In October 2010 a citizen's group was formed regarding the 'State of the Union' of Painesville City Local Schools. The cause of the formation was threefold. 1. A lack of leadership at Harvey High School and at the district offices; 2. An ongoing concern regarding the consistently LOW scores on the State Report Card; 3. An increasingly top-heavy payroll at the board of education Office. Now,two years later, our concerns are even more profound.
LEADERSHIP in the district: In the past TWO years SIX of the EIGHT school administrative positions in the district have experienced change: Chestnut [1] Heritage[2] Harvey[3]. What kind of consistency can we hope to provide for our students with this kind of turnover?
Why is it that extensive searches and an intense interview process the middle & high school that were hired are constantly "BULLIED" by the superintendent ans assistant superintendent in regard to discipline?
During Ms Kimberly Martin tenure at Harvey H 2006-2012 Graduation fell from 83.2% in 2006 to 63.2% in 2012. Is this her fault? I don't know. Like her or not these are the fact's presented by the State of Ohio seem to bear out her policies don't work.
On Thursday October 18,2012 the Cleveland Plain Dealer printed the STATE REPORT CARD results.
These numbers represent a 20% DROP from 83.2% in six years , why, and what can we do about it?
The only districts LOWER than PCLS in Lake, Geauga, & Cuyahoga counties are East Cleveland,Warrensville, and Cleveland. The June issue of Cleveland Magazine rates PCLS as the lowest also.
On Tuesday, November 6,2012 voters in Painesville City will be asked to approve a 4 mill permanent operating levy costing an additional $122.50 for each $100,000 of property valuation.
1. Trust and transparency in the district is non-existent. Seven weeks ago a high school administrator resigned abruptly amid allegations of inappropriate contact with a student. It is our belief that Top administrators at the high school and administration knew of this situation long before it became public. If we can't trust them with our children, why would we trust them with our money?
2. The threatened cuts if the levy does not pass are aides,bus drivers,secretaries,custodians all of whom provide DAILY SUPPORT TO OUR STUDENTS & make an average of $25,000-$30,000 year and most live in our city. What about more belt-tightening at the Board Office? Elimination of ONE position allows us to retain four staff listed above.
3. Send a clear message to our administrators as well as board members that we as residents, parents, educators are not happy with the status quo. A yes vote might give them the idea we are all content with the present direction the system is headed.
4.The state of the schools drives our property values. With the graduation rate listed above,Painesville City Local Schools will continue to be a last resort for home buyers. Per Dr. Hanlon the state of Ohio pays 70% of the $11,169.00 to educate a student. When a student attends a private school, open enrolls to another district or is home schooled we lose that state funding.We as a district are currently losing in excess of $250,000 a year,.
Anyone want to rebut this article feel free to post it and I will give you the opportunity to express your views.
On another topic with concerns to Harvey High School I am to understand that some parents have made accusation concerning discipline handed out by our new principal. It seems he receives very little support from the board office. I guess as residents and parents we can stand behind Principal McWreath or we can ignore this and next year expect to see another new face at Harvey. Any of you ever wonder why the Principal at Heritage left just before the school year? I have been told by many everyone seems more than pleased about the situation presently at Harvey. Let's not let a few screw-up something positive.
Is the drastic fall in graduation rates due to the influx of illegals? Has anyone looked at that? It's my understanding (and I THINK I am correct) that every school district that the illegals infiltrate is affected like this. I don't know anything about the hierarchy at the schools except for what I read here, so I'm not defending anyone, per se (at least not yet), but what does that have to do with the numbers here? Do we know? I read that in Texas, they are scared stiff because of the high rate of underachievement of the illegals and what that means to their town. The bigger question is what does that mean for the country. I don't know why Americans aren't in the streets demanding all the illegals get out. But meanwhile, do you have the numbers on what the percentages of each race contributes to these numbers?
4:17 Some of it could contribute to the numbers, along with African-Americans and Caucasians.
No one is without sin it seems.
Term, this is 4:17. I was asking if you have the actual stats on that. I'm sure it's a mix, but how does it break down...do you know? I thought maybe because there was the committee you spoke of that those numbers may be available. I'm sure the school has it broken down...do you have that information?
