Saturday, July 21, 2012

"MISSING YOU" john waite

Party in the Park weekend is here. This is our weekend to put a positive light on Painesville. A time for residents to meet each other, for former residents to come back and check out the city they at one time called home. As well as people who just never even thought about coming here. Good music, food, interesting vendors. You couldn't choose a better venue for this city.

In the post before this one "QUESTIONS" I thought PITP would be a good time for residents to go to the city booth and ask about the future of our electric rates and even to inquire about the upcoming road levy.

Guess who is MIA?  Well I was informed that the city manager is out on vacation until near the end of the month?
I asked if it was a emergency vacation due to a death or illness in her family I was told a memo was circulated that just she was just on vacation.
Since I was informed it was planned you have to wonder what good reason she could come up for leaving Painesville this weekend?
This is the weekend when you can meet the most residents of Painesville explain what's your vision for our future and to address concerns in a very social setting. Sure Painesville has many capable employees to handle the questions. It just seems odd that she would want to be out of town during it's biggest event of the year. Kinda like the department store Santa taking his vacation the week before Christmas.

With everything happening in Painesville presently you would think the captain would be onboard?

You can draw your own conclusions as to why she decided to take her vacation this week. I will keep my thoughts to myself. Many of her defenders would not want me to express them anyway.
 What you do have here is a classic case of  " the tail wagging the dog" Council  members only purpose seems to be passing legislation she brings to them, to answer concerns about electric outages, questions concerning chickens and barking dogs, along with thanking city departments and employees for doing what they are paid to do in the first place. This  as well as using a council position  as a stepping stone for bigger and better political jobs.

I'm  be waiting for the the reasons why I'm delusional on this post?


At July 22, 2012 at 7:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

She just might not be able to stand the Regga music? I can't

At July 22, 2012 at 8:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your discription of council is right on the mark. I to can't understand why council feels its important to thank people for doing there job. Yes if a police, fire or a city worker goes above and beyond I can understand a thank-you from council. It's not like there working out of the goodness of there hearts. Lori DiNallo won't even carry Painesville. It's understandable to want to go on to bigger and better places. It seems to everyone her council run was a fraud on all of us.In less then two years she looking for greener pastures.
We can only wonder what she will say when anyone asks her during the campaign what she's done for Painesville.

At July 22, 2012 at 9:18 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

why is it ok for the city to play music for three days straight so loud that you can hear it all the way to the city borders but residents get ticketed every day for playing loud music that doesn't travel noway near that far, it's unfair, and no I am not one of those people, I'm just saying, also I'm so friggin sick and tired of the year round fireworks

At July 22, 2012 at 11:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We went to the Party in the Park last night and had a good time, The only complaint we have is, the music is too loud and people should leave their dogs home.

At July 22, 2012 at 12:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

City manager cannot control what goes on in the park, cannot control what the public has to say to her and her inept leadership.

Duck and avoid the public, pure classic case of it.

At July 22, 2012 at 12:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dogs and cigarette smoke. Thats why I don't even go down there.
If you care to know.

At July 22, 2012 at 1:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This event has outgrown the park.
When it first started out it was a party in the park. Now its a musical event with so much music people don't care to hear. Sunday from 5 to 11 at night all reggae why? Who plans this? Keep the loud banging and drunks is the center of town.
I was led to believe that dogs amd cigarettes were forbotten in Painesville parks.

At July 22, 2012 at 1:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rita's absence on this weekend could only be caused by the invesigative report channel 5 did earlier this week.She just returned from vacation and must have known this report was coming. Whenever it looks bad remain unavailable and silent. Why answer anything for anyone. She has grown to comfortable and all I will tell her is watch your back, rumblings are that someone has to be thrown under the bus.Remember Nero.

At July 22, 2012 at 5:23 PM , Anonymous Annon said...

Don't we have an assistant CM? Yes. And isn't he paid a decent salary? Yes. And wasn't he at the park over the weekend? Yes he was. Since most of you disagree about him usually, here is one time he was doing what he needed to do.
I did not see anyone from council out and about, except Lori Dinallo at her campaign tent. I am also going to point out this event is NOT a city function. It is put on entirely by the PCIC. City hall doesn't have anyting to do with it.
PS I remember when it was called Fun in the Sun before pcic took over the park.

At July 23, 2012 at 4:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rita's vacation was on the books months ago - and she notified council that BOTH would be occurring. I highly doubt this is a case of her ducking, because at the time there WAS no road levy for her to have to discuss.

As for the PITP - I agree dogs should be left at home. They could be the nicest dogs in the world, but they're still a nuisance! I went down Sunday and it appeared to have been a successful weekend. Even spoke to some fire and police guys to hear that it has been a quiet weekend for them considering the party was going on. That's always good to hear.

