Wednesday, October 19, 2011



The Queen was very smart and ambitious, she had been running the Kingdom for years while the King was busy building his army. An army so strong that no one would dare challenge his thrown. He had the jack of all trades his four clubs and the ten of hearts that sat by his side and agreed with everything the King and Queen said. Laws got passed and taxes got collected and the King was pleased with himself. Along with the Queen and the Sheriff of Levan.
Eventually things started to go arye, the Healer in the Kingdom wanted to renovate and double the size of his castle. He asked the Queen if she and the King would help him in his quest to build this grand healing castle?
The Queen listen then whispered into the Kings ear "Thee need not be bothered to help the Healer , where thou you think he shall go? Make him pay for his castle on his own and secure the properties he needith on his own"! What will the fool do, abandon his castle? Just tell him NOOO! But the King and Queen underestimated the gold in the Healers treasury. One day they awoke to find the ?Healers castle abandoned, the Healer had moved to the realm of Concordia where he built a a new healing castle.

The King was furious with the Queen for letting the Healer leave along with his bounty of taxes that he added to this Kingdom. "O what shall we do!" Cried the King "I know", said the Queen. "Lets show the peasants pretty pictures on how we will rebuild the Village, throw them a big party, then tear down the Healers castle, in short time they will forget it ever was there"!

So they all followed the Queens plan and it seemed to work. The only problem was the gold from the Healers taxes were no longer coming into the Kingdom, even with the help of the knight by the name of JEDD. Meanwhile the King and Queen continued to live their lavish lifestyle mindlessly running around here and there along with ideas such as painting streets red while the treasury was slowly emptying.

All this while a Bear and some rabbits were soon to befall a great tragedy.


At October 19, 2011 at 8:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me thinks your you have been in the great wine cellar..........

At October 20, 2011 at 11:45 AM , Anonymous Bob B. said...


I have been following your blog for a while, but I think I'm going to stop. I guess this will be the last entry I read. Just a heads up: the hyperbole of these king/queen etc. posts isn't really amusing. You are much more effective when ranting in a straight-forward manner.

You hate any politician with a connection to the school board, you dislike republicans and conservative-minded people and movements and methodologies, and you want to replace all council members and the city manager. Got it. Don't think I need to read another post because it will be more of the same, right? I don't mean that as a criticism, I just think it's essentially true that I have been reading the same argument over and over again for months, and I would continue to hear it in the months to come should I continue reading, ad infinitum.

I guess I was going through a phase where I felt like political discourse and discussion here and on other forums was somehow useful and somehow made me an informed and productive citizen working toward something, whatever that something may be. I realize, now, that it's just a bunch of opinionated people who have already established their beliefs, morals, and opinions, and who will never change or even see the value of the other side of things no matter how logically, persuasive, or well-reasoned another point of view is made known (I'm including myself here.) It's just noise, in other words, and actually isn't any more productive than the citizen who spends their free time watching American Idol and Dancing with the Stars and then pops into the voting booth come election day. They always vote down the line one way or the other, without exception, just like we do and will continue to do. The only exceptions, I suppose, are the so-called "independents" or "moderates," who might even actually be worse because they don't stand for any principals and they make their decision on politicians based on charisma, looks, etc.

But anyway, I suppose the point of this post was just a farewell. I hope you find what you are looking for, and I wish you the best of luck.

At October 20, 2011 at 4:05 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Sorry to see you go Bob B. I just think sometimes stories like the Queen along with the Bear make it easier to explain things. I am not against all city managers only the ones I have found to constantly spin a tale they I know aren't true.
There are members on the school board I respect as well as council but tell me are you satisfied with the current results?
You don't need a degree to think the solution to every problems is the residents give the administrations more money, along with all the coverup or things sweeped under rugs.
Much of my thinking I believe has evolved and to state I hate Republicans, Conservatives, Hispanics, just isn't true.
Funny when politicans were screaming people must take to the streets take your counrty back it was a great idea. When the 99%er's did it they then proclaimed they were a mob that wanted to destroy this country? I've been wrong and maybe I should have acknowleged it more when I was. A good example was the election of Karen Lawson as the Juvenile Judge. She has proformed in her job to a point where I am even embarressed to admit In voted against her. Is she a Republican ? Yes. The next time she runs will I vote for her? Yes.
Illegal immigration I guess I've soften my beliefs here also. What am I going to do, go house to house and chase people out? At the event at Maple School I talked to White, Black, and Hispanic children and to be honest they were all as American as I am. They are our future. Should we control our borders? Yes. but what do I do with that nine year old boy who's parents may be illegal but he isn't?
To often we look at politics as a game that scoring points is more important then fixing problems.
Certain things fire me up like a sign in a window or postcards days ahead of an election for a post only the people of Painesville should care about.
I will miss you Bob, I try my best and I guess if your at least thinking about Painesville I made my point.
The interesting thing about running this blog. are the comments. Anyone who has seen some of the comments I haven't put on the blog. will tell you there are really strange people on both side.One comment I get alot is why do I post comments that proclaim that I am an idiot or whatever? You must have a tough skin? No. a good friend once told me "what others say about you is none of your business".
Maybe the blog. hasn't changed your thought's but it has changed many of mine.

