Friday, September 30, 2011

"LAND OF HOPES & DREAMS" bruce springsteen

I attended the second principal’s community meeting at Harvey this past Thursday at 5:00 PM. The meeting was attended by 12 residents plus Dr. Hanlon also attended. We were informed at the last meeting that one of the problems seems to be that students were bringing troubles from home to school. Ms. Martin invited Melanie Hale from Lake County Jobs & Services to tell us what these students faced and mentioned many ways her department gets involved. She mentioned that at times family members do not want to discuss events in the home and have a right not to talk to them.

Ms. Martin also brought up the subject of teen birth rates by school district.
We, sorry to say, are number 1 within an eight county area. Our birth rate for females 15 to 17 is the highest of any school system in the eight county region.

Yes, Painesville’s rate is higher than Cleveland, East Cleveland, Akron, Lorain, Ashtabula, Euclid, Elyria, or Ravenna. These statistics are not by births, but by birth rates. Painesville has 315 girls of this age group with 22 having a baby.

Now, do I believe Harvey students are more sexually active than students at any of the above-mentioned schools are? No, but they are having more unprotected sex and using less birth control.

First, let me state that I do not believe this is a school problem but a family problem. One person in attendance mentioned "we are our brothers’ keepers" but this pregnancy rate is disturbing to say the least.

People talked about programs for these young mothers, I personally would rather see more programs dealing with preventing pregnancies. Babies having babies rarely works out for everyone involved.

When I asked Ms. Martin what she believed was the cause of this, she mentioned that many girls just wanted someone to love and to love them back.

We have to enlist everyone in this community to help find a workable solution to this problem. Yes, I know it is getting into the morals of the community but we have to let these young adults know we care about them and we only want success in their lives.

Yes, we will face a possible backlash and challenge some cultural norms but all of us have a stake in resolving this. Continuing to turn a blind eye to this situation just is not acceptable any more.

Ms. Martin mentioned a fact that I found very disturbing. That a survey of 7th grade girls at Heritage revealed that only 17% would always say NO to sexual intercourse.

Only 14% of all students believe the community values them.

What fosters these ideas and how do we change them?

I believe a good start would be more people showing up at these events and the school inviting input from the students.

Please remember that Tuesday October 4,2011 is
"Meet The Candidate Night" for candidates running for Painesville School Board. At Harvey High School.


At October 1, 2011 at 12:12 PM , Anonymous Christine Howlett said...

TERM, this is an excellent post and I very much like your attitude that everyone in this community should be involved in finding a solution. There is a lot to be said of the phrase, "It takes a village to raise a child." Part of the problem is we've become so fragmented in our attitudes toward each other in this town, and towns across America. People don't watch out for each other the way they used to. I don't have the answers, but maybe a task force needs to be formed to seek ways we can help. Am I volunteering? Maybe. I'd have to think about that and see who else would step up. Any takers?

At October 1, 2011 at 12:57 PM , Blogger Sandy Miller said...

I am so sick and tired of the "nobody loves me" line. How about if you could see a future for yourself you would not be so quick to have a baby. Education, education, education.........

What lies beyond the walls of Harvey HS? It's hard enough to buy a ticket for one, now you need to buy a ticket for two.

Whatever happened to field trips? The Art Museum, Tremont, Pittsburgh, Camping trips and so many things I remember as kid in school.
Ahhhhh but then you would need to have parental involvement. How about a tour of Case Western Reserve or the Federal Reserve Bank or go talk to Mayor Frank Jackson.

If we cannot show them a future what hope do we have of changing the present.

Learning is not a ball and chain and in should never end.

Whatever happened to the phrase; "The world is your oyster"? I'm pretty sure it wasn't Painesville is your oyster.

definition of the phrase, The world is your oyster: The world is your oyster means that you can do or achieve anything you want in life, because you have the ability/ opportunity/freedom to do so.

Yup those are the stats now it's time to change them.

