"CUZ I CAN" pink
Am I the only person that can't figure out how someone can live in a place for 16 years and still not be able to speak a word of English? Doing the math she was 23 years old when she "arrived" here... older people have a harder time picking up on a language but people in their teens or 20s generally pick it up easier. There seems to be a lot wrong with the picture that was painted. Seems to be a little out of wack.
How has she supported her 4 daughters and herself for all this time? Where was she employed, is she collecting child support? Where are those childrens' father?
You ask 'where's all your money going?'. Sorry, it's going to fund operations like this one. Veronica Dahlberg, front and center, along with Leopold... what a combination. Call me hard, but how do we teach people laws if they're not enforced the same for everyone?
In a year, all will be forgotten and she will be able to live here as long as she wants. They probably will give her Social Security too.
I brought up the subject of Ward III not being represented, whether at council meetings or in votes on the city's agenda. Robert Fountain ran for office four years ago, and I believe he has been in ill-health for the past three years. He has missed numerous council meetings as well as water issue meetings and special work sessions. Is it wrong for the people of Ward III to have a councilman who will answer their phone when a the resident needs to speak to their councilman? I was told to 'call your council people-at-large'... well, why even have ward councilmen? Apparently we may not really need them.
How bad is it in Painesville? When the person that has been the head of the local Little League deems it important enough to criticize a department head and speak of what his employees are doing during working hours? Let's blast into this guy for coming before council to make them aware of an issue? His sin is that he only donated countless hours to this program at no cost to residents.
Many new faces attending council meetings, one I noticed was a local stringer for a local political party... seemed to have been there evaluating something or somebody.
On another note... people have been telling me about a reverse 911 call by the Painesville Police. Seems that lately there have been a rash of home break-ins and robberies. In these economic times we must all be more vigilant. May even have something to do with the arrests made yesterday involving Meth labs?
After reading Thursday's News-Herald about an armed robbery at Walgreen's, I guess there must be a good reason why our Safety Director took SIX days for it to make the papers. Sorry, Ms. McMahon, we have crimes committed in Painesville. Remember this ain't Chardon.
Who was the stringer or at least which party? I bet anything it was an R. How do you know they are a stringer in the first place?
If you go back to your post, Running on Empty, where you are talking about the 32 year old Mexican national living here on a Visa, who went into an IHOP in Nevada and gunned down people - that guy, as you said, was living on $923.00/month, most of it SOCIAL SECURITY FROM THE USA. I wonder how much we Americans paid out just between that guy and the woman we just found out about living here illegally with four kids? And there are millions and millions more - by my estimate there has to be at least 40 million, and that doesn't count the children they have had here.
Yeah, WHY are Americans having trouble taking care of their families now? Why are our healthcare costs out of control? How many illegals and the children of illegals do you think every American is paying for to have health care, for example, as we pay outrageous healthcare premiums? Everyone who is paying for healthcare in this country is also paying for everyone who doesn't have it, and that includes millions of illegals and their children. So next time you look at how little money you have for your efforts, be sure to thank our government for letting people from every other country in the world sponge off of you.
6:18 If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it just might make sense it's a duck? I just watched that's just what I thought.
The reverse 911 call seemed to go out area wide to the whole city. One candidate had someone come in his bathroom window and stole some valuables last week I know this is a fact.
At Redi-Go earlier this week getting my paper and coffee I heard two men discussing an attemped rape and beating on N.State St. near Chester St. last week. I can not find anyone to verify this, but I guess if it did happen wwe will find out sometime in the distant future. Just keep youur eyes open. I can not understand finding out what happened at that drug store six days after the fact is the way this city does business.
Why not let the Newsless Herald come in for some of the blame Term? Those police calls are public record and many news organizations monitor them daily...maybe the media powers-that-be didn't think it was an immediately newsworthy item.
