"DESPERADO" eagles
Had some free time to think, here are a few things a "BITTER" man wonders about.
Am I the only one who thinks the big green Waste Management totes should be for recyclables and the little green and yellow ones that look like a Green Bay Packer should be the one for garbage?
In the new Painesville City brochure on page 21 (Areas of interest in the City of Painesville) why is the Water Pollution Control Plant 1 and how did it beat out the Post Office which was number two?
Really… Lakeland Community College believes there might be a dollar or two out there they haven't got yet?
Now that the hospital is all but a memory, is it a fact that Zaremba has bailed on the project site?
When we provide breakfast and lunch for students during the school year because they need it, what do they eat on snow days when school is closed?
Is it true that FEMA has granted an extension for Millstone until January of 2013? Does anyone really believe it will be solved by then?
I have no proof of this but.... Herman Cain is really a plant by Papa John's Pizza to destroy Taco Bell?
Is the apathy so bad here in Painesville, that when you have the opportunity to meet people running for BOE then if you take out candidates, children, relatives, you might have 10 people with children in the system? Tell me again how important education is.
Watched American Horror Story on F/X last night at 9:00 pm and watched the repeat at 10:00 pm and have no clue what the story was about. In a thousand words or less, can anyone explain the story line?
Why is it that when Americans go to Washington D.C. and protest the government they are called Patriots while other American protesters protest on Wall St? and are called pinko commie scum? Could it have something to do with money?
Would people be out protesting if they had jobs to go to?
Since the lane changes on Mentor Ave. last year, does it seem there are more people living here in Painesville?
Paul Hach Jr. who has been on council for two terms has a list of accomplishments. What are they?
Did the red painted crosswalks downtown make you want to spend more money down there? Are you starting to miss Doug Nagy?
Am I the only one who thinks the illegal immigration problem should be Mexico's and not the United States?
The Painesville Schools 50% policy…. can we do that with our property taxes?
The old Painesville Plaza Hotel…. would it have made an excellent VA Hospital Annex Center for this area? BEFORE someone let local police and fire destroy it.
Someone once asked me if Painesville was at the end of the world? I said “No, but you can see it from here.” {Lou Holtz quote}
God's sense of Humor...while creating wives, God promised that good and obedient wives would be found in all four corners of the world...
Then he made the earth round.
and did you happen to see the lead the story in the News Herald this morning?
We are going to pass a temporary 3 month budget? Wow shocking, here is a tip city fathers, if you keep tearing down and don't rebuild your tax base is gone and the residents are tapped out.
Term how about you publish a list of the salaries our city heads make......... it might explain why we don't have any money.
On another note the how many city heads live in town to help pay the bills and keep the lights on?
Maybe we could have a pop quiz?
I took a tour of the water plant this spring. It is pretty interesting how it operates. It was a fun little tour.
Well Bitter man her's a few more to think about.
Why with what we spend on cemeteries inPainesvile why must we hire the most expensive tree company around to dispose of a tree in one of them?
When you talk about directors ask about the one MIA that makes ove $90,000 a year and hasbeen off for three months? No he's not ill either. Waste and more waste
If you can remember a year or to ago when councilman Flock asked why one fireman had 500 hours of overtime? The answer was in this weeks editorial page of the News-Herald. They were padding his retirement.
Well, Term, about communists and socialists. Go to the likes of CBS and CNN and listen to the words some protesters use for themselves in the videos. Protest wall street bailouts but they didn't end up costing the taxpayers money, in fact they returned over 10 billion dollars. Wall street also gave twice as much money to the Democrats that to the Republicans since 2008. Unlike GM, what will the final bill be after all the bonus' are handed out. Would have been nice to higher a few more workers instead of giving out $9,000 per worker or more since taking the stimulus. Good job unions, spend my tax money. Back to the protests, who are these people and what are their demands, I would like to know. Are they truly protesting wall street or just protesting to protest. Now we all know Term will bring the tea party into this debate and condemn them while supporting the wall street protesters. I seem to see some similar signs on both sides but only one side seems to be getting arrested. Could it be they believe the means, any means, justify the the results. I see the homeless run out of our square and at the same time Hispanics protest outside New Market all night. Disagree all you want but check the facts for yourself. Obstruct a major bridge traffic in NY and not expect to be arrested? Protests can and should be a good thing and needed to bring attention to certain issues. There also is a line that can be crossed from peaceful to breaking the law. With an election coming, we will see what direction these groups move in.
