Saturday, September 10, 2011


10 years ago and yet it seems like yesterday in many ways. As I watched in disbelief what was going on right in front of my eyes I didn't want to believe it.
When I was young I asked my father why we should "Remember Pearl Harbor". He told me "as Americans we must never let our guard down and keep a vigil over enemies who want to attack us."
As I got older and read history from that time period, it seemed that the only thing standing in the way of the Japanese Empire's expansion into Southeast Asia and the Philippines was the American fleet at Pearl Harbor. If Japan could cripple the Navy its dominance in Asia would be easy. Did we not heed the warnings at that time?
That brings up 9/11; did we again not heed the warnings? The U.S.S. Cole, the bombing of the American embassies in Africa, The Lockerbie Pan Am 103 flight bombing, and of course the first attack with a truck bomb on the World Trade Center.
How many lives this attack on 9/11 has changed is incalculable. Whether it's the Baker family who lost Lance Corporal David Baker in Afghanistan, or the Parhamovich family that lost their daughter Andi, a civilian in Iraq.... their lives have been changed like so many other families on 9/11.
One thing we should all remember: the terrorists were not looking to kill people with a "D" or an "R" after their name, the goal was to kill Americans.

Take some time tomorrow to say a prayer for those that are no longer with us because of 9/11.
To the victims: Go in Peace with your God, Go in Peace with the Saints, and the Angels and remember you are now free.


At September 11, 2011 at 11:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Check out the 2 Painesville videos on the news herald web site at.

Thank you Painesville fire dept.

At September 12, 2011 at 9:57 AM , Anonymous Parent of a Scout said...

As a former city resident who now lives in the township, I think there were two awesome events in Painesville on 9/11. As a parent of a Boy Scout, our family helped place the 3000 flags in the square. What a beautiful tribute to those who lost their lives that day. We then walked down to see the Fire Dept. Memorial. What a great way to show that Painesville cares. We should be proud. Many thanks to all those who made these two events show we will Never Forget.

My only concern is that why didn't the city let residents know about both events? My son plays Little League in the park and I subscribe to the cities web site and I didn't get any email listing this event. I received at least two telling me about the bike event and the Fire Dept. Memorial, but nothing about the flag event. If it weren't for the Boy Scouts, we may have missed the 3000 flags. Looks like the scouts did a better job of getting the word out, judging by the fact that there were probably 65 or more scouts attending, than the city did. And SOMEBODY please turn off the sprinklers. We got wet arriving early to help, then muddy later. I just hope Lance Corporal David Baker's parents weren't greeted by a wet shower. I think the city lost a great chance of showing how great it could be living in our city by not making more people aware of both events.

Again, I want to thank all those involved for a wonderful tribute to all first responders and those who have fallen. A job well done.

At September 12, 2011 at 3:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a firefighter from I nearby community I attend the 9/11 Memorial at Veterans park in the morning. Sad to say I viewed it as a political event with the same people who want to see SB 5 become law telling me how important first responders are to everyone now and in the past that including 9/11. I can understand why this wasn't an event that Painesville City didn't wanted to lay claim too.
Scout Lady you and the scout's were just free labor for the local Republican Party. That's how they would want all labor to be FREE!

At September 12, 2011 at 3:16 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

3:00 pm you just might be jumping the gun on your conclusions. This 9/11 tribute has been held in the past and with pretty much the same individuals showing up. Now the two people who dedicated the time to make this event happen are yes, well known in local Republican circles. I also know they are veryPatriotic I believe some may seen this as a Republican event but I have been told Democratic speakers are welcome. Yes I understand the strife that has divided many police and fire professionals against the Republican Party.Maybe you should have asked the people giving their speeches where they stand at the end of the event? For to long we just look at on another and never question anything we are told. Again I understand where your thoughts are but at these Memorials can't we leave the signs at home?
I have no idea why the city did not publize this event?

At September 12, 2011 at 7:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The event was published several days ih the News Herald under 9 11events.

At September 12, 2011 at 8:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too,thought the same as 3:00 PM so I asked someone at the event what they thought. I was told that last year State rep. Mark Schneider was suppose to come then didn't. Also Judges Mike Cicconetti and Tim Cannon were invited to speak. They both were going to be out of town. Don't know if it is true or not. I just wonder why we have to bring politics into this instead of honoring the fallen at least for this day.

