"TICKET TO RIDE" beatles
As some of you who have been following this site. If you have been keeping up with the comments on the "IT'S MY PARTY" must by now realize that some anonymous person named Karma has suggested I am lying about a ticket.
Seem's this person main claim is that there are not three city employees names and phone numbers listed on the ticket? If you look closely you will see Lynn White, Jennifer Bell , Kris Young along with their phone numbers.
To Karma I don't like being called a liar, nor do I appreciate your suggestion I don't have any proof.
Now Karma put -up or shut-up. I did. Karma can pretend not to believe the truth.
What next the ticket is a counterfeit?
Hmmmmm.....wonder which party Karma went to?
Karma, another word for blog troll.
it was a much better party without him
Bechtel cleaned AMP clocks in the first go round in the federal courts in the Meigs county fiasco.
2 of 3 AMP complaints tossed.
From Martnisville, Virginia
You have never deliberately posted erroneous information
Where's Waldo, I mean Karma?
Andy waited to long...just like his complaints.. he should of acted on the tickets as soon as he got the information... just like when he gets a complaint.. he sits on it and look.. he trust to buy a ticket and unfortunately they are sold out..first come first served... like the ticket and like his residents.. always last.
Nice try. Andy informed clerk of council he would attend, plus what about the gift money?
If this was a "private' affair why were city employee's used on city time? Maybe we need an investigation seems you and a few others want to be petty. Let's open that can of worms. Yes let's present everything to the press and the general public, wonder what they would think? I believe loyalty towards Andy far exceeds other councilman. That must drive certain people nuts,right?
Councilman Flock is an "elected" city offical are you? You seem to believe you know alot. Anonymously!
We have spent too much time worrying about poor Mr. Flock's feelings. Who cares Andy? Get over it! Did you ever take into consideration that not too many people really like you(Flock)? Maybe a cgange in yourself would warrant other people's respect for you. I mean,honestly,there's alot of people who don't care for Term the Germ,but we put up with him so we can be somewhat informed and often times amazed at the stupidity of all of Painesville,both city officials and its residents. Stop stroking your own bruised egos and lets start talking with some damn positivity towards this city already! It needs to start going the right direction with less criticism. Thank you!
this isn't the ticket, though, is it? It says "to obtain tickets". This is just an announcement.
Look who's calling people petty.
Could the ticket be a phony? Perhaps and I'm glad you suggested it not me. I'm still lookin at mine and it doesn't look like yours! Front or back.
Maybe tomorrow if I have time or I can figure it out, I'll get mine scanned and then compare.
2 late 2 nite.
Karma, The question isn't is this the scanned ticket. This is just the answer to the question was Councilman Flock sent an invitation to attend the funtion from the clerk of council?
Jf so who resended the invitation?
1:52 has figured it out why haven't you?
11:27 Yes when someone in the city administration gets caught with their pants down. Let;s forget about it and get the city moving in the right direction. With the same cast of people who made the mistake still in charge?
Another question is after watching the council meeting did councilman Flock sign the card as well as the proclamation presented to the outgoing city manager.
To many questions are left without answers. Why have him sign a card and a proclamation, if he wasn't expected to attend the party? Maybe the reason was that he didn't sign the card or proclamation. That would explain the snub.
Councilman Flock signed the card as well as the proclamation.
Now explain the snub.
Along with the $50.00 for tickets and check for $20.00 the gift.
I'll do it first this bunch have no class.
As usual, you just don't get it. Go back and reread the posts. Thank you 1:52 for clarifying that and AMEN to 11:27.
Over and out
This is 11:27........WHO CARES!!??? This is exactly why nothing gets done.....too many whiners boohooing about something stupid. She's gone,he's useless,now lets focus on this city and not spend our time gnawing into each other. Term,you generate too many negative vibes. They aren't helpfulin any way. Step up to the next level and become part of the solution and not the annoying little party pooper of Painesville! Put something on here that all the residents can feel a part of and not just rants that provide a table for your circle of wannabees to sit at.
Seems a lot of people care. Then when I want to drop the subject Karma calls me out as a liar.Why?
Millions lost in stupid electric deals seem hardly a solution does it.
No cirle of wannabees how about a growing circle of people that have seen enough of these goings on?
Damn! I knew Painesville was the reason for all of AMP Ohio Problems
As a taxpayer in Ward I I view the slight of Andrew Flock an insult to every resident in our ward.
He was elected by us and represents us. If you don't understand that point I feel sorry for you. Why have him sign a card and a proclaimation as well as also an invitation only to uninvite him.
I will remember the silence from Mrs. Dinallo Mr. Hada, Mr. Fodor when I vote.
You are are council people at large and this is how you best serve the residents in our ward?
I agree with 10:28, and I think we have the right to full disclosure about what happened with this invitation. These people work for us, and Andrew is ALSO an elected official, and he should have been treated as such. We have the right to know who initiated what, and who went along with it, and why. Let them own up to their childish, immature, and unprofessional behavior. We have a right to know. I believe they also owe us, their employers, an apology for their behavior. Shameful.
10:28/1:47 Don't hold your breath. They will never answer your questions. No spines.
Anonymously they will post here that the information isn't true. That's all they got.
The City Manager, Council-President, or Council should come clean.
I think McMahon just had to do one more stupid, immature thing before she left, and that was uninviting Flock. And the rest of the Hada and McMahon "yes" people went right along with it, just like they usually do.
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