At October 20, 2011 at 4:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, I LOVE your original post here about the King and the Queen. Very inventive and smart and true. I think you missed your calling as a political satirist. Brilliant, I would even say. Thoroughly enjoying it.

At October 20, 2011 at 6:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, if you're going soft on illegal immigration, at the very least, please fight to get the law changed that is allowing all these anchor babies. At least do that much.

Maybe the anti-illegal groups all need to change their demands for the moment, and break it down into that one step which would hopefully be something that both sides could agree on, and maybe the politicians could grow up long enough to do it. That would at least be an important first step.

At October 21, 2011 at 4:03 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

6:53 Did you watch any on the debate this week? We are at the point where lawn care is front and center along with electric fences? If the so called smartest among us can't figure this out how could you or I? Anchor babies? O.k. but what do we do with the anchor babies that are citizens?
I will agree with you on one major point. History proves the countries or regions that didn't have control over all migration issues had bad outcomes. One example the American Indian.

At October 21, 2011 at 4:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What was the King talking about at council? Painesville has a lawsuit against Amp?
Throwing more good money after bad.
Along with his argument to increase the base to make power cheaper for all of us? That might be true but he constantly tells us we can't even produce the power we need presently. Is he losing it?

At October 21, 2011 at 4:49 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Can you say CYA? The only lawsuit I am aware of is Bucktell Engineering suing AMP-OHIO for backing out of AMPGS breach of contract and then AMP-OHIO counter suing Bucktell?
Painesville is not directly suing anyone but something tells me if you look into that "take or pay" contract we'll end up paying for AMP-OHIO legal fees.
Just a thought we can assume the lawyers will make a buck or two on this. Plus what's the hurry to settle? 85 communities are the ones paying the interest on that contested money.
I guess it would be fair to think that within the next ten years Painesville will be out of the electric producing business. Age of plant, EPA regulations. Then we will only be distrubutors of power. Cleveland Public Power is doing that presently. Ever wonder what the cost will be to mothball that power plant on Richmond St.?
The simple answer to Joe, Paul and the others that voted yes. Please next time read the contract and you wouldn't be part of a lawsuit? That is if you give them a next time.

At October 21, 2011 at 5:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, so I believe my opinion that Term has softened his stance on illegal immigration because of his alliance with Katie Jenkins is true. This means that we need to look out for Katie Jenkins, and not let her be voted into an office. Given the chance, I think she will help the illegals like Horvath, Hada, McMahon, Delamotte, Fountain and Hach did, and not do whatever is available to us to get them out.

We already have - what? - 45% Hispanics in our elementary schools. Our city is almost gone to the illegals and so is our country, so the sympathy needs to stop and any and all action needs to be taken to get them out. We don't need a sympathizer in office. If you want to help them, go help them in Mexico and the rest of their respective countries, not here.

At October 21, 2011 at 6:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know what? Those stupid people (Hada, Hach Fountain) that went along with McMahon and voted for the AMP contract, can't possibly have as an excuse that they didn't read the contract. There were plenty of citizens (yourself and Murphy, for example) who told them that a 50-year coal contract was a very bad idea in this day and age. They were also told by you two and countless other people, including myself, that a take-or-pay, where we OWN part of the plant was a horrendously stupid idea. They were told over and over again. Then when people were upset that they voted yes, Hada made a point of sticking it to us with a na-na-na-na-na by saying he "PROUDLY" voted yes. There isn't an excuse anywhere to be found for these dumb people that followed McMahon into this horrifying mess, and they get no pass from me.

At October 22, 2011 at 2:18 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is 6:53 adding to my post. I think the illegal immigration issue needs to be broken down into steps and just two steps sought for now. The first one is to stop the anchor baby nonsense, and the second step is to create a fields-only temporary-worker program and make sure that it actually works for the farmers. There are some of those programs in place in some states, but the farmers say that they are too expensive and difficult to use. The USA has had these kinds of programs in our past history, so how hard could it be to come up with a program that works. We will never get the illegals out until this huge problem is taken care of. I think we need to break it down and focus on these two things. Hopefully the children we have running our government can agree on at least that.