At September 12, 2011 at 8:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city did place this flag event on their calendar. Go check. It was also announced at the council meeting and it was on channel 12. The city schools also put it on their channel. The News Herald featured it on their online page, but unfortunately did not put it in the printed paper. You can ask them about that choice. featured a story about this event. Kirtland had this featured on their front page of their website. Mentor had an article about it on their Mentor patch blog. Flyers were placed around the city. American Legion played a major role in this as well as the Elks Club and the scouts were contacted. The scouts were not just free labor. They were an important part, as well as other citizens who showed up to show support. This was never publicized as a political event. Prominent Democrats were personally invited but were unfortunately going to be out of town. Last I knew there were both parties in the Elks and American Legion and Scouts. Again, this was non political and I find it repulsive for someone to take away from what this event stood for and turn it into their own political agenda. It was a very respectful and meaningful event. Nothing was intended from it other than showing respect and making sure we Never Forget. As for the sprinklers, having them turned off was conveyed many times to the city even up to two days before the event. When called to ask why they were left on we were told that it slipped their mind with all the commotion and late night with the City Hall fire the night before the event. I can certainly understand that. Unfortunate as it was, but we got them turned off. Please turn your hostility elsewhere. This event was meant to remind us how it felt to be united as Americans as we were in those days after 9/11/01. Thanks to all who attended and all who helped make this memorable.

At September 12, 2011 at 8:22 PM , Anonymous Proud Navy Parent said...

I saw speakers from our local safety forces along with the commercial pilot in the air at the time, and yes some elected officials. And yes there were a lot of Republicans. I have to wonder why more of us Democrats can't support events like this. I have a son in the Navy. Can't we all forget politics and just support our troops in events like this.

At September 12, 2011 at 8:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:00pm I find it hard to believe you really are a firefighter. There were many firefighters who showed up before 7:30am to help place these flags. They knew this event for what it was and wanted to be a part of it. No politics. No republican or democratic -- all Americans. Men, women, children, clergy, police, firefighters, scouts. All came together as Americans to remember the fallen and give them honor. The firefighters brought their bell and tears flowed when it rang for those fallen firefighters. Sincere emotion. You, 3:00pm cannot begin to diminish the patriotism I and I believe everyone else there felt. I am sorry you are so bitter but this was not the time and place to express it.

At September 13, 2011 at 1:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 3:00 PM

If you are a firefighter, let me ask you this.

Do you think the 343 firefighters who lost their lives that day stopped to ask if you are a Republican or a Democrat? Or, how did you vote for the last Senate bill? Or, if I go in this building, how will it affect my next paycheck?

If that is what you think the event was really about, then you are are showing the rest of your fellow firefighters a great deal of disrespect with the comments you are making. I believe the rest of the people attending showed a great deal of respect and honored all those who have fallen and those serving, past and present.

At September 13, 2011 at 6:18 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are Democrats and we where there and it was great.
And 3:00 pm you are a sad little person, sorry

At September 13, 2011 at 9:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow @3:00pm.

My husband and I thought what a beautiful way to teach our children about respect and honor, not only for our country, but for the lives that were lost. We thought our children needed to experience the depth of September 11 and to understand how tragedy can ultimately turn into unity.

I thought Sunday morning's tribute was tasteful, beautiful, and honorable. The organizers did an amazing job at executing this tribute! After all, that is why we were there... a tribute.

If you were worried or focused about the organizer’s political agenda putting on this event, then you were not there for the right reason. And I feel sad for you.

At September 13, 2011 at 10:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 1:36 AM:

All the 343 firefighters who lost their lives that day were union members. It seems 30 years of an all out propaganda war has made unions, something no one wants to admit to supporting. But, unions were and are good for the working people in America!

At September 13, 2011 at 1:02 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Again, I have checked with people that attendedf all all said it was a non-political event. Yes 3:00 pm seems bitter.
Unless a speaker made some metion of something that they possible took the wrong way, it's seems like sour grapes.

At September 13, 2011 at 7:30 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

First it's never unpatatriotic to ask why, about anything that happens.
Second you know what caused 9/11?
In short order 19 crazed fanatics led by a wealthy man named Bin Laden who for some reason interpereted the Koran the way he believed or thought it was to be taken.
Hatred for the United States? Back in the 80's we were helping arm this radical against the Soviet Union.
There was not an act of bravery among any of them. They were out and out mass murders of the highest crimminal element.
We were attacked by the choices made by the Bush people? No not in 100 lifetimes it made no matter to them who was in charge.
This kind of talk is as wild as listening to Rev. Jerry Falwell,and Pat Robinson blame it on the life choices of the queer, and abortionist's They believed God let this happen. It's all crazy talk your idea as well as theirs.
Yes America has in the past stuck it's nose in places it had no business doing. Installing the Shah of Iran as opposed to the Iranians choice in a free election.
Yes we have made mistakes but tell me who do you trust more then the American people?
Who does the world call when their in over their heads?
If as one German immigrant once told me the Americans treated the German people far better then all the other Allies, and at the same time told me "Never go to war against the U.S. they are the most decent conquerers, They just never leave, they stay forever.
Don't ever believe we deserved what happened on 9/11, please.

