Wednesday, November 7, 2012

"AGAINST ALL ODDS" phil collins

Pardon me if I gloat a little this morning. I guess for the most part I'm satisfied with the election results today. Watched FOXNEWS and caught Carl Rowe meltdown around 11:00pm last night. Got the idea I was in an alternate universe. Priceless
First if you have a President with less than 2% GDP. Constant unemployment of over 8% and 23 million people under employed or not at all. If you run against this President and loss you a) Had the wrong candidate b) had the wrong message. Or both?
Yes if you want to become President I want to see ten years of tax returns, yes I want details, not I show you after the election?
Interesting side note Governor of Massachusetts, born and raised in Michigan, homes in New Hampshire, California. A rrunning mate from Wisconsin yet neither could carry any of these states?
A clue you can blame the Tea Party for the loss of Senate seats that were viewed as shoe-ins. Todd Adkins, and Richard Mourdock. Richard Lugar just wasn't enough Conservative for them.

Time for the grownups to grab the party back. This Tea Party that started out as a good idea seems to have imploded. Many of the gains made in 2010 went to the wayside last night.

Republicans "Leave women alone" They know best whats best for women. Why you stepped into it like you did confounds me.

While your at it could you also leave Gays alone? 10% of the voting public. Leave them alone. They are not trying to change your lifestyle they seem to want to just want some happiness and fairness in their lives.

Keep supporting Anti-Hispanic groups not reaching out to Blacks many having the same values as you do but currently view the current GOP a little to the left of the Klan. Take my advice your running out of white men to carry you forward.

Lori DiNallo failed in her attempt for state office. I will support any qualified candidate that will make here a one term councilwoman. I believe by now everyone in Painesville knows what the ultimate prize was.

Biggest surprise of the night? That's easy Ann Radcliffe defeating Jason Wuliger for County Recorder. How she pulled that out I don't know but it was a pleasant surprise. Money can't buy you happiness or a County position.Congratulation Ann, you to Maureen Kelly I will never forget your appearance at the Lake County Tea Party event.

Yes and in many ways today seems like Ground Hog Day. Let's see if the President reaches out and Congress reaches back. Or will it be politics as usual?

Democrats enjoy your wins today. Remember the Donald Trumps, Koch Bros. Sheldon Adillson's will retreat back to their mansions and start making plans for 2014, 2016. They don't feel defeated in the least.

Soon we will receive the comments of the coming Armageddon by the results of this election remember we all pretty munch have to go through life the same as we did yesterday. We can only hope that Country will come first over Party and the American people will  reap the benefits. Be positive!


At November 7, 2012 at 8:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's KARL ROVE, you jackass, not Carl Rowe. Can't you get anything right?

At November 7, 2012 at 8:29 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Probably as much as Karl does?

At November 7, 2012 at 9:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey douche nozzle, what did Rove get wrong?? at the time he made his statements, romney was, in fact, in the lead as far as the popular vote was going, AT THAT TIME!!! He was absolutely correct in chastizing the media for jumping the gun and calling Ohio for Obama. They could have waited another half hour or so and really made it official.

At November 7, 2012 at 10:31 AM , Anonymous GaryJohnson said...


A couple of quotes I'd like to respond to:

"Biggest surprise of the night... Ann Radcliffe defeating Jason Wuliger for County Recorder... Money can't buy you happiness or a County position..."

You realize some of the richest politicians are leftists, right? Politicians on both sides can and routinely do "buy" elections by out-spending the other side. I realize in this instance it fits your world view of greedy conservatives, but I feel like the myth of "populist" democrats deserves a bit more scrutiny from someone who seems to consider himself a watchdog.

"Lori DiNallo failed in her attempt for state office. I will support any qualified candidate that will make her a one term councilwoman. I believe by now everyone in Painesville knows what the ultimate prize was."

Did you ever support her for anything? Her original council campaign? Wouldn't it be fair to say what you really mean is "I don't like Lori DiNallo because she is a conservative, so I will support any candidate that runs against her, as I always would have anyway"?

How does a politician "reach out to Blacks"? You end your entry on a sentiment of putting the country back together, but you lead with divisive statements like "the current GOP is a little left of the Klan." These politicians are very good at dividing us to lock up voting blocks, and I feel like you must have fallen into their trap if you're using that kind of hyperbole. Just left of the KKK? Really? Do you really think the conservatives on your ballot are just left of wanting to lynch blacks? Lori DiNallo - a social worker in a largely black community? It's statements like this that make conservatives such as myself believe that it is actually leftists who are the racists, as it is the leftists who see everything through a prism of race.

How does one bring together segments of a population that stereotype one another blindly like this?

At November 7, 2012 at 12:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I, too, am glad Lori DiNallo didn't get in. We don't need anymore of her.

