Thursday, October 13, 2011

"I'M YOUR PUPPET" bobby Purify

Sorry if I raise a few back hairs here but I believe Mike Deleone will be a puppet of Council- President Joe Hada.
I've watch and have come to the conclusion it's "Hada Duty Time" in the Ville.
Bring in the boys get all in line. Joe will "proudly " vote for you also.
Tell us where did Mr. Deleone get all his facts from? Why couldn't he give a simple grade about the city administration? He didn't seem to have the facts about the windmills in Perry and the Hydro Plants on the Ohio River let alone Prarie States?
Does he really believe Painesville is safer then Mentor? Mike would you rather have your wife have a flat tire at Center St. and Tyler Blvd. or Richmond St. and Nebraska St. in Painesville? Don't believe everything you read,please.
He wants to talk to me? Maybe he should talk to Andy Flock someone we know will serve on council next year instead of talking to John Murphy for an hour who might or might not? Has he ever even talked to Mr. Flock?
We can talk but I made up my mind and if by chance he gets elected I will be keeping score along with what he asks or doesn't ask. It's also probably a bad idea to have two lawyers sitting at the same table.

Everyone Love's Mikey
Nonpartisan elections for city council? independent,nonaligned ect. Mike a person with all your degrees should know what that means right? Then explain your sign in the front window of Lake County Republican Headquarters? Don't bother I took the picture tonight. Who do we owe for this Jamie, Lori? You know better I know you do.
People in Painesville have always prided themselves that ANY political party keep its distance but it seems you might not have lived here long enough to know that.


At October 13, 2011 at 7:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry Angelo, I agree with you sometimes, but you are way off mark here. You should be ashamed of yourself! Mike is a great guy, walking his ward, well respected as a prosecutor( he puts bad guys in jail for a living and helps solve pretty tough county problems which helps the entire county, yes Angelo what a terrible person to have on council, are you serious?), and very passionate about painesville. People like him. After talking with him, I like him too. I know Tibbets is your friend, but this one man crusade you seem to have against him is beneath you Angelo. Mike is best for painesville.

At October 13, 2011 at 8:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, make up your mind! DeLeone is a puppet or Hada is "wagging his finger" at DeLeone after the debate. Puppets generally do what they are told not challenge and disagree as you and others claimed happened between DeLeone and Hada after the debate. Tibbets did not have the answers and did poorly, so you attack DeLeone for being prepared. Nothing positive can be said for Tibbets performance at the debate and he is not the better choice. Your attempt to find anything to try and discredit him is a page out of Hal's playbook against Jackies Bar. Give me a break already.

At October 13, 2011 at 8:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If he by chance gets elected? He is way better for Painesville! You promised something regarding Paul. You must be really worried about Tibbets losing the election to go after Mikey like this and forget about your promised post about Paul.

At October 13, 2011 at 8:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term why is it bad for Deleone to have his sign there? You don't seem to have a problem with Murphy seeking the support of the Republican Party. Is that ok because you like Murphy? You don't seem to have a problem with other Painesville city council candidates seeking the support of the Democrat Party. Is that ok because you like those candidates? Singling Deleone out seems a little desperate in trying to turn support away from him and towards your friend. It appears the only thing Deleone did wrong was run against your friend to try and make a better Painesville. Better lock him up and throw away the key...

At October 13, 2011 at 9:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

good job ,finally you have said what many have known for years hada must get his four persons elected to keep his power over this city,not the best people,just the ones he can control.without those four votes in his pocket bye,bye,rita and his lock over this town

At October 14, 2011 at 2:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh OH, to many of us disagreed with Term about DeLeone, now Term has to go into his tear the guy apart mode because he want Tibbets to win.

Term, you sure loose a lot of credibility at election time.

At October 14, 2011 at 3:57 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

8:24 If I have to explain it? Who will Mike be beholden to?
2:47 I don't know who you are but the t"real" time these come into the blog. suggest something?
If were going to let political parties involved then lets just get rid of the nonpartisan label and make it a free for all like the rest of the politics around here?
The only thing my "friend" is that he's not in the Hada stable and thats what good for Painesville.
If Mike does get elected watch the flip-flop on the SRO officer I promise you it will come up for a vote.

At October 14, 2011 at 4:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Hada Duty Time" prieless!
Well Term it seems you have all of Mikes supporters following the blog.? Funny none see anything odd about the sign placement?

At October 14, 2011 at 5:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to agree with a person from an earlier thread, I think DeLeone is showing great character by meeting with you after all of the uninformed character assassination you are writing. You said you have not talked to him but are going and you write as if you talked to him at great length. Hats off to DeLeone for meeting with you especially after you have made it clear you don't want or like him, even if others of us do.

At October 14, 2011 at 5:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Angelo, why haven't you responded to Murphy seeking the support of the republicans or some of the other candidates seeking the support of the democrats? It's obvious you like those candidates. Mike stated he had endorsements from republicans, democrats and independents. If so that is quite an accomplishment to get people from all three groups. Sounds like you are grasping at straws to try and save Tibbets. I like the idea of a prosecuting attorney over a pompus rental owner.

