Monday, October 22, 2012


Sometimes Tea ain't even worth a penny.

At the bottom of this mornings News-Herald 10/22/12

The long awaited Lake County Tea Party Pac Endorsed Candidates.
Notice anything?
Not ONE Democrat was endorsed period.

Now I went to the Tea Party debates and to be honest Maureen Kelly wiped the floor with Emilee Teresczuk. Emilee so flusted  needed question repeated and well lets say she's not ready for prime time. Guess no one else noticed?

Lori DiNallo What does Lori bring to the table? At the Tea Party Debate spoke of her children that she sent to liberal colleges and now wonders why they are left leaning? Three years on Painesville City Council? Trained as a mediator? Could have used that on council. Seems only mediate as long as you don't step on the wrong peoples feet? In her tenure on council she brought nothing important to the table. That didn't seem to concern  the LCTP leadership. Now look at John Rogers background tell me it's even close. Even the News-Herald and the Plain Dealer thought the same.

This Tea Party calls itself non-partisan. Nothing could be further from the truth. This is a shill group for the RNC. and will eventually fail due to the presence of this allegiance. Be honest tell people who and what your about. Wearing the same United States flag shirt a every meeting  doesn't make you a patriot sir. I think it's even illegal to desecrate the flag in the manner you wear it.

I'll save you some ad dollars. Romney for President, Mandel for Senate and Joyce for Congress. I could have done this for you and saved you the price of renting Harvey High School,.

Coming this Thursday to Andy Flock Town Hall Meeting both Lori DiNallo and John Rogers will discuss with YOU  their plans for being your representative in Columbus. John Rogers agreed to attend presently Lori DiNallo looks like a no show.
Also in attendance will be Jill Stein Green Party candidate for President.

Jill Stein has called Andy and will not be able to attend Thursday's meetin.

PresentlyCouncilman Flock is trying to get the two candidates running for other Lake County  offices.


At October 22, 2012 at 12:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jill Stein Green Party candidate is Ralph Nader in drag!

At October 22, 2012 at 6:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there anyone in this town you like? Aside from yourself? You sit back and knock everyone and anyone. You have loads of ideas yet refuse to run for a political seat. All you do is disagree. You must be one lonely man.

At October 23, 2012 at 5:22 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

6:15 I like whoever you are?
Look there are many I like the problem I have many in a position of power seem to believe they have special rights. I have to ask why you even visit this site?
I don't want to run , look at the time money and half truths people go through to get elected. I'm starting to see Wuliger and DiNallo signs in my sleep.

At October 23, 2012 at 10:14 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

So before the Tea Party tells you Mitt Romney won Monday night debate.

Am I to believe after all I listened to in the last year on foreign policy changed last night.
We went from etch-a-sketch Romney to the parrot Romney. I agree with President Obama is what I heard all thoughout the debate. Now if Romney should be elected President he can ask President Obama to be his Secretary of State. The Neo-Con's must be going nuts today.

At October 23, 2012 at 3:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that Romney gets up their and lies and lies and lies for these debates, because he and the Republican strategists know that nobody in their right minds would vote them back in--especially based on their policies and what they intend to do to us THIS time around. He cannot defend his or the Republican party's policies, so he lies. I mean, it's unbelievable...he denies every one of his policies during these debates. That leaves virtually no debate. I think Obama should be stronger when he is calling him a liar, and so should the press. I mean--COME ON!!! He's using Bush's debate tactics, meaning that they can't tell us the truth and still get the votes, so they evade, mislead and lie, and they get into office that way, because most people don't pick up on the lying or the details of their policie. When you add that to all the misleading, lying attack ads they have, they get into office that way. It's shameful. I would no longer let a Republican walk my dog.

At October 23, 2012 at 4:22 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

3:56 I guess I don't understand this candidate. Romney won't tell you anything, his taxes your taxes. Then on top of everything seems to change his position on almost every subject at almost every opportunity. Some call it moving to the center, pivoting. I just see it as confusion. This is the first time I have ever watched a campaign with so little conviction on just about anything with the exception of sheltering the 1% at the top.

