? It's a signal light like for a kindergartner. Put them away and learn. Pride Award? That translates into a field day for high school. Again this is what elementary students have at the end of the year-not high school. Most don't even want to save the bucks or don't want to attend school that day. So is it really effective?
The system is terrible and phones, perks and rewards are still not an effective tool for these children. The school is much like the Browns - re-group and there's always next year. Or the Cavs eliminate said leaders and maybe have better cohesiveness among the employees instead of a mutiny.

At January 30, 2016 at 11:31 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

2:31 When you have municipal utilities with it comes some benefits? On another note there is no oversight of the going one. My best GUESS is that there are 52 weeks in a year and we have a 12 month billing system, I believe the city uses this to their advantage?
3:54 The hospital didn't tear the hospital down they may have financed it (no competition) Put the former CM
turned the screws. Guess what the plan was never was?
I don't know why does the Senior Center help with seniors taxes? The center should be advocates for seniors and the problems they face here, Aw Hell just build an elderly clubhouse I guess?
Council is everyone's boss . The CM should have made council aware of this situation, maybe he did. Lets hope everyone was forthright in statements made or not made.
7:14 Yes and items like the parking garage, waterlines, all infrastructure didn't go bad in the last couple of years. 20 years of neglect by the former administration brought us to where we are today. To quote Cleveland Mayor Jackson we know we got a problem we just don't know how....."
8:49 Agree with you now what? To say I'm somewhat disappointed with the present administration, Best guess they don't know the answer. The educators (teachers)have no will to challenge the status quo. That salary and pension comes first. The parents as a whole don't give a damn. My granddaughter came home Friday and told me that boy's in her class were cussing a substitute teacher one claimed he had permission from home to do it? That about sums it up. Students who graduate from PCLS will face a sad adult life. Odd though we provided all the tools. But to be satisfied?


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