Thursday, May 16, 2013


There sometimes seem to be a concerted effort between the city administration and the News-Herald as to what we would like to see reported in the newspaper.
A good example was an incident that was told to me by a city resident.
Last Monday on the 200 block of S.State St. Oh, forget about it. The old D'Abates grocery store near the tracks a person was burned allegedly do to this building becoming a Meth Lab. Now he was life flighted to a Cleveland hospital burn unit. This along with two Painesville officers taken to Tri-Point to see if they had any medical issues after they entered the building.

Is this news the community should be made aware of? Or do we only read fluff pieces from Jen Reed about downtown Painesville.
Is FESTiville becoming METHiville?

What happened to the fourth estate?  Will the administration as well as the News-Herald dictate what in Painesville is news. I have checked the newspaper since Monday and maybe I'm blind but I didn't read about this story.
At last Mondays council meeting a News-Herald reporter was in the audience and in the article of the hiring of the new city manager not one word was mentioned about Painesville-Concord Twp. purchasing a 22 year old fire Truck.

Did you ever see a story in the News-Herald about Painesville sending AMP-OHIO a check for 2.1 million dollars? I guess that's not news worthy?
Yet at the same time they do three stories about chickens in Painesville?

The News-Herald is on the brink of bankruptcy
I think I know why. Do they hire reporters or memo collectors?

I'm sure someone out there will tell me about on  going investigation. It would be interesting to hear the administration's side of this. So ignore the fire the man burned in the fire as well as two officers sent to Tri-Point.

Please it seems the administration ignore my email but could someone in WardII point out to the city the high grass at the former Coe Manufacturing Co.? If I remember correctly the former city manager sits on that board.

Someone else in Ward III  report the high grass on Cedarbrook across from East Ct.

I know it's not as interesting as purchasing 22 year old fire trucks. Even the News-Herald agreed.

Sorry, Just being my old antagonistic self.

Have a future story coming about our building department issue's with a Painesville Church. Thank's Nowell you make this job fun.


At May 16, 2013 at 8:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

South State St.? Coe Mfg. seems both of those are in where? Katie?
Were you made aware of the situation? If so what did you do?
Come to think about it, you would fit in at city hall.

At May 16, 2013 at 8:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oddly enough I was in ER at Tripoint on Wednesday the 8th and overheard the staff talking about a 15 year old being brought in by perimedics with 2nd degree burns on their torso. We were speculating at the time about it being a possible meth fire, have never seen anything about that in newspaper. I don't know if this may be same story or not (or even if the victim was in Painesville or surrounding communities) but had been thinking it was odd to not be reported in any way through News Herald. These issues need reported to educate on dangers and extent of drug abuse in the area.

At May 16, 2013 at 9:28 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I agree with you. Oddly the News-Herald and Painesville must somehow believe news concerning FESTiville is more important for this community to be aware of.

At May 16, 2013 at 9:52 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The News Herald is useless. Today in a story A Painesville man is one of the Cleveland firefights charged with fraud against the city of Cleveland. This person doesn't even live in Painesville. He lives in the township. Why the News herald can print Concord Township but not Painesville Township is beyond me.
Term, if you start printing the obits I'll cancel the News Herald. You get more info here than paying 4bits for.
Who is supposed to cut the grass at Coe?

At May 16, 2013 at 9:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the reasons the Galion/AMP Ohio mess has been reported is the Columbus Dispatch has done and is currently doing some pretty good investigative reporting. I cancelled my subscription to the News Hearld years ago! Even when the 50% grading policy made the paper it was fluffed over but at least it was reported.
It is a reason transparency is so hard to get around here! Even after numerous phone calls to NH, there response...... Oh we are a community paper...... Guess a meth lab is no biggie to the community in there book. But then why the coverage of the Madison meth labs?

Wonder how the clean up will be handled? And paid by whom?

At May 16, 2013 at 10:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watching this grass cutting fiasco next door. The house has been vacant since last year. Spring came the grass grew and grew. Home owner showed up last week and cut it with his riding mower he trailer in. Three days latter a crew walked around the house taking pictures right and left. We thought they might buy the place, nope. They were recording the grass height! They mowed the place around the house but not the backyard. It didn't need it! It was done by the owner! Can't imagine getting that bill from the city!

At May 16, 2013 at 10:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe we should be asking Katie's Dad these questions?

At May 16, 2013 at 11:09 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The yard mowing in the city is ridiculous along with the prices they charge. Kickback anyone?
Your neighbor will pay the full charge even if they didn't mow the backyard.

At May 16, 2013 at 11:20 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh.Oh Term I see the police at your door again wanting your damn outdated computer again.
Your not following policy.