At October 23, 2012 at 4:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I look at this site so I can correct its errors when people talk about it to me. That's why.
Someone needs to, I'm not the only one either.

At October 23, 2012 at 4:59 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

4:52 Please feel free to "correct" the errors. Close to 400 people check-in everyday presently. I guess if there were any errors I would think you would have let us know them and who you are doing this public service.
Oh, I am hardly lonely.

At October 23, 2012 at 5:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, while I am doing a public service you are doing the public a disservice.
Your grammar and spelling is atrocious therefore even this information is wrong.

At October 24, 2012 at 5:29 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

My grammar & spelling is attrocious? OK but facts are facts.
You have bigger problems today. The Tea Party Republican candidate for senate in Indiana Richard Mourdock said pregnancies resulting from rape as {his quote} "something God intended to happen". Wrap your flag around that guy now.
Seems he wants to upstage Ted Akins? Please explain to us where you want to take your party?

At October 24, 2012 at 6:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a life time Republican this latest miss step by Richard Mourdock only proves that it's not even about winning elections it's turning the Republican party into the American Talaban.
Dick Luger who has held this office was defeated in the primary by Mr. Murdock. Taking a safe seat possibly out of Republican hands? For what purpose
Am I to believe Mr. Mourdock's God is this hateful?
What next? Rapeist's can't be convicted, it was God's will?
I wonder if Mitt Romney will continue to endorse candidates such as this.? Then we not endorse Ted Akins if you back this candidate?
This organization Tea Party has cost the Republican party one vote in my family, my wifes I guess they want to loss every vote they can.

At October 24, 2012 at 6:54 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

6:32 The Republican party will play along with this group until it costs them some elections.
I wonder if the Lake County Ohio Tea Party or even the Lake County GOP would continue to endorse a candidate such as this one>
They as most Republicans must believe silence is golden?
You do know you spelled rapist wrong. I guess viwed in some circles your comment must be wrong?

At October 24, 2012 at 12:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listen, I'm a Democrat, and the guy has said that he said it wrong. I believe what he said he meant, is that even if a child is concieved because of rape, he still believes that the child was supposed to be there, because God makes those decisions. It's a delicate topic, and I personally give him credit for saying it; I think it was brave.

I am pro choice, but that doesn't mean that I think abortion is good. Every time I have heard all my life "except for in the case of rape of incest," my heart always breaks for the child that was concieved that way, and of course, for the female in that predicament. And even if the woman/girl keeps the child, then there is the problem that the child's father may actually have rights with the child, or that there is no actual viable father to help raise the child, etc., etc. It's a travesty, but the child isn't. There's an innocent child there whose life is tossed around as an "in case of rape or incest."

The guy said it wrong, which he has explained, and I get it. I give him credit for standing by what he said. No matter how it was conceived, there is still an innocent child in a uterus, and it's not the child's fault. I think that is all he meant.

At October 24, 2012 at 2:29 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

The guy said it wrong? He said rape was bad. Rape isn't bad it's a horrendous, violent physcal crime perpetrated on a woman of any age.
sorry Democrart it's not BAD.
I know of no God that would think to condone this type of thinking. If you believe this country will be better served with stupid people like Adkins and Mourdock running the senate I hardly consider you wise or them brave.
We have separation between church and state so idiots like these two can't make laws taking womens rights from them. Maybe these two are comfortable with making the government force a 15 year-old innocent child or your mother to carry a child conceived in rape.
I'm not on board.
Women in this country had better wake up to the hard realities coming if this bunch controls power.
Along with the fact you will be forced to give birth chances are afterward your on your own lady.
I got to stop I can't conceive there are this many stupid people living around me.

At October 24, 2012 at 3:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, this is 12:06: I did leave out one last important point in my post (but my post was not actually meant to cover this one important point). If the guy is saying that even in cases of rape and incest he would still condone taking away the girl's/woman's CHOICE to have an abortion or not, then he's an idiot like every other Republican, in my opinion.

