Wednesday, October 26, 2011

"THE LETTER" boxtops

The following letter was mailed out to all registered Democrats in Ward III.

Dear Friends,

My name is Angelo Cimaglio. I grew up in Ward 3. My Mom still resides there and I have been a Painesville resident most of my life.

Four years ago I thought it was a good idea to help John Murphy get elected to Ward
3. At the time I felt the Ward was not being served properly by the then-current councilperson Robert Fountain.

Four days before the election the Lake County Republican Party sent out a post card to residents in Ward 3 to vote for Mr. Fountain. I took this and other things as strategic help by a major political party to help a candidate in a non-partisan race. Non-partisan means not affiliated with any political party to help a candidate in a non-partisan race. Mr. Fountain went on to win Ward 3 and then has failed to make 50% of council meetings during his term. This has greatly affected the standards expected by the residents in Ward 3.

Inserted sign in widow at Lake County Republican Headquarters

Again this year, the party bosses at Republican Headquarters have stuck their noses into a non-partisan race as the sign above proves. It is time to tell Mr. DeLeone and the Republican bosses that we want to keep these races non-partisan. We just want the best man to represent us and our needs, not a candidate beholding to any party.

Thank you for your time.,

Angelo Cimaglio

Printing paid by myself and no candidate or party has contributed in any way.


Now if you pay attention I never suggested you should vote for the other guy, or not vote for Mike. I only believe registered Democrats heck I got stamps left over to mail out to some Independents to be aware what's going on. I told Mike he didn't need that sign in that window or any help from them, but I guess he believes he does for some reason. [presently 185 letters were sent out]


At October 26, 2011 at 2:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you actually understood what you are talking about.

All non-partisan means in election law is that their names are not affiliated with a party on the BALLOT

At October 26, 2011 at 2:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

But you are not non-partisan, so you just lied to 185 people. No were does it talk about you how you are good friends with Richard Tibbetts. Right there your personal feelings make you biased. You don't want what's best for Painesville, you want to help a friend win at the cost of Painesville voters.

At October 26, 2011 at 2:38 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

2:27 I never claimed to be non-partisan? I am a registered Democrat mailing a letter to other Democrats. along with independents that should know. Did I tell anyone to vote or not vote for someone? Why you so upset?
Mike made the claim that people from both parties supported him?
Mike is the only candidate in this race that even brought political parties into the conversation.
I want what's best for Painesvile along with no strings attached.
Tell me would people have voted for Lori DiNallo if they knew less then two years into a four year term she was looking for a different position? That mentioned stringer shows up with her at most events even at meet the candidate nights. He was my first tip-off that theres more going on here then a council seat.
Don't worry someone will send out post cards for Mike before the election.

At October 26, 2011 at 2:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes but your letter comes off so shady. You fail, on purpose, to not mention your affiliation to the other candidate... come on. You are just as bad as Tibbets.

At October 26, 2011 at 3:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The reason Mr. Fountain has missed so many meetings is because he has been very ill. Show some respect...please..the guy has been sick and does not deserve the way you have been treating him on this board and apparently in postcards for missing meetings. You REALLY need to grow up.

At October 26, 2011 at 4:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems that the person most making this a partisan issue is you, Term. Why else would you only send a letter to Democrats? Since you sent the letters, that must mean the DEMOCRATIC PARTY is supporting and paying for this, right? After all, that's what you are accusing the Republican of doing. OK for your you, but not anyone else?

Support who you want, but don't sit there and bad mouth someone else for doing the same for who they support.

Gee, all this because an endorsed Republican has a sign in the Republican office. Can't wait untill next year to see what all those bad Republicans do to you.

Curious, just how much did the postage cost you. By the way, just look at the bottom of each and every post card you complain about. Campaigns must state who paid for the mailing. Again, you don't know everything about elections.

At October 26, 2011 at 5:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Angelo why do you only tell people half the truth? Ask Dale Fellows, Tibbets' people asked for Tibbets' sign to be placed in Republican Headquarters where DeLeone's sign is! I doubt you will post this as it demonstrates yet again an accomplishment by DeLeone and a failure by Tibbets. Why didn't Tibbets tell you his people asked? Either Tibbets doesn't know what his people are doing or he is afraid to tell the truth. But as a Democrat I am going to spread the word about this deception. Shame on you and your misleading letter. It just cost Tibbets my vote and I would be willing to bet more than a few others.

At October 26, 2011 at 5:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, I have seen a lot of BS but this really takes the cake. I am calling Rep HQ and asking if Tibbits or his people placed a sign there. If they say he did, I will start calling visiting and talking with every fellow Dem and Independent to let them know of YOUR deception. It has been on here enough that you should have called and found out before writing this letter. If I am told Tibbets or his people tried for the same sign spot I am converting to DeLeone.

DeLeone if you read this, keep walking and go back to where you were last week. By then I should know and if it is true give me a sign a shirt literature and anything else I can do to support! This type of political deceit has to stop and it seems you are the only one being completely honest!

At October 26, 2011 at 7:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you have the slightest clue as to what campaign committees do. Why candidates have fund raisers. What in the h*ll do you think these campaigns pay for. More than just signs. Each candidate's treasurer must keep accurate and detailed accounts as to where the money comes from. There are many ways to run a campaign and many expenses. Ask your buddy, John.

At October 27, 2011 at 4:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since Murphy asked for the Republican Party to endorse his campaign in ward 4, I will be anxiously looking forward to your letter informing us Dems in ward 4. Or does this rule only apply to ward 3?

At October 27, 2011 at 4:24 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Again I am only concerned with the sign that is now in the window? Even if they asked why were they refused but not Mike. If John had his sign in window?
5:48 I hope you do and while you are visiting explain the sign in the window.
Again this "Letter" I sent out was not in support for or against any candidate. I can not understand all of you being so upset?
I reported a fact a sign is in a window.

At October 27, 2011 at 4:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great letter! I agree why is everyone upset? I agree your letter made no mention of support for or against any candidate.
I vaguely remember you bringing this up at a council meeting four years ago. This is something that people must be made aware of and yes Mike was the only candidate that mentioned that he had support from people ion both partys . Let them vent if the letter wasn't a big deal they wouldn't be so upset.
If Mike comes to my house I will ask him why was it important to have that sign in the window? Everyone else should also!

At October 27, 2011 at 4:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At Term. You reported a sign in the window. You failed to report Tibbets tried to get that same sign placement. You probably won't send a letter informing us Dems in ward 4 that Murphy sought the endorsement of the Republican party. You say that you did this to keep party involvement out but you do not inform us of your friends seeking the support of the same party that DeLeone did. You presented half the facts and should be ashamed of yourself! To my fellow Dems in ward 3, do you want Tibbets who is a republican and allows these deceptions by not taking a stand against such behavior; OR do you want DeLeone who has been honest throughout his campaign? As a Dem, I never thought I would say this, but I think you should strongly consider DeLeone. At least he is an honest republican. Term again shame on you!

