Thursday, May 31, 2012

"CRYSTAL BLUE PERSUASION" tommy james & the shondells

Commenter AnnOn seems to believe 1) that I am "STUCK" and 2) this BlogSpot is giving residents a lot of misinformation. That is certainly not my purpose. I would like her to give me more than misspellings of people’s names, but I have not heard her expanding on her allegations yet.

Does addressing questions to the Painesville authorities automatically make someone a ‘troublemaker’? Is it too much to ask that answers be given honestly and in a reasonable amount of time? When a city budget is proposed, shouldn't it be easy to understand and follow? What’s up with the 19 million dollars of "other"?

AnnOn claimed I should read the budget. O.K. Here's an example. Page 14 Non-Departmental Function 231.970… other services and charges… $100,000.00. An amount this large should be given a little better description than 'other'. In this particular case, the 'other' is $100,000 sent to the Riverside School District as the amount they are entitled to from the TIF in Diamond Center. Was that so hard? What's the secret? Maybe it is too difficult to explain to residents why we are sending money to the school district on the other side of the river.

As I go through the budget, I will let you know what I find. Right now, all I can tell you is that I will soon ask the city for the breakdown on telephone expenses in Painesville.

I believe Councilman Flock is pressing the administration to tell us where the money to pay for Prairie States is coming from. Yes, I know that no matter what fund they tell him it comes out of… in the end it comes out of your pockets. Higher "Power Factor" fees maybe. Please Ms. McMahon… enlighten us.

In closing, if any of you feel I have misinformed anyone about anything please feel free to leave your comments.


At June 1, 2012 at 5:13 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that you sensationalize and act like you don't have the answers in an attempt to make the City look bad. Andy does the same. How many times can they give responses to your questions before you will see that there is no conspiracy? "Others" were covered in the budget meeting. Why weren't they a big deal then? If "others" was such a problem, maybe someone should have spoken up before approving the budget.

As far as the Prarie State goes, and the Meigs County deal, it has been publicly stated numerous times that those funds were previously budgeted for.

Have you ever considered not being such a curmudgeon about everything?

At June 1, 2012 at 6:55 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:13 So it's not misinformation but it's how I sensationalize actions the city takes.
Most questions I ask of the city I already know the answers and there has been times well, I have in my opinion felt lied too.
The city manager once told me at a council meeting that we would not start paying for Meigs County, or other AMP-OHIO projects until we started receiving power? Did she knowingly lie or did she just misspeak? You can decide the same way I do.
I can't remember the city telling us about the almost $290,000 match the city had to do to get the $600,000 for the Main St. streetscape grant?
THe match for the Battery project at the Electric Plant?
Is there a match for the States Coe Manufacturing project?
Prairie State and Meigs County were projects budgeted for failure?
Your curmudgeon statement? Well maybe I'm ill-tempered, and somewhat grouchy when someone at City Hall takes a dump on our heads and then expects us to thank them?
Thank-You for critiqueing me, but I'm more concerned about the information on this blog. I don't expect anyone to like me.
Point out misinformation.

At June 1, 2012 at 11:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it is about time to get over the AMP deal, there is nothing we can do about this now, that it has already been passed. We need to watch what is going on now and try to aviod another mess like AMP....There are only two person involved that voted for amp. and I think one of them needs to run for reelection this year, or next year4.

At June 1, 2012 at 12:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad for some of the interesting things found here. Something tells me I would never have realized how mis-managed the city is. Plus things that go on at the schools that we never hear about.
Because of the Amp deal there are presently two people I will never vote for again, I also clued in my neighbors.
I believe you have been fair in your positions but I believe some people who read this must think your writing all the comments.I have found out alot on how my neighbors think.

At June 1, 2012 at 6:49 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

11:37 I wish it was that easy. We are only at the beginning of the AMP-OHIO fiasco. Yes two left on council but what about our city manager does she also deserve a pass?
I guess when it hits you in your pocketbook then you will realize how bad this situation will get.

If some of you don't wake-up soon there will be nothing to wake-up too.

At June 1, 2012 at 7:41 PM , Anonymous Annon said...

Why thank you so much, I'm very flattered to have an entire section of your blog devoted to little ole me! Lucky Me.