But you need to calm down, Term. The ONLY point I was making is that I agree with him up to a point, and that point is that the child that is conceived because of an act of rape or incest is still a child--an innocent child--that is all. And since I believe that God creates life, then God created that life, too. I never said that God would condone rape or incest, and neither did this guy. And I certainly did not say that the girl/woman should not have a choice on what to do about it.

I wouldn't vote for a Republican to walk my dog, as I have said before, and one of the reasons I would not is because of what they think and feel and would do with women's rights, and their inability to separate church and state. I believe in pro-CHOICE, and that the decision is between the female and her God, whomever she perceives that to be (or if she does not believe in God, then so be it. It's still between her and her conscience).

But thank you for calling me stupid; that part was great. I just don't want Democrats to be running around saying things that are not completely true like the Republicans do. The Republicans lie enough for everyone.

The fact is that a child conceived because of rape or incest is still an innocent child. The child did not commit the horrendous crime. That is the part of his statement that I was agreeing with. At no point did I say that she should not have a choice. I do not believe that God condones crime of any sort. I DO believe that what the victimized female does about it is HER business and not a Republican's. So just to clarify that that is what I said, and I did not say more.

And by the way, I think anyone who votes for a Republican for any number of reasons is putting our entire country and its citizens in jeopardy in a million different ways--just to make that point clear. If they can't look back at the eight years of Republican rule before these four years of Democrats, and see that the only choice is to vote Democrat, then I may be out of words for those people at this point.

And if you are going to be so out of control over his statement that you are going to say that his using the word "bad" was not good enough, then you do need to calm down.

Oh, I have to go now. I'm so stupid, I lost control of the time.

At October 24, 2012 at 5:18 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

You, left out an important sentence all right. Why I called you stupid was the fact that you called this goof brave. I don't in the least see him as bave.
It is horrible to have your purse stolen even at gunpoint. Bad, horrible, and legitimate in my eyes does not even come close to the discription of rape.
I can't believe any man or woman can in this country force someone to bear a child conceive through rape. If the woman decides to carry that child thats her business and her right. not a mandate from the government. I apology for calling you stupid but that senate candidate is far from brave. His religios views are his not to be imposed on everyone else. Yeah, I know I'm a bad Catholic that's coming next.

At October 24, 2012 at 7:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, this is 3:11. I'm a Catholic, too. Again, I am not condoning the guy's entire stance, and I think Republicans, and this one, too, have no right imposing their beliefs on the rest of us, and I don't personally even believe anyone should trust them to run ANYTHING, let along our government.

However, this was bascially my whole point in the first post--every time I hear people talk of the embryos that came to be as a result of rape or incest, they always talk of those babies (potential babies) as if they are garbage. (I am not debating when life begins here, although I personally think it begins at conception. For clarity, I am using the term embryo as "before birth" and baby as "after birth.") My point is that these potential persons are no less important and special than babies not conceived by rape or incest. Nobody ever says it. I still give him credit for saying it. I do not believe his end point is correct--that therefore women/girls should not have the right to make a choice about their own pregnancies, but I was just happy to hear someone speak of these children as important, too. When he was called on it, he stuck to his guns about the fact that he feels that these children are as important as any other child. That's what I am proud of him for, and I think that was brave. Again, when he takes it to the point where he and his fellow Republicans believe that they therefore have the right to make decisions for someone else's life and body, I part company with him, but I was still very happy to hear someone recognize that these particular embryos and potential babies are just as important as any other. They are not trash even though their fathers are trash, is my point, and I was happy to hear someone say it finally.

I think if we are also going to nitpick words like "bad" is not bad enough, then we sound like the Republicans who take things out of context and proportion, and run with it. I understand your passion on this issue, however, and as a woman, I appreciate that a man would care so much for me and my fellow females. I was just glad to hear these babies talked about like they were important, too, and if they are to be disposed of, then let it also be an important decision. Any unwanted pregnancy is a difficult-beyond-words event, and an unwanted pregnancy under such horrific circumstances must be devastating. But the resultant person in the womb is not to blame and is no less important. I think you would probably agree with me on that. And I am in agreement with you that nobody has the right to impose their beliefs on another, especially when it comes to a pregnancy. I also appreciate that on a previous post, you said that you thought birth control and prevention of pregnancy is a very important issue, as it would mean that for every unwanted pregnancy that was prevented, there would be one less abortion.