At October 22, 2011 at 9:06 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:24 My change on illegal immigration has nothing to do with anyone but myself.
I have come to the conclusion that nothing will change no matter who sits in power.
Anchor babies? You see anyone out there pushing to resend the 14th Amendment?
You anonymosly come on this blog. wanting other's to do your handy work for you along with 6:53. Have you ever expressed your views at a council meeting or gone to the local Congressmans office. Called Portman, or Brown?
6:53 in a way your arguement upsets me more then 5:24. You want to take advantage of people so you don't pay to much for a tomato? Leave your family sleep in a tent and work for meager wages so I can eat a cheap salad. Sorry I have listened to both of you and can't be on board. The people you support pay you lip service because down deep they don't really care. Governor Rommney quote; ",I called the lawn service and told them I'm running for office I can't have illegals working on my property"!
So am I to assume if he wasn't running it would be fine?
Governor Perry provides Texas tutition for illegals in Texas? Why ?
Painesville schools are taken over by illegals? Are those children illegals or U.S. citizens the same as you and me?
Katie Jenkins and the rest of the people running for council what do you want them to do? Then go to a council and tell them in person.
Your argument will go nowhere unless you put a face to it. Please by this statement don't think you will see Ms. Dahlberg and myself marching together. She's as bad as the two above just on the other side and an addition to the problem none of us need.

At October 22, 2011 at 9:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So if Term is for Katie, then that must upset his buddy Tibbits and all of his Landlords, who are for Werner ?

At October 22, 2011 at 9:42 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back to the fairy tale. Why is he called the Red King?
The Red King? Now there's a guy who's evolved? He has all the answers ask him he'll tell you.

At October 22, 2011 at 9:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Red Kings "jack of all trades" running in ward 4 or council at large? The guy that sold Paul Hach signs must now be living large!

At October 22, 2011 at 1:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term 9:06: Some are legal due to the misuse of the 14th amendment, and some are not. We must stop making legal citizens of the children of illegals. It's insanity. And with a temporary-worker program, I do not think families should be allowed. Only the worker(s), and if you cannot come without your family, then the job is not for you. Nobody will be forced to come... they either want the job or not. Come for the working season only, then go home. Add on the e-verify program to check for legality in all jobs in the U.S, and most of the problem is taken care of. What? Do you think we could go live illegally in Mexico or in any other country? Do you think if we go live in Mexico illegally that our children that are born there will be legal citizens of Mexico, getting free handouts immediately and thereafter. I think not. And my name and face have been out there plenty, and I have been fighting this issue long before it was in most people's consciousness. They take our jobs and at the same time, we pay them and pay them and pay them in every way possible to come here and do it. The answer to this problem is not to throw up your hands and say nothing can be done. We still have a viable country - although barely - we must act now. All those anchor babies will be back soon enough with their parents being made legal on their behalf and each one that comes will eventually bring probably at least five or ten relatives with them. They'll all get Social Security, etc., etc., etc., and then we'll be wondering where all our money is. The entire scenario is bad enough right now. It really has to be stopped now if America is to have any chance of surviving.

At October 22, 2011 at 6:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh yeah I want another four years with Hal Werner.
5:23, how many council meetings have you been to? Have you heard Hal vote over and over and over for everything Joe and Rita told him to vote for?

Can you read his voting record?

He has tried to drive a business out of town, he has badgered the police doing so.

Hal Werner .......... really?

I have no idea why Tibbits would back him. Maybe he is afraid of women who can think for themselves.

How did you get to this country? Unless you came over on the Mayflower I guess that makes you an anchor baby too......

Peace Out.......

At October 22, 2011 at 7:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder how many Bob b's we have had over the past. This blog is so single minded that anyone who happens to be on Term's list just gives up trying to offer an alternative idea. We all know who makes his list.

I too happen to agree with what Bob b said. If you want a true debate with some kind of new ideas on solving a problem or issue, why ignore the other side? If you aren't willing to listen, why would anyone want to work with you. Painesville's city council races have turned into nothing but a popularity contest between "CLICKS" just like a group of immature kids in high school. They have evolved into "I'll vote for your friend if you vote for mine" or "he talked to this girl/guy and I don't like him so don't vote for him/her."

Shouldn't we vote for the best candidate instead of friends, political party, where their sign is, or what Term says about a candidate. Well Term, you say these are suppose to be non-partisan races but you seem to stress who belongs to which party the most. I would be willing to bet, most people couldn't name their representatives let alone what party they belong. You do the most disservice by always saying "all Republicans are BAAAAAAAD but all Democrats are GOOOOOD. It's just not that simple. Same goes for POC, until it becomes a balanced group of members, it will just be an extension of this blog. The far left vs the far right will never accomplish anything. It takes the ones in the middle who are willing to listen.

King, Queen, Bear and Rabbits make a good story or point but it gets old very fast. Can't call someone by name, why even mention them in the first place. This isn't a fairy tale, it's more like a horror story. Stick to the facts and leave the make believe names out of it. You aren't living on Fantasy Island.