At October 27, 2011 at 4:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 4:32. DeLeone goes to every house, unlike his opponent. Ask him. Ask Tibbets people why they asked for Tibbets sign to be placed there? If Term was actually trying to get the parties to stay out he would have been honest about Tibbets seeking the same location, Murphy seeking the Republican endorsement, and any other candidate who sought assistance from either party. Instead he just went after DeLeone for accomplishing what Tibbets failed. Term is either feigning ignorance, or Tibbets didn't tell him (hard to swallow that), or Tibbets has no control over what his people are doing (then how can he establish he can run a city).

At October 27, 2011 at 6:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems like someone got his hand caught in the cookie jar?
Go out and explain this. I could use an explaination also.

At October 27, 2011 at 7:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only thing non-partisan means is the parties don't hold a primary for the election. It doesn't mean that a group of private citizens can't put a sign in their window supporting a candidate. This happens all the time, and is not out of the ordinary. Chill out.

At October 27, 2011 at 1:30 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

7:32 If it was only the signs. Last election there were mailers and robo calls. A little bit more then the ordinary.
There are many assumptions about signs what if you asked a candidate and he mentioned the price for the placement was to high? I am only making an assumption. Look there is nothing illegal going on here.
If Painesville is to be used as a "farm team" lets us atleast know about it.
Most people who voted for Bob Fountain expected him to perform his job. If he was that ill he should have resigned and let someone else do the job.
If your going to run for council at large, at least do a full term before looking for a new political position?
I don't think these are unrealistic goals?
If Mike DeLeone is so outstanding to represent Ward 3 why does he need to drag county politics into it?
What non-partisan? So the next time should it be important to point out all the Republicans and Democrats running? {Remember this is Painesville} I will help the people on the square if that's seems to be there goal. DiNallo, Werner, Fountain are all Republicans not a bad count.
So am I to believe that Mike is for the passage Issue 2,[Why ain't that sign in the window?] along with the restraints the people down in Columbus want on voters?
I can't understand him needing this help?

At October 27, 2011 at 1:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yikes and Wow batman! Haven't been on the blog for awhile and after reading all the posts on signs and watching the YouTube on "Meet the Candidates" I am in a state of stupidity. Or maybe, Shock and Awe.

After watching two hours on YouTube I observed Andy Flock so fed up with the city and council he was visibly tongue tied and unable to answer basic questions or enter into any type of dialogue. And as we have watched him thrown under the bus by the current administration more than once; Mr Flock, I get it.

Then I read the blog and see posts assuming Katie H. Jenkins is in the "Hada, Hach" because her sign is next to theirs. That is not a reason to vote for Werner. A look a Werner's voting record is enough to oust him; he is not an independent thinker!

Also, the the political party crap which is not supposed to be part of a city council election has reached a fevered pitch.

Personally I love seeing all the signs lumped together. At least; KHJ, PH and MD seem like they would be willing to enter into dialogue with each other and MAYBE figure a way out of the mess this city is in.

That said, I do believe P.H. should step down after voting for the AMP deal.

Flock and Tibbits are pretty hostile and wonder if any dialogue would ever take place on any level.

I seriously hope if KHJ, MD and PH are elected Mr Flock would step down. If Tibbits and Murphy are elected maybe dialogue can start at their level.

With Lori Dinallo on her way out the door one can only wait to see who will fill that seat. Her sincerity to this city and council is a joke as we now see; it's all about Lori and her trip to the top of the political crap pile.

Paineville is a training center for people to get their foot in public service and get the heck out. Review the administration who have moved on.

After reading the blog I now see why this city is in such a state. Talk about jumping to ASSumptions people!

At October 27, 2011 at 2:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just because robo calls or mailings are made by a candidate who happens to be a Republican, don't assume the Republican Party pays for them. Want to find out who paid for a sign or a postcard, read the small print at the bottom that says "Paid for by ....." That's where the money comes from. It is usually the candidates campaign fund or as in Term's case, someone who does negative campaigning against someone in order to support his own candidate. Talk all you want about being non-partisan and not mentioning any candidate but most intelligent people see right through your lame attempt. You, non-partisan in this race---give me a break.

At October 27, 2011 at 5:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are so out of line! I got your stupid letter in the mail and by the way I'm not a registered democrat or independent so your list is wrong! Mr. DeLeone only wants to move the city FORWARD and away from narrow minded people like you.

At October 27, 2011 at 6:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So this could be answered very simply. Mike should explain why his sign in the window?
I have a feeling for his sign to be there he must be for Issue 2 am I to believe he wants to sit on council and take bargaining rights from our safety forces?
That sign could be viewed as sending numerous signals so I believe he should be given space here to explain. Term it's your blog. and you can decide what gets posted and what doesn't but in fairness he should be allowed to make his case.
I have seen many places where one
of his signs is placed next to a vote No sign on Issue 2.

At October 27, 2011 at 6:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term 1 30, i went past the window to check it out and was glad to see a vote yes for issue sign in the window. Better go take a picture.

At October 27, 2011 at 7:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem with voting for people who are obvious friends, and therefore, more likely than not to vote with Hada, etc., is that Hada, etc. have had a four-vote bloc for decades to go along with McMahon and everything they/she have done to this city. It has been going on for decades. The only way to stop it is to stop the four-vote bloc they have. I do not believe that will happen with Jenkins or DeLeone. I think they will vote with Hada, etc., and I don't think we have any chance of changing anything or getting rid of McMahon with them ... and this comes after decades of watching them run this town into the ground and losing us millions and millions of dollars and a hospital - and that's just for starters. You don't really think that Hach is helping Jenking with her signs, etc. and not expecting her to vote along with them. Same with DeLeone - he's getting help and support from Hada, etc. You don't really think that this is going on and they (Hada, Hach, etc.) are not pretty darn sure that Jenkins and DeLeone will vote their way, do you? We have to look at the big picture with this election, and block the four-votes that have taken this city down the wrong path (following Hada, McMahon, etc.) for far too many years. The change has to come with people that are not part of that mindset. The vote has to be Werner, Tibbits and Murphy in order to start changing anything around here. After all this is over, with the monopoly that Hada, etc. have had on this city for decades over, and we have gotten McMahon out and have gotten to a place where we have a transparent, honest, non-shady administration and council, then this can open up more. But right now the only thing that will save us is to stop this decades-old four-bloc voting machine that backs McMahon and has kept her in office with everything she has done and done and done to this city. Please look at the bigger picture and don't let Term tick you off so bad that we do not accomplish this again in this election. Fodor and DiNallo were also backed by Hada, Hach, etc., and look where that got us -- more of the same -- continuous backing no matter what for Hada, McMahon, etc. Please look at the bigger picture this time, please.

At October 27, 2011 at 7:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There will always be Democrat vs Republican debate. As far as nonpartisan races, I doubt any race will ever be totally nonpartisan because one side or the other will always resort to making it partisan.

As far as this election goes, it is this blog and Term who have escalated it to a new level. It makes it childish if you ask me. When and if you vote, look at your ballot. If it is a nonpartisan race, the party will not be listed. Just as someone else said.

One thing I can't figure out is first Term says signs don't win elections. Going door to door does. Then he says where someone places their sign should be cause not to vote for a person. Now everybody says this sign is next to that sign so don't vote for either one because they agree with someone else. An awful lot of assuming going on in Painesville. Just remember what they say when you assume.

I also think this letter is way off base. I believe it will sway some voters away from who Term wants elected.