At October 14, 2011 at 8:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to say that this post disgusts me - it is nothing but an attempt to blatantly discredit a man who has done nothing but exhibited pure intentions in running for Council. Are you so blind to all the shenanigans that occur in local elections?

One candidate, whom you obviously support, has a resident/representative that has gone door to door, misguiding the residents of the Ward to believe that Joe Hada endorses him. Also leading residents to believe they could not have yard signs (when they had the opponents sign). That same candidate has lied about being on a committee, and is implicated in the removal of several candidates signs from rental properties! This candidate also provided the majority of the sign locations for another Ward's candidate (rental properties).

And yet you say DeLeone is the worst choice? I disagree. He's one lawyer I would actually trust - and at the very least he's better than the alternative.

I can say that I am fully aware of 2 candidates in this campaign who have utilized under-handed techniques in an attempt to get ahead, and DeLeone is not one of them.

At October 14, 2011 at 9:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think his degrees show dedication and leadership. Most people don't go back to school past their four year let alone going to law school twice to get two degrees. That takes hard work and dedication in my book. Unfortunately for Tibbetts he just does not seem to be all there and lacks ANY ideas whatsoever. The only thing he does is rehashing the issues everyone already knows exist.

At October 14, 2011 at 1:10 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I have told any candidate that runs for a nonpartisan election to stay away from either political parties ask John Murphy.
Well Mikes the only one with a sign in a window?

At October 14, 2011 at 1:26 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Look the point I was trying to make is that I simply believe Mr. Deleone would be a replacement for Mr. Fountain and would vote the way Jope asked him to. I believe Mr. Deleone is an honest good man and IF he really is independent would be great on council. I know Joe Hada doesn't pound signs into peoples yards without some favor in return. Along when Mr. Tibbits wanted him to sign his petition to get on the ballot Mr. Hada refused. Is that how petty we have become here? It anyone asked me to sign a petition to get on the ballot most people including me would do it. It doesn't mean you will vote for that person only that he has asked you to seek an office.
If in a little more then a year I see how Mr. Deloeone carrys himself in council. IF he is elected to that position.and I am wrong I will publicly apoligize to him.
Now if he in eight years on council with at least 600 votes being taken and only "1" time vote differently then Joe Hada has, we have another Paul Hach on council.
Now how much has that cost us?
I will only state that in the last ward election 4 years ago would Ward III had been better served by John Murphy? Which candidate did Mr. Hada support.
I guess I'm to Black/White if I ask for a grade I expect to here a grade. Not a speach. If I have offended Mr. Deleone I apoligize its just what I see.

At October 14, 2011 at 1:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watching the video at the News-Herald site Andrew Flock seems totally done with Joe Hada and Rita McMahon. What took you so long Andy? Hardly an endorsement for Paul Hach either.
Go to News-Herald videos what a hoot!

At October 14, 2011 at 1:47 PM , Anonymous PVILLE Person said...

You are backpaddleing AGAIN, if your guy(s) don't make the grade with John Public, you go around trashing the other person(s) running. How many times does Murphy have to loose before he gets the message? We don't want him or any other lose cannon to represent us.

At October 14, 2011 at 1:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The country is run by lawyers. Hows that working out for you Sonny? If Mr. Deleone wants to do us a favor he will prosecute those idiots that voted for that electric deal. Last I checked stupidity didn't get you a pass.

At October 14, 2011 at 1:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yourprecious katie refused to give a grade. But thats ok?

At October 14, 2011 at 1:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hate to agree with Term but as a Republican living in Painesville that sign had no business in the window. If I didn't have reservations about Mr. Deleone I have them now. I can't understand him wanting to be linked with anyone.
I haven't seen Bob Fountain lately and I can't seem to reach him by phone.

At October 14, 2011 at 2:18 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Yes Katie also refused to give a grade and I was disappionted. I guess with Mike it was after the misinformation comment alond with the AMP-OHIO vote he seemed to sound like a lawyer more then a person who wanted to help residents.
Along with the knowledge of the amounts in the different electric funds . Mike that money came from our electric rates. I will yell at Katie the next time I see her. I guess that might make you feel better?

At October 14, 2011 at 3:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is just ridiculous petty political crap. It's not Mike Deleon's fault that Murphey didn't get the republican endorsement that he tried to get. I find it hard to believe that being associated with a party is a bad thing because many people affiliate themselves with parties that are not running for city council. But affiliating when you are running is bad..... that's just absurd. It doesn't mean the guy holds EXACTLY the same agenda and beliefs as his party.. most people don't. What I found interesting is on the News Herald site someone posted saying that Tibbits initially started the campaign as a republican then switched to being independent later on. You have a conversation with him too Angelo about if he switches to being an independent it will get him more votes. You previously said you spoke with all of the nonpartisan candidates.. oh but wait he was a republican at the beginning of the campaign, so he wasn't a nonpartisan.

At October 14, 2011 at 4:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

About our electric rates. I'm struggling through the winter - to say the least - trying to pay outrageous Power Factor costs, and they're stockpiling millions off of us with these rates. McMahon/Hada/Hach/Fountain have to go, and anyone who would support them or their policies cannot be elected.