At October 22, 2011 at 8:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is obviously an alliance between Jenkins, DeLeone and Hach. When Katie gets permission to place a sign, she not only places her sign, but she places DeLeone's and Hach's. Not sure if the other two do the same 3 for 1 sign policy, but I would assume so. And it's funny. When you see one of their signs you see all three, grouped tightly together. To symbolize an alliance. So we know those 3 have an alliance and Hach has an alliance with McMahom and Hada, so I think it is clear that Katie and DeLeone are aligned with Hada and McMahom. This is a very scary scenario.

At October 22, 2011 at 8:39 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

7:46 You and Bob B can go on drinking the kool-aid. Just read the articles in the Painesville Pride city newsletters and even the school newsletter theres where you two will get both sides? And I bet they won't even let you complain.
You also don't pay much attention I have never said one is good and on is bad. Presently neither is worth much. I just don't understand why Fellows & Co. have this ownership issue on Ward III? They have opened a sore they shouldn't have. Stay tuned.
The fairy tales sound like a horror story? Well now your up to speed livin' in the Ville'
Alliances? Read the post above. Did I have anything to do with its creation?

At October 22, 2011 at 8:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've got an idea, let's vote for political signs instead of candidates. Buy a sign and put in the council seat. That way we can save money at each meeting. Maybe Term and a few others can attach strings to each sign and have them vote the way they want. Who needs an election anyway.

At October 22, 2011 at 9:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't be ridiculous, 6:55. My parents were legal citizens. Completely different scenarios.

Thanks, 8:19, for pointing out the alliance between Jenkins and DeLeone and Hach. And Hach is not going to be supporting people who do not support himself, Hada and McMahon. And that leaves us with more of the same.

At October 22, 2011 at 9:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:55: The reason Hal Werner needs to be voted back into office is because he is saying that maybe we need to look into changing our form of government, meaning getting rid of McMahon. I do not think that Jenkins thinks that, and certainly she has not said that. I believe she is in with Hada, etc., and we need 4 votes to get rid of McMahon and the voting bloc that has gotten this city into such a mess. Once this mess of people we have running our city is gone and their voting bloc ended, then please feel free to vote out Werner next time; I'll even help you. It's just imperative that he stays in office now. Jenkins will be a big mistake right now. Consider voting for her next time when all her buddies that are currently in office are hopefully gone, but not now. Please. We have to look at the bigger picture for this election, and that picture is having the votes to get rid of McMahon and stopping the voting bloc that has helped her wreck our city. God only knows what has gone on here since she has been in office and since she has had the four votes needed to carry out her incompetent plans. We need to get rid of McMahon, and then we need to get someone in here to do investigations on what has gone on here since she arrived. This election is bigger than one person. Please look at the bigger picture for right now.

At October 23, 2011 at 5:13 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This thread is tunring into the same as others. Term, I do agree with you sometimes. I agree Jenkins would be a great independent voice, BUT I also think DeLeone would also be a great independant voice. You attack DeLeone for doing some of the same things you defend Jenkins for doing. Your blind hatred of DeLeone is getting old. We get it, you like your buddy Tibbets, but some of us independant thinkers that read this met DeLeone and actually think he would be the better choice. Don't know about Bob B or others, but I am definately getting tired of your constant attacks on DeLeone. I am also considering leaving the blog, what horrible thing could DeLeone have done now...walk the his ward horrible better tie him to a stake. Perhaps you should also post on what your buddy Tibbets has done wrong. I have not seen him at my door personally. He sends others to do that work. Is that what we want on council? People that say you only present one side are right because not everything Tibbets does is gold but you have yet to say even the slightest thing about what he is doing wrong. Keep blindly defending your buddy, keep blindly attacking DeLeone, keep loosing my interest as it ceases to be what is best for Painesville and becomes about you helping your friends get in. Stop attacking the one person who actually came to my door(and many others) with such a positive attitude about Painesville and ideas about how make it better. Sorry for the long rambling post, but after reading for a long time and seeing your promise for more to come about ward 3, I had to get this off my chest.

At October 23, 2011 at 6:36 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I attack DeLeone? O.K. It appears to me [could be wrong] that he will join the Hada stable? Why? Gurley won't be law director for ever? Also another Hach? That only one time did he vote differently in eight years on council then Hada or against the city manager. Qite an accomplishment when you look around?
The sign in the window? When we spoke I told him that was something he didn't need? The signs still there so he must disagree.
If you ask him I commended him for walking his ward. The first thing that made me more than curious? The Fountain endorsement? I would think after the last four years that would be something he could have done without. More of the same for Ward III? You tell me?
Read what you want to.

At October 23, 2011 at 6:57 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Since today seems to be take a shot at Term. here's something to dwell on.
A couple of weeks ago I stood with the idea of the "Occupy Wall St. ' protesters, and my support for then.
Say what you wish but for months before the protested started all we read or heard about was the country's deficit? Cut this and that. Now the conversation has changed to where are the jobs? jobs, and more jobs. Only a foolish politican would ignore this movement. Something tells me a group in Washington aren't listening? Something to think about for next November.
9-9-9- could become bye-bye?