At September 13, 2011 at 7:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TERM, I have to thank you for putting 2:47pm in his place. I never thought I would say this, but you were the voice of reason here. Goodness, to blame Bush for 9/11 is nonsense. How does 2:47 justify the earlier Trade Center bombing? That was under Clinton, wasn't it? What about the Cole bombing, or the Beirut Embassy bombing. There is a history of their hatred for us. I would have preferred you just didn't post 2:47's comments, but I believe in freedom of speach. Even from a nut case. Thank you, again, TERM.

At September 14, 2011 at 1:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term said, "Don't ever believe we deserved what happened on 9/11, please."

Really, We are presently flying drones over the Middle east bombing and killing people. We attacked and occupied Iraq (Remember 'Shock & Awe') who had nothing to do with the 9-11 attack. The US is presently occupying and at war in Afghanistan.(killing many people).

Here is a list of United States military operations:

BTW Term, Have you or anyone else noticed, our country always needs an enemy to be afraid of? If an enemy isn't available, we manufacture one.

At September 14, 2011 at 2:49 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Her's a short list when we got envolved in the Balkins it was to stop the slaughter of Muslims.
When we kicked Iraq out of Kuwait it was deemed the right thing to do by the Arab world.
When we armed the rebwels to fight the Soviet Union in Afganistan it was the right thing to do. OBL iwas a homicial nut with followers that couldn't spell cat if you spotted them the Cand the T. Mass Murderers that's all they were.
The invasion of Afganistan after the attack is probably one of the biggest reasons we haven't been hit again.
Iraq was a mistake and I believe the American people went along with it because we had to get even with someone.We weren't done with Sadam Hussien yet and he made a great enemy.
America has the greatest Military the world has ever known. What we must always remember we play outstanding Defense and we really don't enjoy Offense.

At September 14, 2011 at 6:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TERM>> said...

Her's a short list when we got envolved in the Balkins it was to stop the slaughter of Muslims.*

Why was the welfare of the Muslims our concern?

*When we kicked Iraq out of Kuwait it was deemed the right thing to do by the Arab world.*

So, the Arab world determines our foreign policy?

When we armed the rebwels to fight the Soviet Union in Afganistan it was the right thing to do.*

Really? The peopleof Russia today are laughing at us, being bogged down in that hell hole.

OBL iwas a homicial nut with followers that couldn't spell cat if you spotted them the Cand the T. Mass Murderers that's all they were.*

Yes, and they should have been hunted down as criminals and not start a 10 years war.

The invasion of Afganistan after the attack is probably one of the biggest reasons we haven't been hit again.*

Hey, they are attacking and killing our troops over there. No need to come over here.

Iraq was a mistake and I believe the American people went along with it because we had to get even with someone.We weren't done with Sadam Hussien yet and he made a great enemy.*

Bush and his propaganda of fear was the reason we went to war in Iraq.

America has the greatest Military the world has ever known. What we must always remember we play outstanding Defense and we really don't enjoy Offense.*

Nonsense! Since World War 2 ended we have had 7 wars. Two are presently being fought!

At September 14, 2011 at 7:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:01, I agree with you very firmly on one count - we went into Iraq because of Bush's lies and lies and lies and lies and lies. I believe he wanted to avenge his father and after 9/11 he saw his chance and he did whatever he needed to do, and told whatever lies he needed to to get us in there. I wouldn't want to have his conscience, but it doesn't seem to bother him a bit. I still think he thinks he is a God-loving/fearing, good person. Scary.

At September 15, 2011 at 6:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:33 people like you is what is scary.

At September 15, 2011 at 12:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 6:30. This is 7:33. Weapons of mass destruction, anyone? I don't think Bush's lies would have worked - so many people didn't believe him - until Powell came on board and lied, or maybe he was just lied to so many times by Bush and his fellow liars, that he finally believed them. I don't know; that still shocks me, too. I knew Bush was lying, and I think most poeple did, but he was the president and he got away with it. Every time someone is hurt there, be it one of ours, or one of their citizens that are innocent, I think of Bush - one more murder/injury on your soul, you liar. Bin Laden goes to Afghanistan and we go to Iraq. And if you don't think that kind of lying is scary, why don't you just ask one of the wounded or the family of one of the dead. Apparantly you are a Republican, and as long as it is a Republican doing the lying it is okay with you. He didn't even wait until they had the right armor. Kept sending those soldiers out to be blown up and blown up and blown up without even having the right equipment, tanks, etc.

At September 15, 2011 at 1:18 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Were mistakes made? Yes, remember at the time this country was in shock, with anger and vengence on our minds. Did Bush lie? I don't know. What amazed me the most was when we didn't find WMD's we accepted another reason so easily. As the post mentioned 9/11 is still causing death to Americans today. We got OBL let's collect our men and come home. With a reminder to those in charge that if another attack is found to have come from their little part of the planet, you won't have to worry about another American invasion. Just to the souls left alive, where will you live for the next 100 years?


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