Friday, August 21, 2015

"KING OF PAIN" police

There's a blind man looking for a shadow of doubt

Well Thursday morning took another foray into the Lake County Commissioners meeting.

Let me explain myself here. My opposition to the commissioners passing a resolution about the Mexican Matricula Card is in the same vein as the letter sent by a former council-president  to our senator, and former council people going on FOXNEWS welcoming legal as well as illegals to our area. It's the perception that we act as a sanctuary community. Look we have enough to deal with  without laying out a welcoming mat.

Well as some of you by now realize I have been a registered Democrat since 1971 I don't vote a straight ticket by any  means. But as a lifelong Democrat I must admit I am ashamed of the actions as well as attitude of Commissioner Troy. Look up arrogant in a dictionary and it might have a picture of him.

Myself and two others  came to the meeting to make the commissioners realize this Resolution passed on this card in 2005 was a mistake. We all presented our reasons. My main one was instead of discussing the future of the county.  In the next election in 2016 there will be two open seats for commissioner. I suggested that their opponents in the next election will hit these two present commissioners over the head with this Matricula card which in reality they never voted on. Only commissioner Troy was  a commissioner at that time.  Someone else brought up county contracts and if these employers use E-verify. Commissioner Troy stated that argument should be taken up at the state level? Really commissioner just maybe this card should have been dealt at the state level also.. Another told of local banks using these card to secure bank loans, and banking privileges even after the FBI as well as the local law enforcement claiming how much fraud is involved in this card. As a surprise commissioner Troy made some of the best argument against this card claiming it's completely worthless? I was now really confused. When I asked him if this card carried as much weight as a Mickey Mouse Club membership he agreed? When I asked if the commissioners would revisit this resolution I  immediately was answered NO!

So let me understand this one Democratic commissioner is willing to throw two other Democratic commissioners under the bus over what he calls a worthless card? I can only hope commissioner Moran  and Malechek realize what's going on before it's to late. Commissioner Moran didn't get where she's at by being thrown under a bus over something she had nothing to do with.

You would think a political heavyweight such as Troy would realize what's coming. He just squeaked a victory last November over a political newcomer who didn't even have full backing of the Lake County Republican Party and she has thrown in her hat against commissioner Moran next year.

Now thinking about it who needs three commissioners when only ONE King seems to matter?

If things don't happen commission Troy will be looking at new faces sitting with him in 2017.

I might have been mistaken about V.D. and HOLA being the big mover behind this. My years have proven to me that this kind of resistance only comes with large amounts of green cash behind it. No other reason makes sense.

Let me understand this the stock market dropped 358 points yesterday and it'd Disney's fault?


At August 21, 2015 at 11:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

IMO, the ONLY reason Mr Troy won the last election is because he was the incumbent and he has a known name.
The person running against him had no name recognition and very little party support and yet came so close to ending his career.
He was never a good office holder and I am hoping he loses the next time he runs, regardless of the opponent.
As I tell people, politicians are NOTHING more than someone who was elected (and likely could't get a real job) by the people. Contrary to what they think, they are not God-like and they are not anything special.

At August 21, 2015 at 1:10 PM , Anonymous Adam said...

TERM, on an earlier post you were asking about the Yakety Yak and where in Painesville it was. That was Nemeth's before they named it Nemeth's.

At August 21, 2015 at 1:13 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

11:25 To sit there you would have thought I was to be in the presence of divinity? Both meetings everyone was in the room waiting and you know who struts in. I even get the idea the other two commissioners in no way want to cross him.
I must have hit a nerve when I mentioned the editorial about the card in the N/H? He claimed it was slanderous?
All that was missing for me was if he had said 'I proudly voted for this resolution'

At August 21, 2015 at 1:43 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Adam you are correct! This one stumped a lot of people.

At August 21, 2015 at 3:10 PM , Anonymous Adam said...

What do I win?

At August 22, 2015 at 6:12 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Adam you win my admiration along with a personal check made out in your name for $1,000,000 that that is buried somewhere within the corporation lines of the City of Painesville! Good hunting.

At August 22, 2015 at 1:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TERM, your going to love Jerry Cirino.

At August 22, 2015 at 4:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As God-like goes, Anthony Carsons absence was well noticed at the "latest person to leave Painesville because of the current city manager" going away party. Keep up the great work Carson, you have destroyed all morale with workers, the streets and sidewalks along with the rest of Painesville.

At August 22, 2015 at 6:21 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

4:35 So what do you base this on? It seems that some of you professionals as well as workers protected by unions, would be less vague on making these remarks. You should make direct complaints. Seems on average we have gone through about the same amount of personnel as we did under the old CM how many finance directors, Human resource directors ,engineers as well as chiefs?

At August 23, 2015 at 8:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:21 You are way off on this one. Show us the facts and figures.