These people have had a voting bloc for HOW many years? With this election, we need to make 100% sure that they no longer have their 4-vote voting bloc. The only way to do this is to get Tibbits and Murphy elected and to keep Werner and Flock in there. There must be a 4-bloc vote to get rid of McMahon and the dishonesty, etc. that has gone on in this city for far too long.

I implore anyone who is thinking of voting for anyone else, please do not. Let us get rid of what is going on around here with votes for people we can reasonably be assured will get rid of McMahon and stop this madness. Some other day, some other time, we can consider other people when the danger of them blindly following McMahon/Hada etc. is ancient history.

The vote has to be for Tibbits/Murphy/Werner and Flock. Please think about that.

At October 14, 2011 at 6:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term Katies answer was what she believed to be correct . She gave her answer not someone before her like most did. She believes in the city which she has said may times, and gave it a rating of inproving , I don't believe that was anyone elses answer just hers. The business man just pump up his own ego and That did seem right forthe question he answered.
Fountian ,Jenkins,Hack, and Deleone seemed to be the only ones with a positive responce to most questions. Iam sadden by your attack on Mike

At October 14, 2011 at 6:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TERM 2:18, no, that won't make me feel better. Berate her on this site like you did DeLeone for the same thing. The difference? She's your candidate. They can do no wrong. You put negatives out there about the ones you don't want. And take all the photos of the sign in the Republican window that you want. You make it sound like since your exposed this smoking gun that now DeLeone would rush to take the sign down and get rid of the evidence. You are so silly. That sign is there to stay. Why not? And 1:57, I don't for a minute think you are a Republican.

At October 14, 2011 at 6:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

First, Republicans can't park in front of their office. Now, they can't put signs in their office window. Mike was endorsed by the party, John M. was not. You can have "NO" anywhere but he can't place his where he wants. Next, you will bar all Republicans from placing signs in Painesville. What about Democrats that have a Republican sign in their yard? So, unless you have Term's endorsement, you are not qualified for the job. Seems that this is only a problem for you Term because the Republican Party has their office in Painesville. Next you will be protesting that and want them kicked out of town.

Sorry, your hate for all Republicans, regardless of who they are, has crossed the line here. Almost all candidates for non-partisan races state their party. Even you want to know this about a candidate so you can trash him. It is only on the ballot, that it is not listed.

One more question, when are you going to start camping out in the square for OWS? I'm sure the city would enjoy this happening. Also, it would have little effect on the city's police and other services' budget, right. I'd like to see you there and see if anyone calls YOU a racist and a communist.

At October 14, 2011 at 6:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess everyone has to chose Term's Democrat of choice. All others need not apply, or in this case run for office. Must be nice to think you are King.

At October 14, 2011 at 6:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This makes as much sence as saying you can't vote for someone in a nonpartisan race because of the party they belong to. Kinda makes me want to vote for anyone term supports.

At October 14, 2011 at 9:30 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Look if you want to make it a partisan race change the city charter. Show me another person running for council anywhere in the county with a sign in a political party window?
Political parties stay out of nonpartasin races as a rule and it pretty easy to find out what party someone belongs to. Do you have an idea why its not listed on the ballot? Its a nonpartisan race!
Mr. Tibbits is a well established Republican in Painesville for more years then Mike has lived here.
I back the best person I believe will make Painesville a better city. Someone should ask Mr. Fellows whats going on?
I really don't care where you park your cars.
Funny keep the sign in the window someone mentioned Democrats outnumber Republicans 7 to 3 in Painesville.
I have a feeling if there was a demonstration in the park it would last longer then two hours. Becareful what you wish for anonymous one.

At October 14, 2011 at 9:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love how you windup the Hadaites!
This city and its schools are going to hades under Hada's and McMahon leadership and they still support failed leadership.

At October 14, 2011 at 10:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

An assitant prosecutor? I bet he could start at city hall?
How does having this occupation make you a good councilman?
I'm sorry but I'm also believe Joe Hada & Co. have to be shown the door.
Thank-You Mr. Flock for bringing it out of the closet.

At October 15, 2011 at 4:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Angelo you are mad at Mike for having his sign in the window at republican hq in Painesville. Are you also mad at Tibbets for having his people ask for his sign to be put in the same window? Or are you just mad that they declined to put Tibbets sign up? If you truly believe what you say then I would expect a rant about Tibbits trying to get his sign in the same window! Or is that ok for him, just not for DeLeone.

At October 15, 2011 at 6:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, Democrats outnumber Republicans in Painesville. Big surprise, like it is your secret weapon. Where has that got us? Great schools or free electricity from AMP?

Back in the 50's and 60's it was just the opposite. Guess what, no New Market, good schools, property values, less rentals and a much better place to call home. All in all a nice town to live in. Now all we, including Term, do is complain.

So tell me Term, what has all these Democrats brought to Painesville? All I see is a city in decline.

At October 15, 2011 at 8:20 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Mr. Tibbits and Mr. Murphy should reciprocate the gifts given to them this week.
Murphy should print out Hachs apology print it on a leaflet and post it all over ward 4 with a message of does this man need 4 more years to destroy the cities wallet? A professional picture of DeLeone's sign in the window of Republican headquarters should be printed on a flyer and passed out to every resident in Brentwood and Kessington Apartments along at the addresses of all registered Democrats in ward 4. Yes even Hada's residence. This arrogance this candidate shows must be rewarded.