At October 27, 2011 at 8:05 PM , Anonymous Question Mark and the Mysterians said...

Term, is there anyone left in Painesville that you haven't attacked, told half truths or spread innuendos about? I don't know why any candidate running for office would want anything to do with you or this blog. Your letter makes my point.

At October 28, 2011 at 4:06 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

8:05The question should be is there anything in Painesville that is running up to normal expectations? The city,it's schools?
Again half truths and innuendos?
The low standards in our schools?
People running for council only to leave at the first chance.
People voting for electric deals knowing nothing more about electricity then to screw in a lightbulb and not looking into a contract that cost us money.
7:39 Your opinion is noted.
To bad the party is behind the curtain?
6:51 So am I to believe Mr. DeLeone stands for the YES vote? Just asking?
Ask John Murphy who was behind those postcards almost four years ago?Very interesting answer by their leader.

At October 28, 2011 at 4:12 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

So far the best header for a comment!
Also Mr. Deleone can answer here as well as any candidate anytime they wish.

At October 28, 2011 at 5:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too many people make too many assumptions. DeLeone has endorsements from Democrats too. Two that I respected as a fellow Democrat are Lake county Commissioner Dan Troy and Lake County Clerk of Courts Maureen Kelly. He was also endorsed by the AFL-CIO. These along with some big time Republican endorsements. Seems like people from both sides are endorsing this young man. But you and others make assumptions based on one sign placement. Your letter tells half of the truth, and you don't really seem concerned about the facts. Tibbets has some of his signs next to vote yes on issue 2 and vote no on issue two. I would ask Tibbets his stance but Tibbets never came to my door, one of his people did and Tibbets was no where around. DeLeone not only came to my door and answered all my questions himself, not his people. He was honest and genuine. After talking with my neighbors, DeLeone was also consistent with his answers. That earned my respect. DeLeone is not out there saying what people want to hear but is saying what he believes. Tibbets people are saying one thing to me and another to my neighbors. Tibbets person told me Tibbets is a Democrat, my neighbor said he was told Republican and you Term stated Tibbets is Republican.
I would tell everyone to ask questions but to also ask your neighbors what they were told. Then ask yourself who has been consistent and who is just pandering for votes. Term, sorry my ramblings turned out a little longer than I thought they would.

At October 28, 2011 at 5:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, as a Democrat, you sure attend a lot of meetings and must write a lot of checks at the Republican party for the different campaigns you have accused of wrong doing here. Just how else would you know for sure the claims you make here. You say you only post facts and unless you verify a rumor, you won't post anything. Seems like that doesn't apply to your rumors.

So does the Republican party let you attend meetings and write checks for them. Just how many meeting do you attend and when? I would like to hear how you get the FACTS you claim. As someone else asked, how do you know how anyone will vote in the future? Past votes can give someone a clue but a newly elected official is an unknown vote. Look at Hal. Lots of claims but very few FACTS listed, just your opinion about Republican involvement in these races.

Just curious, if it was the Democratic office in Painesville, would this even be an issue. Did you take pictures of the Democratic office in Mentor to see if they have any nonpartisan signs (for Mentor races) in their office? Would be nice to see all the facts.

At October 28, 2011 at 6:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:33, I have looked at the bigger picture and will stand by my statement. Those who vote for anyone still sitting on council (i.e. Werner, Hach) should question where they want to see this city's future to go.


At October 28, 2011 at 9:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike has been VERY clear and vocal about his stance on issue 2. He is NOT for it. Angelo your attempt to post anonymously on here and start to spread lies is ridiculous. You claim in the letter to just be a concerned citizen, yet who's sign is clearly placed in your yard... Tibbets. You and Tibbets are the only ones in this election misleading voters. You claim to be a democrat, but support a republican- Murphhy. You support Tibbets who ran as a republican his last attemps and started out running as a republican this time, then when faced with another republican opponent switched to being an independent. All this flip flopping is worse than a man's sign in a window. At least Mike sticks to WHO he is and doesn't change to appear to be something he is not.. it's clear that Tibbets will be with whatever party you want him to be with if it gets him the seat. It's also clear that you do not want what's best for Painesville... you just want your rich friend to win.. so how much money did he pay you?

At October 28, 2011 at 10:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term said
"So am I to believe Mr. DeLeone stands for the YES vote?"

There you go again, using your words to miss inform people....

At October 28, 2011 at 11:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Term is being pro-active...slinging a little before the other side starts their inevitable slinging. They've done it in the last 3 elections ...not nice but legal. I like Deleone, but if he's as well-connected as that sign in the window indicates (and using that connection for a non-partisan race) then what or who else is behind his curtain? Nothing happens in a vacuum.

At October 28, 2011 at 11:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess the main thing I find interesting about this sign issue is that anyone in this political and economic climate would let it be known publicly about being officially backed by either party in a non-partisan race. I have a lot of mistrust of our broken political system and the professionals that milk I have to wonder about anyone that voluntarily jumps on that band wagon. Neither party makes me feel warm and fuzzy and anyone they back makes me very cautious.

At October 28, 2011 at 12:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, could you answer two questions for me.

1. Who were the current and ones running now for council who voted for AMP or tell me what meeting to look at so I know how to vote.

2. I also need to know what council people voted for SB 5. I would like to know how the ones running for council now voted so I know who not to vote for.


At October 28, 2011 at 2:16 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

10:02 I have not heard publicly that Mike is against S.B.5 point me where I can view this as fact? All I mentioned both signs were in the window?
Dan Troy endorsed Mike DeLeone?
This will be interesting because it appears that Mr. Troy will oppose Lori DiNallo for that Ohio house seat? {just filed] Wonder who Mike will support in that race?
Slinging a question is all I did?.
12:00pm I will tell you prently only Hada, Fountain and Hach remain on council for the final vote for AMPGS. Those three plus Ms. Becks and Ms. Delamotte. Fodor, DiNallo were not on council
at the time of the vote.
Werner and Flock were the two who voted AGAINST the power plant on the final vote, presently on council.
As far as Issue 2 I don't know and I suggest you ask each candidate.
I also don't post Anonymous but you would know so why argue with you?
On a follow-up comment 5:30 I can only tell you come see my walk sheet of voters and the ONLY Non-Democrat or Independent voter I sent a letter to was to the candidate? So if I were you I would check with the

board of Elections so you have no problems come voting day?
On another note the comments are coming in about 50/50 I'm a Democrat and I know who to vote for your letter won't change a thing. Along with Thanks for the info you have helped me make my choice against the GOP machine! Like I said why waste your time?

At October 28, 2011 at 2:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I think Term is being pro-active...slinging a little before the other side starts their inevitable slinging."

Term must start early on everyone. Great thing to add to one's resume. Professional mud slinger. You don't approve but say it is OK for Term. Must be standard policy in Painesville. Skip the issues and sling mud instead. That's the way to get the best council people?

At October 28, 2011 at 2:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 1:33 from 7:33. Werner did not vote for the AMP deal, I do not believe. And you are not looking at the bigger picture. The bigger picture is that we need four votes on council to stop the four-vote bloc that has been going on in this city for decades with Hada leading the way (currently Hada, Hach, Fountain, DiNallo, Fodor). In order to stop them, we need Werner, Flock (running unapposed), Tibbets and Murphy. If you want change, it has to be that, or there will be no change. It will be McMahon/Hada all the way for another two years, and we cannot afford another two years.