Again, before you attack me, watch the videos of these protests and listen to the people protesting. I'm not talking FOX, I mean CNN and CBS for two. If someone says they are a Communist, Marxist or Socialist, I am likely to believe him and not agree in any way with him. My Choice.
After all, Term keeps telling me that all the Republicans in Painesville are racist, terrorist communists and the sum of all evil. Just ask him. Maybe he is the one who wants a new totalitarian system here. Eliminate all who disagree with you. The Russians sent anyone who disagreed with them to Siberia. Wonder where Term wants to send all the Republicans.
2:18 As I have mentioned in the past I believe in capitalism and at the same time realize capitalism has no conscience. American political parties have BOTH fallen in favor of the people who will pass out money to them.
Again the top 2%. Where are the job makers? There in all places but there own country. The American corporate giants large and small have turned there backs on the people that provided them with wealth over the past century. It's not unions or students that are the problem its Wall St. greed.
Yes this movement cannot be ignored because of the simple fact it's young people who are pissed off. They spent time and money for a career and guess what? No jobs. Washington has sold the American people out again. Hell we don't even get trickledown anymore. Where is this counrty heading? Socialism look at Canada they have nowhere near the problems we have. This movement will not end until those protesters have a job to go to? Buy American? No boycott American corporations that have moved business off shore.
No this movement will make the tea party look like a company picnic. Will I contribute? Yes, these young people have figured it out.
In pass day American capitalism meant when things were good EVERYONE did well. Today we have a class of people that own politicans that want all the cream to rise to the top.
Could this destroy America as we know it? It could, and you will have no one to blame but the ones that want everything to go to the top 2%.
I don't believe I tagged Republicans as racists,or communists but with all the problems we face look where there energy goes? Where do I want you to go? Live wherever you want but I would rather you stay here and fix the problems we have right here. There's been to much flight already.
You seem to have a problem with Paul Hach? Is there bad blood or something between you to?
The plot of American Horror Story? It's SEX. Pure and simple!
To 2:18 PM:
How many gun toting “Liberals” did you see in that "Occupy Wall Street"crowd?
I wonder who said this,
"Fiscal Responsibility
Our agenda is ambitious–particularly in light of the current Administration's policies that have run up the national debt to over $4 trillion. Just as America cannot afford to continue to run up huge deficits, so too can we not afford to short-change investments. The key is to make the tough choices, in particular enforcing pay-as-you-go budgeting rules.
Was it Bush?
Might have been Kasich.
Or even City Council.
No, this was part of the Democratic Platform in 2008. Of course that was then and now the shoe is on the other foot we are all living the American Dream, Hope and Change. Painesville loses 2 million on AMP and the government looks to have lost 535 million on Solyndra. There should be investigations on both and people at fault should be made to pay the price. Either brought up on charges or voted out of office.
Interesting article in the Wall Street Journal.
Imagine the National Football League in an alternate reality. Each player's salary is based on how long he's been in the league. It's about tenure, not talent. The same scale is used for every player, no matter whether he's an All-Pro quarterback or the last man on the roster. For every year a player's been in this NFL, he gets a bump in pay. The only difference between Tom Brady and the worst player in the league is a few years of step increases. And if a player makes it through his third season, he can never be cut from the roster until he chooses to retire, except in the most extreme cases of misconduct.
Let's face the truth about this alternate reality: The on-field product would steadily decline. Why bother playing harder or better and risk getting hurt?
No matter how much money was poured into the league, it wouldn't get better. In fact, in many ways the disincentive to play harder or to try to stand out would be even stronger with more money.
Of course, a few wild-eyed reformers might suggest the whole system was broken and needed revamping to reward better results, but the players union would refuse to budge and then demonize the reform advocates: "They hate football. They hate the players. They hate the fans." The only thing that might get done would be building bigger, more expensive stadiums and installing more state-of-the-art technology. But that just wouldn't help.