I got to see a little of Karl Rove's meltdown, too, and I agree...PRICELESS. I watched him deny that Obama had Ohio. All Rove's and the Republican's lies didn't work this time, and I thought he was going to cry. Again...priceless. I give credit to so many of the American people for not falling for the lies, and for getting information for themselves. Thank goodness.

At November 7, 2012 at 12:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama won because they nominated a fraud, a Tin Man who spent the entire campaign looking for a heart, not because he really wanted one, but because his advisors told him that he needed one.

At November 7, 2012 at 1:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Democrats will now forever be in charge of this country until it collapses. We have passed the 50% mark of voters that will vote for entitlements over hard work and responsibility. You will soon see more people to decide that since the farther ahead we get the more we get taxed we will just give up and live off the government like everyone else.

Why should I go to work everyday when I just end up paying more than my share and have nothing more to show for it than the "mental" guy across the street living off the government.

At November 7, 2012 at 2:47 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

1:30 I feel sorry for you, can't say I ever wished to live like the "mental' guy across the street.
12:47 Don't cry me a nominated the guy. In my whole life I have never heard of a severely conservative person. Your party went with dollars rather than substance. 10:31...As I had a conversation with a Republican big-wig from PA during the election process...he mentioned that he has never seen a county recorder having a TV ad. My only point was to get a 67,000.00 a year job...Jason Wuliger went a little over the top. I know Democrats can do the same thing...but in this election cycle Wuliger was really over the top. As far as Lori Dinallo is concerned...if you have read this blog since the beginning I was always suspicious of Dinallo's motives...from the little Republican go-fer she had accompany her to all the campaign functions during her run for council. I have always felt that Mrs. Dinallo's purpose was never to seve the citizens of Painesville but to give her sonme gravitas for a run at higher office. Sorry...that's how I see it. To 9:35...I think he got 3 hundred million dollars wrong. Too bad.

At November 7, 2012 at 5:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

WILLAR " THE RAT " ROMNEY flipped the bird at millions of RON PAUL supporters ... PAYBACK IS PRICELESS

At November 7, 2012 at 6:09 PM , Anonymous GaryJohnson said...

You didn't answer my question about how to reach out to black voters.

I also think you are using a weak straw man argument by questioning a social worker's commitment to community members. How long has dinallo lived and worked in Painesville? It's easy to take a circumstance and frame it in a way that affirms your beliefs while ignoring other relevant aspects.


Ann Radcliffe has only been on the Lake County Educational Service Center board for 2 years, and then she ran for County Recorder. Therefore I deem that she was only interested in the board position so that she could try to leapfrog to a higher office. So, by your own logic, you should support anyone who tries to oust her... right?

Let’s just be honest with each other. It's ok to admit that you don't like someone because they are conservative. I don't vote for D's I don't know because of their party affiliation, but then again I also don't make judgments about their character if I don't know them. I think your ad hominem attacks are unfair, and your sentiment about coming together is almost laughable after you start your post by conflating the other side with the KKK. There will be no problem solving as long as so many of us use our microphones to demonize the other side, which it seems we are forever doomed to do with this “us vs. them” mindset that you clearly exhibit in this post.

At November 7, 2012 at 7:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too 1031 Just to make you better aware of Painelville the black population is less than 20% and the Mexicans are ahead of them.. I guess you must not live in the city

At November 8, 2012 at 5:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:47: I think you hit the nail right on the head, and I think your statement explains why Romney had that dumb, dumb, odd look on his face all the time--because he was trying to be someone he is not, and trying to act like he had a heart and a conscience when he does not. Thank goodness the American people saw through him, and thank you for explaining that odd look on his face!

At November 8, 2012 at 7:10 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

6:09 Sorry I can frame things my way and you can frame yours your way. Many other Painesville residents feel exactly the way I do.
Ann Radcliffe? You know when I see the money thrown into this race by her opponent I can't explain hoe she overcame it?

At November 8, 2012 at 9:05 AM , Anonymous GaryJohnson said...

To 7:09

Yes, I know the approx makeup of Painesville. Lived there for about 20 years, went through the school system, and still regularly visit. 20 percent is a large black population. I guess I don't understand the point of your comment other than that it is an attempt to defeat my argument by attacking my credibility - yet another logical fallacy of distraction because it seems no one can refute thee logic of what I said.

I started reading this blog when I heard about the Klingenberg thing, and you seemed like a fair guy as you were waiting for all evidence to be presented etc. I see now that you are just like any other political hack shilling for your side. You can't refute logic,and when I clearly demonstrate the hypocrisy of your argument you respond by plugging your ears with your fingers.

