Meet Your Candidate
This event is for all residents of Painesville.
Here is your chance to meet "One on One" candidates who are running for either School Board or Ward Councilman.
{October 4,2011} Meet the candidates running for the three open seats for Painesville City Board of Education.
This meeting 10/04/11 will take place at Harvey High School 200 West Walnut St. from 7:00PM to 9:00PM.
{October 11,2011} Meet the candidates who are running for the four ward seats in Painesville City. This will also be held at Harvey High School 200 West Walnut St.
from 7:00PM to 9:00PM.
Both meetings are Sponsored by Unity in the Community and President of this group Derrick Abney will serve as moderator for both events. He has done an outstanding job in the past and we all expect him to do the same this year.
Council Meeting this Monday night at 7:30PM September 19,2011 at City Hall a full agenda along with a presentation by The East End Fire Chiefs will present Lake County Cooperative Government.
Another meeting of interest to take place on October 11.2011?
Seems the Queen, the Bear, some Rabbits along with some Knights, and all the Sharks will try to figure out a solution to the Burrow problem down by the Riverside.. Not a Sheriff Sale? but a Petition Sale? What about all the rabbits that have all ready filed bankruptcy? How will all the jars of honey be distributed?
Waiting for the Beavers to show up.
John Murphy has won he has put 5 signs in 1 yard
"Every picture tells a story" r.s.how's that Term?
Why is Joe Hada running around ward 4 placing Paul Hach signs? We don't have to guess.
By the placement of the signs it looks like the haves against the have nots.
You go Joe got to keep your circus going?
Sorry , I corrected the date. Thank-you.
Calling the CM the Queen and others involved with your silly nicknames is very rude and disrespectful.
You wouldn't meet the President and call him anything other than Mr. President or Mr. Obama. Why do the same with Rita and council?
Most respectable adults were brought up knowing right from wrong.
I never even metioned who was who? You must have confused this fairy tale with something that's happening here in town?
Just so you know the Bear loves being called the Bear.
What's really rude and disrespectful of this story that I have been telling you that even six years after the flood there is yet still no end to this story.
Yeah, I know its ALL the Bears fault.
"Every picture tells a story"
Did you notice that most landlords have Richard Tibbits signs on there property's
Now there is a picture telling a story.
Miss Manners....have you never heard of 'political satire'? It is a time honored way to get an important point across in an entertaining way. Some of the greatest authors have used it; Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels, George Orwell's Animal Farm, Joseph Heller's Catch 22 and even John Steward's The Daily Show. I know the difference between respecting the office/title and having respect for the person holding that office or title. And I am just a little curious...why critisize now? Term's fairy tales have been posted here for quite a while and all of a sudden you are morally outraged? If he should ever call Ms. Rita "Queen" to her face then you may have a legitimate complaint...other-wise just enjoy a clever and well-written story.
Leftist? wow, Yes first I don't remember endorsement's for anyone.
If the candidate for that non-partisan ward seat is a Republican so what? I want the seven best councilpeople for Painesville I really don't care what poliyical party they belong to. There is one Democrat on council I wouldn't vote for in a million years, and I believe he will try to run that long.
I believe in the person not the party. I will vote for our Republican Congressman as long as I feel he best serves Painesville.
As Lewis Black mentioned in his stand-up comedy "How after the last ten years anyone can be loyal to any one party is beyond him." I agree.
After that nice heartwarming story you told about Steel Mansion, can you explain the Hach signs out in front.
Seems they will be voting for Paul, smart people.
Well there new here, don't reside here so they can't vote here the house is empty. Along with how many people know that the mansion has new owners? Might work against Paul. As well as the empty brick house on the corner of Chestnut and Mentor Ave. Empty with a For Sale sign. What does that scene tell you?
Called the Queen should be viewed as an upgrade, she hasn't been called anything you could print here in our house for years. She's got to be shown the door!
Yes, 4:46, I was thinking the same thing. She does not deserve enough respect from me to be called the Queen. It's too nice of a word for her in my book, too.
Council news? Yes we seem to be moving towards regionalzation with our local fire departments, very small steps. How bad is it when the local head of the Painesville Little League complains at a council meeting?
Ward III seem to be without representation for the past four years. Others on council just don't seem to care? Mr. Fountain was excused again.
Hach has enough signs up to run for Ward 3 too.....
what is up with the signs Paul? Running for City Manager?
They did not say they are planning to regionalize, it is a combined effort to share equipment and manpower. Look into the true meaning of regionalization and at other departments that do this and there is a big difference.
Lets talk about signs
A lot of Landlords have Tibbits and Murphy signs up.
And there are other signs up on empty lots and empty houses and even out of town.
i think it is very rude of paul hach to put signs in yards where they don't them. but, as i have been informed, he is not doing the leg work of putting the signs in the yards. he has lackeys that are doing it for him. but, i know personally that a few people have told me they do not want his signs in their yard and have taken them out. at least have the respect of your fellow residents to ASK them ,first, before you put the sign there. A VERY ANNOYED CITIZEN IN WARD 4.