If you haven't figured it out yet, the NFL in this alternate reality is the real -life American public education system. Teachers' salaries have no relation to whether teachers are actually good at their job—excellence isn't rewarded, and neither is extra effort. Pay is almost solely determined by how many years they've been teaching. That's it. After a teacher earns tenure, which is often essentially automatic, firing him or her becomes almost impossible, no matter how bad the performance might be. And if you criticize the system, you're demonized for hating teachers and not believing in our nation's children.
10:28 How selective are you? What do you think Kennedy, Reagan would have done after 9/11? Gone to war and at the same time offered a tax cut? Solynadra? I would take a thousand of those to 1. Iraq war.
What would we have done to Obama if he went to war over WMD's and none were found? What did the GOP cut to pay for that mistake? Now FEMA has to go hat in hand to get funding for who AMERICANS.
Keep following all these people and by the time you die you won't be a capitalist, socialist, communist you will just be broke!
7:33 Even sex has to have a plot? Well maybe not.
10:28 Everybody Tom Dick and Harry organizes in Veterans Park. Me I want to occupy the banks downtown, As Dillinger said thats where the money is. You'll get arrested? Oh well,if you want to make a point thats what happened in most of our movements. [ The News-Herald would be forced to cover that event]
10:12 The Republicans come up with an idea that smells like a fart and the Democrats say whooo let me smell. [Lewis Black]
Paul Hach I can't figure out why he even wants to be on council I have checked in over 8 years on council he has voted only once other then the way the city manager, or council president has asked? How many qualified questions has he asked? Hardly any.
The AMP-OHIO deal should be enough to seal his faith as a councilman , but the people in Painesville must view the loss of 2 million dollars just a small oversite,we got money to burn.
11:37 NFL players? Tell me in as few a number of words as you can if you think the NFL acts more like a socialist, or capitalist organization? All teams share the same amount equally in T.V. and other outside revenue? Great teams lousy teams. Is this socialism or capitalism. All have a wage cap? is this socialism or capitalism? If a team has a bad year are they rewarded with an easier or harder schedule? Fair? Can they go out and hire any player out of college? No, then is the draft socialism or capitalism. Franshise players socialism or capitalism.
Now why would they do all this?
So the top 2% of the teams don't have all the wealth! The NFL this is a business plan Lenin would have been proud of. It is also very successful. With not a Caitalist idea in site.
Term, let's talk players as Fran Tarkington was.
Let's talk players union. You mention teams and owners. Well we are the owners of our school system. We get a certain amount of money from the various governments too, based on size. Painesville's money was increased this past time by the way. It is up to us, the owners to hire the best coaching staff we possibly can. That's what makes one school system better than the next. Sure the NFL owners are capitalists, they bought the teams with their own money and run them as a business. Wouldn't you if you invested millions of dollars.
I will talk about the draft. Don't you think are students are in something like a job draft when the graduate? Aren't players drafted by ability like teachers should be. What about sales of team gear? Don't better teams or players make more on these than bad teams or players? Don't better schools seem to get better teachers, staff, administrations school boards? Tell me, why do you think some parents choose to send their players/kids to different schools at their own expense? If it were socialism, it wouldn't matter where they went. I don't claim to be the only owner of our schools but I also think I have the responsibility to be a good coach and hire the best teachers and reward them for their success. Bad staff member or teacher, then you should be gone. Same with the school board, vote for the best.
By the way, If the players were socialist, why would there be NFL, NBA, MLB and all the rest of the strikes in professional sports. They would all make the same, right?
Wage cap, right or wrong is there to make the league competitive. That effects the team more than the individual player. Same as where a student lives determines what school he or she can attend for the most part.
By the way, what percent do you put the players into for taxes?
I do believe that was said by Fran Tarkington and not 11:37. I different point of view even though it doesn't meet your approval.
Very well said term. Your comments echo many of the residents and employees feelings about what is going on in this city. We all certainly have more questions then answers. Keep questioning my friend and don't give up.
5:41 I only wanted to state how ridiculous some people can make things sound when they chose to pick out a small section of society.