At October 15, 2011 at 8:27 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

4:17 You are who? And you know this how? If your story is true why wasn't the sign put up?
Check the make-up of council over those years and up to now. Then get back to me.
8:20 Great idea!
Also NOW expect to see a Tibbits sign in the window? CYA anyone?

At October 15, 2011 at 8:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, if tibbits is a republican why isn't he registered that way? Why did he have someone ask to get a sign in the window like deleone has? Why is he saying now that he's "independent." Painesville voters are not stupid. He's using this independent, not affiliated with any party crap to get more votes. That's called lying in my book. Not to mention all the crap he and his people he has out campaigning for him has told people in my neighborhood that is just plain not true or he has no authority to do. People are ALOT smarter than he is giving them credit for.
To 10:13- how does that occupation make you a good council person.. oh I don't know maybe the fact that he's been dealing with many of the city issues we have at a COUNTY wide level. He has experience with these issues, whereas tibbits has absolutely NO experience whatsoever. Also, I find it rather insulting that a council candidate would even act the wy he does. Him and his friends trash the current council members (well everyone except flock)and whether you like someone or not the fact that you are running for council and intend on working with these people means rising above petty name calling like this. If tibbbits by some miracle gets on council..I can't imagine how bad things will get. Nothing will get done... well except for tibbits calling the council members names(everyone but flock) and hackling them, while Angelo sits in the corner and laughs.

At October 15, 2011 at 8:53 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Sorry from where I sit in the corner theres presently nothing funny about council.
This for the most part is a group of people who do bidding of McMahon and Hada with hardly a wimper. Again I want people on council who will put the city residents ahead of the city administration and presently that ain't happening.
Joe Hada and Rita McMahons leadership ramming AMP-OHIO though council was a good example.
I have watch over the years Mr. Hada do and say some outlandish things. Mr. Flock should be brought up on Malfeasence? Claiming a candidate for office grabbed the city manager by the arm. This is simple assault right Mr. DeLeone? neither of them reporting it to the police. Yet somehow it shows up on a election review report in Columbus?
Many people have asked me about the recall petition? I have not forgotten and after what I heard this week I will soon take out a recall petition on just Mr. Hada over the failed AMP-OHIO contract and let him face recall in hopefully May. I will give him an opportunity to "Proudly" explain his reasons and vote.
Just for the record Mr. Hada I believe is a Democrat.

At October 15, 2011 at 9:09 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems like a pattern has emerged in ward 3:

1)DeLeone gets a sign in a window
Tibbets tries to get one n the same window but fails

2)DeLeone prepared for the debate,
Tibbets didn't

3)DeLeone gets endorsements from elected Republicans and Democrats,
Tibbets didn't

4)DeLeone personally walking and knocking on every door in the ward,
Tibbets sending others

Seems like DeLeone is achieving goals and Tibbets is not. Based on their performance in their respective campaigns, DeLeone is showing results and Tibbets...well just isn't! The choice is clear to me DeLeone!!

From another Ward 3 voter

At October 15, 2011 at 10:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This post is a smackdown Term Thank Term Let the truth be known.

At October 15, 2011 at 10:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will as some have mentioned that Term hates Republicans. Why then is he supporting Tibbits and Murphy? who he knows are Republicans? Then wants to take a recall petition out on Democrat Joe Hada something here doesn't make sense and it seems Term see a bigger picture?

At October 15, 2011 at 10:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TERM hates republicans. No question of that. Tibbits is an independent. That is known. Murphy has been a democrat his whole life. Only recently registered republican. Why? I think everyone knows he is a democrat. TERM certainly knows it. And Hada, well, there is some bad blood between TERM and Hada. No matter what party.

At October 15, 2011 at 11:07 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take it from someone who has known Richard Tibbits for over 25 years hes a loyal member of the party. my guess Mr. DeLeone's boss had something to do with the signs placement?

At October 15, 2011 at 11:12 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

The bad blood between Joe Hada and myself is only the fact of how the city is presently run.
Not taking the time to check the AMP-Ohio facts out with anyone.
Along with the way he has treated Andrew Flock and John Murphy.

At October 15, 2011 at 1:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't want to stick up for Hada here, because I think he needs to get OUT, too, but the malfeasance comment he used concerning Flock was correct in my opinion.

It was because Flock never made one review of McMahon over all these years he has been on council, even though it's his job. He complained about McMahon whenever given a chance (I'm not in favor of McMahon, either, to say the least), but when it came to doing his yearly evaluation of her, he had only done one, on which he wrote that he didn't know what she did during the day (so, therefore, could not evaluate her)! If he was unhappy with her, he needed to give her a proper review that reflected that. That IS malfeasance.

So that is the only thing I ever agreed with Hada on, but I did agree with that statement. And Flock has been a useless Ward 1 representative to me for all the years he has been in office. (I'm just saying...) But, he's better than the others, so -

I'd also like to explain to people your continued references to Hada and the word "proudly" in case people don't get it. Many citizens warned council and Hada about the AMP deal. I mean, really, a 50-year COAL contract in this day and age, for one thing, but he adamently stuck to their plan. When he voted "yes" people were upset, so he said he PROUDLY voted "yes." So now hopefully he can PROUDLY get himself right out of office.