At October 25, 2012 at 5:33 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

7:03 I guess my only arguement with you is calling Mr. Mourdock 'Brave" What exactly made him brave?
That is his personal opinion, I have them as well as you. When we impose them on other's I hardly see it as brave. These rape victims have had a crime committed against them. I see no reason why they would be forced by a brave goverment offical to deliver a baby.
In this sometimes crazy world we will see possibly see demented men raping women and then legally making those women bearing their offsprings? Remember, it's the law.
Laws have consequences lets becareful of what laws we decide to make people follow.
I apologize again, In the first post I assumed you were a man, maybe that was why I was so rude in my remark.
I respect your views but also understand people may have different views.

At October 25, 2012 at 7:22 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems Donald Trumps big news is that if the President releases his school records and transcripts as well as passport The DONALD will donate 5 million to a charity?

Wonder if he would give Gov. Romney the same deal to release his taxes for the last 10 years?

You know if this guy wasn't so rich he would just be a Fox News reporter. Journalism is not ending every sentence with a question mark.

At October 25, 2012 at 7:42 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

This all must be caused by the rivalry when the two of them were growing up in Kenya?
You will never see those tax records they would sink the S.S. Romney. He knows it and so doesn't donald.
He wouldn't last at Fox he would be the first one fired.

At October 25, 2012 at 8:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sadly Donald Trump is turning himself into a caricature. My guess is to make the claims he does he must believe he should be front and center in everyones life.
He brings nothing to the table and still is upset at the President for making him look foolish at that dinner a couple of years ago.
The male answer to Sara Palin?

At October 25, 2012 at 10:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, this is 7:03. The reason I think he is brave is because he publicly said that the embryos (or babies) that are created as a result of rape or incest are important, too. God help any woman/girl who finds herself in that circumstance, but nobody ever talks of those babies like they are worth anything. They dismiss those babies as if they are trash, and not even worth thinking of. And every time I have heard that, all my life, I think it is unfair. I cannot imagine how hard it would be for a girl/woman who got pregnancy that way to think of the pregnancy/baby as anything but horrible, but it is the father of the child that is garbage, not the child. The child that was created under these horrible circustances is as valuable as any other child more and no less. I was very glad to hear him say it; I've never heard anyone say it before. His conclusion that therefore he and his fellow Republicans can make decisions for that female is shocking to me, and I cannot believe that the Republicans are making such a strong showing in this election on any issue, let alone this one, but I am glad someone spoke of these children as if they were children and not filth. It is the fathers that are filth, and have left the poor female with one more serious complication of their actions, and I personally would not think for a moment that I had the right to tell her what to do about it.

I have also heard the polls showing that the Republicans have as much support from women as Obama does. I find THAT shocking, too. But I WAS glad to hear someone speak of these potential babies as if they have value.

At October 25, 2012 at 12:27 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

10:43 I will leave you with one question. Would you approve of that rape victim being able to take the "Day after Pill"?
Many believe life begins at conception, other's in the second tri-mester, still others believe at birth. Am I to believe you believe at conception? Just asking.
See this isn't as easy as you think to be brave.

At October 25, 2012 at 1:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, this is 10:43. I do personally believe that life begins at conception. Let me tell you a little about a pregnancy that I had. When I got pregnant for my second child, I already had a child that was three years old. From the very start, it was a bad (complicated) pregnancy, and I knew I was in trouble. Soon after the doctors were telling me that I had to abort it. They said if I did not, that the baby would spontaneously abort, and take my uterus and my life with it. It was a big decision, since I already had a child that I needed to live for. In the end, I left the decision to God. I had a healthy child, due to my own research and actions and prayer. My health, however, has suffered greatly ever since, and that was over thirty years ago. It was a horrendous decision even though I was married to the father, and not alone. I regret losing my health, but I do not regret the decision, and I have always been able to separate the two, thank goodness. They said the next child would kill me, and I did have an operation after that to make sure that there would be no more pregnancies.