At October 28, 2011 at 2:35 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

2:23 Hate to tell you this but slinging mud is what been happening by one member of council.
Ask Mr. Fellows. Murphy did.
Issues? Lets talk issues Mr.DeLeone is supported and endorsed by Mr. Fountain? Who was well enough to vote for AMPGS, along with Paul Hach who in his own way still believes he made the right choice on that plant? Who's slinging?
I want to run for council in Painesville to make it a better place to live, work and play along with my aspirations for higher office! No Comment? Uh?
Hey it's only money and what's that amongest friends? Notice anything about the power factor on your utility bill?

At October 28, 2011 at 2:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:24, Werner only voted once against the machine so how can tell me he will vote with Tibbits, Murphy and Flock? He votes the way Hada and CM tells him to vote. Read the public record. He will not lead Painesville to brighter future as he will vote any way he can to stay in office. Look at his record. He has done nothing for the residents in his ward. Maybe Bill Horvath would have been better.

At October 28, 2011 at 2:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, you would know he was against S.B.5 if you spoke to the man for more that a couple minutes after a meeting like you said. But apparently you already know what the man stands for and is about with out even speaking to him at length.... I doubt it. Also, Democrat Commissioner Daniel Troy does endorse him I seen him on Mike's list and he was kind enough to show me a picture of his next literature flyer and his name is clearly there under endorsements... There were more dems, repubs, and independents on it.. I don't think it's my place to name names, It seems the only one around here aloud to mud sling is you.. you seem more upset that Mike didn't listen to you and take down the sign when you told him he didn't need that... you are not the end all and be all of Painesville Angelo nor do you speak for any of the citizens in Painesville. I'm a democrat and I could care less if his sign is in that window or not. I've spoken to him about issues and all his views are not your typical "republican" views. But, again you would know this if you actually have spoken to him at any length. All of this information from "Term" is second hand if you want to know the TRUTH you need to go to the source.... Mike DeLeone

At October 28, 2011 at 2:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arlene Beck supported the AMP and she supports Murphey and Tibbetts, so does this double standard only apply to deleone?

At October 28, 2011 at 3:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want to know if Commissioner Troy endorses Mike, just call him directly and ask him.. easy and simple.

At October 28, 2011 at 3:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW! So, Arlene Becks voted for the AMP! Why is it okay for her to endorse Tibbetts and Murphey? Seems to me this should get the same bashing from you that Mr. Fountain voting for the AMP and endorsing Deleone gets, but it doesn't. It is because she is in your "group" so it's okay for her? Doesn't seem fair to me.

At October 28, 2011 at 3:20 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

3:03 I know he endorsed him. My question is will Mike endorse him against DiNallo?
2:59 You are absolutely right. Maybe they both should distance themselves from her.
2:52 I never claimed to be the end all and all of Painesville. Believe me I didn't need an endorsement from you to run this blog. The big difference is that when I call a Hada, Hach or anyone else out they know where it's coming from. Now you do have the right to your opinion, Why hide behind an Anonymous comment? Tell me does it feel good? You may be a great person but your opinion means nothing to me.
The problem I have with the interesting statements you make about me is your probably one of those nice people that smiles and nods as you go by?
I sign my letters and take the flack..

At October 28, 2011 at 3:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term 2:35: WHAT about the power factor on our electric bills? What has changed?!!!

At October 28, 2011 at 3:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yet you have nothing to base you opinion on. Have you talked to the man at great length.. no. You have no idea where he falls on issues you simply just base your opinions on blind assumptions you make about him because of people who choose to endorse him. And that's absurd. Yet when it comes to a Tibbetts supporter like Arlene Becks, he doesn't get the same "well, she voted for the AMP Tibbetts can't get on council now," that you do the other opponent. You are not consistent with your arguments. I agree this it's okay for one and not the other is a huge double standard. BTW- yes I do smile and wave at people it's called being respectful to others, something you apparently don't do.

At October 28, 2011 at 8:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, 2:47: Werner DID vote against the AMP deal. I think that is more than we can expect from Jenkins or DeLeone, and I think he'll vote with the new majority when there IS a new, better majority. DeLeone and Jenkins are endorsed by Hada, Hach, etc. You cannot ignore that fact. It's the same thing that happened with DiNallo and Fodor...Hada clones. After this election, go ahead and vote Werner out, but not now. Please.

And if you want to go making statements that maybe we should have kept Horvath, then you must not remember how horrible he was. He treated the citizens with terrible disrespect and called on Gurley (law director) to finish the job for him. He was also the one that sent the letter behind our backs telling the powers-that-be not to do anything about the illegals here in Painesville, and how much we love them here. He lied and lied saying that he penned the letter, when in reality it was Veronica Dahlberg, a defender and leader of the illegals. So if you have any sort of problem with our whole city being taken over by illegals, you can thank Horvath for it next time you see him. Oh, and don't forget to thank Abby Delamotte (former councilwoman), too. She went on national radio or TV (I can't remember which one - I think it was radio) telling the world that we just love our illegals here, too.

Whether you like Werner or not, he is our best chance, along with Tibbits, Murphy and Flock of stopping the Hada/McMahon machine that has taken our city down for decades now.

At October 29, 2011 at 5:15 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Just to get this record straight. Tibbits never accepted Ms. Becks endorsements. Show me a piece of his literature with her endorsement on it? Sorta jumped the gun maybe? Fountain endorsed DeLeone and Tibbits did not accept any endorsement but Andy Flocks. Why didn't DeLeone ever talk to Flock? Probably wasn't allowed. Now we find out a candidate is knocking on Tibbits rentals loojking for what?

At October 29, 2011 at 5:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's with the power factor mine has almost doubled in the last 6 months?

At October 29, 2011 at 8:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deceit.If you want to know about deceit ask John Murphy. The last two elections he ran in ; The day before elections completely false information appeared in the News Herald. The reason I know it was false is because on both occassions he was called to a hearing in Columbus.Both times proved his innocents and tossed out.He is waiting to see what he will be called for this time.He is up agains a large group; Better known as the Hada Duty stables.For years people Thought Sidley had the largest stable in this area.WRONG. THE HADA DUTY STABLES HAVE BEEN OPERATING FOR APPROXIMETLY THIRTY YEARS.What a coincidense.Just about the time the Hada stables became the front runner.Stronger every this year.Now with the addition of Duty.What next? Perhaps Lebron James.He will bring many more false statements and we all know he has never cared for his people either.

At October 29, 2011 at 8:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term said,

"Tibbits never accepted Ms. Becks endorsements"

This is not true she is going around and telling people to vote for Richard Tibbits, so she is endorsing him.
Just because he does not have it on his literature does not meen she is not endorsing him.

At October 29, 2011 at 10:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of "show me the literature with" How about showing us the literature with "Paid for by Lake County Republican party" on Fountain's campaign piece. Or for that matter any other Painesville council person from either party.

Paid for means that that entity paid for the item such as postcard or flyer. Paid for the printing and postage. Believe it or not, candidates can buy their own signs, print their own literature, pay for their own robo calls, buy their own stamps and do their own mailings.