At October 15, 2011 at 6:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, and lets not forget how Hada, etc. always pull their last-minute lies about Murphy during campaigns to make sure he does not get into office, so watch out for this year's lie, and don't believe it when you hear it.

And the whole arm-grabbing lie during one campaign...McMahon was a big part of that. Remember, Rita? When the person they lied about was trying to clear their name at a council meeting, she said she remembered that an incident happened, but she couldn't remember what that incident WAS!!!??? Oh, REAAAAAALLLLY? That was her - Oh, sh__! I told a lie that I didn't think was going to see the light of day until the next election, and now what do I do to cover my a__ double-talking. Double-talking is something she is really good at. I'm quite sure that if someone grabbed MY arm that I would certainly remember it, as she would have if it HAD happened to her, which, of course, it did not.

We need to her out. We need to get her reign of terror and shadiness and wasted millions and millions out of here. The only way to do that is to elect people that we think we will have the best chance of doing that with.

Right now, that means we need to keep Flock (running unapposed) and Werner in office, and we need to get Tibbits and Murphy in. It's the only chance we have of changing anything in this city.

At October 15, 2011 at 7:42 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

1:16 Let's say you leave for work 5 days a week at 7:00am and get home at 5:00pm. Now your "employee works 9 to 5 tell me how do you honestly evaluate how she handles her job. At the same time you ask and are informed by another city manager that his city offered to assist Painesville with EMS calls and he sends you your city managers letter where she refuses help? All she said was "Oh, that letter". I do not believe that was the reason for Mr. Hada's outburst but it had something to do with Station 44 condos. Andy at one of his town hall meetings was told by people in his ward no more apatments or condo.!

At October 15, 2011 at 7:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree Murphy and Tibbits were handed quite a gift this week. I hope they take advantage of it.

At October 15, 2011 at 7:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term 7:42: Flock is not the real issue here, so I don't want to dwell too much on it. He's in office and running unapposed, so it's a non-issue right now.

It was his job to evaluate her. Of course he is not watching her all day, but the results of her work is very apparant to him as a council person and very apparant to the residents, too. I repeat that I agree with Hada's assessment that it was malfeasance. And I'll tell you something else - if Flock knew that another city was trying to work with us for the safety of our citizens, and that McMahon not only said "no," but failed to inform him as a council person, then I would think he could find something to say on her yearly review besides something as assinine as "I don't know what she does during the day." It was malfeasance, and I'm just saying... I am also wondering if he does reviews of her now. As I said, it's pretty much a non-issue right now and not important to this election - and I never thought I would agree with Hada on anything, but it was malfeasance in my opinion, too.

At October 15, 2011 at 8:16 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Well I'm not sure but if you make a statement at a council meeting and on a video of the local paper that you have lost confidence in the present city manager and council president, do you really think thats not an evaluation? I guess then that I don't know what one is.
Ever notice how everything has to be done by city charter? Show me where in the charter a councilman has to evaluate anything? If it's not even in the charter how can it be malfeasance?

At October 15, 2011 at 8:18 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

To the renter your going to have to give me aname so I can verify this?

At October 15, 2011 at 8:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term 8:16: Making a statement that he is not happy with her this many years later does not take the place of doing a yearly, written evaluation when it was his job to do so. And now your defense of him on this issue is that it is not in the charter? I don't know if that is true or not, but certainly every council person was aware that that is what was expeced of them. McMahon works for him, not the other way around, so of course, he would be expected to do a yearly evaluation. Your defense of him on this issue is nonsense. You're talking gibberish.

At October 16, 2011 at 4:09 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is from a life long Republican. I like this blog. I like that this blog is making people aware of the issues in Painesville. I don't know you. I don't personally know DeLeone and perhaps he will be a good councilman. I also don't live in Painesville. I do suspect that you Term are being "had". I suspect all these anonymous posters if you checked out their IP addresses are one and the same person or a couple defending DeLeone. Term if you don't have a counter on your blog - put one on and see the IP addresses making these posts at those given times. You can get one for free - go to, embed one in your blog and you will get a good idea if this is coming from one person or a couple of people. I If it is point this out.

I for one am disgusted by Painesville's council and particularly by your school board. The administration in both has to change and to do that you need a new board and council with the guts to make these changes.

Keep up the good work!

At October 16, 2011 at 6:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm guessing a renter of your buddy, has made a comment, and you don't want to post it, so even if the renter did give you a name, you should not be able to verify it, landlords don't have the right to give out info. about there tenants.

At October 16, 2011 at 8:38 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

8:18 Yes there is a difference. What if a person said I am having an affair with this councilperson are you saying I should let it be posted as a comment by someone anonymously [ It's happened]?

At October 16, 2011 at 9:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am finding discussion on this council election extremely refreshing!

I would love to see a change of the old guard on council but that said it has taken a pile of time and energy to dig deep, pay attention and find out who will represent the city and it's residents fairly.

