Friday, November 21, 2014

"AGAINST THE WIND" bob seger

Well it appears the President went nuclear  last night. Setting up one Hell of a fire storm. As we wake up this morning not one thing he said last night made anyone a citizen, a voter or gave Amnesty to anyone? just that  if they follow the rules get to stay here with their American born children.

Now I listened to all the GOP talk "he poisoned the well' ect. Well the well was already poisoned and the question seems to be how long will it take them to come up with a alternative bill to make this all go away? Best guess they won't come up with anything Zilch, Nada.

In the firestorm after the announcement I didn't hear one word from ANYONE about rounding up 11 million people and deporting them? So what rational answer will come out of all this?

How about a Bill that would fine any American business $10,000 for every illegal working directly or indirectly for them? No I don't see that although that's the practical answer.

Can't wait to hear American businesses chime in.

Wait until American clergy chime in. (all faiths)

Best guess in 100 years President Obama's likeness will appear on United States currency. All for the "sins" he committed on the American people.

1) The killing of Bin Laden

2) The first President to attempt and provide uninsured Americans with Healthcare.

3) the Emancipation of 5 million illegals Hispanics. Remember  with one Hispanic American turning 18 every 30 seconds. No more using illegal labor as a way to cut costs.

4) Taking over the worse economy since the great depression and turning it around. Stock Market  at 7,000+ when he entered office and now it's 17,000?

Do I like this? Doesn't really matter what I or anybody else thinks. President Obama made his play and lets see what the consequence's are. Seems this country honors Presidents that take risks and look further into the future than the next 24 months.

As President Obama went to sleep last night he wondered if the Republicans will fall into his trap.  Can anyone say Impeachment. The cherry on top of the Sundae. Impeachment would be about the Republicans and not the President.

What will be their next move, I believe he has he accomplished his goal of dividing the Grand Old Party?

No I see what's going on and really can't wait to see how it turns out.


At November 21, 2014 at 11:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe President Obama was very courageous in his address to the Nation concerning the need for Immigration reform. I hope the Republicans will stand up and meet the Presidents challenge, I fear they will continue to bicker and become more divided. God Bless the United States of America.

At November 21, 2014 at 11:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, this is gonna raise a $--- storm!

At November 21, 2014 at 2:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone can make easy decisions but the one he made last night sends a message. Plus it's always fun to watch Fox News go nuts! Wonder what Fox Latino thought of all this?

At November 22, 2014 at 12:18 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

He just added 5 million legal or illegals to the work force. Where are these jobs. Yours, mine or ones that could be for the unemployed.

You mentioned the Republicans.
What about the Black community?
Companies will now hire them and not worry about any fines.

Legal fees and costs added to ACA costs. Who knows.

Secure borders? Where is money coming from? Another huge round of illegals crossing boarder after this announcement.

The first thing one does to solve the problem of the horse escaping is to CLOSE THE BARN DOOR.

At November 22, 2014 at 11:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If there is no money to build border walls, no money to employ the amount of border patrol we need, no money to deport an illegal when they are arrested (only if its a major crime, all others are overlooked) where is all this money going to come from to do background checks on millions of these people? I just see them slipping through the bigger cracks they already made.
A lightbulb went off as I typed this - you drive without a license and run a red light, you broke a few laws and get a ticket. Illegal does the same thing, broke the law and compounded by being illegal and our government still turns a blind eye? I just don't understand.

At November 23, 2014 at 10:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And yet neither side is talking about changing the current reading of the 14th amendment, which is the huge Trojan Horse that is taking our country down, and is the biggest draw to bring illegals here. The 14th amendment was created to protect the slaves. It was for anyone residing here that had been a slave, and it gave them citizenship. It directly follows the 14th amendment which freed the slaves. It was not meant to be a wholesale giveaway of our country to the entire rest of the world. Our founding fathers were too smart for that; too bad we are not. We're so dumb, we almost deserve to lose this country. And if the people who are running this country - both sides - are this dumb, and this is the best we have to guide us, we are going down.