Term you are not very smart.....period!!
Voting NO ruins any chance to improve our school district or property value.
You can't just look at one statistic to determine the root cause of the issues. A complete analysis needs to be conducted and analyze, by someone much smarter than you.
Do not disregard the comment made by 4:17 which is indeed one component contributing to the low graduation rate and test scores (illegal immigrants).
Where you and I do agree is that the administration, Hanlon, doesn't have a clue how to address any of the issues.
What should we do? Vote YES, get involved, demand involvement in the superintended hiring process, hold the administration accountable for every decision and every penny spent.
Again, you are not too smart!!!
This problem is a lot deeper than many are willing to admit. It starts long before you start looking at schools.
The first thing everyone must understand is that it has been proven over and over that the in general (yes, there are exceptions to everything) lower a city's economic status is the lower the performance level of students in that district.
Why is Painesville the lowest?,
Because it has become some kind of belief that being the county capital that we must have every low income assistance group, government and non-profit, headquartered here. This situation fits the rest of the county very well, they don't have to deal with it.
Next, we have the housing to support that type of population. Our City leaders have consistently failed to regulate in a constructive way how many cheap, no frills, rental units are available for use by section 8, rent assistance, etc. We have a whole industry in this city based on taking a 75 year old single family home and turning it into a multifamily rental unit, collecting rent, and only fixing anything when forced to.
If any group wants to fix our schools you cannot just go after the schools, you must also go after our City and County leaders to fix the problems that are causing the issues in the first place. In other words, don't just treat the symptoms, go after the root cause.
4:47 this is 7:20.....sound like dispatch....lol
Exactly my point, which term isn't smart enough to understand. Our school system is a by product of what our community had become.
Let's get a superintendent, city manager, and police chief who are willing to work together to address the root cause of the symptoms. Until this happens Painesville city will continue to spiral out of control.
Term, if you vote NO, you better start packing to leave the city because issues in this city will rapidly get worse.
Be smart for once...vote YES!!!
7:20 Sorry to disagree I did not see one fact presented that can make me believe adding money to this situation will make it any better at the present time. I concur I may not be as smart as you. Would it be asking to much to explain yourself?
Something tells me you were one of those people that suggested building new buildings would increase test scores, and gradulation rates?
It's an operation levy over 80% will do to wages and benefits. Will it make class sizes smaller? More teachers aids? What would cause that?
I don't want to argue I want facts and transparency in our local government.
If you believe your money is spent properly, and your getting your dollars worth. Plus you have the money vote Yes. If you think things could be done better, you don't appreciate Principals trying to make things better not getting the support they need, as well as not having the money vote No.
One fact I do believe is that nothing will change until the people at the top see that Painesville residents are not satisfied. Begs the question are you satisfied?
The argument that if the levy fails there will be larger class sizes and less aids. Why would that happen?
7:20 Since you don't believe I have any smarts why don't you put up a post and explain all the benefits this levy will present for city with?
I only see another "take and pay" proposition.We pay with no promises or guarantee's
Don't forget to mention the renewal levy that needs to be passed next year.
Your wisdom proceeds you once again. Please read my comments thoroughly before responding.
I said we as concerned citizens need to be involved in the hiring process of a new superintendent, how funds are spent, and holding the administration accountable.
As far as the new schools? I attended the meetings and asked questions Beeler nor Fodor could answer and when they did it was BS.
Oh, I'm transparent, just look around, I'm there!!!
It seems odd to me that you don't mind being a lighting rod for all these people in town. Do you enjoy being the butt of jokes?
If some of these people you mention beieve these issues are important? Why then don't they put a name to them.
I can only guess in your world what others think of you bears no consequence to you.
I don't know if whats wise or not?
That could be the reason.
Many I guess don't need the aggravation for scial or professional reasons. Truth be told going against some of the establishment in town might not be a good idea.
Lightning Rod I'm O.K. with that. Along with the knowledge your not supposed to hear what others say about you.
I can't think of anyone in Painesville government that I owe anything to or owe me.
Look I have asked a simple question by voting Yes how will this benefit my community or even people around me.
One question Term. How will voting NO help this community? It won't!!!
Vote YES and get involved....this is the only answer!!!
