Last night I attended the "Meet The Candidates Night" for the candidates running for city council. There was a full house and in short… no one hit the ball out of the park and at the same time, no one fumbled the ball.
All candidates seemed well spoken and it was a very informative two hours.
When candidates already on council listed their accomplishments it seemed that it was what they voted against that was proposed by the city administration rather then what they voted for. For example, Flock and Werner both were happy they did their homework and did not get involved with the AMP-OHIO 2.7 million dollar debacle. At the same time, Hach apologized for his vote.
Newcomer Katie Jenkins pleasantly surprised me. I thought being thrown in with the wolves would make her nervous. It didn't… she more then held her own.
Tibbits brought some facts that I had never heard before… maybe it's time to put a real businessman on council.
DeLeone came equipped with a very good resume and numbers to back him up. One question: all these numbers you mentioned on the amounts in the electric fund… where did they come from? Out of our electric rates. We already have a windmill project in Perry and have power soon to be coming from Prairie States.
Many people questioned does he really believe it is safer in Painesville then Mentor?
One possible problem may arise. All candidates believed that the schools should pay for a large part of the SRO officer at Harvey and the cost should not come out wholly out of the city’s general fund. One candidate believed if the city did not pay for it there probably wouldn't be one.[ Paul Hach] All persons running for school board believed it was the city’s responsibility to pay for that officer.
I welcome anyone to contribute to this post on what they did or didn't see at the meeting. Please, no vote for ‘so and so’ because the other person is a fool… be fair.
In addition, Unity in the Community has the two nights on DVD. I will try to get a copy and post it here for everyone to view or at least send you to a site where you can view it.
I believe 10 years ago events like this wouldn't have taken place. By last night’s turn out people are starting to really pay attention.
Candidates were asked to grade the present administration of Painesville:
Paul Hach B
Katie Jenkins Continuous Improvement
Mike DeLeone On the right track (I’m guessing this is what his answer meant.)
Hal Werner C+
John Murphy C
Richard Tibbits C
Andrew Flock D (by consensus of his ward)
Mr. DeLeone as an assistant county prosecuting attorney he should know better then to repeat fictious claims from a paid magazine article. Our newspaper Monday claimed there were 28 burglaries in Painesville this August up from 7 the year before.
Funniest moment of the night when he held a Painesville Pride in the air.Term the look on your face was priceless!
Apologies are great,but why would I trust you with another four years Mr. Hach? Please give me a reason.
Degree's are nice but what have all these degrees done for our city and it's schools in the past few decades?
Andy Flock seems disgusted with the whole situation.
Mr. Tibbits please don't be so pompus?
Mr. Murphy this was the first debate that you have ever made sense in.
Mr. Werner what's with all the camera's'
Mrs. Jenkins I love you,but has anyone checked your sanity for wanting to live here?
I was surprized that no one stated that 87 + Painesville have filed a suit against AMP for the fraud in the coal power plant mess. That also means 87 other cities were also suckered into this .
Next no one added that the city is involved in wind power with North Perry, as a high point.
I was very pleased with the involvement of the community, and some good questions asked. It was a good time spent and alearning experence.
Last Mrs. Jenkins I do not beleive is crazy for wanting to invest in this city, I think is shows a strong belief in the city...
Speaking of our electric rates: I hope we have new people after this election, and I hope one of the first things they can check into is our electric rates. I have been heating my home with electric and the first part of the bill goes down with more usage, but the second part (power factor?) does not and it's KILLING me. One of the reasons I moved here was because of the supposed cheaper electric rates, and these rates are outrageous. Something must be done about this, and I am praying we get new people in office that are of a different mindset than McMahon/Hada/Hack, etc.
I have to disagree. Mr. DeLeone quoted facts regarding crime rates from city council meetings. He seemed the best prepared and the best spoken. Mrs. Jenkins also seemed prepared and well spoken. These two are Painesville's best hope at intelligent and independent minds. And Mr. DeLeone rated the city council as good but not great for a grade. Why won't you correctly state his position? As for Mr. Tibbets, he did not seem to want to be there and followed Mr. DeLeone's lead by agreeing with him. Also, Mr. Murphy and Mr. Hack seem to be a close call for their ability to debate the issues.