At May 16, 2013 at 11:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some years back there was a really bad woman running the Lake County Humane Society. Groups of people had tried to get her out for years and years. Then a new batch of people joined in and gave it another huge try. A reported at The News-Herald said to bring all the evidence in (years of it). He said, no, don't take time to make have to bring it now or never...and I will make copies while you are here. He said he was on board with telling the story and helping to get rid of this woman. Well, the woman brought in the papers, and he confiscated them. She was devastated, and so was everyone else who had worked to protect the animals for so long. I was worried about the woman, because she was so devastated at what she had let happen. The reporter went on to write a glowing article about the wonderful woman who was running the Lake County Humane Society. He enabled her to retain her job for many more years until Judge Klammer stepped in. It is impossible to know how many animals were hurt over the years she remained in charge because of that reporter. The paper cannot be trusted in my opinion for many reasons that I have seen over the years. They can't be trusted to tell the news completely or correctly...and in most cases--at all. They leave out, they edit, they print whatever their buddies want them to apparantly, and nothing they don't, and they must have a lot of buddies.

At May 16, 2013 at 1:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe if you want information from Katie you should contact her through appropriate channels, and not an off the cuff blog.

luckily council enacted an ordinance early last year to deal with meth lab clean up and who is responsible for the costs - it won't be Painesville!

At May 16, 2013 at 3:27 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

1:15 "off the cuff blog"? Nice.
So are you a what kind of reader?

At May 17, 2013 at 4:45 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I thought we wanted some high tech science and research jobs coming to Painesville. I think this meth lab is a good start! Haha! Tuesday there was a mention in the paper of an OVI checkpoint coming up in Painesville by the State Highway Patrol and Painesville PD. It said there would be more information about when it is and the location. I haven't seen anything yet?

At May 17, 2013 at 8:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

See I believe this blog. has accidentally found out why Painesville is how it is. Little thing fire trucks to big things 2.1 million to Amp.
For the most part no one ever knew about these thing.
So no one questioned the city government. So everyone gets reelected? I now have 3 of my neighbors checking in frequently to this site. They are agape at some of the thing going on around town hidden from view. Let them confiscate your computer,. I'll get you one. To the long serving councilman who has told me numerous times this blog. has no facts or truth. I no longer will believe you.

At May 17, 2013 at 3:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Today, I drove into Painesville from the eastern end of the city on Erie Street. The road was terrible until I reached Mentor Ave. Then, I encountered a traffic jam, (cars bumper to bumper) coming into town from Fern drive. What has happened to Painesville? Next time, I will take Route 2!

At May 17, 2013 at 6:47 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

3:21 Traveling down Mentor Ave. is hardly a secret.
Another case of positive Painesville planning.
Yes Rt. 2 may make more sense and a lot safer.

At May 17, 2013 at 7:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just got back from festiVILLE. What a bust and disappointment.
This was so lame can't wait to attend the Ribfest in Willoughby Saturday.

At May 18, 2013 at 5:31 AM , Anonymous Warhol said...

Read the Gazette. They report the council meetings and publish it. AND YES for your 15 seconds of fame, they even mention your real name Term.

At May 18, 2013 at 5:37 AM , Anonymous Not on Facebook said...

If I remember correctly, it was not Painesvilles doing to take that section of Route 20 down to 3 lanes. It was the state of Ohio.
Since prior to that Route 20 was considered a 4 lane road but not legally. Meaning, if you remember, when passing just how tight it was to pass another car. That said the state is the one responsible not the city. Please get your facts straight.

At May 18, 2013 at 5:40 AM , Anonymous TTFN said...

Oh, and I forgot, if you need answers with the D'Abate fire you can 1. Contact the Werners as they were out videoing the scene.
2. Get on Facebook for some real facts.
3. Contact your local fire department. But they can only tell you the truth which is not what you are looking for.

At May 18, 2013 at 7:21 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

7:15 You want me to criticize people who volunteer there time to the city? Look maybe it was a little over hyped was looking for food trucks like Motor Mouth but if this is something they can build on I wish them luck.
Many great muscle cars and historic vehicles. I hadn't seen a 33' Willys in I don't know how long. After viewing the cars I was more interested in what wasn't there. Road Runners?
5:31 Fame is fleeting.
NOT ON FACEBOOK Well if I remember correctly the city didn't want to SHARE the expense of making it a true four lane road with the state. We had other things to spend our money on ie. Horvath's Lagoons. That's the facts Jack. Look it up. I guess you believe we better off now then ten years ago?
TTFN. So people want to know the truth see Hal Werner, or go to facebook? Why doesn't the city just report to the media?
Yes I for one would like the truth. Not the stonewalling.

At May 18, 2013 at 8:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

facebook? Where on facebook can I find out about the methlab?

At May 18, 2013 at 8:39 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 1046 I would advise you not to contact me as I am retired and have very little knowledge about current events. It would better to contact the police . I have taken a look and I think this is an ongoing investigation and many police dept. do not release that information until they are done. That is only an observation. I mean everything that is bad in the city and township gets front page head
Ine like Painesville man arrested and he from the township. So I
am sure it's not released yet.
Term I remember the widening of 20 and I believe the city bowed
Out due to the high cost of moving telephone poles and sidewalks plus cutting down trees. I can not remember
The amount bu was high. All the state needed was around 8 " or so

At May 18, 2013 at 7:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:21 PM Quit Your Bellyaching. The residents voted down the road levy. Nothing else can be done. Maybe each homeowner could adopt half of every street in front of their house. Meeting in the center of the road, repair it. Problem solved then all you people that didnt vote to fix the roads will stop whining.

