Tuesday, June 11, 2013

"DROWNING" backstreet boys

What I learned at last nights council meeting basically came down to "Well Ang you can drown in twenty-five feet of water or fifteen feet of water, but your gon'a DROWN".

At the start of the meeting Mr. Lewis and Mr. Lynch explained that our sewer jet truck was Caput.
Repairs will cost $25,000 but we would be much better off purchasing a new one for $350,000. Plus the street sweeper needs replaced at $230,000 along with a new salt storage area $250,000. Other service vehicles are in need of replacement due to age the higher maintenance costs. Hey didn't we just purchase a Twenty-two year old fire truck? After all this I expect that at the next council meeting we will be told the parking garage is also unsafe and must be torn down at a cost of a million dollars?  Talk about being on the Titanic.

Sitting in the audience council seems the most confused about these levies than the citizens. It's seems they don't even know the amount of money that is needed to right the ship instead what's the largest amount we can squeeze out of the residents? There was even a debate on if the safety levy should be 2.74 mil or 2.58 mil? Seven people heading in seven different directions.

Different ideas were looked at to get funding for the city. My favorite A 'privilege fee' for renters to have what the honor to live here?

Reciprocity reared it's head again. I really believe this is the financial mechanism they would want.
Along with individual street easement's. Say to repave Skinner Ave. people would be charged by the foot for street repair and in the case of Skinner Ave. $550.00 would be added to a residents property tax for ten years.

Look we have been told one of the reasons Painesville is suffering was that the Governor and State Legislature has cut funding to Painesville sending $750,000 LESS in the last two years. I guess this will make the state budget look great but what about the communities that they are starving? Why not go after the state? Why does the state pass laws that limit what you do with profits from your utilities?

Look there are no easy answers and at the same time council seems to not understand that Painesville has a low-income as well as aging population. While in the past twenty years surrounding communities were striving for growth. Painesville decided to chase Steris, Fasson, even the hospital out of town. These assets had their own diversity programs to get out of Painesville. Painesville seem's to want to be a small New England type community. That pretty much has fail poorly. Any guesses who's plan that was?
Painesville the 'vanity' city it seems over the past thirty years we have spent more on lipstick, makeup and wigs than taking care of our city's health. Just look at the goals of our latest Main St. project.


At June 11, 2013 at 7:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am I to believe the city can change reciprocity without a vote from the voters? They can do it by simple vote of council. They than could raise my income tax even if the levy's pass?

At June 11, 2013 at 7:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since there is such a surplus in the electric utility are we to assume they have been overcharging everyone for some time. How about reducing electric rates?

Public utilities are limited in their ability to make profits by the fact that any rate increase must be approved by the Public Utility Commission.

At June 11, 2013 at 8:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG Rev. Kalb resigned last night!

At June 11, 2013 at 9:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TO POST 7:32 CITY OWNED, utilities is not controlled by public utilities board. (P.U.C.O.)HOWEVER 743.27 of the ohio revised code states our council, could provide utilities free to the .resident,s. If they choose. This would answer what to do with the 26 million profit from the electric plant.

At June 11, 2013 at 12:41 PM , Anonymous Kathy Sak said...

Okay so here's how my family budget works: When we need a new shed to keep the lawn mower, rock salt, and rakes, and we can't afford one - we don't get one. When we need the driveway repaved but can't afford it - we don't get it repaved. When we need a new car, and we can't afford one, we buy what we can afford. But then, that's our family budget. Blame the state, blame the city, blame the federal government - it's all our money. So what is it about "we can't afford it" that our elected officials don't understand? Seems pretty simple to me.

At June 11, 2013 at 2:07 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

7:29 Yes just with a vote from council.
7:32 That might be a good assumption.
8:55 Yes that was verified on the schools web site today. Rev. Kalb has served since 1991.
9:11 When pigs fly.
Kathy Sak You are 100% correct the problem is not enough money, but what and how you spend it.
Government run amok.
In Painesville the priorities seem screwed up. First comes the three businesses they run, not in the best ways, rusty water lines, AMP-OHIO payments for what? These 'Businesses' would be bankrupt in the private sector. then the administration, do we really need an assistant CM? How many directors are enough directors? 24 people work in the finance department? then their employee's and maybe then residents that fund this circus.

At June 11, 2013 at 5:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term why would you answer, post 9:11 with this remark? Re-read DESPERADO post5

Term --why would you answer post 9:11 this way? Re-read 5:36 on DESPERADO is this what the 743.27 code states? post 9:11 has a good
point don,t you think? Don,t you want these utilities operated correctly?????

At June 12, 2013 at 5:15 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:42 Sorry I'm lost what exactly is your question?

At June 12, 2013 at 6:42 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am hearing a lot about the service department needing lots of money. What about the safety levy?
Police chief was quoted but I heard nothing of the fire department? We recently had a situation where another department had to come to our house because the city was busy elsewhere. What if any money will go to the fire department? They seem to be treated like the red-headed step-child. What Gives?

At June 12, 2013 at 6:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The City of Painesville has utility bills just like all of us. Their bills are huge.
About 10 million a year. (see budget doc.)

This number also includes gas and refuse – so, it would be less than 10 million.
Maybe 5 million? OK.