At October 23, 2011 at 8:41 AM , Blogger Sandy Miller said...

When Hal Werner ran 4 years ago he told us where he stood on so many issues. He got into office, on a split ticket, and did an about face so fast his head almost flew off.

As far as getting rid of city manager McMahon I can only say council is supposed to run the ship, not the other way around as it presently operates.
We have a weak council who is lead around by the city manager. She is supposed to give her opinion on running the city and the council is supposed to take it under advisement, voting on what they see as the best choice for the city.
This is so far from the reality of the current city administration it is laughable.

Council needs to toughen up and tell the CM how they want the city run, not the other way around.

I know the debate has run before on Mayor vs. City Manager. Personally I think a City Manager is the way to go. Maybe that is the question to ask these candidates. I might be wrong but if one of the candidates says he or she is for a city manager that might not mean he or she is for the current city manager.

Also sorry to see Bob B. go as I do appreciate the debate that goes on here. I don't think Term is one way or the other as he posts everything unless it is vulgar or a rumor that cannot be unsubstantiated. It's called debate and thank goodness we don't all agree because that would be called a dictatorship and from what I read, this blog is certainly not a dictatorship! I counted up the comments pro and con on the illegal stuff and the political stuff and it runs pretty close with everybody getting a voice. So not sure why you would bow out of a good debate and get your voice out there.

so happy when Nov. 8th comes and goes......

At October 23, 2011 at 9:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TERM 6:57, you do not have a clue of what is going on and you never will open your mind enough to understand.

At October 23, 2011 at 10:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems to me that someone here kept saying it's all about jobs way back when. Get people back to work and more people paying taxes instead of collecting food stamps, unemployment and welfare. Don't hear him saying this anymore. Maybe he or she got fed up and left too. Was he or she wrong then? Now Term is saying OWC and this blog should be given credit.

I also remember Term saying R's hate Obama just because he is black. Could that be why Term hates Cain???? Makes just about as much sense doesn't it??????????? Term, for all your talk about government and representatives to be held responsible and questioned, seems only you want that right. Well, like it or not, the President is the president of the whole country. That means we all have a right to question what he is doing or will do. Same for any representative that someone can vote for.

Back to the signs. Love them or hate them, almost all candidates use them, and even some people against school levies. Ask any candidate, they all want them in the most visible places. I for one, don't intend to vote for any sign or for where a sign is placed. I would question any candidate if they didn't vote with personal conviction or for whats best for their constituents. Run on a platform, then vote that way if elected. I'd rather have an honest official than one that Term wants just because they happen to be a Democrat.

Just remember, if the only reason you are voting for a person is because you like their sign or location, we just might get more of the same old, same old. If the sign is more important than the person, we are in more trouble than even Term thinks.

At October 23, 2011 at 1:25 PM , Anonymous Ward 2 Resident said...

I have a Jenkins sign in my yard (very visible corner lot) along with a Tibbets and a Murphy sign. Ms. Jenkins was the last to put hers in my yard (by a day folks...don't get excited about the timing) and she never batted an eye or questioned me on my choices. And why do I have three different Wards' candidate signs in my yard...because its one way to communicate that a big change is long overdue. There is no conspiracy or plot here...just a simple message.

At October 23, 2011 at 1:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

When nothing changes...nothing will change.

At October 23, 2011 at 3:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, you say signs don't win elections. One has to go door to door. OK People mention here of one candidate who made an effort to talk to people and you go off on where he has ONE sign. Make up your mind if you still have anything left upstairs.

Maybe your theme song for this blog should be the following,

"And they're coming to take me away Ha Ha"

You thought it was joke and so you laughed, you laughed when I had said that losing you would make me flip my lid, right? You know you laughed, I heard you laugh, you laughed, you laughed and laughed and then you left, but now you know I'm utterly mad.

And they're coming to take me away Ha Ha
They're coming to take me away ho ho he he ha ha
To the happy home with trees and flowers and chirping birds and basket weavers who sit and smile and twiddle their thumbs and toes
They're coming to take me away ha ha...

Maybe they waited to long.

At October 23, 2011 at 7:19 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

3:51 Are you alright, where are they taking you? The one sign I complained about is downtown at GOP headquarters. I know now what I will do about it instead of complaining here on the blog.
Signs do work but as 1:25 mentioned the reason for the three signs were change? This person doesn't have a Hach or Deleone Werner signs? must not mean much change expected from them.
Paul Hach wins the Sign War this year. Problem is most of them are in places people can't vote for him.
9:04 Clue me in?
I'm looking for a job program from the people with a sign in the window? Please one without tax cuts for the top 1%!

