"TIME IS ON MY SIDE" rolling stones
Everytime there is a change in Washington or Columbus I expect the problems we discuss during the election to be apprached and worked on. School funding, jobs, taxes, illegal immigration ...but although some of you will mention that they're all connected I must have missed the debate about collective bargaining for government employees and this one: Ohio HB 194.
I never knew that early voting or having a poll worker help you demanded this kind of legislation? Voter Suppression that all it seems to come down to.
First, let me tell you that if anyone votes, they should have a photo I.D. to cast a ballot, with their signature on file with the County Board Of Elections. We should have more time to cast a ballot not less? Your whole Social Security Number, to complete stangers? Why? I believe most of the problems comes from confusion, not crimminal intent.
Prohibits In-Person Early Voting during the busiest days of early voting?
Your company calls you on the Sunday before the election that a customer needs you in the field. You will be out of town on Tuesday, sorry you can't vote.
Somehow citizens have gathered enough signatures to put this law off until at least next November. What is the real purpose of this Bill? I was always taught that communists and fascists were the only ones that supressed the voting process.

Who's in charge in Columbus anyway?
So you have now sunk to a new low, Including the Republican Party in with the Communists? How low will you dissend into the mulk?
I agree with term on this one , this looks like someone is trying to control the vote by making it harder to vote in advance. If theGOP is doing this then the comparesion appears correct in my book
Did you ever notice the Republicans always play the victim card? Poor us the press is against us the sun and moon are against us.
Yet everytime they assume power they pull crap like this? Am I to believe if I walk in to a polling station a poll worker can't direct me to the precinct I'm to vote in?
How many of you know what precinit you are in? This is just out and out fraud. Get a Ohio State picture I.D. and thats it.
If you don't drive the I.D. should be provided by the state.
I can only wonder why Mr. Young voted for this one?
So help me if I show up to vote and they make me stick my finger in an ink bottle ...........
This is wrong and it is what "other" countries do to erode citizens freedoms and rights.
So yes, the Republicans have been tossed in with the Communists, right where they belong it this behavior continues.
Why would anyone support this? and don't start screaming the illegal crap.
I agree with 3:32. Any attempt at suppressing legal votes in any way -- or the counting of legal votes in any way -- two things that the Republicans seem to be fond of, can be likened to any regime that controls the votes, including the Communists.
Funny how you don't cry voter fraud when more votes came in for obama In a precinct that exceeded the number of registered voters in that precinct. That's ok because it was the way you voted. No outcry when a trunkful of democratic ballots were mysteriously found in a trunk after voting closed and they were counted. 3 57pm, no I haven't. Noticed that. Democrats have the monopoly on playing victim. Just look at these posts.
Is it too much to ask for someone to show an ID? Is it too much to know where you vote? You can go to the Board of Elections web site and find out if you are registered, where you vote and even see a sample ballot for your precinct. Go to library and use computer or call Board of Elections. You have a right to vote if registered but you have a responsibility to know how and who to vote for. Show up with ID that shows who you are and where you live, then you can vote legally and HONESTLY.
If any of this is too much trouble, just show up and the poll worker will tell you if you can vote there or call and find out where you vote. Don't have a proper ID, then vote a paper ballot and the Board of Elections will verify if you are registered to vote and where.
So, all you whiners, do you want to ignore all the checks and the verification process of each and every vote or just let your party vote anywhere or any amount of times? Rules are only for those who disagree with you? Do you want people jumping precincts to elect a different council person?
Just name someone who is being denied the right to vote. What's wrong with making sure everyone who can vote, votes in the right place. If someone hasn't registered in time or doesn't show up on time with the right ID, then the only one they can blame is themselves. The info is out there year around, it is the voters responsibility to know how or to find out how to vote. Too lazy or too uninformed to do that then don't blame anyone else. 10's of thousands of other voters in the county manage to know how to vote. Why can't you"
So 2:46,12:01 I guess we can assume that you believe these changes should become law? I guess you also want be to believe there has never been cheating on the Republican's side. As offensive as think hiding ballots in a trunk is,{prison time} it is just as disgusting to do it "legally" with laws as this one.