Really simple.
The not smart comments are in playful banter. I respect you willingness to express your opinions publicly, even when I disagree, which is quite often......because you are not smart.....just joking....lol
I have received a post to answer what a "BEAUTIFUL MESS" and am happy it was even signed. Now I will do everything to get this on the blog. by tomorrow morning.
Do you realize these children are our future? If you think we have idiots running our country now just wait. And your brand new schools are going to hell, because theyv'e alresdy cut staff as much as possible. Thats okay vote NO, but don't expect your house to be worth anything years from now. Because your school systems going to just get worse. I'm voting YES. I'm an elderly woman and proud of it!
Sorry Term a NO vote will not help our students, schools, Community or property values.
Please consider who you put in as the new superintendent. If it's Number Two, please know she will not support the building administrators or teachers. When an organization has over 50% of its leadership leave in less than two years a clear problem exists. The board needs to recognize this.
I asked previously what was the breakdown by race of the non-graduating students, but have not had an answer. Until that is brought into the discussion, it is not a complete or meaningful discussion. You can't leave out a large part of the equation as if it didn't exist.
It's the same as every time anyone has a discussion about our economy (including the presidential candidates), nobody every mentions the elephant in the room, meaning over 20 million illegals and their children who bleed us dry. They all get free health care on our dime, etc., etc., but we never mention THAT. Ridiculous. We don't mention their theft of our country and its treasure, and they march in the street for more rights which they have no right to.
So, getting back to the schools, if we aren't mentioning the races, while I am sure the races have a lot to do with it (although I wish it did not--it's their choices, not mine), then we are having an incomplete discussion.
1:28 A quick answer to your question could probably be found out with one phone call to the district office. Make it.
This is 1:28. Yes, I'm sure one phone call could give me the answer (although in past years, the schools tend to hide information like that). However, you are a part of a special committee, as you said, so the question was an honest one asked of someone who probably knows that information or could easily get it. It doesn't help to avoid the information. The information exists, and it should be discussed. As I said before, if it is not part of the discussion, then it is an incomplete discussion. If you want to avoid it, then say so. Just because I am asking the question, does not make me the bad guy; I didn't create the situation, but it is the schools in my district, and they do have a huge impact on the value of my home and property and city. No need to take offense--it was an honest question, and it is an incomplete discussion without it.
I trust that since you have stated your group is organized, you have a statement of purpose and you are politically active to defeat the levy that you are registered as a PAC?
Please don't confuse what I believe and what the POC believes? Take the time to read their site. If telling people if you have it vote yes and if you don't means the goal is to defeat the levy your wrong. It's really just my STATEMENT.
Is there still a group in Painesville that is organized against the illegals? I thought at one time there was, but don't hear anything anymore. Does anyone know who or how to contact them? I am interested in taking action to turn my town back around. Anyone want to join me?
10:31am, yes there is still a very active group fighting illegal immigration in Lake County. They haven't had a rally lately in Painesville because most of Painesville is apathetic or scared to show their support. They did do a showing at Morley Library recently of a movie on the cost of illegal immigration to this nation. They testify several times a month in Columbus. They meet on a regular basis and are working on the illegal immigration issue through legal channels. And they have made progress. And have had bills stopped before getting to the floor. So, yes, they are very active, and have had very little support from the residents of Painesville. Portage County gives them a lot of support.
1:43 maybe you could direct 10:31 to a web site? Or the next meeting
10:31 I believe the name was the Lake County Rally Team.
The website for the Grassroots Rally Team is www.grassrootsrallyteam.org.
It is insane that we have all these illegals in our country. It is even more insane that our government leaders let them come and stay. It is unbelievable that the citizens of our country let them get away with that. Every legal citizen should be out in the streets demanding that every illegal is made to leave--denying them the right to work and take our jobs will do that for us--they'll leave on their own. The fact that we are all not in the streets demanding at the very least that they stop the anchor baby law right now, which was never meant for this madness, is shocking to me. It's the biggest trojan horse in the history of the world, and they are taking over our country without a single shot fired. They know it, we're too dumb apparantly. They are taking us down, and they will finish the job if we let them.
