Friday, October 4, 2013

"MERCEDES-BENZ janis joplin

Oh Lord, can you get me ...out of this?

I recently asked for the City's Prairie State invoice for August.Something I hadn't noticed before there were two invoices? One was for $460,000 and another for $15,250 all for electric power? The $15,250 was from outside PSEC. (their Pool)

Now we were invoiced for the 6,000,424 kWh (that's 6million+) we contracted for but what about this 290,067 kWh from God knows where under the PSEC Bill?

Well it seems with this "take or pay" contract you pay for the 9+MW of power contracted from Prairie State even if you don't receive all of it? Now the lower figure was replacement costs for the power that Prairie State had to purchase for you. Yes we  paid for some of  it twice.

The City is obligated to pay for the 9+MW whether you get it or not.

Let's say you make an agreement with a a gasoline station to supply you with gas for your car at 3.99 a gallon and you agree to purchase 9 gallons a day roughly $36.00 a day. Now say that gas station can only supply you with 8 gallons today? They than buy gasoline on the spot market for $3.29 a gallon so in the end you pay that $36.00 you contracted for PLUS the $3.29 they went out and purchased for you. That's as simple as I can explain what this 'Take or Pay" contract does to the purchases made by the city to Prairie State. Now who among you would ever agree to a contract such as this with your own finances? Well City Manager Rita McMahon,and Law Director Joseph Gurley did with the blessing of council.

Forget the Mercedes-Benz or even a Cadillac what we have purchased is the ugliest Edsel ever made, towing a Yugo be hide it!


At October 4, 2013 at 5:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please tell me what kind of attorney would EVER tell a client that this was a good idea???

At October 5, 2013 at 7:12 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:19 Ask our law director, he signed the contract.

At October 5, 2013 at 9:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well he might have signed it, I wonder if he took the time to read it?
Term if these facts are all true something really went amiss.


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