At June 1, 2012 at 8:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right now it is going to hit the pockets and we can not stop it. So lets figure out something else to do and wait to see how bad it really is going to get. The city manager is the only one left in the admid and that ca\n be delt with when the next election is over and only then

At June 2, 2012 at 7:56 AM , Anonymous REW said...

I don't always agree with TERM but I do appreciate the information on this blog. It'll never be time to put the AMP deal behind us...partly because some of the people responsible for it are still on the city payroll and some may want to run again. Also if you forget history (or let someone else re-write it) then you are doomed to repeat it. Painesville cannot afford that luxury.

And to respond to the first anonymous comment regarding the 'other' budget are absolutely correct; maybe someone (anyone) should have asked some questions BEFORE the budget was passed. After all, that's their respective jobs, isn't it? The budget is not written in stone and a late question is better than none at all.

And I think that all of us hope to have some kind of cushion in our own budgets but personally I do not set aside money for my future mistakes.

Lets keep it real hall IS NOT transparent and they have made numerous costly mistakes. Their long-range planning is faulty and no one wants to accept responsibilty. The good things coming out of city hall are far overshadowed by the condescending attitude toward residents. I am tired of the Golden Dome cheerleaders playing CYA with Painesville's money.

And TERM...don't ever run for are far more effective as a private sitizen. Thank you.

At June 2, 2012 at 8:34 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

AmmOn Your so welcome, now stop flattering yourself and point out all the misinformation.
I even misspelled your name to get you a rousing start.

At June 2, 2012 at 8:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, Do you have any idea who the News-Herald meant when they reffered as "Stakeholders" to interview application of the new principal?
Do you know any of these people?

At June 2, 2012 at 9:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is the first clown that posted to this thread ... a city council member ?

It may have been PUBLICLY STATED, but those are flat out lies that PAINESVILLE accounted for anything.

The funds to pay the MEIGS county fiasco are coming out of the electric reserve account that goes for repairs, wiring, poles and new transformers.

The same can be said for the PRAIRIE STATE fiasco .. the PAINESVILLE ELECTRIC reserve fund is being liquidated just the same as it is Bowling Green, Galion and all the other sucker communities that signed up for these AMP projects.

Saying there is nothing can be done is BS. Fraudelent contracts can be NULLIFIED and have been nullified. PAINESVILLE will be paying 65 per MW for decades to come while according to the Toledo Blade it's available right now for 21 MW.

PAINESVILLE can join GALION in SUING AMP - OHIO for fraud.

The entire city council and city manager in Galion are being removed from office and kicked out of town on a rail, but not before they are tarred and feathered first.

At June 2, 2012 at 10:02 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

9:17 I guess Galion has weighed in.
Thank You. I do believe a fraud was perpetrated on AMP-OHIO members by AMP-OHIO and others.
Galion so you know the unoffical bird of Painesville is the Ostrich. Sticking our heads in the ground and avoiding the issue seems to be what we do best.

8:50 a group of teachers, students and parents met with a firm hired to find a qualified Principal. The Administration was not present at the meeting. I had no prior knowledge of this meeting and I don't even know if I know anybody who was present? Or what any of the comments were.

At June 2, 2012 at 11:13 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems Galion, Ohio recently hired a new city manager and finance director, wonder why?

At June 2, 2012 at 11:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If questions were asked about the others in the budget why weren't the changes made in the final budget? Seems we all should have been filled in not just 7 people?

At June 2, 2012 at 11:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Ostrich was the bird in Galion as well, until about 4 weeks ago.

We found it, took it to the town square and SHOT IT ....NO MORE !!

At June 2, 2012 at 4:07 PM , Anonymous AnnOn said...

Dear Mr. Cimaglio,
I have no intentions of going back over way too many past blogs to point out your past mistakes. In the past, as you made them I brought them to your attention and you did not respond to them at that time. I'm sure you won't this time either. When I had asked for clarification, facts, figures and resources you did not give them up at that time. As stated you ignored them, sugar-coated your answers or turned the question back around on me. I am a busy person with a family, full-time job and several volunteer and social commitments; I have no time for this silly game you are playing. You should have been honest and upfront from the beginning when I asked before else I wouldn't be having this chat now. Your misspelling of the name was very childish also.
P.S. I am not on council nor work for the city as implied before.