At August 23, 2015 at 4:39 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

8:29 Show you the facts and figures? Heck I've seen the facts. Fire Chief retires takes same job in Township? How many turnovers in police chiefs under McMahon and why? Finance directors have to have police escorts out of the building due to an attack by other directors? Burgess & Nipple No engineer why? We just paid B&N. I could go on and on. Circumstances why last Service director retired? Thought no one knew about that accident?
Here's the deal 8:29 You must of put all your eggs into the last administrations basket and now you got just an empty basket. Your anger is due to the fact Rita's not carrying water for you anymore. There's many like you presently. Start doing your jobs or there will be more corrections coming.

At August 24, 2015 at 5:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually a lot of the retirements were due to the fact that the PRS changed the way/amount it payed in retirement benefits so people were grabbing what they could/when they could as other jobs became available.

At August 24, 2015 at 7:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

City Union workers have done much better under Carson, 2% raises. The last 4 years under McMahon, there was a wage freeze. It was a Division Head that gave TC the nickname "Putin", not the rank and file. The entire City is "top heavy".

At August 24, 2015 at 9:18 AM , Blogger terminator1 said...

5:25 If you say so.
7:35 Kinda figured that.

At August 24, 2015 at 5:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

5;25 makes a point and corrects you and all you have to say is "if you say so?"
Someone has some facts to back up the data and you don't want to believe it?
Why does 7:35 say the city is top heavy? That hasn't changed recently.

At August 25, 2015 at 4:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

King of Pain....... Wouldn't that be China these days?

At August 25, 2015 at 9:16 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

4:08 Can you say Gobal Economy?

5:39 Painesville has way to many chiefs and not enough indians. Maybe a breakdown on what different directors and their assisants make would clarify this.

At August 25, 2015 at 9:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:25 made a statement but I see no "facts" that back it up.
Give us the names of people who have jumped ship in order to collect.
I suspect that is what Term was referring to.
Additionally, while the number of chiefs might not have changed recently that tells me that we have had too many for far too long.

At August 25, 2015 at 9:59 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

9:32 Wild guess bu I'm betting 5:39 is sitting high on the city totem pole?

4:08 Yesterday on FOXNEWS Republican Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee blamed the 1500 point drop on...Obamacare! Nothing to do with China and what's scary is some believe this goof.
Sorry I'm going off on this guy because earlier last week he suggested a 10 year old girl who has been raped should not have the choice of an abortion. Look I consider myself pro-life but I believe a woman has the right to choose and this case I agree with the 10 year-old.. The Huckster man with this statement I now consider him a fool. Maybe it will be Trump in 16'?

At August 25, 2015 at 11:50 AM , Anonymous Low Enough to know said...

No I'm not on the totem pole, retired low man. Ville has a manager, assist. manager, finance, police, park manager, streets, fire,water department, engineering, waste plant, building, planning and 2 different electric department folks(one in the red trucks the other at the power plant). I for one don't see the top heavy. Many smaller communities have more than this. Here's another thought I was raised on - If you want happy employees you need to be a happy boss and treat your employees well. This begins at the very top of the employee ranks.

At August 25, 2015 at 4:08 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

11:50 Really many have more than this? Here's a thought 20,000 people. Let's divide all those salaries into 20,000 people. Look electric, water and sewer can pay their way . But what about HR, CD, assistant to another assistant. Sorry your math doesn't work.

At August 27, 2015 at 11:49 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Then maybe you can provide a list of these assistant to assistants for us to see just how top heavy it is. Thank you in advance. Though I did read an unfamiliar name in the paper today speaking about Taste of PVille. Where is she from?

At August 29, 2015 at 8:46 AM , Anonymous Too Late by Then said...

Barbara Monacelli- secretary to Ms. Beiterman. Gee, I can remember when budget cuts took away these secretaries and departments made do without. Just where is this new cm getting all this money and why isn't council questioning any of it. Lets keep spending and spreading the stuff here, wait a year or two when this place is broke and the cm has laughed his way to retirement. I really think someone needs to get Fox8 to investigate before its too late.

At August 29, 2015 at 11:04 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

8:46 Thanks you jumped my list. Ms. Beiterman needs a secretary? Think about that. Mr. Carson needs an assistant city manager? Forming a list and checking it twice. In truth most communities work this way... Because residents let them.
Where is our clerk of council Tara Reid? I hope she isn't ill?

At August 29, 2015 at 6:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kind of like when we were in school and there was a Superintendent. Now, he has an assistant.
There was a Principal one every school but only the high school had an assistant principal.
Why does everyone need an assistant?
Who is actually doing the work?

At August 30, 2015 at 3:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The employees -the bottom feeders, the backbone- are of course and they got a 2percent raise as to the 4percent the school board approved for management.

At August 31, 2015 at 9:20 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Will answer in next post.


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