My point is, bravery comes in many forms, and each person and situation is entirely different. Any woman who goes through incest or rape, for example, has to be very brave just to survive it, let alone to go on afterwards. To find out they are pregnant must be devastating.

I believe that anyone who wants to take the Day After pill should be able to do it. For some that IS the brave thing to do. For some abortion is the brave thing. For some, seeing the pregnancy through is the brave thing. All tough choices, and I think they should all be available, and I think that I have no right to tell anyone what to do, or to make a judgement on them for whatever they decide. So I guess my answer is yes, I think the Day After pill should be available.

The very definition of brave is to have something difficult to do, but to do it anyway, isn't it?

At October 25, 2012 at 2:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is 10:43 adding to my last post.

I think the two most important pieces of information in my last post is that if I had chosen abortion, abortion would have been available to me. And when I chose sterilization, that was available to me.

Most anti-abortion people think that pro-choice people are for abortion. That is just not true; I don't know anyone who thinks abortion is good. What it means is pro-CHOICE. And the choice has to be left to the individual female, and all options need to be available to her at that particular moment in her life under the circumstances she is facing right then. Nobody should be able to be her conscience FOR her, or make her decisions for her.

At October 25, 2012 at 2:30 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

2:05 It appears your life story is more compelling than any reason any candidate or even myself to decide that you as well as all women should have the right be in control of their bodies. It appears that many times people don't take into consideration other facts that a mother must deal with..
Thanks again for you input.

At October 26, 2012 at 7:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Attention fellow Ohio women Senate candidate Josh Mandel has added his name to the Akins, Mourdock inbreeds. He also will not give exception for rape. What is it with these guys/ Have they no daughters,wives or mothers?
The integrity of a Marine, Josh?
Josh, Lee Harvey Oswald was also a Marine.

At October 26, 2012 at 8:39 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is very disturbing to hear. Why do these people get involved over things they have no business being involved with?
I agree with 7:54 I want Josh Mandel to look into the eyes of his wife and tell her if the crime of rape makes you pregnant I have made it the law of the land that you under penalty of law must carry that baby until birth. That's the ad I want to see.
If he has a sister he should tell her also.

At October 26, 2012 at 2:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's like these Republicans have no memory or knowledge of what it was like for women when we could not call the shots for our own bodies. Back-alley/illegal abortions with scary men and dirty knives, women with coat hangers trying to do it themselves and not die at the same time. Husbands who had no consideration, nor did they have to, about the woman's desire to have more children or not. Doctors treating us like we were children--talking down and patronizing us--patting us on our heads, and telling us to put up and shut up. For people who want no birth control and no options for women, do they actually understand how many children a woman without birth control can have in her lifetime?

I'll tell you, Republicans scare me. They have a new commercial out where an elderly couple is talking about Romney, and the woman says she trusts Romney to get us back on track. I want to say LISTEN, WOMAN, DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT HE AND HIS FELLOW REPUBLICANS WANT TO DO TO WOMEN? DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THAT IT WAS THE REPUBLICANS, AND ALWAYS IS, THAT GET US OFF TRACK? DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT THEY ALMOST COLLAPSED OUR ENTIRE COUNTRY?

Then I got a robo-call this morning telling me that we have lost millions of jobs since Obama became president. Oh, really?...could that be because WHEN HE TOOK OFFICE, THE REPUBLICANS HAD OUR ENTIRE COUNTRY FALLING DOWN AROUND OUR EARS?!!!

I cannot believe so many people are voting Republican, and for any woman who is voting Republican, do you have any idea what it was like for women before they had the right to make their own decisions and control what happens to their own bodies? And for any man who is voting Republican, do you not have a mother/daughter/wife/sister/aunt or female friend that you care about? Even if you don't look at the fact that they almost lost us our country, and that we always do so much worse under Republican rule (to put it very mildly), do you really want to take the women of America back in history when it was so scary and could be so sad for us?