At October 1, 2011 at 4:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

First, I question the validation of the study you mentioned, and just the idea we are first hearing about thi on a gossip blog makes me wonder?
The school system has never made this public yet you get to see these results? Please show the proof before you turn a community upside down, again.

At October 1, 2011 at 5:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term you mailing these posts in? I swear I saw you on the news with the rest of the pinko commies leftees protesting on Wall St.

At October 1, 2011 at 6:12 PM , Anonymous Miguel Solivan said...

Christine and Madpotter1,

I was also at a portion of the meeting and term absolutely nailed this one. We as a community have to step up and change these types of disturbing trends. It's time we roll up our sleeves and get involved.

I'm in!!!!!!!

Thank you term......

At October 1, 2011 at 7:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would be interesting to find out the rate by race and/or economic status of the pregnancies. Is it cultural or is it a result of being brought up in the same situation. We all talk about parent involvement, but are these girls learning from what their parents have done with their lives. Schools or task forces will not change what parents teach their children by their own actions.

Yes, education is important because the less education a person has the higher the unemployment rate is. Forget racism, it's lack of education that's the problem. A student that really wants to succeed will. Those who don't will expect someone to take care of them. Rewarding them for half the effort (50%) doesn't teach them to stand on their own two feet or suffer the consequences. Doesn't teach them what it is like in the real world. A school should prepare and enlighten a student on how to succeed in the world. Field trips, community involvement and others mentioned above should be used to show what is possible. Not tolerating misbehavior and lack of work. Let's stop teaching the kids what the least they have to do to get by. Stop teaching them how to use the system and teach them how to be a productive person.

In other words, stop passing out the fish and teach them how to fish for themselves. Then and maybe only then the will feel pride in themselves and not need to have a baby to love or look up to them.

At October 2, 2011 at 6:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

like to know how many are latinos

I would bet the illegals have a lot to do with this record,

well at least Harvey it top at something.

At October 2, 2011 at 8:18 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I am sure that culture has something to do with this. Someone mentioned to me that some girls also may see the financial aid the state provides as a way out and may seem like a large sum of money.As we all have learned the cost of a child are enormous.
Yes we can blame, Hispanics, African Americans, and Caucasians but WE all have to deal with the problem. This seems to be more of a culuture of poverty rather than of race?
4:43 You seem to be in denial, why?

At October 2, 2011 at 11:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Hispanics and other illegals also have the incentive of the "anchor baby" syndrome. They see their parents and the other adults of their race doing it, and I wouldn't be surprised if they are encouraged by their parents. Whatever it takes to steal part of America. This has always been a longstanding Black problem, but I am under the impression that the White girls are a problem in this area, too, now. I would also like a racial breakdown. It would certainly be a good thing to get the illegals out and just deal with our own problems -- they are big enough. We certainly don't need to be dealing with the problems that people from other countries bring here. Let them take their problems back for their own country to deal with. In the not-too-distant past, the President of Mexico was completely ticked off because there was so much talk of sending all the Mexican people home. He was demanding to know where we thought he was going to put them all, etc., etc. Can you imagine? But we take them and take care of them willingly. It's insanity. Like I said, we've got enough of our own problems, and children stupidly having sex and babies is certainly one of them.

At October 2, 2011 at 2:16 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

So this is your conspiracy theory? Could be right I don't know. So these anchor babies are having anchor babies? Please explain why the Blacks and Whites are also doing it?
Living in poverty in the United States is better then the way 90% of the people in Mexico live.
Let me ask you if you were born in Ohio never been south of Columbus when you reach the age of 18 do you believe these kids see themselves as Mexicans or Americans? Just asking.