At July 23, 2012 at 6:49 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Annon, Glad to see you back although many believe you are me.
I did she councilman Flock, Hada, DiNallo,Fodor at PITP. on Friday nite. That doesn't mean the others weren't there I just didn't see them.
Annon,let me explain as a child I never wanted to go to Halles Department Store to see Mr. Jinglings .I'd rather stay in Painesville and speak directly to No. 1 Santa Claus. Same goes to city leadership, Mr. Lewis is a first class city employee problem is that his phrase always seems to be "I'll check with Rita and get back to you."
What is the purpose of the city having a booth at PITP anyway? As I agree it is not an event put on by the city.
4:41 You seem to be in "the loop"
If what you claim is true why leave on this weekend? The date of PITP was well known. Was it she just didn't care to be here this weekend? Would one week or two have made a difference before or after made a difference? . As many have claimed here perception is everything. Someone on council should have told her your responsibility is to be here this weekend. Don't worry it won't happen.
All this said the only complaints this past weekend mentioned here on the blog. has been choice of music, dogs, and cigarettes at PITP. No complaints about red-necks, mexicans and urban youths. Maybe we are making progress? Didn't even have to void one comment due to language.

At July 23, 2012 at 11:13 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

well deserved vacation I am sure, leadership is top down and this is a real problem, CM feels the need to run it all, when was the last time council brought forth anythind, no, just pass what the administration puts forth like pablem, face it, the city is utilities, general fund in cops and firemen, and they lay off the cheapest employees, the part-timers. Electric plant runs how many months? Yet has never layed off one employee, "here, have a paint brush", The city is one that should be run as a business, and that is what is lacking in the public sector, everywhere, but it maybe cost effective to privitise.
This is leadership that needs to come from council and not just pass what is put before them and then just complain if they don't like it. "Don't just complain, come up with a solution"

No, just don't complain about when the CM takes a vacation, think bigger picture, how to make the city competitive for new business, Come to council with solutions and not bad attitudes, volunteer for committees, and f they don't exist for what you want ask for them. Bring solutions

At July 23, 2012 at 12:15 PM , Anonymous Annon said...

I was not meaning a glance of city council members, partying in the park. I'll clarify. Noone from council was at the city booth to speak to residents were they? So, if this is not a city function, why should they or the city manager? She has every right to take her vacation as she is entitled to it. She put in for it and it was approved. You had the same complaint the last time she was on vacation. Give the woman a break.
Do you get a vacation from your workplace? Maybe not as you seem to be very envious of those that do.
NO WAY could anyone think I am you.

At July 23, 2012 at 12:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Owensville, Missouri

The only community to escape from Prairie State after signing the contract.

MoPEP = AMP OHIO ... but in Missouri

At July 23, 2012 at 2:35 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Annon Great! Not envious in anyway. Get over three weeks ...BUT as an employee the consideration of the company must come first, illness, emergency excluded. If something important is going on everyone must be onboard that's how its dome in the private sector. Now enlighten me WHO approved the vacation?
11:13 Solution #1 Hire a new city manager.

At July 23, 2012 at 3:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This blog makes you ask more questions. If the party in the park is not a Painesville sponsored event then who gets the revenue? Painesville has to receive money directly for letting someone, anyone hold this event? How much and where does it go.

At July 23, 2012 at 4:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last time the city pushed a levy was about 10 years ago the 3.9 mil Charter Change it was defeated by over 80% of the voters in town. I as well as many others at believed that was a referandum on Rita McMahon at that time. Don't see the city pushing that 2.5 road levy .

At July 24, 2012 at 5:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you notice the huge amount of people who showed up on a Sunday evening to listen to reggae music? Looked like perfect planning to me. Maybe you need to go some where else to listen to YOUR music.

Lay off of all obviously voted for her!!!

At July 24, 2012 at 5:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

to address the question of where the money goes, simple, PCIP, they make probably $10-12 thousand on the beer alone. Think back 10-15 years, small roped area for beer drinking, now the whole park, its revenue for PCIC. Yet the city spends the money on labor to set it up and take it down, city gets zero. Police presense, paid by city, electric paid by city, garbage paid by city. I assume this all supposed to be good PR for the city, know idea what PCIC does with the money. But it certainly is not shared.

At July 24, 2012 at 6:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you think that maybe if Rita was elected and had to answer to the voters she would be there?

At July 24, 2012 at 6:36 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Sorry 5:55 I think your wrong. I am almost positive that the city administration is paid for the things you mentioned above. I for one have always viewed PCIC as avery positive organization for Painesville. This as someone else mentioned was called "Fun in the Sun". This weekend through the efforts of PCIC has grown more sucessful year after year. The problem seems to me it may have outgrown Veterans Park.
5:53 You are 100% correct we all voted for the city manager indirectly by are votes cast for council peopleand to that fact see only has to please four people in Painesville.

At July 24, 2012 at 10:13 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:55 is totally wrong, All of the money PCIC gets goes back into the community. PCIC is a non profit 501c3 organization and Party in the Park is all put on by volunteers.

The city gets paid for part of the items and teams up with PCIC to provide some of it. PCIC then puts all the money back into the city, to the amount of almost $250,000 dollars in the last 30 years.

Santa visits, Easter egg hunts, Weds, concerts, Fire Dept. infra red cameras, Forbes house support, the list is so long it would not fit here.

Some people only knock the City, but they are very good at teaming up and working with non-profits and by doing so multiplying and providing all the extras that make this a great city to live in.

I think 5:55 owes the city and PCIC an apology because it is clear they stuck their foot in their mouth with that comment.

At July 24, 2012 at 11:40 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

10:13 Thank-You for the informative answer. Maybe PCIC should beat their drum a little louder. Along with the city mentioning in dollar amounts what your group contributes. You would be amazed how many people believe the city puts on PITP.
Oh, on expecting an apology, that hard to find from Anonymous people here.


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