I don't understand anyone voting Republican any more. They sent all our jobs to other countries, gave themselves tax breaks for doing it, took off so many regulations that we almost lost our entire banking system and country, and now are telling so many good lies (and avoiding the truth about their policies), that people want to vote for them again.

I am scared for the women of America right now and for America. I cannot believe that anyone would vote Republican, let alone so many people.

At October 26, 2012 at 2:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is presently a video on Utube that shows hoe Romney cheated on the October 3,2012 debate. The rules stated that the candidates could not bring anything to th podium . A pen and pad would be supplied. Watch the video after Romney is introduced.This guy really doesn't believe rules are for him.

At October 26, 2012 at 3:05 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

2:13 I'm a man and these policies they propose scare me. I can only wonder what a woman is thinking.
For one I can't see why as many has 12 Senate Republican candidates have now excuded rape and insest? Something more here than meets the eye.
Women should take note. All women.
2:34 I have seen the video and all I can say I don't believe that was a hankerchief as many claim. I will agree during all debates it appears rules were not for him. One basic rule he always seemed to break was that a candidate couldn't ask the other candidate questions Romney continually broke that rule.
One thing as I watched Romney on TV today it seems constant campaining is getting to him. It will be interesting to see how he approaches this in the last 10 day.
Anybody seen Paul Ryan lately? Last seen in Texas with Glenn Beck?
Seems someone doesn't want him on the campaign trail. Texas?

At October 26, 2012 at 5:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if the Republicans are taking the "no abortions even for rape and incest" stance to try to pick up some of the undecideds. Maybe they feel that with Ohio leaning towards Obama enough, that that could win for him, that their only hope is to pick up the independents that are so anti-abortion that they can't see straight, and will vote Republican just for that reason. Also, the Catholic church is having a huge push for all Catholics to vote Republican for that reason. Maybe they feel that if they pick up enough Catholics and other independents that feel strongly enough about that, that it will put them over the top.

I think that Romney and the rest of them ought to try being raped and brutalized sometime, and then find themselves pregnant by that filthy criminal, or maybe get pregnant by incest, and then live by their own rules. I just don't know how they dare. I'm not saying those babies are to blame, or any less important than the others, but I would like them to know the helplessness and hopelessness that countless women have felt over the course of the hisory of the world (and many women in other countries still do). And not one Republican woman in the House or Senate, etc., or one man, even, have stood up to say anything against this proposed policy?

At October 26, 2012 at 10:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's possible that they don't want Paul Ryan on the campaign trail because of his view on abortion. He has said previously that he does not think rape or incest would be a viable reason for abortion. He has said the health of the mother would be a reason. He has also talked about personhood, where a fetus would have rights at the moment of conception, which would probably completely rule out abortion. When he is asked now, he says he has the same view as Romney, but then refuses to say what that is. As far as I know, he has not yet said, although I suppose he could have, and I may have missed it.

At October 26, 2012 at 10:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about Romney's advisor (is that his position? I think so) saying that the only reason Colin Powell is backing Obama is because they are both black. Honestly, I don't get how anyone can vote for Republicans. One thing that always blares out at me is the immaturity level of the Republicans, and this is a classic example.

At October 27, 2012 at 7:15 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

At a Romney Rally in Defiance, Ohio yesterday this was a quote from his speech.
"I saw a story today that one of the great manufacturers in this state Jeep-now owned by the Italians- is thinking of moving all production to China".
His information came from a conservative blog. site.
Chrysler officals denied the claim. I have to ask why would you go in front of 12,000 people and make this statement without first checking with company officals?
Then again if he does win the election maybe that would become the best option for the -Italians- that own Jeep?
This could be another reason Mitt won't be giving anymore interviews from now until the elections. To much of an opportunity to screw-up?

At October 27, 2012 at 8:17 AM , Anonymous Not a sinner said...

After following the comments presented to us by people like Akins,Mourdock, and Mandel along with the current Republican platform. It's impossible to bring myself to believe my God would align with evil?
That's what they seem to want me to believe.
One thing I have noticed politicians make lousy theologians.Maybe they should stick to things they know about like milking funds from lobbiest.
The one positive reaction I have over all this no one has come out and defended what these men have said. Am I to believe that on the whole everyone believes they are out on a limb on their own?