At October 2, 2011 at 2:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term 2:16: Not all the kids in our schools are anchor babies. Some are just illegal, so having a baby would be a distinct plus. And I don't really care what country these children see themselves as members of... it is not my problem. I would not steal into a country illegally and then blame what happens to my children because of it on the host country. I'm not saying there is not some consideration for that but, again, it is not my problem, and America cannot afford to take in all these people/kids because of compassion for what they HAVE DONE TO THEMSELVES AND THEIR CHILDREN. I am not willing to sacrifice America for their law-breaking. They've already bled me dry, and now they have to go. And I have to say, that if your new attitude is from talking to Jenkins, then that just supports what some people think about her... that she is for the illegals. Also, read my post again. I never said the Blacks and the Whites were not also at fault. It seems to be an epidemic, but I would still be interested in a racial breakdown of the problem. After all, isn't that knowledge that someone would need in order to start addressing it? Just more political correctness that is misdirected.

At October 2, 2011 at 5:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What ever happened to tough love. Schools, the government and society as a whole seems to be leaning to becoming the enablers. Somewhere it has to stop. Schools enable poor behavior with lack of discipline and poor test scores with a 50% policy. The government enables with the current welfare system with everything paid for and no path to leave the system. We get generation after generation of welfare families. As far as the Hispanic/illegal immigration problem goes, we are also enabling these people to be here and not requiring them to become legal and not under the table workers who also take from the system. If it is so much better here, then why hide. Do it the legal way. If this were not a problem then why are so many Hispanics pulling their children out of Atlanta schools?

If we keep rewarding poor decisions and illegal activities then we are all becoming enablers. If you work under the table and are here illegally and receiving welfare benefits, then you are breaking the law just as the Painesville woman who left her young children at home alone and is currently on hold for deportation. Is she in the system or doesn't she really speak English after 16 years?

Somewhere, we have to show the girls they are responsible for their own actions. Get an education or live in poverty. Is it's the schools fault or the parents? I believe mostly the latter.

One thing that seems to be the case now is that if you work for the taxpayer, get benefits from the taxpayer or riding out your unemployment, you are being supported by me the taxpayer. I am helping support you. I have my own health insurance to pay and my own food to put on the table in the house I must make payments to keep. Just wondering how many mouths I am really feeding. I don't mind helping someone but sooner or later they must be responsible for themselves.

At October 3, 2011 at 6:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK enough griping...lets start somewhere. How about petitioning the school board to rescind the 50%policy? Sends a message to the administration and community that we won't enable anymore, self-esteem is earned (not given) and we won't tolerate second-rate efforts. Please do not tell me this is a waste of time...because even if the administration claims that a petition would have no merit...I think they would have to pay attention. What's been done in the past obviously isn't working...lets try something new.

At October 3, 2011 at 6:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the POC can get involved here. I'll sign!

At October 3, 2011 at 7:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a bunch of crazy posturing going on here! The problem has nothing to do with legal or illegal, mexican, white, black or 50% grading policy!

It has to do with young Girls and Boys! Yes both, they are not being taught proper morals or responsibility. Think back to when you were a teenager with raging hormones, if not for the guidance from parents and society as a whole many more of us would have been in trouble.

Our society has become to politically correct!, someone just needs to tell the girls to keep their panties on and tell the boys to keep their peckers in their pants. Don't complicate this like it is an immigration issue, young teenagers all over the world are like this and without any adult intervention the trend will continue!

At October 3, 2011 at 10:57 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Times this day and age with the acceptance of single parent households, nation wide, we have to find different methods to changing these alarming trends. Keeping your underpants up just isn't going to are so out of touch with reality. Again, if you have the up to help!!!!!

At October 3, 2011 at 1:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry you are wrong. Teachings kids morals and responsibility to keep their underpants on never goes out of style! Maybe that is why we have this problem, too many people think like you that "times have changed".

At October 3, 2011 at 3:23 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I only wish it was as easy to tell people to keep their underpants on. I guess we should then resign ourselves to the fact that our children in town will be producing children while they are still children?
Have you watched the T.V. lately? Have you noticed advertising on the media? Yes we need to teach morals but really are these people producing these shows and advertising in there adollescent years? Sex sells at 15 or 60.
How many young people attend church with a parent weekly?