At November 24, 2014 at 7:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can make the stock market go as high as you want if you just keep printing more money.

At November 24, 2014 at 11:15 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

11:46 It ismy my understanding this coming from the immigration service which pays for itself.
10:41 Do you have any idea the time it takes to ratify an ammendment to the Constitution and home many states are involved. Those kids turning 18 today will have kids turning 18 before this would probably pass.
7:34 Who's printing the money President Obama or the Federal Reserve?
facts; President Obamatook office in January 2009
the Dow was at 7,949 and today 17,600+
Unemployment 7.8% now 5.8%
GDP Growth was at -5.4% now +3.5%
Deficit GDP 9.8% now 2.8%
consumer confidence 37.7% now 94%
Yes I know you can make numbers do everything but sing and dance but I'm willing to bet after two years of the GOP we will see a downturn.

First thing the new Congress will address in January will not be immigration or Obamacare but taxes. (for the 1%)

At November 24, 2014 at 11:31 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your "boy" just can't do anything wrong can he?

At November 24, 2014 at 1:41 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

11:31 "boy" there's the problem. He's made plenty of mistakes only being a senator for two years he was left unaware how Washington works. Whether he was naïve or thought being President got you a pass on many things he found out he was wrong.
Mistake? The Bowe Berdahl swap for five terrorists. After listening to relatives, good friends who served and are serving in the Military they seem to understand he broke a scared code. I also believe he did. Whoever told the President this was a good policy move well it did him more harm than good. Then of course the President might have thought the deal was worth making. His fast tracking the Pacific rime Treaty, he's pushing NAFTA on steroids that will only hurt the American middle class. I wonder where the GOP is on this one? With luck they will be against it because he's for it.
That "boy" made something of himself. Not bad for a guy who wasn't even born here uh? (sarcasm)

At November 24, 2014 at 6:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't believe the 14th amendment needs to be rewritten. It is just being interpreted wrong, so the interpretation needs to be changed by lawmakers who have enough of a brain to see that that is clearly not what was meant by the Founding Fathers, and to fix any misinterpretation and expansion that has occurred since then.

Everyone keeps acting like there will someday be an end to illegals. There will not with this misinterpretation continuing, and changing it is the only thing that can save our country. But again, I don't see anyone smart enough to do that in this country. Mexico is smart enough; there can be NO illegal Americans in Mexico, and they're even thinking of charging Americans just to cross the border there to shop or work. So I sincerely doubt if two illegal Americans can go there and give birth to a legal Mexican.

At November 25, 2014 at 7:58 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:31. The reference to The President of this country as BOY, is full of disrespect not only for the man but for this country. President Obama was elected twice by the voters of this country , and just like any other president he should be respected . That word shows that race relation in this country are still in need of work. You need to back up and take a good look at what this man had to work with and yet dispite the GOP he has still manage to make some progress that's more than the other party can say. Are they Boys too.

At November 25, 2014 at 12:48 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

6:28 the 14th amendment had nothing to do with our founding fathers, it was ratified after the civil war in 1868.
"All persons born in the United States... excluding Indians not taxed.. were citizens and were to be given "full and equal benefits of all laws"
This deals with equal protection under the law.

Pretty hard to tweek this amendment do for the reason was to protect a race of people.
I do believe if an illegal American is born in Mexico he does receive citizenship.
Another case Senator Ted Cruz was born in Canada to an American mother and a Cuban father and he just recently realized he had Canadian citizenship.

7:58 Maybe there's a lesson here for us to learn. Respect the office as well as the man.

At November 26, 2014 at 7:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The point is, the 13th amendment was to free the slaves. The 14th amendment was to make all the slaves citizens. We haven't had slaves in many years, so there is no longer a need for that. Either radify it again, or just change the reading (misinterpretation) of it. I'm not sure which one needs to be done, but clearly,the generations who came before us were smart enough to make changes, unlike today as we sit here and let the entire world usurp our country because of the 14th amendment.


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