Americans should never surpress voters and hide behind a Republican House Bill.
First Glenn Beck, then Rick Perry, Now Hank Williams Jr. Thats a GOP tri-fecta!
And the Democratic God speaks!
Term, you assume because I know how to vote and that I need to show proper ID, you know how I vote. How is that???????????? My ballot is private. Do you look at my ballot when I vote??????? I happen to vote the way I want and not the way you tell me. I happen to be an Independent and your assumption anyone who questions you must be a Repbulican and wrong just goes to show what a LITTLE mind you must have. Believe it or not, You are not the election God either.
By the way, I never mentioned one party or the other. I simply said one needs to show proper ID and should know where he or she votes. So explain what you think is wrong about that. Who do you think can vote and who can't. Are you saying some people need ID's and some don't. Maybe you would deny all Republicans the right to vote. How about the Independents like me. Maybe it should just be you to decide all elections.
So now that you decide all elections, how are you going to spend the money allocated to the Board of Elections? What will you do with all the signs? What about campaign donations? In your pocket????
Elections aren't new and knowing that you need an ID and knowing where or how to find out where to vote isn't too much to ask of a voter.
I don't care how you vote? Or what party you belong to if any. Let's just admit that it wasn't a bunch of Independent's that got together in Columbus to make these changes. Yes show me a photo I.D. also show me to which table I should be a to vote. Many people only vote once every 2 or 4 years. People at polling places should be helpful, sorry.
I vote early at the board of elections just to avoid waiting, and I don't like the time to do it limited.
Again Am I to assume you believe in all these changes?
Voting is a right, a responsibility and a privilege. Get an ID, get a clue and get in line. What is wrong with you people? Maybe you would prefer a different system?
Absentee voting was originally intended only for those people out of town during voting. Why does everyone think it is a "right" to vote early so they don't have to "stand in line"?
Next, people will want to vote anytime they want. Let's extend the deadline for 30 days, 60 days or maybe a year before and after election day. I agree with above, if you are here and physically able, get off your butt, show up at your polling place and vote. Term, no poll worker should rush you. Stop making excuses and if voting is that important to anyone, then make the time. Term, next you will be saying votes on the machines or absentees aren't being counted.
Vote absentee or at the polls, Americans still vote in too small of numbers but almost all complain about the results. Sad
No, why stand in line? I can go up to the board of election when I have the time and vote. Big Deal? That senior citizen has plenty of time to ask for a ballot and receive it and mail it in.
What's with this first Tuesday in November crap?
12:58 I have a right presently and choose not to let any political party take it from me.
TERM, no one, and no political party is trying to take your voting right away from you. Good Grief! Take your meds today?
First Tuesday following the first Monday in November came about in 1845 under Democrat James Polk. It was chosen not to interfere with All Saints Day and so if someone had to travel to vote, they would not have to leave on a Sunday, a day for church. Apparently this must mean little to Term. It is still the Republicans fault. Oh, wait they didn't elect a Republican until 1860. So, Term, when you become President, then you can decide we can vote year around by Executive Order. Maybe that should be Term's Order.
I still am proud to vote on election day at the polls.
POC meetings, school board meetings, council meetings, Flock meetings, go to city hall for documents and others and YOU have a problem voting on election day in November on a Tuesday. What a joke. What, no audience or no one to complain to? What you can't take a few minutes to vote without bad mouthing someone? Bitter, bitter man.
Bitter? Sorry not the right word.
In who's world today would they miss church to vote on Monday?
No party is trying to surpress voting? Sorry again, over 300,000 people in Ohio disagree.
I guess the only people allowed to complain must wear tea bags in their head gear?
To 11:23...if voting early can help someone keep such a busy schedule AND work a full time job AND fulfill family obligations then what's wrong with that? At least Term's made sure he is educated on the issues and making informed choices when he exercises his right to vote. Who's the bitter one?
No 3:58 How about adding the wall street protesters who want a totalitarian government. Funny thing about wall street money, as stated from CBS news.
"The Wall Street Journal reports on the events, which, as Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) wrote in one invitation to Wall Street executives, provide "benefits designed to give you quality time with Republican policy makers through small gatherings." The cost, in that case? A $10,000 donation.