We talk of our schools without mentioning all the illegals we are educating, when they have their own countries that should be educating them. Do any other countries educate millions of children from our country? Would they even consider that? Answer: no, of course not.
We talk of our economy without a mention of the millions of illegals that are bleeding us dry, by getting free food, health etc., etc. It's insane.
We all need to be out in the streets until this is resolved. Meanwhile, thanks to the Rally Team for continuing to carry the torch.
And anyone who sees Bill Horvath and Abby Delamotte around town can personally thank them for asking for and fighting for all the illegals to come to Painesville. They put up a fight against the protest of many legal citizens, and they won. Now our town is filled with illegals and our schools and home values are failing. Give them a big pat on the back for a job well done.
Can you imagine what all these millions of illegals could do in their OWN counries if they went home and marched on their OWN governments? There are probably at least 20 million illegal Mexicans here, for example. How long do you think it would take them, especially with all their free American-provided education to bring change to their own country?
They will not leave on their own, and they will never quit coming unless we make them, and we need to make them.
I voted for Hal Werner rather than Bill Horvath ...and then illegal immigration grew. I attended Rallys downtown and was turned off by the hate and crazies... and illegal immigration in P'ville grew. This is a money issue, period! They come here for jobs and money!!! If the rally Team wants to slow and reverse this trend, they should post the names of all the employers that hire illegals so that we can boycott those business.
To 6:02
So I guess you will not eat any fruits and vegetables?
We have, and can create better, temporary work permits for the fruits and vegetables businesses.
To 6:02: I think if you want them out, then you are going to have to band together with someone to petition our government to get the work verification program in place in Ohio. Once that is in place, then if they are not legal, they do not work. People could always start their own groups if you don't like the Rally Team, but I wouldn't blame things on them--they've done, and are doing, a lot of hard work. People who aren't WITH them, and sit back and complain about them and then not join them, but do nothing on their own, are not going to help the situation. We need the work verification program in place in Ohio, and we need the anchor baby law (or the interpretation of the anchor baby law) fixed immediately, if not sooner.
Here's another little tidbit about anchor babies. You know, the woman doesn't even have to be living in the U.S. to have an anchor baby. She can just crawl across the border when her labor starts, deliver in the U.S. at our expense, and BINGO--U.S. baby with all that that entails.
Women also fly in from other countries to give birth for the same reason, then fly home after the birth with their little U.S. citizen in tow.
We cannot continue to be this dumb and to keep our country, too. We just can't.
The population of Ohio grew 187,000 in he last year. 137,000 of those were Hispanics. No doubt most of those are creating anchor babies as fast as they can. If anyone was not previously alarmed that we are losing Ohio, and also our country to the illegals, and to the Hispanics to be specific, then I just wanted to leave that little tidbit of information to think about.
Well, now the Republicans are joining the Democrats (I'm a Democrat) in saying that in order to win elections, they must give away our country. Not one of the fools are saying let's ALL agree to get rid of the illegals, then nobody suffers in the elections. Or how about let's all follow the laws of our land, and get rid of the illegals.
This will be the third amnesty, if it happens, that was meant to end the problem of illegals. We see how well the first two worked. And our leaders have not yet even stopped the incorrect use of the amendment that has created all these anchor babies, and continues to do so up to this very minute.
And we have young illegals protesting in our streets, sticking their chins out, and telling us they aren't leaving, and they want rights. And guess what?...they are apparantly not only going to get the two year right-to-work that Obama gave them so he could win the election, but now they will probably just have to do a little song and dance show so the American public feels vindicated, but then they will all be legalized. Shortly after that, there will not be one non-Hispanic elected to any office in the land, and I believe our country will be doomed. The Hispanics, when they are protesting for rights in America, like to say that they are smarter than us, and that they are the ones that deserve this land. It's starting to look to me like it is so. We are apparantly going to sit on our collective asses and let our government hand over what these people are demanding--something they have no right to, and that is our country.
They need to be made to go home to their respective countries, and fix their own countries, and march on their own governments.
If Americans had not been so passive on this issue for so long, it never would have been able to get this far. I have fought for twenty years to get the illegals out so that this tipping point could never happen, now here it is, and I have no hope that the American people will stop it.
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