At May 18, 2013 at 7:48 PM , Anonymous Just my Opinion said...

I have contacted the news herald many times on their invalid reporting. I was told its not their fault, when the police reports come through they dont differentiate between the city, township and concord, 44077 zip codes. Guess Fairport dodged a bullet on that one as their zip is the same. I also spoke with the editor who said the same thing, questioned the reporting I was citing (which I read several title errors) and was told they will try to do better in the future. Now its just my opinion, but wouldn't you think it would be real easy to verify those addresses before the paper goes to print?

At May 18, 2013 at 7:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OhOhOh News Flash. Get it here first so Term doesn't complain he hasn't heard yet. Big fire in downtown Willoughby, check the internet.

At May 19, 2013 at 7:31 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Must have been one Rib burn off? No one was injured thank God.

At May 19, 2013 at 12:55 PM , Anonymous Satisfied Now? said...

FYI Yesterday the PPD & OHSP pulled their vehicle checks. It was on Richmond St. in the evening in the middle of the road across from Active Plumbing. I hope this helps the person concerned about the where and when they will be doing this. I hope you are now satisfied. Also a Mexican gentleman and his family at the house across the street taking pictures of it all on his cell phone. Any guesses why? Maybe to alert others to stay clear of the area? Thats just my guess.

At May 19, 2013 at 12:57 PM , Anonymous Duh said...

And you cant even share an expense if you dont have the funds to do so in the beginning. Duh

At May 19, 2013 at 2:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just my opinion. I guess I would wonder why everyone Fairport, Concord, Painesville Twp. would all be then called Painesville resident?
Pretty lame excuse from the newsless-herald?
Look if that fireman had saved a child from a burning building I would bet you money TWP. would have been in the story.
I wish the township trustees would change their name to Riverside, Ohio like there schools did.

At May 19, 2013 at 4:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Term I remember the widening of 20 and I believe the city bowed
Out due to the high cost of moving telephone poles and sidewalks plus cutting down trees."

As someone who, prior to retirement, did this for a living this is not an accurate statement.
ALL public utilities with facilities in the public Right of Way would be responsible for the moving of poles, cables, conduit, gas piping, and everything else. It would be at the cost of the company involved. That is the price for using the R/W.

The problem would be that the City is the owner of the poles in the City, not CEI or the phone company. BTW, they are properly called "utility poles".

You can bet you last dollar that had the poles belonged to CEI, the City would have had NO problem forcing them to move the poles.

At May 19, 2013 at 4:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 12:55: That Mexican family probably thought it was an "illegal aliens" raid, and wanted to get it on camera so they could use it for a "guess what the white people are doing now?!" scenario. You know how they think Americans are breaking laws when we try to get people who are here illegally out, and also their resultant indignance.

At May 19, 2013 at 5:30 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

4:03 So in the end it was Painesville doing something on the cheap?
I can't believe there has been serious accidents in front of Perkin's along with the YMCA?

At May 20, 2013 at 6:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:03 The utility poles or sometimes calllight poles do belong to the city as do the fire hydrants ,sidewalks,and trees. This is why the city did not widen the roadway . To move all that eas very costly and the state wanted nothing to do with paying the fee

At May 20, 2013 at 2:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonderful I awoke today and found all the streets were striped. Great the city got the workers together and during the quite hours got the job done. Wait what do those white trucks have written on them? Well it wasn't Painesville. Seems we contracted that work out? Now can we contract all street maintenance out including snow plowing? We could get rid of one big monkey off our back. And let the freeloaders hide on their own time.

At May 23, 2013 at 12:51 PM , Anonymous So There said...

The city was not cheaping out. The were doing what they had to do, all they could afford. With all the negativity on this site, no one will vote for anything but you will all just sit around typing and griping about it all.
What about NO bad accidents? Last Tuesday while headed West on 20 by Newell St. I heard a screech and then a crash. Sounded very bad, and heard it was too.

At May 1, 2015 at 11:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get over your stupid sections on this area ---Painesville,Concord,P.ville Township! Grow up you and yours. Look at Cleveland... Has the downtown, sports etc,REVENUE!! Columbus...Has college downtown,sports etc➡ REVENUE!!! 44077 needs to become a *COMMUNITY* and then and only then will we get stronger!! This was ALL PAINESVILLE, even Mentor Headlands was Painesville Beach Park!! NOBODY is any better than the other.Sure, some may have less than you, some more, but as workers in the CAPITAL OF LAKE COUNTY, QUITE LOOKING STUPID to other areas with your segregation. YOU KNOW, POWER IN NUMBERS and also, it is 2015, not 1800's. It takes every level of income to make a city. So if people in this area, and very sad economy can't grow up already, gate that area you live in and get key cards, so no one else can get in. This area is falling apart because of your type of mentality!!!


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