At October 27, 2012 at 10:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you have been following this election you have noticed that the GOP has been complaining about over-regulation of businesses. Makes you wonder if those 25 people that have died from meningitis that was contaninated medicine from NECC wish there was less regulation of that industry?
Maybe the over 300 still waiting for results too?

At October 27, 2012 at 1:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Probably the reason that Romney won't be giving any more interviews is because what Republicans do best is to side-step actually telling the American people what their policies really are. They evade and lie and cover-up to fool Americans into voting for them. Americans can be easily fooled, and they know that. All they have to do is lie about the Democrats and lie and evade about who they, the Republicans, are and what they will do, and that is how they win elections. And it's happening again--I almost can't believe it, but look how many Americans are voting for them. I find it shocking.

At October 27, 2012 at 2:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You people are so two faced. What about the lies in Obama's commercials. The lies he stated in the debate. He totally lied and had Candy on his side about the Libya statement. She admitted later that Obama was wrong and that she was wrong to defend his wrong statement. But that's ok with you people because you will stick by this D president no matter what. Well, I think there are more people with brains than you care to think and you guy is a one termer.

At October 27, 2012 at 6:10 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

2:20 I presently don't know if your right or wrong. Just everyone should be prepared if the outcome isn't as you believe.
Popular vote is not the same as an Electorial College vote.

At October 27, 2012 at 7:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whenever I hear a Republican talk, I can almost be sure that it is a lie. 2:20 is wrong, and I think 2:20 needs to quit listening to the likes of Limbaugh, etc. Get the facts for yourself, please, and use your brain.

I bet you are also very proud how the Republicans try to stop the votes and the counting of the votes in every election, and this election proves to be no exception. Just look what they tried to do in Ohio THIS year.

At October 27, 2012 at 8:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a little note for 2:20: During the debates, Romney said he never said he wanted any tax cuts! (BIG LIE.) When he was told that corporations received tax cuts for moving their companies out of the country, he said he had never heard of such a thing! (HE OWNED A COMPANY THAT DID ONLY THAT!!!) He told lie after lie after lie, and you are lying, too, 2:20. Stop it, please. Don't you have some Republicans you can go bug?

At October 27, 2012 at 8:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Tea Party did not endorse one Democrat?

And this site endorsed how many Republicans?

Did anyone expect anything different from a conservative group or a liberal site?

I recall Term saying they are just a bunch of old people. And the POC isn't?

The one fact I see time and time again is that Term always thinks he knows best and is always right?

I for one don't take all the political ads on TV running now as the truth nor do I take this site as a source of unbiased information. If we vote strictly by what is said here, we are in more trouble than I thought. If you only listen to one side of a debate, how informed are you really?

At October 28, 2012 at 9:29 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

8:37 I never suggested that this site was a non-partisan political group. The Tea Party does though.
That said if you noticed I made no comment when it came to the County Commissioners races. Ever wonder why?
First off I voted for Hamercheck over Aufuldish in their race. Time for some new blood Thank-you for your service Mr. Aufuldish but its time for new ideas. Plus I see Afuldish getting very condescending when he speaks to members of the public 75+ years old time to enjoy life sir.
Another Republican that a Democrat would be hard to get me to change my vote and vote against her. Would be Juvenile Court Judge Karen Lawson. As I have stated in the past I really had no idea how affective of a person she would be in this position. Sometimes 8:37 results mean more than party lines.

Mitt Romneys biggest problem as a candidate is there is something called video tape. I really can't get a handle on where that man stands.

At October 28, 2012 at 11:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TERM, just curious. What is your comment on the White House refusing to send help when requested in Libya? They said no at least two times. And then Obama lied to the American people saying it was caused by that video when he knew darn well that had nothing to do with it. I know you support Obama, but unconditionally? When these facts have come out?