9:30 So Tibbits owns rental property? Now show me his property that are slums and have 20 people living in them?
Rental property owners, some are good some are bad. I would never hesitate to rent from Mr. Tibbits.
If every landlord in Painesville operated as he does rentals would be a non-issye.
The issue with Tibbits and rentals is he sees no problem with having 50% of our homes as rentals.
To 1:11, I had just the opposite experience with Paul, he asked first and then when he was out placing the signs called first to see if it was a good time.
I have to start to wonder why every election/race Murphy is in for the past 3 times he has run, there is always some kind of issue with signs.
If you want to pick on signs ask Murphy why he put his up so early, the law says they are allowed up for 30 days, by the time election day comes around his will be close to 60 days +. Nice, lets elect a council person who can't even follow the laws himself.
My landlord gave another landlord ( a well knowing landlord who is running for city council, and one I guess Term likes ) permission to remove political signs from his rental property's, that his tenants had giving permission to put up, they are candidates who are running against him in the run for council and also other candidates signs from other wards who he did not want to win, is there some law where landlords have the right to remove signs from there tenants front yards, and put political signs up that tenants don't want to support ?
Let me ask you can your landlord change the color of paint on the house you are renting?
If you feel this stongly about this call your property owner, This blog. can"t do it.
5:46: Maybe the Lake County Board of Elections can give you the information you seek, or at least tell you where you can get it.
Years ago, I helped a candidate put up yard signs. I put up one sign and a lady came out and told me to take the sign down because she didn't support the candidate. I said "sorry there must be some mistake". I walked back to the car, with sign in tow and call my friend. He told me not to make a scene, but to explain that he had the permission of the property owner and that the landlord would respect the right of the tenant to put up a sign of their choice but felt within their right to put up a sign on property they owned. The tenant replied "well I can't argue with that". Next day I drove by and saw two signs from opposing candidates posted in the yard.
No one had to call City Hall or the Election Board.
I liked the fact that there was an agreement to disagree, a win - win solution, a compromise so to speak.
Now if someone out there in Blog Land can tell for sure if candidates are pulling signs out, I'd like to know the facts. Maybe It could be a question for Meet the Candidates Night? It may influence my Vote.
to post 4:50, that law was changed quite a few years ago, that you could put up signs anytime after you were registered. this had to do with real-estate signs.
I can confirm that this is a true situation - a landlord gave permission to one candidate, the tenant gave permission to another candidate....and "someone" removed the tenant's candidate sign. This occurred twice the with same landlord in two different wards.
There have been court cases regarding this situation stating that both individuals have a right to display the signs. This landlord must not have gotten that memo.
Also, aren't signs the property of the candidate? One of the tenant's contacted the landlord to complain and ask for the sign back and was told if it hadn't been thrown out yet they would get it back.
Term told us "I would never hesitate to rent from Mr. Tibbits" and "If every landlord in Painesville operated as he does rentals would be a non-issue" I disagree. Please return the signs.
Lets look at all the candidates that own rentals in Painesville? Mr. Hach do you own any? The funniest The moderator at the Chamber of Commerce
meet the candidates has signs on her rental properties? Whos are the signs for PH?
I see little Mexico on W Walnut St supports Richard Tibbits.
Little Mexico ?
Have you seen the school busses pick up or drop off there ?
it takes 1 whole bus to haul just mexicans.
6:10 In defense of these children, when you were there age did your parents consult with you where you wanted to grow up?
Children go where the parents go, parents go where there are jobs. Who provide these jobs? I have been hearing a poor man never provided a job for anyone, so who do we blame?
I for one will not jump on the blame the children bus.
Term 2:32: It doesn't sound to me like 6:10 (this is not 6:10) is blaming the children. They're just saying ... and it's the truth. And I'll take the liberty of adding to their post (hoping they don't mind): It doesn't look like "Little Mexico," it looks like Mexico, as will our whole country soon. We will be a country of Mexicans and Muslims, and they will have all the offices of all the government positions and they will be running everything soon ... just look at the school buses if you doubt it - and they are just the end result - their parents already have the power to take over our country.
Term, How in the hell do you get I blame the children from my comment ?
Sorry, I guess you were blaming the bus driver? The children only got off the bus there because that's where their parents live. Why didn't you mention that fact?
This is 3:17 in defense of 6:10 again. Term, 6:10 was not blaming the children or the bus driver. Knock it off already. Why would you take a statement so far out of context. I believe 6:10's comment is directed toward the fact that our city is being taken over by illegals, and no amount of double-talking from you can cover up that fact. If we have school buses that are 100%, or close, to being all Mexican, we have a serious problem. I believe that that is 6:10's point. To say they are blaming the children or the bus driver is just absurd.
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