Democracy takes work, seems more like we have a dictatorship or monarchy. If the residents of this community cannot show up to vote, showing their disapproval, we are in deep condo fema $$, power factor and political shinanagens do-do. (Really Joe, that last election made you look very dishonorable, and you then proved you were.)

Term, I would love to know Mr. Deleone's take on that incident from the last election. I think it would give us a look at his character and would greatly impact my vote.

One candidate I supported early on has really fizzled and after watching, showing up and paying attention I have had to think twice.

Democracy is work and I think we all need to work pretty hard this election season.

At October 16, 2011 at 9:13 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

9:08 call him and ask him . I don't expect he will answer you here. I have no idea what he thinks happened.

At October 16, 2011 at 1:58 PM , Anonymous CHANGE COUNCIL said...

To post;9;03 You sure have that right, about JOE HADIT, look at what his control has cost us. CHANGE COUNCIL.

At October 16, 2011 at 2:06 PM , Anonymous RECALL said...

GOOD NEWS TERM Lets roll, lets get started with the re-call. Your post 8;57 is great news for the city. CHANGE LEADER.

At October 17, 2011 at 7:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would Werner get rid of Rita when he's made absolutely no attempt to do so during his 4 years? I think we need to stop voting for people based on one thing - yes, he may assist the other 3 in getting rid of Rita, but what else will those 4 do? You can't elect someone because of ONE issue. Sure, they get rid of her, and then screw everything up for 4 years. Sounds great.

At October 17, 2011 at 8:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just don't get it. This degrading of candidates by the opposition is about as counter productive as you can get. I've known Mr. Tibbits for well over 15 years. He's smart, funny, loyal, and a hell of a businessman. He has given back to the community and our city for years. He, like many, are upset with the politics and poor leadership of this town. He has never attacked Mr. DeLeone as others have. Mr. Hada, you and your political machine, should be ashamed with your innuendos and off the wall criticism of a fine man. Just so you can get your hand picked boy in office. Personally I've had enough!

See you at the polls

At October 17, 2011 at 9:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

THE LANDLORDS ARE UP TO IT AGAIN, removing tenants signs of people they support FOR council from in front of there rental houses,

I think the tenants are looking for some help from lawyers and Fair Housing, there is not one thing in there leases that stops tenants from putting up signs.


At October 17, 2011 at 11:51 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I knew this subject was coming up here soon.
I checked Ohio Law and it seems the law states the the "Property" owner has to give permission for signs put on their property? [I Googled it} Plus we don't know what's in tentants lease contracts?
Do I believe this law should be changed ? Yes and No No one knows for sure what sign could be setup in a yard and at the same time the property owner could be held resposible.
This sign thing in Painesville has gone way over the deep end. I guess if your stand on this is who your candidate seems to be?
A tentant in a perfect world should be able to place a sign in his yard and so shouldn't a landlord. To simple Uh?
Then it would fair game to question a sign in a certain window.

Crazy analogy or fact?

At October 17, 2011 at 12:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Noticed all the Murphy signs are now missig at Rider's Inn. Thought they might have had a falling out? A little bird then told me of certain inspections and his opponents wife having a party at the Inn a couple of weeks ago?
Anything to this story Termmie?

At October 17, 2011 at 12:33 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Termmie, really? I guess we both spoke to the same bird. The only thing I see that doesn't hold true is the fact that Judge Crane is a person that isn't easily intimidated. I know of no fallout, and there was a party at the Inn.

At October 17, 2011 at 6:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crazy analogy! definitely.

At October 18, 2011 at 9:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Everyone love's Mikey" really? This blog post is disgusting considering you never even met or talked to the guy. Just because he has the support of people you don't like and is running against your friend doesn't mean he would not be a great councilman. It also does not mean the man can't think for himself. I was at meet the candidates night also and there was no finger wagging going on at all that is a blatant lie on your part and you know it. From where I was standing he was being congratulated by Hada for doing such a good job.
To 8:10.. so because Tibbits has never attacked Deleone publicly this makes him a better choice? C'mon! He and his buddies who walk for him has lied to many voters faces in my neighborhood promising them things he will have no authority to do. One of my neighbors realized this and took his sign out of her yard. I don't care if he publicly criticized deleone, lying to voters is NOT exceptable behavior. And Term you can try and spin it any way you want, but it's the truth.

At October 18, 2011 at 3:09 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

9:21 I have spoken to Mr. DeLeone on occasian he seem like a very nice person. I just looking for a more independent thinker. Sorry, I believe Mike will be another disciple of Joe Hada. That's my PERSONAL feeling,again sorry. There was finger wagging because I viewed it and I have no idea why, and you have proof it was congratulations for what? Folowing the team. Now who's spinning what here presently?
Tibbits was good enough to be on the committee to save the hospital? and good enough to be on the housing task force. He's not good enough to be on city council? Why, because he will think for himself and not the way he's told?

At October 18, 2011 at 5:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, I believe Katie will be another disciple of Joe Hada. That's my PERSONAL feeling,again sorry. My opinion carries as much weight as yours.

At October 18, 2011 at 7:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I, too, think Katie Jenkins will be another disciple of Joe Hada. And I think she is for the illegals. It has to be Werner for now.