Term, you have a promising career with the enquirer. From where I was sitting Deleone was the clear leader and winner followed by Jenkins, Hach and Murphey (in that order). They were the clear leaders. Flock, Werner and Tibbets seemed more like followers. As for facts, the leaders had them and the followers did not. Plain and simple.
pompus, Thank you I have been looking for a word to decribe how Mr Tibbits is.
6:07/ 7:08 Sorry In disagree. For one Mr. Deleone was pressing how many times did he mention "I" ?
He didn't even know about the projects along the Ohio River, and Prarie States let alone Perry. Yes the Painesville Pride? This from a man with all the degrees? Who sponsors the Painesville Pride Mike?
Paul Hach was the biggest loser of the night sorry, think back on his accomplishments? At times he looked like a deer caught in a cars headlights. His restoration of the Celery House is nice but has nothing to do with him running the city.
Flock and Werner didn't cost you 2.7 million dollars maybe because they listened instead of followed?
Tibbits is like many residents in town fustrated with the way this are being run and the money wasted around here.
K. Jenkins doesn't seem like a person that can be lead by her nose.
You me everyone can have an opinion,you know what they say about them?
At 6:07 and 7:08, I agree. DeLeone clear winner and best prepared to lead on council. He nailed it by offering solutions, not just stating concerns. Jenkins did this as well, just not as much as DeLeone. Clearly good and a clear second, but well ahead of Werner. From their answers DeLeone and Jenkins are just the type of leaders needed.
At 10:04, well said. We don't need any more pompus on council.
6:07 here. Mr. DeLeone seemed to have several pieces of paper with him not just the Painesville Pride. He and all the other candidates said "I" as that was what the debates were about, what each candidate can bring. They all said "I". I agree with you about Mrs. Jenkins for the same reasons I believe Mr. DeLeone would not be lead around by the nose. And yes I know what they say about opinions, haha. But it does seem like these two are generating the most buzz.
Where did this 2.7 million number come from? Flock and Werner both said it. I have been watching city council, concerned about this issue. Last I saw we did not know for sure and were told "approximates" for whatever that means. Flock and Werner said this as a fact. Did I miss something, and we have an exact number or were they just not clear? It seems wrong to state a number without also saying it is an estimate. Since they did not say it was an estimate and just stated a number I am worried I missed something because I watch council meetings on tv. I am asking because I really want to know, if you know.
DeLeone ever contact you? I have seen him walking your ward.
It has to be Tibbits, Murphy, Flock and Werner if we want the best chance of getting rid of McMahon and blocking her and Hada, etc. We need four votes, and that is the best chance we have of getting them.
Mr. DeLeone and I will be talking probably this weekend.
Tibbits, Flock and Hach mentioned the 2.7 million it's in litigation presently ever wonder what the interest on 2 million dollars is? We can't even begin to "approximate"
The figure comes from the President of AMP-OHIO at a public council meeting I attended with others.
4:45 DeLeone has a nose ring that says JaHada what are you blind. This man I can't even figure out a reason for him wanting to be on council. He was the pompous one he offered no solutions and wouldn't even give the city a grade.
This guy believes were on the right track?
People have contacted the blog. about a student at Harvey that brought a toy gun to school with him today. I trust these people and as soon as there is an offical report I will post it.
I think it was quite clear DeLeone and Jenkins were the two that rose to the top for this event.
Murphy stumbled on ideas and did a lot of repeating from other candidates and basically came across as a has been union supporter which is all he is really.
Hach seemed unsure of himself because of the way the event was run.
Tibbets was more worried about making faces when DeLeone was speaking than he was about the content of his own turns.
I think questions should be accepted and worded so all candidates are required to answer.
I would say after that performance that Murphy, Werner and Tibbets are out.