Term has done the above, so who paid for those? Him? Or are we to just claim and assume the Democratic Party paid for these just because he is a Democrat. See, anyone can make up accusations, even me. He says he pays. But, he also claims the Republican Party paid for Fountain's. I would like him show proof. Term says John Murphy said this person or that person told him this or that. So, a candidate who lost two elections told Term who just happens to support that candidate that someone sabotaged his campaign. Sounds like we are being told third or forth hand stories claimed to be fact. Sour grapes or a lot of assuming going on if you ask me.

Doubt some of this, then ask any candidate or even the board of elections about how thorough a candidate has to be about campaign finances. Didn't a candidate have a protest filed against him a couple of years back. Fountain doesn't show up for meetings. Is it the Republican Parties fault or Painesville's City Council for allowing it to go on and on? Seems to me it might be his automatic vote was needed.

All this over signs for nonpartisan races. Well I don't think the two parties are the problem. It is the voters and council who keep putting up with the same thing over and over. How a person votes on PAINESVILLE'S issues is more important than their choice of Red or Blue. Integrity and character are more important than party or Term's opinion on signs.

At October 29, 2011 at 10:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TOO 7:33 I don't believe that anyone help Jenkins with her signs, she placed them herself. with the help of family. I have not seen or read anything that shows Hada or Hack was endorcing her. Just your best guess , which from what Ican see doesn't amount to any thing truthful, just a guess. If you really want to know what she stands for,call her she will be glad to speak with anyone who are intrested and have the time to talk to her. I know that because I have spoken to her several times about issues....

At October 29, 2011 at 2:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I miss "Wild Bill".

At October 29, 2011 at 2:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term 5:15: They are probably looking for the big lie they will tell this year to keep people who will not be on their team out of office. Hada and friends pull something every year just before voting to assure THEIR people of getting in.

The power factor has doubled? I couldn't figure out why my bill was higher. Great. I heat with electric. Does anyone now what all is going on with this? I sure hope it will go down as usage goes up in a household like the electric rates do. The power factor was already killing me. Any details anyone?

At October 29, 2011 at 4:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:02, just to set the record straight......

I was at K. Jenkins fund raiser and yes the Hada- Hach camp was there but then I sat at table with Term and Murphy.

As I looked around the room all camps were there, except Werner, but then we know how active he has been trying to shut down a tax paying business in Painesville, where Ms Jenkins hosted her fund raiser. Seems like encouraging businesses might be better than running them out of town.

Where was Werner's fund raiser? Talk to a few businesses in his ward. Wear ear protection because you will get an earful.

Sorry, have talked Katie and I believe she can think for herself and will hardly be lead down the garden path in Hadaville.

Werner is far from our best chance.

I am really at a loss as to how and why you are assuming Ms. Jenkins is backing illegals populations. She has stated loud and clear she is against anything illegal.

Maybe the Hispanic population will save this city because the old white guys sure aren't doing such a great job.

At October 29, 2011 at 5:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what deleone was knockin on doors in the ward . He's not aloud to knock on doors to Tibbitts rental properties that are in ward 3 now? give me a break. That's ridiculous. But I'm sure Tibbitts is aloud in deleones neighborhood right..because that's okay.
Of course Tibbitts doesn't except Becks endorsement now because it doesn't serve his needs in this context. I'm sure if he went to a home that supported Becks her endorsement to him would be the first thing out of his mouth. He will say anything.

At October 29, 2011 at 5:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish I could put a few more signs in Republican window. Then sit back and watch Term's head explode. Those men in the white suits someone else said might need to visit the Owego Castle before this election is over.

At October 29, 2011 at 6:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term said,
"Now we find out a candidate is knocking on Tibbits rentals loojking for what?"

Is there some kind of law that candidates can't talk with Tibbits tenants, I bet the tenants have no say about signs in there yards, Tibbits only.....

At October 29, 2011 at 7:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TERM, you may despise the Republicans but look how well Painesville has done under the Democrats form of government the last 20 or more years. You constantly knock how the city is run without mentioning that it is Democrats doing the running of it. Democrats calling the shots. I would respect you more if you weren't so hypocritical.

At October 30, 2011 at 7:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

REMEMBER DELEONE IS A LAWYER. this is a group of good people ????

At October 30, 2011 at 7:04 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

7:29 Their has been many Democrats and Republicans that can share equally in the demise of our city.
If you want to make races in Painesville about political parties I will help to make that happen in future council elections?
Postcards, signs?

At October 30, 2011 at 7:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Deleone is a prosecutor?
Haven't we been prosecuted enough by council?

At October 30, 2011 at 9:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TERM 7:04am, You say if "I" want to make races in Painesville about political parties?......You are the one that has brought politics into this. You are the one that looks at everyone first "are they a white hatted Democrat?" or "are they a black hatted Republican". It is all black and white with you. Republicans are evil and Democrats are right no matter what. And 10:59am, Jenkins is placing Hada and DeLeone signs when she places her own. So she is working with/for them. Says a lot. And Jenkins being a free thinker, She is a "TERM" thinker.

At October 30, 2011 at 10:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


" If you want to make races in Painesville about political parties I will help to make that happen in future council elections?"

Don't look now, Term just did a flip-flop. Now he wants to make it about parties after all. Seems as if he is all for parties in Painesville as long as it is the Democratic Party.

"I will help make to make that happen" Is that a threat or patting himself on the back. Wonder when Term will start ORO in the square? That is Occupy the Republican Office, Painesville Chapter. Wonder how Rita and the two Joe's will like this? How many homeless will join their ranks? Wonder how the extra police protection will effect the budget in Painesville? Who will donate money to these people, Term, the Democratic Party, kids from Lake Erie College and Harvey or the likes of Michael Moore? I'm sure a tent city made up of Painesville's finest citizens and illegals is just what we need to promote Painesville's image.

Be careful of what Term wants, we just might get it. That is only what he wants and not what the rest of Painesville's people decide by voting. I don't think I'm willing to go from Wild Bill to Crazy Term. Think about it.

At October 30, 2011 at 2:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's see....

DeLeone prosecutor making this community better for the last 9 years


Tibbets making himself richer off this community for the last 30 years

Seems like a simple choice when you look at what they actually do for a living.

At October 30, 2011 at 2:32 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

10:25 Don't try to twist it if the party honcho's down at GOP headquarters want to support certain candidates I will help them in exposing what they must want? No flip-flop thats a fact. The party of Lincoln has been supporting "stealth" candidates for a time now I'll just help them in there cause.
First I supported Murphy against Fountain tell the truth would ward 3 had better representation.?
Two years ago I supported Murphy for Council at Large Hada finnished first, Fodor second, DiNallo third, Murphy fourth? Now the person who finnished third is planning on moving on? If you check old posts I commented that I believed this would happen? What has DiNallo done on her time on council? Why would anyone in Painesville vote for her to move to a higher office? Where does she stand on Issue 2? Not even serving two years what's going on?
This was another undertaking by the people with an office around the park.
2:07I have looked for cases that Mr. DeLeone has worked on that made the community better. Please give us examples?