We are living in the real world and not an "alternate reality". As Mr. Tarkington was speaking to. The solutions to our problems must take place in the real world. With real world solutions.
Well, I think that Fran the football player was talking about tenure. Who does tenure benefit most, the student, the parent, the school system, the taxpayer or the teacher? We need to come up with a solution to hire and then keep the best teachers. I don't think tenure in it's current form is the best solution. We seem to be accepting just good enough too much lately in our society as whole. I've been in the work force long enough to see my fair share of people who just show up and collect a check. As soon as the boss leaves the room, they stop working yet receive the same pay as everyone else. We are teaching our kids the same thing in school with the 50% policy. Do we want teachers who just take attendance or ones that teach. Do we need a administration who doesn't support the teachers or plays favorites. Same with the school board.
So is it time to get rid of all the teachers, the administration, the school board or the students in order to make our schools better?
Well, soon we will have an election. New school board members might bring some change for the good. Maybe they will make a change in the administration for the better. Now we have to face facts that maybe "some" teachers will need to improve or lose their job. This is where tenure needs to be addressed. Parent involvement, who really has a solution for this? Students, they must be taught that it takes work to get ahead in todays world. They need to know that they need to take responsibility for their own education too.
Let's face it, the current system isn't working. Changes need to be made. That goes for discipline to job performance.
Now there is SB 5 and the Vote NO signs in the Painesville area. Both affect the schools. The signs mean no more money for the schools. The SB 5 bill affects the percentage the teachers pay for their health and retirement benefits. So one could save money and the other means no more money for our schools. Since the State increased funds for Painesville's schools, the NO signs mean no more money and the bill could save money, what is truly best for our schools.
Term, is this about what's best for our schools or what's best for unions and your political agenda? We need change, are you willing to? And we know that SB 5 doesn't prevent collective bargaining for wages and other things, only for percentages paid for benefits.
10:09 Then then lets talk about tenure and not some ageing offensive lineman?
S B 5? If there is any Bill that will have lest to do with reigning in spending it's this one. Pass or Fail Does more money and no less be in the coffers?
What you need is strong leadership on the council and the board to explain why these decisions have to be made.
Only someone who has spent his whole time in the public sector believes the only thing to do is raise taxes or pass a levy. [Mr. Fodor, Mr. Powers] Painesville City is facing a cut of $285,000 from the state I believe you could make that much money up right under the "Golden Dome" . We won't, we will cut a policeman, two firemen and a custodian. The waste is a city hall people. You have director's for everything, and assistant directors for God knows what? If Painesville City was a private business they would very fast be bankrupt. The problems aren't just with unions the whole system needs a do over.
I checked one director has been off for three months, everything seemsd to still be operational? We have one councilman who has not served his ward in the last three years. Do we need councilpeople.
Seems we got through the next couple of years without that school levy? Maybe the NO$ were right?
If you had passed it they would have again asked you for even more. Look at the site with teachers wages for our schools. Sorry people you got to much already.
Call the EMS! The rally team will have a stroke when they read the news today. California O.K. tuition for illegal students to attend state colleges, Dayton ,Welcomes all immigrants and a chuch in Cleveland donated hundreds of thosands of dollars to tutor Hispanic children
Read the article in The News Herald today about parent involvement?
Here is a link
We need to do something to improve schools. Republicans, Democrats, Unions, Teachers, School Boards, Parents or Students. Who is the most important group here. Are politics, tenure or school/student performance the most important thing here? Seems as if people attack each other more than the real problem, making our schools better. It is quite apparent what we have now isn't working. Add the money problems the economy adds to it, it might even get worse. We need more good teachers, not less with tenure. We need better money management and smart budget cuts. We need a better way to get more parents involved not just the same ones. Maybe a group of parents who meet with the school board, administration, a group of teachers and maybe even an group of junior and senior students to brain storm and discuss problems and possible solutions. The meetings with Ms Martin may be a start but we need to go further. These meetings should take place some time before (days or week) school board meetings and the results or minute should be presented a that meeting.
Just my thoughts on change.
TERM, in a recent post somewhere you mentioned a City administrator who has been off work for several months. Can you tell us who that is, or where we go to find that out?
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