"BORN TO RUN" bruce springsteen
This information I was asked to post on the Blog. Please do not take this as an endorsement.
Painesville Concerned Citizen Association is inviting all city of Painesville residents to attend a proposed City Manager charter form of government to a City Mayor government change. We need your support and we need people who are serious to help make a difference.
Meeting location:
Heritage Middle School Tuesday, June 4, 2013 at 7:00 P.M. the location of Heritage is 135 Cedarbrook Drive Painesville.
Contact former Painesville city councilwoman Arlene Becks (440) 358-9955
Looking for FREE entertainment in Downtown Painesville this June first weekend?
Nemeth's Lounge will have local stand-up comedians Saturday night from 9:00 pm until ???
I have been told five comics are already signed up. I have no idea what kind of humor it will be.
(might be a good idea to keep the kids at home)
Stop down and have a Carlings Black Label.
Since I was asked to post this let me be the first to comment on the city manager to city mayor.
In life timing is everything.
The present city council has spent many hours looking for a qualified city manager. I have said before I do not know Mr. Carson at all.
I believe it would be in Painesville's best interest to at least give him a chance to do his job.
Was it the form of government or who was the city manager the problem?
I am sure Mr. Carson did not agree to be city manager without some kind of contract involved? Are you prepared to pay two people?
At the same time I am encouraged by people wanting a change. Might be Mr. Carson could be the change we are looking for.
Also it would give us an opportunity to view council's judgement.
I feel going to a elected mayor would be a total mess. This blog has been wanting better people to run the city and can not seem to locate one. What makes therm think they could find a mayor. Then it would have to be a part time job and like Fairport did we would have to hire a city admid person now we are paying two to run the city. The every three or four years elect someone else and start all over again.n
I agree with TERM. Lets give the new guy a chance. I don't believe Rita McMahon [or Les Nero]ever had a contract. Council can remove a CM at anytime. All Council needs are 4 votes. Please correct me if I'm wrong but this what I was told. Lets quit blaming the CM and lets hold Council's feet to the fire.
I absolutely would not support a mayor! If council did their job correctly the city manager would work for council. U fortunately the last few years the tail wagged the dog.
I am highly suspicious of anything Arlene Beck's has her name attached too. She is not the vision this town needs or wants.
11:40 Its a different world. If
Mr.Carson left his position in Maryland without at least a two to five year contract I don't think he would make a very good city manager.
Just think Hal and Arlene could have him looking for a new job as early as January.
Look lets see what council has found for us. We can always ask for a Mayor in two to three years.
This has been tried before and failed. I don't think the residents want it. Why does someone try this every few years? Ms.Becks is a nice person, but where was she while on council for our support when it was needed?
I'm with 12:40. Anything Arlene Becks wants is probably not a good thing. She probably wants us to have a mayor so she can be it. She was useless as a council person, and I hate to see her have ANYTHING to do with our Painesville government. On top of that, it was just explained to me what her charter change did to this upcoming at-large election. Now instead of people knowing who they are running against, if the other people do not want to disclose it, you may have no idea who you are or not running against. Meaning it's a total crap shoot right at the beginning, and a race could be lost right there. Why anyone voted for what that knucklehead wanted is beyond me. You were too self-important to represent the people when you were on council, you got a horrible charter change through, and I would like to see you fade away into the background Arlene.
This is a stupid idea. Arlene Becks really needs to stay out of politics!
If you take the time to read Mr Carson's resume and background he is bringing fresh ideas to the city, something badly needed. He has a good track record filling vacant store fronts and a back ground on energy and power. Ms Beck's is old, same old ideas flushing through again. Painesville needs to move forward and explore new ideas. Can we please give Mr Carson a chance and leave Ms Beck's to her grumbling.
If Mr Carson has a 2 to 5 year contract lets see it. It's public record. I still don't believe any Painesville City Manager has/had a contract with a specific time limit.
6;18 I don't know if he even has a contract or the amount of his salary.
My point was if he's any kind of administrator he better have one.
Maybe not in the past but now we are in the present.
By the charter the cm Steve's at the pleasure of council and as past CMs can be remove any time council sees fit. There is no contract. That is on reason we do not need a mayor because we are stuck for at least 4years. I do believe he knows his pay scaled
The city manager serves at the councils pleasure, there is no contract. Never has been one. Amount of starting pay is already set by council.
6:15 Pleasure?
Look a quarterback plays at a coach's pleasure..... But he has a contract. Even the coach who coach's at the owners pleasure. But the coach can be fired and his contract must be honored?
I guess this is another question for council Monday night.
Tell me 6:15 would you leave your job travel to another state and not have a contract?
I am sure there is a contract, but that it stipulates he can be removed for various reasons. This contract would not only protect the new CM, but also Painesville. Council has spent all this time selecting a candidate - they don't want the guy to just up and leave 5 months later. Contracts are common place for the beginning of an employment like this. It probably offers 2-3 years protection of the position, and then they serve at-will from that time forward. I believe even Rita had something like this. And it may not be public record because it is a legal contract. Details like compensation would be, but not all the terms.
9:21 You sound like someone in the 'know'?
I agree 100% with you. There must be a two to five year contract.
Now the whole reason for the question if we change city charter now. We will end up paying him for the rest of the contract.
I believe Arlene has good intentions that could have bad consequences.
I would like to see Mr. Carson given an opportunity to give Painesville a chance.
Now 9:21 You have to wonder who wrote the contract for the city?
The law director who is an employee of the CM?
Maybe Mr. Carson had his attorney write the contract.
I was told today there is no contract for a specific time [or term] for the City Manager.
My sources tell me a contract is in the mix.
Regardless of what we are told, there has to be some sort of "guarantee" for him. It happens with school Superintendents, with a buy out clause, all the time. After all, it is public money so no one is held accountable.
Realistically, would anyone reading this blog take a new position and move to a new city without some sort of written promise? I know I would not.
Crazy both Arlene and Hal sat on council and didn't do diddly.
Now they want to change things. Don't forget to remind Arlene that she voted along with Hada and the bunch for Meigs County so she's already cost us 2 million.
The PCLS Superintendent has a contract. It is available to the public. There is no contract for a specific time [or term]for the Painesville City Manager.
6;30 You know this how?
Sorry, I believe your wrong.
Two have made the same statement and you believe they are wrong. Where do you get you're information ? Just because you believe they are wrong why should we believe you nd not them
You have made claims there is No contract. I have made statements I didn't know. But I believe there is. Everytime I ask I'm met with a deer in the headlights look. "I can't comment on that".
So WHO and HOW do you know there is no contract?
Look I don't know what and why this is a secret is but I believe the community should know officially if a contract has been offered along with it's length to Mr. Carson.
Why and who are you to make us believe you?
Who are you asking?
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