If council decided to offer Free Utilities to the City
(meaning - the buildings that the city pays utilities on) for ---- say 3 to 5 years
Would the City have an extra 5 million each year in the General Fund?

743.27 Free use of municipally owned public utilities.

The legislative authority of any municipal corporation owning and operating municipal water, gas, or electric light plants, may provide by ordinance that the products of such plants, when used for municipal or public purposes, shall be furnished free of charge.
Effective Date: 10-01-1953

Here is the link to Ohio Revised Code – Title 7 Municipal Corporations


At June 12, 2013 at 12:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term this is 5:42 Why can,t we receive our utilitie's at a lower, lower rate? This is what the intent, of the ohio code is, isn,t it? (This is possiable with 743.27 of the ohio code.)

At June 12, 2013 at 1:08 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:42 By City Charter the utility rates are set by the City Manager.
I believe they could as long as they don't buy into anymore stupid electric purchases from AMP-OHIO.

At June 12, 2013 at 1:18 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

6:42 The Fire Chief would like to set up a fund to purchase replacement equipment and have funds for purchases to fund the COG in joint equipment purchases such as an 'Air' truck.
Now the police chief, listen up Adam... want to set-up Painesville's own 9/11 answering system and get out of the county's. This system could also be used by our utility departments to report outages, line breaks. Start up funding I guess we are looking at $250,000

At June 13, 2013 at 5:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To post 1:08 Term -- someone should change the charter,ohio code 743.27 states the legislative authority would control city owned utilitie's rates. Does the the city manager have the control? should our charter be in compliance with the ohio revised code?

At June 13, 2013 at 6:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city council is the P.U.C.O. board of a city owned electric plant not the mayor or city manager. WHAT SAY YOU?

At June 13, 2013 at 7:00 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:55 Yes your right but if look at your electric bill they charge you the same amount basic charges. The only thing that changes more than twice a year ( summer winter rates) is the power factor. I believe this is how they avoid 743.27? I could be wrong, but really council just rubber stamps legislation from the administration anyway.
It would be like congress voting yes on everything the executive branch sent to them. city council is a poor check and balance to the administration.
In the News-Herald article today it mentioned selling of the electric system. NO ONE has ever suggested that. The water and waste treatment systems have been discussed.
The council keeps telling us stories. Last week while equipment purchases were discussed Fodor and Hada claimed that our electric workers operate during lighting storms? If they are someone is in violation of Federal and State Law. They spin some interesting yarns twice a month. It's a great value and deal to buy a 22 year old fire truck one meeting and within a month tell us other equipment must be replaced faster due to maintenance costs?
Say whatever the administration wants you to at that moment?

At June 13, 2013 at 3:38 PM , Anonymous Adam said...

Term, in response to 1:18...

Yep, I am already aware of what this safety levy could entail. Can't say much in a public setting, unfortunately, because we all know local officials are reading this...

At June 13, 2013 at 5:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

PVille never shoulda stopped their own dispatch to go with the sherrif dept. They over charge and under love the city.

At June 14, 2013 at 4:58 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watch what you wish for, free utilities for municiple or public use is important in this city.

How long would the community center stay open if it had to pay utilities?, Farmers Market?, Taste of Painesville?, etc.

At June 14, 2013 at 5:27 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Are you sure they don't?. I have been told the electric plant pays a water bill?
For the rates and condition of the Community Center this city should be ashamed to call it that.

At June 15, 2013 at 6:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good point 4:58 One must wonder if the party in the park, pay for their utilities.

At June 15, 2013 at 6:27 PM , Anonymous Adam said...

5:44, too scared to leave a name? You must work for the city (or maybe used to). Now I may not say much here but you at least I'm man enough to stand by my words. Apparently you're not able to do the same.

I will say this: As a city resident, I hope the city has the appropriate staffing levels to handle things like floods, natural gas disasters, train derailments, shootouts in Argonne, or any of the other things I've dealt with during my career. I can't imagine doing that with two dispatchers.........

At June 15, 2013 at 7:32 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I guess I'm a little like Adam we went with the county system to save money. Now we are told we can save money by being on our own? This program to be fair must be explained how it is better and save us money. I am sure there are many pros and cons.
One minute we're pushing COG the next we want to strike out on our own.

At June 16, 2013 at 7:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't work for the city, never have, never will. You don't know me and wouldn't even if I left my name. I am saying the city had a dispatch in the past and it seemed to work. Along came the county with a bigger and better plan, not so much. If this would save the city money and get out from under the county's thumb then maybe it should be something to consider. Do you work for the sheriff? Or the 911 call center?

At June 17, 2013 at 5:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:07 I would like to know exactly how this will save us money? The reason we went to the county system was to save money in the first place. What are the setup and operational costs? How many employees will be hired to run this service 24/7?
Yes we will receive income tax dollars but we also have to pay them. If this was such a great idea lets hire everyone in Painesville to just collect 2% income tax. A novel idea but money needs to be spent in more vital areas.

At June 20, 2013 at 9:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city is asking for money so that they can s a v e money on dispatch. I find that very strange. When was the last time a city safety levy was on the ballot for equipment? Look at Madison. They left the county system and went to their own. Since then they've passed one safety ballot and are asking for yet another one this November.

It's really easy to play with numbers, and it's even easier to convince everyone that you're not.


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