At June 2, 2012 at 4:20 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Well Mr. Cimaglio is sad to hear that. I tried to call you seems no Mr. or Mrs. AnnOn in the phone book. I know you are a very busy person and sound like an interesting and good person. All I asked for was not 1,000 100, 10 just ONE couldn't you find the time for ONE true misinformation?
You could have added to this post even.
I glad you find the time to read the blog. and please feel free to comment anytime.
Do you even know the difference between misinformation and having a different opinion?
Was "Lucky Me" in your comment meant to be childish, or sarcasm?

At June 2, 2012 at 7:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So am I to understand if your not a teacher, student,or parent of a student your not cosidered a stakholder? I guess we're just the stupid funders with no say?

At June 3, 2012 at 10:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

AnnOn is the real problem in town. Bad news don't care to hear about it. Point it out can't bear to see it in the light. People like her think there cute, but in the end they someday will look around and wonder what happened. She as well as many others have bought into the Hada, McMahon leadership. Very soon they will realize how this will lead us into the abyss.
The schools will never learn. Lets hand pick certain teacher, students, and parents and we will come out with the pre-ordained qualifications we want. Bad decision. The hiring of a new principal at Harvey should have been open to the whole community. Maybe they want to go through with the same problem over and over again. Where they even going to renew Ms. Martins contract? I choose to believe not.

At June 3, 2012 at 11:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes Galion has relatively New city manager, not even remotely qualified for the position and is as corrupt as you get.

We dd have a very experienced finance director, she abruptly quit after she REFUSED to hide the AMP MEIGS county bill fiasco for 3,000,000. City council and the town clown city manager wanted her to bury the information.

She told them to KISS her ***

At June 3, 2012 at 1:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with 10:19 and would like to add to it: If AnnOn doesn't believe that we have huge problems in this town, and thinks the solution to anything is to go after Term, then AnnOn is definitely part of the problem.

I, too, am waiting for a clear example of misinformation AnnOn.

AnnOn is probably one of those that just keep voting in Hada and his buddies that keep running us deeper and deeper into the ditch. Hada voted yes for one fo these AMP deals by making sure he shoved it into the citizens' faces at the same time, because so many of us fought against it.

We had other good choices for the last election, but people still voted these same, sorry people in. And voting for someone that Hada endorses, is just like voting for Hada, because you can be sure they will vote exactly the same way (DiNallo/Fodor for example).

If AnnOn is not going to be part of the solution, I wish she/he would get out of the way.

In case you didn't notice, AnnOn, our town is falling apart financially and in every other way.

At June 4, 2012 at 4:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

AnnOn, I am always in awe how someone like you can live here and make your comments. We have torn down more buildings and watched more business move out then other city in Lake county. Do you like all the vacant buildings around town? Do you really think black plastic hanging in windows in prime store fronts is welcoming? How many flowers can city hall buy to make this town smell good? Hint, there aren't enough grown. Maybe they can use the dirt to fill the pot holes.

Do you really read what is posted here or just have a vendetta against people who speak out? So many of us have questions and we don't get any response from city hall or our council people. Thank goodness for the blog! It has linked quite a few of us together who have been watching this dog and pony show for years and wondered if anybody else was scratching their head. Instead of questioning Term why don't you try asking city hall a couple questions...... Like where the lost tax base will come from to keep this city going. Over bloated salaries? And exactly what does Doug Lewis do besides drive around town looking for chickens in people backyards? And why does a city with a population do 17,000 even need an asst. manager?

AnnOn are you happy with your home de-valuation? How is the school system working for you?

Please post you accusations of wrong reporting because I find this very fair. AnnOn have you attended any city hall meetings? If you can sit there for 2 and half hours and listen to the circus maybe you might change your tune and join POC.

At June 4, 2012 at 6:31 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So " GALION OFFICIALS " are doing their best to spin these AMP FIASCOS and save their jobs and positions....

Nobody is buying their lies...

At June 4, 2012 at 7:20 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Where are electric rates headed ?

COAL PLANTS are going to be very expensive to operate - NO KIDDING

At June 4, 2012 at 6:09 PM , Anonymous Ann On said...

