"SOUNDS OF SILENCE" simon & garfunkel
The sounds of silence that resonate from city hall concerning AMP-OHIO are well amazing, Council was never informed of even the $100,000 a month payment to Prairie State let alone Painesville residents.
This weekend Painesville will celebrate our Party In The Park. I understand that the city will have a booth at the event. If you should happen by and see the city manager, assistant city manager, or a council person at the booth please ask them how this investigation by Channel 5 Ron Regan will affect your price of electric power in the coming year?
Someone did a check on Painesville Power compared to First Energy and for the month of June Painesville Power was close to 9% cheaper than First Energy. Just a few short years ago it was over 30% cheaper then First Energy. At a council meeting Council President was quoted as stating we were 50% cheaper this was less than five years ago.? On 400 KWH we are presently 9% cheaper, how long with what you have seen transpired in the last year or two can the city still be able to make that claim?
If you are told none or very little please ask them to explain just how much money they have in reserve?
Gorsuch fines, Meigs County loses, Prairie State investment fees, purchase of land along with the cost of a new sub-station, and what will the cost be to run lines to the JEDD area. How big of a reserve do we have.
Please if you didn't watch Channel 5 News Monday go to there web site to view it.
Also the video can be viewed at;
I live in the City, but I was told years ago that the Township residents that have Painesville Power pay an additional 10% surcharge. If the City rates are only 9% cheaper than CEI and the Township is paying 10% more wouldn't it be better for those in the Township to be on CEI???
Good question. A city offical has made the statement to me that the figure of a 30% rate increase for Painesville Power is false. Presently I have to believe him. This will need to be watched First Energy can only raise its rates after applying and approval of a rate increase by the PUCO.
Painesville only needs the stroke of the city managers pen to increase the power factor.
As a former City resident that moved to the township with city electric a number of years ago I can attest that Painesville City electric charges substatntially more to the township customers than its city customers. I remember comparing my bills from each and the difference (including factoring all the various fees and not just the straight kilowatt hours) was much more than 10%.
About 5 years ago I sat down with 2 friends of mine that live in the township, but have CEI power and we took our total electric bills divided by the killowatt hours used and my rate being charge by the city was actually slightly higher that their CEI rate.
We also have an average of more than one outage per week ever since and substantial outages recently. I remember being happy years ago with the thought of keeping Painesville electric, however I must say Iif I could I would switch to CEI in heartbeat at this time. I do not think Painesville has the ability to keep up with the technology anymore, they are too small a player.
You do have to wonder how one community of 19,000 needs an electric plant when the other 250,000 residents of Lake County seem to get by without owning one?
One thing all Painesville Power users should understand the city can not profit from its electric or other utilities. It can only improve or enlarge. So Painesville can't improve streets, sewer lines, even playgrounds with electric money. Now you can see why Painesville got into the aquiring township property business, annexing land.
We could compete. AMP-OHIO served us very well in aquiring power that Painesville and other comunities needed. AMP changed course they went from buying the milk to wanting to own the dairy farm and decided for you to purchase your milk from their farm.
Someone at city hall bought all the smooth talk of AMP-OHIO and I believe in the end will be the end Painesville Power.
Painesville purchased property on Rt. 20 to build a substation that will increase reliability to the Township. You should see positive results from that by the end of fall.
That's good news for us trapped here in the township, will it also save on our electric rates?
One factor nottaken into equation, in FIRST ENERGY ( PUCO ) regulateed territory ... you can now shop amony various providers.
If you willing to select one provider and agree to stay with them, you're rates can drop 25% lower than PAINESVILLE charges today.
Amazing not a single peron on city council was aware the city has already blown 600,000 dollars on interest payments .. and they quibble over 5 and 10,000 dollar matters for months.
PAINESVILLE RATES ARE GOING UP, these clowns did not even know they are spending 100,000 a month on interest charges .. yet they want to assure everyone rates will not jump ... LOL
Slightly good news ...
Due to all the PUBLICITY and blowback from AMP communities ...
AMP OHIO has decided against doubling the interest rate charges for PRAIRIE STATE .. they say until it's fully running ...
This what competition between rate providers looks like now.
Wealthy Columbus burb gets rates for everyone at just 5.545 per KW
How much PAINESVILLE residents paying today ?
Less per KWH. but then we have to add the "Power Factor" seems its confusing for a reason.
Painesville residents will soon lose the only advantage they once had. Thank the city manager and that proudly guy.
Wheres the Queen? She seems to be missing?
Went to the Amp-Ohio site seems all they are interested in receiving awards.
CEO Marc Gerkins the distinguished American Power Award.
He should get an award for talking people into an expensive mess.
The MINI-ENRON gang sure know how to travel in style ...
Only 17,000,000 a pop ... would want to drive to locations
Now that channel 5 news (ABC) has done some investigating, does anyone know if they are going to follow up, or if any government entities are going to get involved in any investigations? I think the crooks that got us into this mess (AMP) need to go to jail, the cities that got scammed need relief,everyone on council that voted for these things need to be recalled, and McMahon needs to get her -$$ out of our city.
Does anyone have any information?
7:57 Theres follow up believe me. As far as a recall in the last election when we already knew about Meigs Co. The person who voted for it Paul Hach was reelected easily. Hal Werner who on the final Meigs County vote NO well he got dedeated.
Voters in Painesville are brain dead, the do not know the issues, do not care for the most part.
If all this AMP stuff is true, Painesville residents get what they deserve by re electing the same stooges over and over again. I'm just thankful I'm renting and can leave when my lease is up. I don't have to worry about unloading a house in March that nobody will want to buy.
talked to the asst. cm at PITP, don't recall his name, but told me the city is facing a HUGE fine from the EPA for in fractions, meaning millions, why is this not being discussed openly, a secret to council? or a secret to the residents? Please would someone address this issue, could mean the end of Painesville's power plant and we just become distribution. This is important.
The power plant on Richmond street might have only a few years left due to age as well as the EPA.
I have been told that the plant can run on natural gas. IF this is true it might serve the city as a gas-fired plant for the city to use during peak power needs. Sort of like the plan to buy into the Fremount Gas Plant AMP owns.
The power plant has come up on several occassions via council in public forums regarding the upcoming standards that the EPA is going to be creating. They are very aware that it may be an issue in the future, and if residents don't know it's because they don't read minutes from meetings or attend.
This is why FirstEnergy had started to shut down it's plants - in anticipation of the upcoming changes. It could cost millions of dollars to make our plant meet these standards, but they won't know until the time is closer.
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