At October 23, 2011 at 7:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term you complain about one sign being in GOP headquarters. But you do not complain about Tibbets asking for his sign to be put there. Why the double standard? Are you just mad that Tibbets couldn't get the sign location? Seems like you are faulting one candidate for getting the job done where Tibbets failed!

At October 24, 2011 at 4:00 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Where does your information come from that he wanted a sign placement? Seems some of you know or atleast think you know more then the rest of us?
Soon you will see my response.

At October 24, 2011 at 4:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Deleone would serve Painesville better as it's law director then a ward councilma. Joe can go south and be with his LSU Tigers full time.

At October 24, 2011 at 9:07 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So we have gotten so petty that we are going to talk how we walk the wards? I walked the ward for Mr. Tibbits two times.The man is 63 yrs. old with a rebuilt ankle and he drove the truck.He went to every door where people had questions or just wanted to talk to him.I know for a fact that only 2 out of 10 even bother to come to the door,and only 1out of 10 even want to talk about our city.

At October 24, 2011 at 11:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term's response (threat????) to a sign in a window must mean he is buying the Senior Center and kicking the Republicans out of building. Sure hope they let him in the Front door to the Board of Elections and not the back door.

Other wise, it is just more complaining from the bitter man.

At October 24, 2011 at 1:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think you should think this a joke. As someone who knows Term I believe it will be a very interesting response.
I can't wait.

At October 24, 2011 at 1:44 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

On another note did anyone see the front page of the Cleveland Plain Dealer today? [11/24/11
Nice story about Painesville can I get soom feedback? What do you think?
If you didn't see it go to the story has been posted there.

At October 24, 2011 at 4:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just because three sings end up in the same place doesnot show a alliance just that the person on that property thinks all three should be elected, Ofcourse if you look at Hal's sign they are on rental properties and is that al alliance or what. I think maybe some of you are trying to read between lines that were never written . Just got the information out of clean air...Thank God most people who read this don't beleive what is written here.....Come the 8th we will see

At October 24, 2011 at 5:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a lot of confusion about Tibbits and a large part of that is the number of people walking and talking for him. Even Term stated that you need to walk the ward and talk to the people. Tibbets was NOT with the person walking my street and was NOT able to talk to me when his person came to my door. DeLeone came to my door himself. There is no confusion from people DeLeone has talked. DeLeone does not have people saying different things to different people he has the same message for everyone. Tibbets is a Republican but some believe he is a Democrat after speaking with his people. If Tibbets can't walk the ward himself at least have his people be consistent and not just saying what they think the voter wants to hear. Tibbets people are confusing by saying different things to different people. DeLeone is not. Seems simple, unless Term does not like you.

At October 24, 2011 at 7:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Waiting for a sane response too.

At October 25, 2011 at 6:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you look at Tibbet's sign placement the majority of them are at rental properties also. It's because he's not going to any houses, he's just getting sign locations from other landlords and friends. Yes, because this is what Painesville needs... a bunch of landlords sticking together and someone who won't put in the work to win an ELECTED seat... I don't think so.

At October 25, 2011 at 5:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

DeLeone and Jenkins are Painesville's best hope. Both are leaders and neither are followers. The same can not be said about their opponents. As for pettiness, DeLeone has been subjected to more pettiness on this sight in the last few months than any other candidate. Followed closely by what you have subjected Jenkins too. Yet DeLeone and Jenkins continue on, conducting themselves with grace and dignity which is exactly what painesville needs, especially now. If the voters do the right thing DeLeone and Jenkins will lead painesville to the next level.

At October 25, 2011 at 7:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jenkins isn't handling herself with grace. I think she is just arrogant. Thinks she has this race in the bag. I'm impressed with DeLeone. I think he is smart and would be an asset on council. I do think Jenkins is a follower and just wants to be with the "in" crowd of Hada/McMahon. I do believe she will do nothing but support the illegals and will be just another mouth piece for McMahon. Voters beware!

At October 26, 2011 at 10:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How is she arrogant? I spoke with her last week, and when I asked her how the campaign was going, her response was that it seems positive. She never even implied that she "has the race in the bag". And from what I hear, there are plenty of people making it difficult for her. Yet she continues to communicate in a positive and professional manner.

You can believe what you want, but she is an independent individual who has stated that she will not support illegals. I don't know where these people keep coming up with these "beliefs" and "thoughts". Does anyone who believes or thinks this stuff ever attempt to talk to her? Probably not.

At October 26, 2011 at 10:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just had a kid come to my door ( not ringing it) but just put a flyer on my door handle. I open it and find a written note from Mr. Richard Tibbetts making it "appear" that it was him who personally came to my door. If you are running for council have a little decency to at least talk to the voters who you are asking to vote for you. You don't send kids... shame on you Mr. Tibbetts. Mr. DeLeone you just picked up another vote by this horrible display! He came to my door and talked to me for over two hours and answered all of my questions. Lets hope that Mr. DeLeone wins so that we can have someone truly for the voters in Ward 3.