I bet you supported B. Obama in his first term, too... you know... the freshman senator who hadn't even completed his first term in office before announcing his presidential run?

But, I digress, as this this obviously an exercise in futility. You aren't interested in solutions or reason, but rather demonizing the other side and shilling for your own - just like 99% of all people who write on politics. Also why you just ignored the part of my comment about your ludicrous statement of "coming together" and comment about "reaching out" to black voters.

Oh well. Another guy with a megaphone shouting into the wind... as we are all doomed to be, it seems.

At November 8, 2012 at 11:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least Lake County went for Romney. There's not as many stupid people here as I thought. We are again a RED County.

At November 8, 2012 at 5:10 PM , Anonymous Next Prez said...

Maybe Term was watching Mike Rowe.
He's such a hottie, I think he should be the next president.

At November 8, 2012 at 8:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a little story about Mitt Romney's father for anyone who has not heard it before or has forgotten.

When I was a girl, busy growing up in the suburbs of Detroit, Romney's father was in charge of the city. I can't remember if he was the governor or mayor, or what, but probably the governor, and he was in charge. This was in the 1960's when the black riots broke out in Detroit. The president wanted to send the National Guard, but Romney refused and refused to let him, saying he didn't need them, while the city burned, etc. It was horrifying what was going on there. Finally the president decided forget Romney, and he sent in the National Guard without Romney's blessing or permission.

THEN, Romney got on TV, and told everyone that he had been asking and asking for the National Guard, which the President refused to send. Now, he said, finally the National Guard will be sent in like I requested in the first place.

You could almost hear a collective gasp from all of Detroit and the surrounding areas, as everyone listened to his bold-faced lie and couldn't believe their ears.

Now that's the guy that this Romney learned from, and it shows. Thank goodness more people are thinking for themselves now, and not falling for the lies of the Republicans. I think the large turn out of voters, which was wonderful to see, was just for that reason--to show Romney and his bunch that you can't stop our votes, and we don't believe your lies anymore.

At November 8, 2012 at 8:27 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

9:05 Who do you believe wrote 7:09 it wasn't me?
I let everyone express thereviews here. I guess if I don't agree with you Im to believe I am another political hack?
President Obama had served as a illinois state senator , so it wasn't his first political office?
Ask a Black person how welcoming the GOP is to them?
I don't have a problem with Conservatives I respect their views. My problem with them is when they insist their views must also be mine.

At November 9, 2012 at 10:16 AM , Anonymous GaryJohnson said...

I would like to hear your thoughts on “how” a political candidate on any side "welcomes" or “reaches out” to a black voter. You don't seem to be able to answer that question. I suspect the reason you ignore it is because your answer is perhaps inherently racist itself: a candidate needs to reach out to black voters by promising them free stuff.

From my perspective as a conservative, politicians shouldn’t specifically tailor a policy to one racial group because all citizens share the same goals – work and raise a strong family. I believe a smaller, leaner government helps everyone achieve that goal no matter their race, gender, creed, etc. You claim the party that, currently, best represents my values is just left of the KKK, and I want to know why you believe that. What specific anti-black policies are in the conservative or republican platform?

I say you are a political hack not because you aren't a conservative, but because you present your argument with every known logical fallacy in the book to prop up your side at any cost, even in the face of reason. You ignore an appeal to reason by stuffing your fingers in your ears (“that’s just the way I see it, so there.”) You say a conservative doesn’t care about citizens in Painesville because she tried for a higher office before finishing her current term. I point out that trying for a higher office (an office which would still be servicing the community by the way) does not necessarily suggest a selfish character for a person who has lived and worked in that very community – as a social worker and in a school nonetheless – for 20+ years. I point out that there are people on your side that ran for new offices before even completing their first term, and you excuse that with other distractions. Ann Radlcliffe did it, B. Obama did it, and many, many others whom I’m sure you voted for in the past. B. Obama was a state senator, but he didn’t complete his term in the U.S. senate before running for president. How dare he abandon the people of Illinois? But that doesn’t matter because he has a D next to his name. In other words, your issue isn’t really with candidates who don’t complete a term before running for something higher, but rather with candidates who are conservative. You should therefore argue with the conservative policies instead of resorting to ad hominem attacks on the character and motives of a person you don’t know. But a political hack isn’t interested in solutions, but is rather only interested in making their side look better. Thus why you demonize the others.

Finally, I knew who I was responding to about the large black population percentage. It was to the commentator who posted at at 7:09 (who I believe I addressed.) Every other comment is for you.

At November 9, 2012 at 11:54 AM , Anonymous Next Prez said...

Gary Johnson-I like you & it didn't take you very long to see through to the true Term. Perfect a mouthpiece with no solutions. It sounds like you moved away. Interested in coming back, run for council? And give this guy a run for his money? You and Mike Rowe! Yea!!

