Thursday, August 20, 2015


Or very soon Painesville as well as the rest of the poor souls involved in the Prairie State Energy Campus!

We will all be taking another bath!

Lively Grove Coal Preparation  Plant

Prairie State Generation is pursuing plans to build a coal preparation plant (coal bath) to remove impurities from high-sulfur coal produced by the adjacent Lively Grove underground mine and is burned by the 1,600-MWpower plant in Illinois, according to coal and power industry sources.

The company, owned by eight Midwestern public power agencies and Peabody Energy, has not made a final decision to whether to build the prep plant, the sources claim no official statement has been issued.]to that effect yet.

Prairie State spokeswoman doesn't seem to answer her phone and comment on this prep plant.

The two 800-MW generating units have encountered problems burning the unwashed coal since the start of operation in 2012.

5 Billion Dollars and no washing machine?

I guess council as well as the administration will just keep whistling past the graveyard until they have to face reality? Another 'Professional' move we can be proud of.

Any ideas out there what a coal prep plant will cost Painesville for their association with this Energy CAMPUS?

Waiting for cost estimates but it will I can assume the cost will be in the millions for the total project.

Odd, I'm  getting very curious what exactly that 5 Billion was spent on?

Mostly a bottomless pit that money just can't fill.


Working on a post with concerns of a city department and it's employee's abusing and  being rude to a city resident. To any City Hall employee who might be concerned , how about you start with yourself and pay the property tax on your rental property in Painesville that is currently delinquent ?

Just dotting the I's and crossing the T's.


Gosh, who would of ever thought Josh Duggar would have two Ashley Madison accounts?


At August 20, 2015 at 10:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems like Josh and some of the other holy rollers should maybe take a bath?

At August 20, 2015 at 12:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

One for each sister he molested?

At August 20, 2015 at 1:25 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

12:31 Just about every family has at least one of these goof going on a website and leaving a trail of embarrassing sexual encounters. If yours doesn't considerer yourself blessed.
Two things honestly about this revelation. Josh finds a way to save his marriage and family.
And now has to go out into the world and find a real job instead of one where he tells the rest of us all how to live.


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