At October 26, 2011 at 11:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why did Tibbits not drive his Rolls Royce around his ward ?

With his bad legs would he not have been more comfortable ?

At October 26, 2011 at 1:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even if he does have bad legs.. that's no excuse. Then drive up to the people's houses and put on your blinkers on and walk the couple feet to the door. Being a councilman means being involved with the citizens yourself not having others do it for you.

At October 26, 2011 at 1:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 10:59, I must live near you because that happened to me too today. Tibbett's is trying to trick voters into thinking he's coming to the door when he's not with a 'sorry I missed you' note.
To 11:14, simple because he wants to do whatever will appeal to the voters more whether it's lying about coming to a door or driving around in a beat up truck instead of your rolls.

At October 26, 2011 at 2:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To post 1;39 you must not live in the city. WARD 3 has not had a active council person for a L O N G T I M E. how ever he is still getting paid. WAKE-UP

At October 26, 2011 at 2:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 2:26 actually I'v lived in Painesville A LONG TIME. The display today was ridiculous. That is not how a man should go around trying to get votes. Show a little respect and get out of the car at least.. no respect from this man. I think you need to wake up..

At October 26, 2011 at 6:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How soon everyone forgets that Fountain did none of his campaigning. As I recall, he was too ill to do it himself, but Hada, DelaMotte, Hach, etc., did it for him. Didn't matter that he was too sick to serve, they needed his most-important automatic "yes" vote and they got it by any means they could.

On the other hand, if Tibbits has bad knees, what is one to do about that? Not something he asked for, I am sure. I want Tibbits because I think he will help us get McMahon out, which is most important for this city. There is nothing more important right now than to do that. I think DeLeone is in with Hada, etc., and this city cannot afford to take that chance. We must get rid of the voting bloc of four votes that has kept her this long, and I don't think DeLeone will break with Hada. This election is really more important than one person. We have to think of the bigger picture, and that means keeping DeLeone and Jenkins out for now.

At October 26, 2011 at 6:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term October 24, 2011, 1:44 p.m. (He was asking for feedback on the article in the newspaper about the Mexicans here.)

I say good for them. They are so proud of themselves, and they should be. Most of them came here illegally as cheaters, liars and thieves of our country. While here they have made sure to have as many anchor babies as possible to try to assure themselves citizenship to our country. Once they are citizens, each one will bring over many, many relatives, who in turn will bring over many, many relatives. Once you are a citizen, it is much easier to bring over the rest of your extended family, and they all know that.

Americans, on the other hand, have not only allowed all this illegal immigration, we let them stay and we have not yet changed the law that lets legal babies be born of people who are such huge criminals that they are in our country illegally, and we give them all kinds of free bonuses on top of that like free healthcare, food, etc., etc., etc.

So yes, contratulations to the Mexicans and the rest of the illegals. Good job, criminals. You are clearly smarter than we are.

At October 29, 2011 at 1:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I think of the illegals every time our country or myself do not have enough money. I think of all the millions and millions of jobs they have that Americans don't. And those Americans would also be paying taxes off those jobs, and they would be able to keep their homes, etc. I think of all the Americans who do not have health insurance because they cannot afford it, but they are still paying for the millions and millions of the illegals and their children to have a 100% free-ride for their healthcare. I think of all the Americans scrimping on groceries because they can't afford what they want and need, but at the same time, they are paying for all the illegals and their children to go get free food for their huge families. I think how much it costs me in my property taxes for extra money to teach all these kids that do not know English. I think about all the crimes they commit in our country, when clearly we have enough criminals of our own. I think about the state of their countries, and know that they will take our country down like they did their own, and they already are. Drugs, gangs, etc., etc. Yes, I think about the illegals all the time. Yet you never hear one person in power in this country talk about how they are draining us dry. I especially like it when they march on our government demanding rights and more rights. I wonder why aren't they home marching on their own government and trying to affect change in their own countries instead of mine. Yes, I think about the illegals a lot. We have let all these criminals in and let them stay, then what do we expect?

At October 30, 2011 at 7:18 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

QUESTION Do you think we would still have a hostipal, if we had a good negotiator, and good common business sense on the city council??? Remember the HOSTIPAL wanted to expand in the city of painesville. ASK THE CURRENT COUNCIL WHAT HAPPEN ???

At October 30, 2011 at 7:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TO POST 1;29 Thank your current COUNCIL for our illegal people in painesville. YES it can be different you have a choice NOV-8 2011. Try change you might like it.