TERM, why would a Republican want to sneak at a council meeting? Not sure what they are hoping to gain. These meetings are open and on television. They don't need to quack like a duck to find out what's going on. Not sure what you are implying here.
Most people have a D or R after their name. Maybe they are a stringer for some other aspect of their lives. Maybe they are a landlord and that is the hat they are wearing that night. Or maybe they are an attorney, or a store owner. How do you know what hat they are wearing?
8:10/7:55/ First who mentioned any party? I watched this person in a past election who seemed glued to a certain candidate. Watching it on T.V.[ if it ever gets shown on TV] you don't see the interaction between council people This person was there for a reason to observe someone? I never said anyone snuck in, I know he has every right to be there. It will be interesting to find out in the future why they were there.
You said "a stringer for a local political party". You didn't mention a specific party, but you are the one who put "political party" in the equation. And a stringer implies one doing something covertly. Just don't know what you were getting at.
I have always thought that The News-Herald has some kind of agreement with the city (McMahon, Hada, etc.) not to print what they don't want them to print. I have no proof of this, but I think we would be shocked if we knew what did not get into the paper.
11:50 Why all the concern? You could ask him, why ask me why he was present?
12:37 With a local newspaper running on a shoestring and one that believes "reporting the news" along with waiting for someone to give them something to write. If you look at most crime reports in Painesville they don't come from the city, they come from the court dockets? McMahon knows how to play the game, she has and will. The agreement is if you don't go along you will never get another quote from the CM.
It was a big step up to get the robo-call warning us of danger in Painesville (reverse-911 call). That was very much appreciated. I have long worried about what they are not telling us, so this warning was a good thing.
To 7:55...I think Term's implying that it's obvious that it is getting close to an important election when a 'stringer' of any kind shows up at a public meeting. That particular stringer's candidate isn't up for re-election so there must be some other reason they felt was important to be there when that's not something they normally do. Curious, that's all.
11:34 You you don't.
But If you were this woman and you knew this safety net was in place you would use it also. That doesn't make it RIGHT it just means it's there.
Where is the jouralists to ask about the lady that got the reprive? How did you manage these past 16 years? Family, welfare, an illegal job, those are the answers American's need to be shown.
That's why they call them anchor babies. We must be the most stupid country on earth.
Why ask you asked 11:50. Said you could ask in person. Asking this way is exactly what you do at council. You could very well pick up a phone or stop by to ask a department head in person. Instead you go to council meetings and grandstand, making a spectacle of yourself. There is a chain of command and you start at the beginning of it not at meetings so you can be on TV.
Painesville's chain of command is broken. Department heads don't go to the restroom without the permission of the CM. If the council won't answer your question at a council meeting ,what makes you believe they will at any other time? Why have open meetings? I have yet to see a problem solved the first time it is put before council.
YOU TELL THEM TERM. good post on 4;08.
TERM, you wonder how someone can live here 16 years and not speak English. Well, I am not at all surprised. We are making it more and more easy for these people to live here without learning our language. Our signs are being made in both English and Spanish. Look in the schools. At Walmart I couldn't find a Painesville City school list that was in English. All were spanish. I went and complained and was told they didn't have any in English. They would try to get some and 2 days later they did have some. But look who they catered to first. You call any store or pay any bill online and you have the option of conducting business in spanish. So, no it is not at all surprising that this illegal alien lived here 16 years and doesn't speak English.
Really 4:08? Term is exercising his right to go to a public meeting to speak publicly about public issues of concern to all residents. Many times that is the only way residents ever even find out anything. Ask a council person or department head in private about something and that's where the matter stays...no one hears or knows about it. Most people are afraid to speak in public...I'm glad there are a few citizens (Term, Mr Torre, Murphy and the other regulars at council meetings)that provide that public service for the rest of us.
Store in Painesville robbed Saturday night.... Makes Wednesdays News-Herald? Well it's a two day improvement.
Does anyone know what happend at the lake county jail today ?
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