I believe this election is quite similar to a national election. You may like the guy/gal, but you had better consider their politics. If you vote for a Republican and are a Democrat, or visa-versa, be aware that you will get that persons PARTY, not just the person. I believe that DeLeone and Jenkins will come down on the side of McMahon/Hada, etc. and not only side with them, but also not move to get McMahon out of office. I also believe that Jenkins will do nothing to get the illegals out of Painesville if given the chance. I think she'll come down on the side of the illegals, which is a side we cannot tolerate/afford any more.
I am the person who asked earlier if you spoke with DeLeone. Would like to hear what you talk about with DeLeone. I think it shows clear leadership and character that he would meet with you given your comments about him in other strings and your support for his opponent.
Term, although reading this, I have never posted before. Guess I just didn't have anything to say. But now I feel I should post. Mr. Deleone offered some really great ideas. His "dot" system for the flooding maps and how to handle the illegal immigration issue being two that come to mind because they are issues I follow. Deleone AND Katie were great at the debate.
This is what I saw at Meet the Candidates Night. Mr. DeLeone came across just what he is, "a fast talking attorney." Lots of numbers, no original ideas. I saw him being reprimanded in the hallwaty adfterwards by Joe Hada.
Mr. Flock seemed disgusted by the way the city administration is running the city.
Mr. Werner held is own and reminded everyone he did not vote for the AMP Ohio mess.
Katie Jenkins was engaging but didnt take any real stances.
Paul Hach came across like he was just trying not to get run out of town on a rail.
Mr. Tibbits seems truly upset by how the city was being run and thought a mayor was a good idea because we could throw a mayor out of office if he wasn't doing his job.
John Murphy really surprised me. He was very articulate and had some good ideas. Knows his facts and doesnt like Rita.
I think this made the choices a lot easier for the people that live here.
Who saw the NH article on the candidates? Did anyone click on the candidates names? It takes you to the actual questionnaire they submitted. I find it interesting that Hal's was faxed in by Tibbits....and that he previously ran as an "Independent".
3:00pm I guess you can't do a person a favor? Like leting them use your fax machine?
11:47am Dots are great but take it from someone who has had to deal with this the past 5 years at my Moms house. I have a place they can stick there dots. Mr. Fountain endorsed him why didn't he suggest it before?
Again how many of you have watched Mr. DeLeone at a BZA neeting? I have was not impressed I can say that because I sat at in at the meetings. did you?
Yes everyone wants to be on Painesvilles side but who's going to be on the residents of Painesville side? Painesville according to Mr. DeLoeone has all kinds of funds with money in them. Where do you think they got that money from? It doesn't fall out of the sky It came from the Power Factor they have been overcharging you to build this nest egg.
Give me a councilman with no degrees and some common sense that will put residents first.
Mr. Deleone has aready explained the need of the city is more important then a resident with a zoning problem.
2:04Flock is discussed and Hach should be run out of town on a rail along with his proud leader. Have an interesting post about Paul coming soon.
Term, how many BZA meetings have you attended? Deleone took a stance against the status quo and for the citizens regarding zoning variances that are just approved by arguing for the zoning to be changed and to stop needlessly charge fees for a city recommended approval of the same repetitive variance. Common sense at its finest. I agree with the others who are impressed by his common sense and educated approach to solving problems. You have to have the facts before you can solve the problem and that kid did his homework. Tibbets just made faces or seemed uninterested. Deleone shined the brightest at the debates.
I can not believe people are attacking DeLeone for having the facts. He knew more than anyone up there. First you complain that he will not lead or disagree with Hada, then you complain that DeLeone disagrees with Hada. Which is it...the guy was good and deserves props. He was honest and genuine with great ideas.
Katie Jenkins and Mike DeLeone showed education, experience and energy. "I" believe these are great characteristics! If Katie and Mike hadn't been there it would have been just a bunch of old white guys picking on Paul's AMP vote.
To 2:04
Let me get this straight you said,
"John Murphy really surprised me. He was very articulate and had some good ideas. Knows his facts"
"very articulate"
Are you deaf ?
He can't say his own name.
"some good ideas"
Have you lost your memory ?
Go back and read some of the council meeting minutes where he has brought up some of his ideas.