At October 30, 2011 at 2:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, you will expose their stealth? I cant stop laughing. What is stealth when they openly put a sign in their window? What is stealth when endorsements are openly posted on their website. Sounds very stealthy to me. Hehehe

At October 30, 2011 at 2:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Occupy Painesville? Terms late on that one Abby, Joe, and Wild Bill have given that to the Mexicans?
Thanks for nothing

At October 30, 2011 at 4:06 PM , Anonymous ? said...

2:50 PM

You're absolutely right.

Maybe Term's biggest problem with the Republican office in Painesville is that he can't control it even if he tried. He goes to council, school board and POC meetings and gets on TV. I've got an idea, take a look at "THE PICTURE" you took. It should have the name of the office in it. Guess what, It says LAKE COUNTY REPUBLICAN PARTY. It doesn't say Painesville Republican Party. So is the Painesville Democratic Party on Owego. Or should I say Term's Democratic Party.

However, has he ever attended a meeting at the Republican office or a rally meeting. He sure acts like he knows everything about each and every meeting that goes on in Painesville and how they support or don't support candidates and how they spend money.

Term, believe it or not, there is a whole wide world outside of Painesville. The people who volunteer to work for these and other groups have better things to accomplish than to meet your demands or win your approval. I doubt any of them would want to work with you anyway. Notice, I say "work with". I doubt you could ever "work with anyone". Now work AGAINST is your specialty. Work with people and we can accomplish a lot, work against and we will just continue the road to ruin. Our roads are just one example of the way we are headed.

Your reference to Lincoln was interesting. Our country has always been made up of people with different ideas. Two or more ideals voted on by the people to choose the best and to move forward. So moving yes but I believe that was the original purpose. Long before Lincoln and definitely long before you came along, this is how America works. This only goes to show everyone that your hate for Republicans far outweighs voting for whats best for Painesville.

Let's hope the people of Painesville choose to vote for who's best to move Painesville forward and not follow your blind hate of one party. I am not ready exchange one bad group for your group blindly. Joe and Rita are bad enough.

At October 30, 2011 at 4:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jenkins does not place any other candidates signs, nor does she request if they can. I have Deleone, Hach, and Jenkins in my yard. Each candidate asked me themselves and delivered they're own signs.

People need to stop assuming or jumping to conclusions when they know nothing.

At October 30, 2011 at 5:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To:7:04 First Hada is not running for anything, and has no signs out. K Jenkins had sighs all over her ward that was alone with out any other signs, The homes that have more than one sign it is the home owner or resident of that house that allowed all the signs not Jenkins.

At October 30, 2011 at 7:40 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

$;06 You Republicans sure are a touchy bunch? Yet no answer on Issue 2 Some of you can't run from it fast enough.
Heck even Mitt can't can't get his story straight?
Yes I can't wait to see who you guys finally run. It seems to be American Idol in reverse?
Please what "County " Republicans support Issue 2?

At October 30, 2011 at 8:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:31pm, my friend gave permission to Katie to put up her sign. The next thing she knew Katie was back and pounded her sign, Hach's sign, and DeLeone's sign. So I do know what I'm talking about. My friend was not asked if she could place the other two. She just did it.

At October 30, 2011 at 8:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TERM, why do you think the world owes you anything? You think everyone should jump just because you say "jump"? Get real. You are so miniscule to the grand scape of things. You want an answer from someone, call and ask them. Isn't that what you say for others to do? So call the Republican you want an answer from. And this time don't hang up when they answer. Remember in this day and age there is caller ID.

At October 30, 2011 at 9:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...





At October 30, 2011 at 11:38 PM , Anonymous ? said...

Well, according to you, their stealth campaign of putting signs in their window sure is stealthy. Even you stated that they had an a vote yes on issue 2 in the window. I also haven't seen a stampede of Republicans running from YOUR city or hiding in fear from the wrath you seem to think you possess.

Even you know Issue 2/SB5 is a state issue. Mitt can't vote here. Still nothing but bad bad Republicans or Bush's fault. Surely you can come up with something more original. First it is Cain then Romney. Since they aren't the candidate for President yet, why even bring them into your nonpartisan races. OH, I forgot you are nonpartisan, right. NOT. Why not wait until the Presidential election. I forgot, you always have to say something negative about any Republican every chance you get. Just remember, it will be the Independents that decide these races. The extreme left or right have already made up their mind.

Want to know who supports Issue 2, ask them. Don't fall back on your usual comment of "I sent them an email and they didn't answer me." Lame Lame Lame. The way you confront anyone and everybody, do anyone would reply to you. Exactly what makes YOU so important that every politician is just sitting and waiting for your email so they can report to you and ask for your divine blessing. Showing a little to much self importance if you ask me.

You talk about people smiling as they pass you. Did you ever think they might just be laughing at you for how far off the deep end you have fallen over one little sign in a window.

At October 31, 2011 at 2:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I go crazy reading some of these comments. Term never mentioned HE was nonpartisan only the council race is supposed to be!
I have spoken to at least 4 people who have received his letter and they were happy they did.
I am certain Term has single handled upset the apple cart to those on the square. The amount of comments proves it.
He sucked you in and you all bit.
I recently asked Mr. Tibbits view on Issue 2 when HE came knocking at my door. His answer was truthful and simple. He believe the city council will have to deal in a meaningful way because those 7 councilmen will have no control over the outcome and will have to deal with the results no matter what they are. Now that's truthful.
If by chance Mr. DeLeone makes it back to my house I to will ask "Why is that sign in the window so important?"
Love him or hate him Term should make you all ask.

At October 31, 2011 at 3:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At October 31, 2011 at 4:08 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

To the person that mentioned the 8:03 post I need proof that katie did this with her sign and two others. Your going to have to give me more, sorry.

At October 31, 2011 at 5:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please take note of 8:03's post. As many people have been saying, Jenkins and DeLeone are in with Hada, and therefore McMahon. We will end up with more of the same with them, just like we did with DiNallo and Fodor.

The vote has to be for Murphy, Tibbits and to retain Werner. Along with Flock, that breaks the four-vote bloc that Hada, Hach, etc. have had for decades. If you want any kind of change, that has to be it. There's just no way to get around it.

At October 31, 2011 at 6:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny, no apple cart has been upset. Again, you give TERM too much credit.

At October 31, 2011 at 6:39 PM , Anonymous KJenkins said...

I am being accused of placing other candidates signs in people's yards without the owner's permission. I can say with all honesty and sincerity that I have not once placed another candidates sign in anyone's yard. If I even touched anyone else's it was to put it back in the ground after a windstorm while fixing my own sign. Whoever says that I have put another candidates sign in their yard is pulling your leg. And if you still believe that, I challenge you to share your name or the name of the person spreading these rumors.

I have only placed my own and with the permission of the homeowner tenant or landlord. I have not put up any other candidates sign, and whether or not the other candidate got permission is their campaign's responsibility.

At November 1, 2011 at 1:16 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Katie You better grow some tougher skin. IF you win the ward seat this is just a touch of what kind of critics you will face in the future. Stay on track keep focus on your campaign and don't get sidetracked.
Might even be good idea to not read the blog. until after the election?

At November 1, 2011 at 2:00 PM , Anonymous KJenkins said...