At October 19, 2011 at 2:02 PM , Anonymous ME AGAIN said...

More Democrats/Republicans in Painesville -NO, how about more illegals than legals.
Term hates Republicans? No Term hates everyone and anyone that has a nice life.
Too bad there isn't a way to rate the present council people as they stand now. That would be fun!
I'd give Mr. Flock a big fat F.

At October 19, 2011 at 2:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have talked to Mike DeLeone at GREAT length multiple times and I firmly believe that he is a leader NOT a follower. He is who I am voting for and he IS the best choice.

At October 20, 2011 at 3:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everybody love Mike? Could he name these Democrats that want him in office? Was that just a lawyer talking without an objection being made?

At October 20, 2011 at 4:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

at 3:54 am. DeLeone had a list with him when he came to my house. I was really impressed by the variety of democrats, republicans and independents that endorsed him. Lake County Clerk of Courts Maureen Kelly was one of the more notable democrats that endorsed him. I also saw him walking with her at a Unity in the Community event earlier this summer. From what I have heard and seen, it looks like DeLeone has the goods to back up what he says. Maybe you should talk to him before you post a comment like that. Your uninformed post just makes me want to vote for him more!

At 2:55 pm. I could not agree more. I have spoken with DeLeone a couple times when he was on my street. He took the time to really talk to me about my issues. Good to see he is taking that time with other people. DeLeone is our best choice!

At October 20, 2011 at 9:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't believe there is a list with all these Democrats on it. How about the ones in Wad 3? I could care less what someone in Eastlake thinks about him? With that in mind Mr. DeLeone was the only person on the panel that even mentioned political partys? Beware. Promises made promises kept.
I also believe he thinks too highly of himself and his degees.

At October 20, 2011 at 11:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 9:19.. believe it! There is a list. He came to my house and I seen it with my own eyes too. I remember Maureen Kelly being on it also. I find this political party crap funny. He may have been the only on who mentioned endorsements from political parties, but he sure as you know what was not the only one who sought endorsements. Tibbits and Murphey both sought endorsements, however did not get them. I have no doubt if they had gotten them they would have talked about them. When you have no notable endorsements (even though you sought them) are you going to talk about it.... no. What are Mr. Tibbets and Mr. Murphey going to say, I sought the endorsement of the republican party, but did not get it? Of course not! Actually, if you talked to Mr. DeLeone you would realize he is a very down to earth person who is not full of himself at all. It's quite clear you have not spoken with him.

At October 20, 2011 at 12:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If DeLeone votes with Hada, then we have no chance of getting McMahon out, and we are right back where we started. He might be a choice for some other time, but not now. I personally don't think it matters that he is a Republican, but it does matter if he follows Hada/McMahon, etc., and I think he will. Just like DiNallo and Fodor. Might as well be Hada clones. And that leaves us right where we are at.

At October 20, 2011 at 1:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think Deleone thinks too highly of himself. At meet the candidates night he was simply responding to a question that asked.. what makes you a good candidate for city council. I think that his education makes him a good fit as it's also what makes Katie Jenkins a good choice in my opinion. I agree with others on this blog, the only one acting pompous was Tibbits.

At October 20, 2011 at 3:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only here...DeLeone is asked a question about what qualifies him to be elected to city council. He answers with his education and being a prosecutor. Now people on here are ripping him for it. He answered a question with better qualifications than his opponent. As for someone being full of himself, that would be Tibbets. Tibbets was making faces and yes Tibbets was pompus.

At October 20, 2011 at 5:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:12 pm said,
"then we have no chance of getting McMahon out"

Then who in the heck do you think
Tibbits, Murphy and Hal would put in some landlord ?

You people better hope Tibbits & Murphy don't get in, if they do, this city will go down hill faster then you can say I rent to illegals.

At October 21, 2011 at 4:21 AM , Anonymous KJenkins said...

FYI - I am in the process of attempting to post the "Meet the Candidates" night for both Council and School Board. I believe everyone should have the opportunity to view them.

The evenings were both so lengthy that they had to be broken in to 4-part segments, and take about 3 hours to upload! I hope to do the rest of them over the weekend, unless the weather is nice and then I will be out and about knocking on doors.

Search "Painesville City Council" on and the first installment of the Council night should come up. If not, bear with me. I am going to attempt to embed them on my website. At the very least, a link to the youtube video will be on there. Thanks!

At October 21, 2011 at 4:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get a clue, 5:30. Our city is ALREADY down, and you are advocating keeping the same city manager that did it. Wake up.

At October 21, 2011 at 4:56 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

So you all know Mr. DeLeone and I had an engaging conversation. I told him how I felt and he explained his positions to me. It was a very cordial conversation and I will be waiting for a response on two items I mentioned in the conversation. I have a good idea where he stands and think he knows where I'm coming from.

At October 22, 2011 at 7:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great job on the youtube!
Thanks Katie!

Here is the link.......

At October 22, 2011 at 3:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, the fact that DeLeone spoke with you speaks volumes for his character after what has been written on here. That demonstrated true leadership skills and earned my respect. Thank you for letting us know.

At October 22, 2011 at 8:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, did you go corner him or did he corner you?