"Knows his facts"
Well with this one just read the minutes.
I can't believe you posted this,
From 2:04 pm
This is what I saw at Meet the Candidates Night. Mr. DeLeone came across just what he is, "a fast talking attorney." Lots of numbers, no original ideas. I saw him being reprimanded in the hallway adfterwards by Joe Hada.
You can't say
"he was being reprimanded by Joe Hada"
You were not there and 2:04 does not know what they were talking about, this was wrong of you.
2:04 Wasn't me but I did see Mr. Hada wagging his finger at him after the event?
I have to agree he talks like a "fast talking attorney" He metioned some facts were wrong about the SRO officer at Riverside. He stated the school system ONLY pays his salary when hes assigned there? Really, I only expect any school to pay for that officer when he's assigned to the building. Not when he's on patrol somewhere else in the city.
AMP-OHIO First vote was 7-0 second vote was 5-2 the final vote that counted. who was disputing that as a fact? What was the importance of this fact ? He never explained.
When did he disagree with Hada?
To the people who think Paul Hach did a wonderful job? Please send me your bank account so I can apoligize for my mistake after I empty it. What world do you people live on?
If Mike Deleone upset Joe Hada, then he's got my vote! Ward III Resident
Someone said DeLeone offered suggestions on how to deal with the illegals. What were they, please. Also did anyone of the other candidates have any comments on the illegals at the debate? If so, what did they say? I was sick and could not attend.
I watched the candidates on video at the News-Herald if a person doesn't ask for the resignation of the people who cost this city over 2 million dollars in a failed electric plant. What other city would even consider re-electing people like this?
Is the "Meet the Candidates" video on The News-Herald website? If so, I cannot find it. Can someone help?
No the candidates were given one minute to make their case on a video at the News-Herald.
go to www.news-herald.com when your at the home page you will see news, sports, business, opinion, blog, video. Click on video and all people running for council will come up on I believe the second page. Don't look for Mr. Hachs for some reason he didn't bother?
I will try to get those candidates nights on the blog. before the election.
"Give me a councilman with no degrees and some common sense that will put residents first".
So you want more Werners & Flocks?
That's just nuts. Agree, a degree is not always necessary but those running w/o a degree will run this city into the ground.
Will there be another meet council?
I had other business and could not make it. I too am interested where everyone stands on the illegals.
If the entire state of Alabama can not stand up and fight, how will our little town do it?
No The people that voted Yes for AMP-OHIO had degrees explain that?
This city is presently being run by people who care about the administration and not about the resident's The Degrees have not helped the city or the schools only the administrations.
The city is presently run into the ground, yet the administration and employees seem to be doing pretty well?
I just want people who think for themselves and put residents first.
Someone should bring it up that Paul hach apologized at the candidate night. So it will be part of an offical record.
I attended Meet the Candidates night & was pleased with the number in attendance.
Some positives that I observed were the following:
1. Most candidates agreed to attract new businesses to Painesville by giving them discounts on water & electric bills.
2. Werner suggested a need for a grocery store in the city.
3. Tibbits suggested retail businesses that would appeal to the growing Lake Erie College.
4. Flock suggested a YMCA Dream House be built in Painesville & that free utilities for life be given to the original owner.
5. DeLeone said there's no need to hire a grant writer with the city having received $22 million in grants the last 5 years.
6. Most candidates agreed the housing issue for illegal immigrants could be addressed by enforcing the current ordinances.
7. Hach publicly stated that he regrets his vote on AMP-OHIO. That took guts. Can we move on now?
8. DeLeone had lots of figures & seemed to have done his homework.
A negative I observed was the following:
1. I was not impressed with DeLeone, Murphy, or Jenkins putting down their opponents for any reason: more education, AMP-OHIO,etc. Do you really need to do that to make yourself look good? Grow up already.
General comments:
1. Werner's heart is in the right place but he doesn't think well on his feet.
2. Tibbits seemed arrogant & pompous.
3. Jenkins is intelligent but with no platform seems to think she'll be elected as the lesser of two evils.
4. If you check the 2010 census results, the number of residents with advanced degrees is low. A degree ensures nothing. Let's vote for someone who will ask questions, talk & LISTEN to residents, be proactive, & has the city's best interests at heart.