I appreciate the advice. It's not so much a matter of thin vs thick skin as much as I believe people deserve to know the truth. Every Tom, Dick and Harry has the opportunity to spread lies about all of the candidates on this site, whether it's me or my opponent. And I have just as much right to tell the truth.

It's very easy to say things when you are accountable to no one and there is no "fact checker".

As a candidate I am accountable to the whole city, and I take that responsibility very seriously.

At November 1, 2011 at 4:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Young lady for someone who grew up in the city you should know that truth is the first casualty around Painesville. The best you can hope for is that you aren't smeared a day or two before the election.
We hold our elected officals to very low standards. Use us for two years and expect us to support you in your next endeavor? Not a chance Ms. D ? Oh don't worry someone will make an excuse for her.
KJenkins the bar around here is set very low.

At November 1, 2011 at 6:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe it is

Every Tom, Dick, Harry and Term has the opportunity to spread lies about all of the candidates on this site.

If not lies, it's half truths. Or the old saying " Have you stopped beating you wife?" No matter how you answer, you can't defend yourself. What a way to run a campaign or a blog.

At November 1, 2011 at 8:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's right. Hada/McMahon, etc. are notorious for telling some kind of lie right before the election to keep people that they do not want in office out. You know, anything that is necessary to keep that four-vote bloc. Next time you see McMahon, ask her about her statement that she remembered that an incident happened, but she just couldn't remember what that incident was. She made that statement when she was unexpectedly confronted at a council meeting by a candidate they sabotaged. Nice double-talking Rita. We just really need to make sure we have stopped Hada's four-vote bloc with this election. In order to do that, it has to be Tibbits, Murphy, Werner and Flock.

At November 1, 2011 at 9:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

803 and 239 are both no true but you post it all.

At November 1, 2011 at 11:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 4:42. I know KJenkins very well and know that she sets the bar very high for herself and will hold others accountable to do the same. She is a very convincing young woman and will be an asset to Council.

At November 2, 2011 at 8:47 AM , Anonymous POLL WORKER. said...

TO POST 8:01 You must be a very knowledgeable city resident. WE NEED MORE LIKE YOU TO CHANGE PAINESVILLE TO A GREAT CITY. Don,t forget to vote, TUESDAY NOV-8-2011 6:30AM- 7:30PM. POLL WORKER

At November 2, 2011 at 6:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:56, this is just your opinion. Where is your proof. We are just supposed to take your word for it? If we need proof one way we should also need proof for the other side.

At November 2, 2011 at 7:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a resident of Painesville city ward 2 I hope to god Werner, Tibbits, Murphy get elected. Just remember a vote for Jenkins is a vote for the former councilman Bill Horvath.

At November 3, 2011 at 5:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Katie would not put a sign in my yard, are house is up for sale and she said she did not want to hinder anyone from looking at it.
Thank you Katie,
and we will be voting for you.

We also see that Hal has now put up signs on the rentals that the landlords took down signs that the tenants wanted up for Katie's

At November 3, 2011 at 6:13 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has anyone who is ranting that it HAS to be "Werner, Tibbits, and Murphy" thought about what happens when ONE of those people loses? You're pushing for people to elect the other two based on the idea that ALL three will win. So if they don't, then we just end up with a split vote all over again. Only this time we've got people on there who won't understand what's going on and won't be willing to try to understand.

Doesn't it make more sense to elect someone who is intelligent and capabable, because they're intelligent and capable, rather than to elect some guys because they won't vote with Hada? And how can you be so sure they won't vote with Hada? Werner has done nothing but vote with Hada, except in maybe one or two instances. Did anyone else see the video of a recent council meeting where Hal and Andy were so busy grandstanding and voting "against Hada" that they didn't notice they were screwing the City with their "no" vote? I believe it was a 15 minute time-out with Gurley, and both changed their votes.

I want someone who votes "no" because they're informed and making the right choice. If this had been the case, I'd like to think it would have taken more than 15 minutes to get both of them to change their minds.

Does a Flock, Tibbits, Werner, Murphy consortium really sound that promising? We have to be smart here, and electing incapable people is NOT the way to improve Painesville.

At November 3, 2011 at 6:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am I the only person out here in blogland that is leary of a new four-vote bloc headed by a Council President Flock, a Council Vice President Werner, and city criticks Murphy and Tibbits? I don't want a rubber stamp councilman voting for Hada or Flock. Yours Truly, An Independent Thinker.

At November 3, 2011 at 2:56 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

No by far you are not alone. It seem there has been a voting block in Painesville for a few decades. Maybe it won't be so easy in the future to get everything the council-president and the city manager want passed?

At November 3, 2011 at 3:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It takes four votes to pass, or not pass, anything. If we have any less than four who will not automatically go along with Hada we have more of the same that has taken this city down to its knees, meaning McMahon/Hada/Hach, etc. We need Werner, Flock, Tibbits and Murphy. If all three who are running do not get in, then we are at least a leg up for each one that does, and hopefully will be able to finish it off at the next election. Nobody is saying that these people will automatically vote no, but the important thing is that they will not automatically vote yes. And that is not to say that these four will always agree; a healthy discussion and looking at all the options is something we have not had here for a long time. Now McMahon/Hada decide what will be and Hach, Fodor, DiNallo go along with it automatically. It's the big picture this time. It has to be.

At November 3, 2011 at 7:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does Tibbits or Murphy not have any of there signs with Werner, they do want him to be there patsy, but don't want to be to close to him ?

At November 3, 2011 at 9:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The most important thing that we need to do with this election is to get people in there that will vote to get McMahon out. Whether we decide to stick to a city manager form of government, or not, we need McMahon out...NOW. We need to keep Werner (and Flock), and add Tibbits and Murphy. Tibbits and Murphy are both businessmen, which should be a good fit for running a city.

At November 4, 2011 at 10:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ifind it really strange that everyone wants to elect someone that will vote together, to do one thing only remove the city manager, If they do that then what good are they. Warner has been i office for almost four years and not once has he tried to place a motion on the floor to remove her. He only voted once against the rest of council the remainder of the time he voted with them, so where is the indepented thinker. I can not see tradeing one voting block for another, and we really don't know what the new block will do when they get in. Next will they stop any progress the city is trying to make, just to make the manager look bad.
Next Iam not sure what she has done so bad, but I know she has kept the city services running at full speed wit little to no increase in monies. Infact I beleve th cty has seen a drop in cash but still have not gne to the voters askig for more money. I think that is a very good thing in this day and age. The AMP deal was not good, but many other groups were also sucked into the deal, and are now trying to get out of it just like the city. So she made a mistake along with a lot of other people. Is she really that bad, does she work long hours and 6 to 7 days a week to screw the city residence, I don't think so.
I believe that as good voters and educated people we should be voting for the type of people that have a good sence of how to help the city move forward and improve with each step. I do not see this happening by putting a new volting block in just for one thing only,get rid ofthe manager and them wait to see what we get next.
I have watch this blog and spoken to all those running for office. I see only two people that will thnk for themselves an not rely upon anyone else to make up their minds . They both have the needed education so they can read what is given to them by the city and understand it. I can only see Mike and Katie J. filling that void and helping those of the city move forward. They other way is just a step backwards. By the way HOrvath is behind Jenkins because he beleives she will do good for those living in the city , and the bussiness we have. I agree fully. NOw that I have said how I see this attack me instead of those who seek to serve us and work for us.......