But don't think the money is just going to Republicans. While Democrats have sought to tie the GOP to Wall Street, the securities and investment industry has actually given more money to the party in power during the 2010 election cycle. Sixty-two percent of the money from that industry has gone to Democrats, and 37 percent to Republicans. (That has changed somewhat recently, the Journal notes: In the first two months of the year, Citigroup, Goldman , J.P. Morgan and Morgan Stanley gave twice as much to Republicans than Democrats.)
"I don't think the irony should be lost on anyone that while Democrats are making these attacks they've accepted twice as much money from Wall Street as Republicans," National Republican Senatorial Committee spokesman Brian Walsh told USA Today. Goldman has reportedly donated $900,000 since January of last year, between its political action committee and employees, with 69 percent going to Democrats.
So does this mean Democrats are totally innocent? So Democrats with wall street ties are OK? Tell us why it is only wrong if Republicans take money.
Just what are these people smoking?
Proposed List Of Demands For Occupy Wall St Movement! (User Submitted)
Posted Sept. 25, 2011, 3:46 p.m. EST (11 days ago) by anonymous
Are these the kind of things this group wants?
Demand one: Restoration of the living wage. This demand can only be met by ending "Freetrade" by re-imposing trade tariffs on all imported goods entering the American market to level the playing field for domestic family farming and domestic manufacturing as most nations that are dumping cheap products onto the American market have radical wage and environmental regulation advantages. Another policy that must be instituted is raise the minimum wage to twenty dollars an hr.
Demand two: Institute a universal single payer healthcare system. To do this all private insurers must be banned from the healthcare market as their only effect on the health of patients is to take money away from doctors, nurses and hospitals preventing them from doing their jobs and hand that money to wall st. investors.
Demand three: Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment.
Demand four: Free college education.
Demand five: Begin a fast track process to bring the fossil fuel economy to an end while at the same bringing the alternative energy economy up to energy demand.
Demand six: One trillion dollars in infrastructure (Water, Sewer, Rail, Roads and Bridges and Electrical Grid) spending now.
Demand seven: One trillion dollars in ecological restoration planting forests, reestablishing wetlands and the natural flow of river systems and decommissioning of all of America's nuclear power plants.
Demand eight: Racial and gender equal rights amendment.
Demand nine: Open borders migration. anyone can travel anywhere to work and live.
Demand ten: Bring American elections up to international standards of a paper ballot precinct counted and recounted in front of an independent and party observers system.
Demand eleven: Immediate across the board debt forgiveness for all. Debt forgiveness of sovereign debt, commercial loans, home mortgages, home equity loans, credit card debt, student loans and personal loans now! All debt must be stricken from the "Books." World Bank Loans to all Nations, Bank to Bank Debt and all Bonds and Margin Call Debt in the stock market including all Derivatives or Credit Default Swaps, all 65 trillion dollars of them must also be stricken from the "Books." And I don't mean debt that is in default, I mean all debt on the entire planet period.
Demand twelve: Outlaw all credit reporting agencies.
Demand thirteen: Allow all workers to sign a ballot at any time during a union organizing campaign or at any time that represents their yeah or nay to having a union represent them in collective bargaining or to form a union.
These demands will create so many jobs it will be completely impossible to fill them without an open borders policy.
4:57 Your right you probably could find protester's on Wall St. with these kind of demands. But then again most of them are probably there for another couple of reasons. Who regulate these people on Wall St.? Why did we bail them out and at the same time throw the economy into a recession? Why did I spend five years of my life at a cost of a couple hundred thousand dollars in a college and now can't find a job because American corporations have turned there backs on Americans. Now I'm fighting to get a job as a server at Applebee's? There's the reasom for them demonstrations. Sorry I believe it will only get bigger.
To 4:57: Nobody could possibly be so stupid as to think that the ideas you posted are good ideas. This must be some kind of joke or something. It probably came out of someone from Wall Street as retaliation. Really, there couldn't be more than two people in the world, except for all the illegals, that would think all these things are a good idea.
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