Just in case you are looking for anyone important at the sooty "Golden Dome" Wednesday morning chances are they will not be there.
Where will the Queen, Sharks, a few rabbits, maybe even the Bear be? They all might appear in front of the wise Owl at a big Feudal Courtroom in the Kingdom of the Cleve. Why, one of the Rabbits legal issues seems to be front and center and that is kind of muddying the waters (so to speak). The Fairy Godmother named FEMA has decided the Queen must reapply for the jars of honey after October 1, 2011 or ask for an extension to keep it within the Queen’s grasp.
I will inform you tomorrow what, if anything, the wise Owl decides. It appears that Fairy Godmother FEMA cannot figure out why it has taken over five years to distribute the honey.
Just a thought… what will all the rabbits and the Bear do if the Fairy Godmother decides the honey is needed more in another part of the Kingdom along the big water… New Jersey for instance.
We’ve all been hearing this fairy tale for a long time and waiting for the ‘happily ever after’, I guess we are not there yet.
Thanks, Bob dumb _ _ _ Gibbs
Don't kill bobs best friend...".t
he messenger "lol
Thanks dumb *ss condo association for cutting the insurance.
For Real
This has a lot to do Bob dumb ____ Gibbs however it has more to do with city hall and condo owners who dropped the ball carrying enough insurance. Get over Gibbs and solve the problem, he isn't going anywhere.
In ability to negotiate is happening at the national level but right here in your own cesspool.
Slinging mud isn't helping anybody.
8:37 is correct, the city won the bid on the property and was all set to pay all the home owners when a law suit was filed by Bob who does not car if the home owners get paid he only cares about him and what he gets. This is no fault of the city put the blame where it belongs Bob Gibbs is holding this entire project up in the court just because he can, for no other reason......
Good point! Why is Rita getting the blame for this? Robert Gibbs is the one holding it up.
How could Robert Gibbs be blamed when he is just trying to get money owed him like everyone else is? Is it not McMahon's fault for leaving him out?
10:24 If you remember the city was under the impression it was a sheriff sale, 10% down, it wasn't it was a petition sale by law 33% down.
The Bear in this story has assets down there, the condo association, the city had not considered.
I wonder if these events had gone this far if a certain council-president hadn't made as many derogatory remarks about a certain Bear? You have to wonder if they teach it somewhere that if your in negociations it is wise to keep some thoughts to yourself. Education or common sense?
7:15 Truth be told who dropped the ball the association and the city or a Bear?
The court hearing was NOT attended by city officals? That Owl just threw it back to one of our local Owl's.
Is there an end to this madness?
i forgot what a wonderful person the bear is! Thats why u call him the BEAR!!! :)
The Bear is just a bear in this story. Think Whinnie the Pooh?
pooh is the right word for him
Question asked in the News-Herald JEDD article:
" With all this economic development the JEDD was needed to give Concord the money for the infrastructure that is needed. That said, Lake Health should be more then willing to put their administration building into the JEDD. It seems unfair the nurses, housekeeping, and all others working at Tri-Point contribute yet the major salaries in the administration building seem not to eager to contribute. Why? Will they not also benefit from Concords goals? ">>
Why wasn't the administration building included in the JEDD? Does anyone know?
Millstone is on fire.
You bring up what I have been trying to get the News-Herald to do a story on. They believe its a closed issue.
I can't believe all employees of Lake Health that work at Tri-Point pay income tax and the people making the big bucks in the nearby administration don't. [class warfare?] Is it Fair?
AS a city the only thing we can do is make sure that administration building doesn't receive discounted utilities that JEDD partners will be soon receiving.
WHAT THE NEWS HERALD SHOULD HAVE MENTIONED. The painesville city council is going to spend 5 to 7 million dollars to get electric power over to the JEDD area in concord. Is this a good investment ???? [ estimated cost for a sub-station to send power to concord.]
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