At October 30, 2011 at 9:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:29pm well said! Just yesterday I was behind a very well dressed Mexican lady at the check out in Marc's. She was expensively dressed and expensive jewelry. Had a shopping cart full of groceries which included the more expensive cuts of meat and much more. You can imagine how surprised I was to see her pull out the Ohio card to pay for this. There I was buying only what I could afford and making do with less, and here I (and you) are paying for her high lifestyle. When I got out to the parking lot after paying for my purchase, she is still loading her brand new Lexus. Still had temp tags on it. How the heck is this allowed? I'll tell you how, when you have your food, housing, medical, etc. paid in full for you, you can afford to put your whole salary toward a Lexus. That's how!

At October 30, 2011 at 4:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

shinton DC...Your local Gov., had nothing to do with it,
TO 7:18 The Hospital moved for one reason and one reason only the high paid doctors wanted out of Painesville to aviod paying the 2% tax on their income. When the JEDD was made they made sure thier office building was outside the JEDD area also to aviod paying taxes. That was in the paper. City of Paiesville had nothing to do with the move. that is why they were the last to know

At October 30, 2011 at 6:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a couple more tidbits about the illegals:

I was in the Social Security office in the lobby a couple of years ago. A hispanic woman had a newborn and a birth cirtificate that said he was born in the U.S. at a certain hospital, but that is all that was filled out. Was trying to get a Social Security card for him and who knows what else. The woman behind the desk started to explain to her that usually the hospitals fill these out. She then called in a Spanish-speaking woman who talked and talked to her. I was wondering when were the police going to be called, but no police were called. The guy that was with her (white) went rushing out in embarassment and probably fear, leaving all their stuff behind. She left unincumbered in spite of her attempted fraud.

On another front - I was watching a documentary about Mexico. One woman said she had to go (she lived in Mexico) because she needed health care so she had to go into the United States that day to get it. FOR FREE, OF COURSE. And we cannot figure out why our health care costs and Medicaid costs are out of control?!

We need to keep all other illegals out, and we need to get all the ones here out. If our government won't do it, then we need to MAKE them do it.

The supporters of all these illegals who are in favor of amnesty keep likening it to the blacks. This has nothing to do with what we did to the blacks. They were American citizens who needed to fight for their rights against prejudice. This is not the same scenario. These people are here illegally, and they do not belong here and they need to go. Period. Not even close to the same thing. These people ARE NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS. It's time for Americans to get out into the damn streets and demand they get out. Enough is enough already.

I'm a Democrat, and I just heard about the Coffee Party, so I thought I would check it out. Not for me. According to their website, it looks like they are for amnesty. Unbelievable.

And then there are the Republicans. Obama wants every American to have health insurance. For one thing, would this not stop the illegals from getting free health care off of our backs? But the Republicans don't want that.

Maybe we're just too stupid to keep our country. That's what the Mexicans think, and they could be right.

At October 31, 2011 at 5:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll tell you one thing about this illegal mess. I am almost 60 years old now, and I can tell you for sure that my grandfather and the rest of his generation would never have let this happen. Never. And if it did somehow, they would have rendered swift action to put a stop to it. Nobody was so stupid back then that they would sit on their butts and let our country be taken over, or let one dollar of their personal money or our government's money be thrown away like this.

We have had guest-worker for the fields programs before and they were run properly and strictly, and the American people and America AND HER LAWS were first and foremost the most important consideration.

We need a proper guest-worker-for the-fields-only program that actually works for the businesses that need to hire from other countries on a temporary year-by-year basis, and the rules need to be strictly enforced. Add to that the e-verify program that does not let illegals take our other jobs. We also need to stop all welfare for the illegals (nobody has MY permission to give MY money to people who are not citizens), and stop the anchor baby insanity. That is it. That will do it. Most of the illegals will leave on their own. The rest should be much more easily found by our policing agencies to be deported/prosecuted.

At October 31, 2011 at 6:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think about this: Someone can come here legally on vacation, give birth, and that child is AN AMERICAN CITIZEN! People fly/come here all the time to give birth so their children will have dual citizenship. We really couldn't BE more stupid. Do you think if I went to Mexico and gave birth, they would give citizenship to my baby? No, because they are too smart for that. If nothing else, Americans need to get out in the street (and whatever else it takes) to stop the anchor baby law. I mean, COME ON.

At October 31, 2011 at 7:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

to post 4;45 this is 7;18 As I stated the hospital, wanted to expand in painesville. Meetings started in 2003, with city adminatration ,and 3 council persons. every 2 months, they had meetings. A adminstrator from tri- pointe hospital, spoke at a concern citizen monthly meeting, and explained the meetings, they had with the city to grow their operation. As I mentioned, ask the current city council why they moved??? Why would you think, our local goverment had nothing to do with the hospital, moving from our city???? come to the next city council meeting, and ask why we couldn,t work with the hospital to grow here in the city.



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