At November 4, 2011 at 2:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon.11-3-11 9:23pm Just to let know Werner is also a business man over 38 years I guess no one cared about watching "Meet The Candidates Night"
Anon.11-3-11 7:17pm Those three men are smart to campaign with a little distance between them. We don't want to see them holding hands like others we have witnessed.
Anon.11-3-11 6:13am It makes most sense that your so-called over educated candidates that you’re routing for would follow in Hada's path rather than men that have wisdom with age and have passion for making this city better.
Anon.11-3-11 5:10am I see your fleeing the city just like the rest. I heard someone is voting for Katie B/C they like pink and purple just like her yard signs.
Anon.10-30-11 If you think the community is better with Deleone than I’ll stay with Tibbits making the city richer when he is elected!

At November 4, 2011 at 4:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need leaders not just businessmen. DeLeone has proven himself to be a leader. Jenkins appears to be a good leader too. Painesville needs good independent thinkers like these two to move forward, not followers like their opponents.

At November 4, 2011 at 5:12 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

10:46 You'll probably take a hit like everyone else. so be prepared.
You have a right to vote for who you want to. I am sure you have vetted all the candidates.
I think you should rethink the job the city manager does, but then again how much direction does council give her? I will have a couple of interesting posts coming up. Yes people made mistakes with AMP. Now you should ask Hada, Hach, Fountain, and Fodor about the deal they voted on with AMP-Ohio starting in 2015.

At November 4, 2011 at 8:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What deal starting in 2015?! Oh no......!

10:46: There is a lot about what has gone on in this city, and what is going on, that you apparantly do not know. Please read the blogs carefully to hear some of them. Also, nobody says that the Werner, Flock, Tibbits and Murphy will vote in one bloc. That's the present people who do that. Hopefully, these four people will actually talk things over and make good decisions together after weighing all the evidence -- which would be completely the opposite that has happened with the Hada, etc. bloc for decades now.

At November 5, 2011 at 1:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At November 5, 2011 at 1:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tibbetts, Murphey, and Flock can't get along with the current council members that will still be there after this election and you expect them to get along with each other? That's a long shot if you asked me.

At November 5, 2011 at 4:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Werner a business man? That's a joke. He spends more time calling the police and making bogus complaints (over 80 in the past three years) trying to close down a business that isn't hurting anyone. Ask any of the guys on the police department. They are sick of him and his shenangins. Ask the manager of the business. He will be glad to show you the restaining order against Hal AND his family. Hardly the person I want representating my ward.

At November 5, 2011 at 7:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If we want to get rid of McMahon, and stop the four-person bloc that Hada/McMahon/Hach, etc. have had for decades in this city we need Tibbits, Murphy, Hal and Flock. That's just the way it is. That's the big picture. Anything less will be more of the same. We can fix it more with the election in two years if the four-vote bloc is stopped and will continue to be stopped.

At November 6, 2011 at 12:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

November 5, 2011 4:03pm I walk my dog occasionally at night and have wittnessed Jackie's at it's worst and i disagree with you! Haaaa you cant even spell restraining. Think about it, can you really have a retraining order when a family lives a glance away? Your a lier and i smell city corruption.

At November 6, 2011 at 10:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry 12:51 but I have seen the order and it does go against the entire family and yes a bar can have a bad night, but I do not see anyone else trying to close any bars in the city just Hal, who if you check public record like I have and h makes a hugh amount of bogus calls, which is really sad. The police have much better things to do than chase bad calls.

At November 6, 2011 at 10:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 12:51 am... I omitted the "r" and you misspelled liar. We're even.

The important issue here is that Jackie's was a bar when Hal bought his houses. Nothing has changed. And yes, there is a restRaining order against the Werner family. They are not allowed on Jackie’s property. Please also ask the police department about when Hal recently chased a neighbor down the street and onto his property. He should have been arrested. That was in a earlier blog. Or when he called the police because a neighbor's cat got in his house. REALLY? You pick up the cat and put it outside. Not a problem worthy of a police complaint. No lies, no corruption.

On the other hand, what has Hal done for businesses in Painesville? Absolutely nothing! He’s spent all his time trying to put one business OUT of business.

Ask any Painesville patrolman how they feel about Hal. They will roll their eyes and ask you “please don’t put him back in office.” Please tell me what you think is more important… going on a “domestic in progress” call or getting a cat out of Hal’s house? How do you want your police resources utilized?

At November 6, 2011 at 3:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please do we really need to be debating Katie vs. Hal? Katie is the clear winner. Hal is trying to make a late play with all these signs going up and I do not think it is going to pay off. You needed to start earlier Hal.

At November 6, 2011 at 4:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If we want to get McMahon out, we need Tibbits, Werner, Flock and Murphy. Once we get rid of Hada's automatic-yes, four-bloc vote for McMahon, and once we are sure in future elections that that same four-bloc vote will not re-establish with people who are running for office, we can then get rid of anyone we want to. Right now we need Tibbits, Werner, Flock and Murphy. DeLeone and Jenkins are in with Hada, etc., so that makes the vote very clear to me. We have to look at the big picture for this election. If we don't, it will be more of the same that has lost millions of our dollars, lost us a hospital, etc., etc. We need to get these two new people in, retain the two that are in there, and then I would personally like to see the start of some pretty serious investigations to see what all has gone on since McMahon arrived and this current four-vote bloc was started. As citizens of this city we need to be able to go back and see where are our money went, and in the future, we need a transparent city government. We need to get the current Hada/McMahon bloc out to do that. There's just no way of getting around that.

At November 6, 2011 at 9:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Anonymous 11/6/11 10:33am, From my understanding the reason Hal was seen with the neighbor down the street is because the maniac stormed out of the bar yelling and got into his crap truck and floored max RPM's in neutral momentarily and then dropped the clutch zooming down the bar enter drive and then doing donuts in the store drive across the street. Maybe that neighbor should have been arrested for disturbing the peace. I drove by the place and of course it is rental property. Seems suspicious blogger do you have close connections with the police department or are you full of it?

At November 7, 2011 at 5:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Tibbets and Murphy don't get elected it will be their own faults. This local election was ripe for serious change and some hard campaigning was needed. Hope they win but bet they don't.

At November 7, 2011 at 6:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't want or need a Landlord running your city

At November 7, 2011 at 8:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since when is being a landlord a dirty profession?

At November 8, 2011 at 3:49 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:31: People need places to rent. Therefore, we need landlords. They are vital to America and her people. What's your problem with landlords?

At November 8, 2011 at 5:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

They have there place in society, however they have no place on city council. You can't run a city like a business unless you want to drive it into the ground.

At November 8, 2011 at 1:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're funny, 5:00. For one thing, having a huge budget and city to run is exactly like running a business. Secondly, if you don't think the present administration has run our city into the ground, you have not been paying attention.

At November 9, 2011 at 5:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK Term...your venture into the world of politics got your feet a little dirty and muddied your credibility a little. Time to get back to what you do best...finding real problems/information and getting the (UN)biased word out.Lets see if you can get past the election results and actually work with what you have...its a long time til the next election.


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