At October 28, 2012 at 1:29 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

You know all this how? What I find curious is if a Republican administration looks as if they dropped the ball. We are told at this time we must come together and be patriotic? Now we see the GOP as well as your candidate trying to make political hay after this latest tragic event.
Romney seemed to want to avoid Libya in his last debate. Why?
I keep hearing about SEALS? were these active duty Navy personnel?
I must ask how was the C.I.A. involved in that consulate? Remember this wasn't the American Embassy. Why was our Ambassator at that location.
Why just this week the Admiral in charge of the Middle East Carrier Group recalled to Washington this week?
I want to know all the facts before I make a judgement on who did what wrong. Lets not act until we know the facts. Remember WMD's? Then again President Obama was surely at fault along with a conviction before November 6,2012

At October 28, 2012 at 2:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

you certainly jump to conclusions when it comes to Republicans and you and your party make political hay out of, oh let's see, how about Katrina. You are just so one sided.

At October 28, 2012 at 2:42 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I can assume then you are proud of the Bush administration response to Katrina?
First time in my life I had ever heard of Americans viewed as "Refugees"
Watch the east coast in the next couple of days how a Big government FIMA deals with this storm.
2:07 I'm one sided and you are???

At October 28, 2012 at 3:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonder if Paul Ryan will suggest that we find funding in programs before we can help after the storm? He did the last time.

At October 28, 2012 at 3:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:37 I have to ask is there any Democrat you voted for?
Or am I to believe that in your small world none are honorable for your vote?
I guess you must believe people like Emilee, and Lori inezperence is just what is needed.
As a woman it wasn't that hard to see through these two.
The Republican party my parents supported as I grew up would be ashamed as to what became of their Grand Old Party.
You have left behind the things that made you great.
The environment, woman's rights just to name a few.
You have become the party of Limbaugh, Palin and Trump.

At October 28, 2012 at 4:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And let's not forget the Republican response to 9/11--start a war in the WRONG COUNTRY!!!!!

(P.S. well put, 3:48)

At October 28, 2012 at 6:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:37 here.

As a matter of fact I do vote for both Republicans and Democrats. My point is that there are two sides to every debate. More than just one solution to a problem.

I also believe you could never whole heartily endorse a R. Yes, it goes for the other side two. I will say that it seems the two sides are further apart than ever. If everyone is unwilling to listen to the other side and willing to work together, how can we accomplish anything?

You always complained about Rita and her way or the highway approach. Well if someone is far left or far right, it's about the same thing. Not much problem solving getting done because too much time is spent badmouthing the other side. Just think what could have been done with all the money spent on negative campaigning this election cycle.

So, if it makes you feel better, go ahead and add me to any list you want. I guess asking anyone to get informed (from more than one source) so they can be an educated voter and not a lemming puts me on your list. Have a nice day.

At October 31, 2012 at 7:35 AM , Anonymous DEM and proud of it said...

To all you GOPPERS out there.
Your President candidate is in New Jersey along with the POTUS trying to make a very bad situation better.
Chis Cristy in a Republican anyone could vote for. After listening to him tell Fox and Friends off yeasterday it became clear that you nominated the richest candidate not the best.
Romney/Ryan propose a 40% in FIMA funds? Really. Mitt if elected you will be filling many u-haul trucks to send whereever.
All an American has to do is look and see how a Republican President handled Katrinia and how a Democrat handled Sandy. enough said.

At November 1, 2012 at 8:48 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

7:35 It sad that the only thing can bring different people together is a bad storm.
Earlier his month Christie was giving a speech that claimed the President couldn't find a light swith. As mentioned on TV last nightr it appears the President found the swith just in time.
I give Gov. Christie credit for giving the Pesident credit. Leadership is about pointing out good as well as bad. Now the goofs at Fox&Friends tried to make political comment when it came to Sandy and Romney. I loved that mans answer. He couls care about Presidential politics he has a state in emergency. Dosee looked like a fool.
Chris Christie should be looked at as a viable candidate in 2016. Only problem I see is the people who will discriminate him over his weight,I also worry about his health. I don't see him buying into the Tea Party folks, this might spell his doom. Could I vote for him? Yes I could presently give him a closer look. He wasn't born in Kenya was he?


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