At October 23, 2011 at 4:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, in an earrlier thread you said you emailed DeLeone. Did he call or make other attempts to get back to you?

At October 23, 2011 at 6:47 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

8:44 No one cornered anyone. We had been missing connecting and I knew he sat on the BZA which had a meeting Thursday night. After the meeting we talked.
4:43 He told me he returned my email . I have no reason not to believe him. He answered one of my questions at meet the candidate night reguarding city residents not living in the local school system should finance SRO officers and forgive debt. The other question concerned AMP-OHIO?
3:15 More then Mr. DeLeone have had negative comments mentioned here.

At October 25, 2011 at 5:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, I respect that you are entitled to your own opinion, but I just wish you could put your personal feelings about a FRIEND aside and truly look at what's best for Painesville. Because any one with common sense and half a brain knows that it is NOT Tibbets.

At October 25, 2011 at 2:06 PM , Anonymous A close friend said...

Term has his opinion and so do you. I'm guessing that Term told Mike the signs at GOP headquarters were unnessary? I remember him complaining at a council meeting about nonpartasan races four years ago..
That said maybe Mr. DeLeone needs the support of the oligarchy at Republican Headquarters? For what reason only he can explain. Now we find out a councilwoman at large has used the city election as a stepping stone to further her political aspirations? Maybe Painesville is a farm team for the GOP?
I have a good idea what Terms plan is and it will raise more questions then answers.

At October 25, 2011 at 2:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need four votes to get McMahon out and/or be able to vote against her ideas when they are wrong. Those four people have to be Tibbits, Murphy, Werner and Flock. I think Jenkins and DeLeone are on the side of McMahon/Hada, etc. I do not think they will vote to get rid of McMahon and I do not think they will ever vote against anything she wants. The most important thing to turning this town around is to get rid of McMahon. We need to vote with that in mind. And we need to vote for people who will say no when no needs to be said.

At October 25, 2011 at 3:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I were a politician or a Republican, Painesville is the last place I would want to run for office or live. The way people here talk about Republicans and Hispanics and each other, I'd think I would rather live in a Jungle.

On a side note, I think all Republicans are legal. I doubt all Hispanics are illegal but the country as a whole needs to move toward finding out who is and who is not and do something about it.

So, Painesville, time to take a little closer look at how you treat these second or third class residents. Just who do you hate more? It also seems Term only likes a few people here and they should all be on council or school board. Change is needed but I'm glad more than Term's vote is counted.

At October 25, 2011 at 5:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term likes Jenkins and thinks she would be independent. I agree. BUT I also think the same reasons that make Jenkins the best choice for her ward apply to DeLeone and make him the best choice in his ward. These are two educated, motivated, independent thinkers that both have strong voices and great ideas to take Painesville to better days. Everyone seems to be focused on blindly following Flock or Hada. I don't want either. I think Jenkins and DeLeone would be the best choice for council! My only regret is that I can only vote for one of them.

Maybe people are thinking about this in the wrong way and there will be Jenkins and DeLeone ding what's best for the city instead of just keeping the same divisions. It might not be popular on here but it is what I believe. Jenkins and DeLeone if you are reading this...keep up the good work, ignore the pettiness of people on this sight, and follow your hearts and minds! I have talked with both of you and know that neither of you are anyone's puppet! Good luck to you both, we need both of you!

At October 25, 2011 at 6:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 2:06 well Tibbit's tried to get his sign in that very same window and failed. So it's okay to try and fail, but try and succeed is not good? If Tibbits wouldn't have tried for the very same sign placement that DeLeone has your post would make sense. To much hypocrisy going on here.

At October 25, 2011 at 7:07 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

6:53 I only see one sign in the window for the past two weeks?
How do you prove a negative?
Hypocrisy? I told him he didn't need the sign.{ i believe he didn't} He must think differently?
Lets be honest there must be more going on here then a city council race?
Maybe the question to ask will you serve your four year term? {of all candidates] I wish I had asked that two years ago.

At October 25, 2011 at 7:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TERM 7:07, what do you mean there's only one sign in the window? There are several. I looked just tonight to see what all the hubub was about. There's Eastlake councilman sign, Mentor councilman signs, and many others. What did you mean?

At October 25, 2011 at 7:29 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Only concerned with Painesville races, sorry.
Now watch the goofs down there at HQ put a Tibbits/Murphy sign in the window?
Hey, they helped Hal and Bob the last time?

At October 25, 2011 at 7:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, was not aware Murphy asked for his sign to be put there like DeLeone and Tibbets. Did Murphy ask?

At October 25, 2011 at 8:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goofs? I hope the person you are calling a goof isn't reading this. Resorting to name calling serves no purpose. It's childish and hurtful and definitely unfounded. Just because they are Republican. Again, TERM, your hatred for Republicans overshadows any common sense you have.

At October 26, 2011 at 1:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 7:38, Yes, Murphy asked along with Tibbetts. But DeLeone is the only one being punished for it apparently.

At October 26, 2011 at 1:28 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

7:38 I posted your comment so you can come up with a name or source? So if I am to believe you, the two others asked and were turned down? Then what's so special about Mike? Is he the future farm team? and at what cost was the sign put in the window? Money, a promise what?


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