I'm still wondering what the candidates said about the illegal problem. Anyone?
A HHS student did indeed bring a toy gun to school along with his bag of marijuana. You'll find it interesting that the administrators would not inform the School Resource Officer. He had to find out on his own. The natives run the asylum. The admins are too busy being their 'friends.'
I want people who think for themselves and put LEGAL residents first. Why do they all ignore this huge problem? There ARE things they can do. There's a house across from the street from me with cars parked all over the front yard. My ex and I were cited once, years ago, for having a car parked on our lawn (before we had a driveway installed) so how come the city can't go after the Mexicans with cars all over their yards and way too many people in their houses? At least start with that. We LEGAL residents are FED UP!!!
TO POST 8:00 The reason our laws are not being enforced, ...... RITA MCMAHON is the police cheifs BOSS she likes all the money the Illegal population brings to the city. need change.
I attended Meet the Candidates night & was pleased with the number in attendance.
Some positives that I observed were the following:
1. Most candidates agreed they'd consider discounts on both water & electric to bring businesses to Painesville.
2. Werner suggested the need for a grocery store in Painesville.
3. Flock suggested the YMCA build a DREAM HOUSE in Painesville & only the original owner receive free utilities for life.
4. Tibbits suggested we entice businesses that will appeal to the ever-growing Lake Erie College students.
5. Werner's heart is in the right place but he doesn't think well on his feet.
6. Most agreed there was no need for new legislation to regulate immigrant housing; just enforce the rules we have.
7. Hach stated that he regrets having voted for AMP-OHIO. That took guts. Let's move on folks.
8. Deleone stated that hiring a grant writer would be a waste of money since we've been awarded $22 million in grants the last 5 years.
One negative that I observed came from Murphy, Jenkins, & DeLeone. It is never acceptable to put down your opponent whether it's for their beliefs or their education. The other negative was Tibbits arrogant attitude.
General comments: If you check the 2010 census for Painesville, there are few residents with an advanced degree. We need people with common sense, that will BOTH talk & listen to residents, who have our best interests at heart. Jenkins is intelligent but clearly believes she will win because people do not like her opponent. She has no agenda.
See you on Election Day.
Term, I have now submitted my comments twice (yesterday & today)re: Meet the Candidates night. I said nothing to offend anyone. Why are my comments not being posted?
To 8:00: It is my opinion that McMahon and some of council told the police basically "hands off" the illegals. A former councilman even wrote the powers-that-be (behind our backs) that we here in Painesville love our illegals and did not want anything done about them. We need to get rid of McMahon/Hada/Hach so the crap that is going on in this town can be stopped.
We need Tibbits/Murphy/Werner and Flock in office to have the best chance of getting rid of McMahon, so we can start to turn this place around.
Can I just say that the legal residents park illegally. It is not an issue that is solely hispanic-related. And it is possible that the hispanics that park illegaly ARE legal. We need to start enforcing rules - for ALL residents.
I just hate to see posts like that because they imply that people believe if you're a hispanic, you're illegal. This is not the case. It is not an issue of legal vs. illegal...but rather enforcing laws. That's not being done by the City. Next time you see people parked all over the yard, call the police and complain. This may be the only way something will be done.
3:43 pm said "We need Tibbits/Murphy/Werner and Flock in office to have the best chance of getting rid of McMahon"
The city manger works for the city council, Flock and Werner have been there for a long time and they do not block everything the city manger does, so it is on the council also so don't say having Tibbits and Murphy with them will work, I don't see Werner as there pawn, I would hope.
To 9:29: You need four votes to pass/do anything. Those four votes need to be Tibbits/Murphy/Werner/Flock.
What's wrong with Painesville? An above post mentioned it took guts for Hach to apoligize and we should move on? It would have taken 10 times more guts for him to tell Hada to fly a kite when the vote was taken. I for you will not move on until everyone that voted on the stupid deal is no longer sitting on council!
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