At October 3, 2011 at 4:54 PM , Anonymous MS said...

Again, you nailed it!!!!! jersey shore, American teens favorite tv show. How about we ban all teens from watching these types of disgusting shows. Not realistic......

At October 3, 2011 at 5:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The big question is

How many 2 parent families do we have in Painesville? With the divorce rate so high, how many couples are in their first marriage? How many ever got married in the first place. I think the majority are single parent families.

At October 3, 2011 at 8:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

One major thing that has changed since I was a kid many moons ago, is that the adults used to act like responsible adults and keep the adult things away from the kids. We certainly did not have shows on TV or at the movies that had any kind of sex in them that kids could see or hear. Kids are bombarded with sex, so the pressure that young boys put on young girls can be felt tenfold now by the young girls. I think they think it is "cool" now to have sex and very uncool not to. Times HAVE changed. That is not to say that everyone of those kids should not feel the responsibility that we felt to wait for sex until you were at least old enough to understand birth control and STD control, and to wait until you are in a position to suffer the consequences should there be a problem with the birth control. There just doesn't seem to be the same awareness of personal responsibility to say the least.

Having said all that, the problem IS here, the kids ain't gettin' it, so it is therefore up to the adults to try to teach them. Don't ask me for any suggestions, however, for I am at a loss. When my kids were young, I taught them everything I could. I had all "the talks" with them that were necessary over and over again. My son was harder to talk to than my daughter. There were a couple of things I had to talk to him about when I had him in the car on the freeway so he was a captive audience, and there was nothing he could do BUT listen. So I did all the things a responsible parent should do, which apparantly is not happening much these days. That is not to say that a parent cannot do a good job and then have the kids mess up anyway. My final statement on the issue with my kids was that if you create a baby, whether you are the mother or the father, you WILL take responsibility and I WILL NOT be raising your children for you, so if you want to have sex before you are old enough, be forwarned of the consequences. They are now in their mid to late 30's, and I still hear them telling people of that warning. They laugh and say everytime they were in a situation, those words were pounding in their ears.

Other than that, however, if the parents are not taking that responsibility, then it must be up to some program in the schools, no? How else will all the kids be reached? Do they have sex ed now?

At October 5, 2011 at 6:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

One needs to evaluate the course offerings, the extra activities after school, the class sizes, and the faculty involvement. Ms. Martin has been involved with killing many, many needed classes for the students in Painesville. The field trips are gone, the Art trip gone, the extra activites after school are slim, we are in big trouble!!! We need hands on programs as well as academics. Just review the courses found in successful schools and then look at ours and you will see we are lacking at all levels.

At October 6, 2011 at 12:51 PM , Anonymous Adios said...

Two words ANCHOR BABY. Having as many babies as one can seems to guarantee you will not be returned to Mexico. Remember Ms. Pacheco from the township? BooHooing her way back to stay here.
NO -You are responsible for yourself,stop crying and if you are so concerned for your children take them too. Adios

At October 8, 2011 at 3:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need to force our government to stop the misuse of the law that is allowing anchor babies. This is the most insane thing a country that wants to survive could be doing. We also need to be demanding that they start a "temporary workers' program" for field workers only. Then we can get the rest of the illegals out. We're going down fast, and if we don't stop it now, it will be too late. I cannot believe our government has not even put a stop to the anchor baby BS at least.

At October 8, 2011 at 11:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to see where in the Constitution it says that our government can use our money for the illegals in any way, shape or form, whether it is California who is now giving illegals in-state tuition, or our state that gives welfare, health care or anything else to them. It's OUR money, not theirs, and nowhere in our Constitution does it say that the children of people who are here illegally should be given any citizenship. That amendment was for the children of the slaves, so they would be protected. It was not for people who came here on their own illegally. I hope Americans feel like fighting this sometime soon. More and more, Americans are finding their voices. I hope they find them on this issue soon while it will still matter. I think one of the main problems is that many groups propose no field-worker programs, and this is not going to work without that.


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