Did I EVER say this town doesn't have problems? No, Never. In fact I've said for as long as I have lived here I do not like what has happened to my town with the illegals, poverty, schools,
homeless, drugs, Brentwood, Argonne, Kensington and property appearance and de-value. What I have been told, even by Terminator is that is what happens when a town is the county seat. You get all kinds. What part of no don't you understand? I am not going to waste my time to research this. You can very well believe the next time I am around and find an error I will call it to Terminator's attention and he will once skirt around it again too. Same old song and dance. If I am in town and able to I attend some council meetings. The only circus I see is in the audience, that's why the meetings are so long. Council will answer your question and you just don't get it and keep asking the same questions over and over looking for a different answer. Do your homework so the meeting won't last so long and you won't have to complain about it.

At June 5, 2012 at 7:22 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

AnnOn did you ever complain about anything except this blog or Term?
You seem to give the impression there the problem not the people making these screwy decisions?
Council hardly answers anybody.
Your circus is at the front table you must not watching the same meeting I am.

At June 5, 2012 at 12:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

They found another gun at Harvey?

At June 5, 2012 at 2:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i heard it was a AK41 semi-automatic. That is crazy!

At June 5, 2012 at 3:27 PM , Anonymous AnnOn said...

Stick a fork in it; we're done here.

At June 5, 2012 at 6:19 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

2:50 I think you got some very bad info. I heard it was a BB gun.
AnnOn I'm gona miss your critique of the blog. and myself. Please reconsider.
Can't we just agree to disagree?

At June 6, 2012 at 1:29 PM , Anonymous AnnOn said...

Don't consider yourself so lucky. I will still be checking in when I'm in town. I'm just done beating this dead blog posting.

At June 6, 2012 at 4:00 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Begs the question. How often are you in town? Plus I've been told this internets [G.W.B] you can get almost anywhere on earth.
That's O.K. soon people will be accusing me of being AnnOn.

At June 7, 2012 at 4:42 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It most definitely was a BB gun at Harvey. Where do people get these rumors?! Good lord!

At June 9, 2012 at 5:31 PM , Anonymous AnnOn said...

Sorry I was never in the military, were you? What does GWB stand for? I'm very well aware of what is on this earth,my internet depends on many things such as where I am, if, I'm on a job, who I'm with, access, etc.
No comparison, no one could ever think you were me.

At June 9, 2012 at 6:01 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

AnnOn, It was sarcasm, G.W.B. George W. Bush once called it the internets.
No I haven't even begun to miss him or his crew.
No problem with your self-esteem AnnOn?

At June 9, 2012 at 7:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am very tired of AnnOn and AnnOn's comments, additude and accusations. Very tired. Maybe you could find something more worthy of your time, AnnOn. I know Term said he doesn't mind you, but I do. In my opinion, you are nothing but a nasty bother.

At June 10, 2012 at 7:24 AM , Anonymous TERM said...

7:19 Totally disagree. It's to everyones advantage to speak their mind here. How will we ever learn?
This is not the city site where everybody must walk lockstep behind our leaders current views.
When I started this blog. I knew I would make enemies and people like AnnOn that just don't see another peoples point of view.
We have accomplished in getting people in town not only talking but even questioning what's happening Painesville?
We need more like yourself and AnnOn.
The latestest post is to lighten things up with alittle sarcasm. The Painesville fairy tales seem to do that.

At June 10, 2012 at 2:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term 7:24--this is 7:19.
I'm glad that you are so tolerant with AnnOn, because one thing that makes this blog work is your ability to listen to all sides and take criticism, etc. So better you than me, because I would tell AnnOn...well, you get the picture.

I stand by my statement to AnnOn, however, because I do not think that AnnOn adds one thing productive or even real to the conversation. Just a nasty, sniping, immature waste of time with nothing to actually say.

At June 13, 2012 at 12:40 PM , Anonymous Annon said...

You asked me to point out your skirting answers on here - and I said as I found them I would so now I am. I asked you if you were in the military. You didn't answer. I've got plenty of self-esteem.

At June 13, 2012 at 2:00 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Skirted your question? 5:31 AnnOn Here's your question.

Sorry I was never in the military, were you? What does GWB stand for? I just misunderstood your question I thought you thought GWB was a military term. No I tried to enlisted in 1969 and did not pass the physical due to the fact I had flat feet. AnnOn what was your reason for not being in the military?

At June 13, 2012 at 6:17 PM , Anonymous Annon said...

I guess my head was to big to fit through the recruiters door, plus I'm opposed to war, so I had to take an alternate route.


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