Friday, August 14, 2015

"YAKETY-YAK" coasters

"Don't give me no dirty looks"

 No need to wonder who's quoted here?

A Razo illegal immigrant advocate asserts Razo has been waiting for more then  12 years for a "green card" and was mentally ill. The illegal advocate again asserted this is not about illegal immigration but the mental illness of an adult.

Thus this illegal immigrant advocate suggested Razo was victimized by the Federal government and the U.S. taxpayers who failed to address his mental illness.

Illegal Immigration rights group opine that both the Federal government and U.S. taxpayers failed in their obligation to this illegal alien. ??????????

That barge?

let me know where it's parked at I want a seat on it.

With a statement like this one WHY would a Painesville Council-President as well as three County Commissioners even think about listening to you know who!

Just when I think this argument can't get anymore ridiculous  someone throws this hat into the ring. Sorry ain't buying it and anyone who does is as Looney as this advocate.

This may just be a ploy to take cause of an innocent death of a resident and blame it on mental illness.

Final thought if this whatever illegal alien wasn't in Painesville a life would have been spared.


At August 14, 2015 at 10:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you think VD stance on this will hurt or help her cause?
It seems she went on offense right when it happened.

At August 14, 2015 at 1:05 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

10:29 It should if anything make people aware before they start doing feel good things for her.
She did the smart thing, it's called misdirection listen to me not to what you just heard.
When the former Lake East was torn down the then city manager used Main St. Streetscape as misdirection everyone does it for almost any reason.
Sorry but that Monday incident put the Hispanic community 20 years back.
People would do more for their cause if they kept an eye on VD and less time giving speeches in parks. She moves pretty good under the radar.

At August 14, 2015 at 6:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If he was mentally ill, then he should have been denied 12 years ago. This whole argument is wack. These are the people we need to keep out. So VD is saying we should have let this mentally unstable guy in 12 years ago? What am I missing here?

At August 15, 2015 at 11:12 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

6:45 Your missing nothing. Only the rant of a person who can't find a reason to blame a member of a family. I wonder how much traction she will get from this approach?

I expect to next hear that the killer's in movie theaters are American's and not Mexican's?


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