At November 9, 2012 at 4:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

AMP meeting in Columbus for all communities on November 29

What's on the agenda ?


At November 10, 2012 at 11:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To GaryJohnson:

Mitt Romney's message was, I am going to take away Medicare from everybody under 55, I'm going to cut Medicaid for everybody but about a third, and I'm going to do that to finance a giant tax cut for me and my friends, and the reason I'm doing that is because half the country contribute nothing to the national endeavor. That goodness, he lost and lost big!

At November 12, 2012 at 5:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The President laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arington Cemetary and noted that this is the first Veterans Day in a decade with no American Troops fighting and dying in Iraq, and that a decade of war in Afganistan is coming to a close. God Bless our troops, God Bless our Veterans and God Bless America.

At November 12, 2012 at 4:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike Rowe for President!

At November 22, 2012 at 7:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

term, we haven't heard from you in a while. we miss you. hope your ok. happy thanksgiving.

At November 26, 2012 at 4:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term/ Are you alright, you have not change your post from 11/7 and Dec. is almost here. Maybe your taking the holiday season off''''

At November 27, 2012 at 4:38 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

GaryJohnson If you have followed the blog. for anytime the point I made with concerns of Lori DiNallo was that the only purpose of running for council was to use it as a stepping stone for another office. [should have told us] I thought it was county commissioner? Look your party took a hit this year not only were the messengers wrong so was the message. Your GOP managed to screwup something that was a cake walk. Self-Deport really? Your party shows little respect to grow and in the short term scare the Hell out of women.
Conservatives smaller government? Ask the Governors of New York and New Jersey if they want smaller government?
Lastly taking a pledge from a citizens group you fear? You are willing to sacrifice your whole party for 2% of this country, good luck with that.
Anytime you would like to post a story on the blog. on how well the Conservatives or belonging to the GOP would make Painesville a better place to live you have an open forum, seems the likes of many of your kind enjoy in insults and poor jokes.

At November 27, 2012 at 6:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, I am a Democrat, but completely agree with what the Republicans said about self-deportation. There's nothing silly or stupid about it. Put in the e-verify programs at places of work, and when the illegals can't get work and cannot take a job from an American, they will have to go home or to some other country. And they will. It's brilliant, it will be easy for us, and it will save our country. Now, unfortunately, I think the Republicans are changing their tune, so they can also kiss the behinds of the illegals like the Democrats do, as it seems like they, too, are willing to give away our country for votes now. The Republican stance on the illegals was the only thing I agreed with them on, but now it looks like that is gone, too.

What people don't realize is that there will never be an end to them coming, they WILL take over our country, and soon, nobody will be in office that is not Hispanic, so the giving away of our country for votes will have accomplished nothing, because it will not secure that the Democrats or the Republicans run the country, just Hispanics, and we all lose.

At November 28, 2012 at 2:53 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

6:23 Take the time to google Rev. Richard Land Southern Baptist leaders view on immigration.
Far from being a Southern Baptist the man has many views that seem could be the start on how we can weave though all this I was surprised I agreed with most of his positions. I am willing to bet the GOP will no longer support groups opposed to immigration. Please explain to me who you are saving the country for?

At November 29, 2012 at 12:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is 6:23. I did look up Rev. Land's ideas on immigration and the illegals. It is absolutely nothing new. It is a dog and pony show ending with amnesty and even many more millions immigrating as relatives of the ones already here, when already each legal person can bring in many, many family members and so on and so on. I'd have to look it up, but one person in congress estimated that each Hispanic that reaches legal status, for example, can be responsible for more than 100 more relatives coming over. And then, of course, each of those have the same ability. Ridiculous.

And you asked me who do I want to save the country for? Answer: AMERICANS. This should not be another Mexico or another Middle East or any other country. This should be America. It's ridiculous to make such a big deal about what needs to be done. They are illegal, we have laws, they don't belong here, we have the e-verify program in existence now, and they need to go. They can go find their human dignity in their own countries, just like we do. Unless you meant more by that question than meets the eye, it seems like a ridiculous question to me.

At November 29, 2012 at 5:23 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

12:34 I guess the only solution to this problem is for you to buy a big net and start rounding them up. Presently neither party seems to have the desire.

At November 29, 2012 at 5:57 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, I have recently heard a rumor that in the future the Lake County Republican Party Headquarters welcome the rally team to use there facilities?

At November 29, 2012 at 6:23 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I have no idea what goes on at their headquarters although it seems their party might be making a change in policy after this last election.

At December 5, 2012 at 5:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anybody notice you don't see Karl Rove or Dick Morris on Foxnews?
Seems there not welcome anymore?


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