Some things you just expect not to be rocket science. Like recyclables; are you recycling when you co-mingle items? Is it even recycling or just something to make you feel good about yourself that you may be helping the cause?
Recently, on a trip to Williamsport, Pennsylvania to visit my sister and her family, I asked if they recycled in Loyalstock? Now is it just me..... or is this the way I always heard it should be?

Just so you know these photo's were taken within 24 hours of when mine at Painesville were taken.
City Administration, Waste Management, Residents we can do better.
This recycling center sits between a fire station and an elementary school. It's completely fenced in.
shocking just shocking........
hey why don't we put the recycling center by the lake erie dorms?????
Find out if they have a councilman that harasses the local business next to his house?
Hey why dont you just not recycle EVEN better yet, move to that communtiy if you like it so much.
Hey what is the population of this town? Is it comparable to painesville? Perhaps larger?
Just wondering.......
Madpotter,Loyalstock is a township that borders Williamsport Pa. the population is around 12,000. It is an average middle class town. The biggest difference in recycling is they don't co-mingle and instead of dumpsters they use roll-off's that have been custom-made for there purpose. If you see the extra bins to the left in the one picture they left extra knowing there would be more paper and cardboard recycling durinng the Christmas holiday, usually four roll-offs cover the center.
just as an aside, there's a website I regulary visit called urbanohio.com, and one of the longtime forumers lives in Willamsport and frequently posts photos and writes of developments there. Here's the link:
PA? Thats the closest comparable you could find???
10:03 I probable could have, I just asked, and it seems something reasonable Painesville could do.
Do you ever notice when a problem, or even a question is asked, how many people avoid the problem and want to take us somewhere else? Instead of improving things we tell the person to shutup,move,or just leave a negative remark? Why as residents don't we ask the people in charge to just fix it?
Went to our recycle center yesterday. New signs on the bins.
Everything now goes in together.
Cardboard & paper no longer seperate.
Boy, I'm with you, 11:23. The maturity level around here is pretty disturbing. 6:31 and 10:32, this means you.
Who gives a flying frigg, we have people shooting people for breaking in to there cars,
(my hero)
The guy that got shot just got out of the pen.
Wonder if you can do that to the guys that take leaks in front of your house ?
To 3:23. You poor thing. (And I mean that. I'm not being factitious.) What kind of people are taking a leak in front of your house? White? Black? Hispanic? All the above?
Does it really matter what ethnicity they are? Pee is the same color no matter who you might be....and that's a pretty ignorant thing for anyone to do. I could have fun with that...sitting outside armed with a powerful garden hose or a strategically placed sprinkler and/or a bull-horn. Not much you can do in the winter though.
Today: Time Warner Cable in a letter, informs me, they are going to change the way they deliver my channels and to make room for new and improved entertainment. I will have to have a digital set up box for my TV set. Now, the question is: are we going to have rising cable rates?
6:31 here and FYI I am a very mature person with very mature and reasonable opinions and views. I believe this could be the least of one's problems in this town. I also believe there are some people that are never happy with anything or anybody. There is no pleasing them no matter what anyone says or does they dislike everyone especially those who positions of authority or clout.
6:31: This is 1:24. You are entitled to your opinion, and your 11:19 opinion is very maturely put. You have to admit, your 6:31 post was not.
To 9:21: Yes, I do think it matters what ethnicity they are. What's the problem with saying, as I am very curious.
To 11:02: I think that that letter means that our rates already went up, because I doubt that that box is going to be free. Probably a monthly fee. Does the letter say?
11:19 This is one of the small problems that we face in Painesville. What a better place to start?
I checked with Loyalstock these recycling centers are managed by Lycoming County at no cost to the residents. Labor at the sites is provided by community service issued by a judge. The County even makes a small profit on their centers. Glass is even separated in the roll-off by the color of the glass. Now Painesville just reached an agreement with Waste Management to spend $20,000 to empty our recyling from January to June.
Maybe in your maturity you got a little twisted about Authority, and clout?
Help me please show me someone in Painesville with Clout?
Personally I believe the people in authority have very little"juice".
I got the feeling you thought you had clout?
Sorry 2:40 got no clout and no juice.
Shop downtown Painesville? That little store next to the hardware store seems empty? Also the rumor is that Burgess and
Nipple are moving out of town? Do you know anything?
"This is one of the small problems that we face in Painesville. What a better place to start?
I checked with Loyalstock these recycling centers are managed by Lycoming County at no cost to the residents."
This is not one of our "small" problems. When are the people in this city going to wake up and realize that a lot of our "big" problems are dumped on us because we are the county seat.
How much property tax are we losing?
How many low income are in this city because of it? ( less income tax)
Whether people want to hear it or not, the low income brings the rentals problem we have.
Now, the big question, can anyone name one thing the county has done to help this city with any of these problems? Our county commisioners and the rest of Lake County are perfectly happy to keep all the problems in Painesville. If you really want to get Painesville moving start attacking the County government instead of the City.
Who knows out of all Lake County what percent of Section 8 housing is in Painesville? I would bet my next paycheck its over 60%+ and yet LMHA tells you they don't know, they don't track it?
How about extended housing? very noble cause, almost all in Painesville, why?, one of our bigger landlords is on the board, the more is built here the more he and his buddies can profit.
And who allowed this to happen?
This used to be single family community.
The council, we elected, some sitting for well over 15-20 years allowed the rezoning.
We have the ability to change this, vote!
Attend council meetings, call your council people and exercise your voice.
The problem could be like Egypt?
JaHada, Gurley, and McMahon two of which could be Painesville's Mubarak. JaHada Gurley has been running things forever. McMahon a yes person for over 15 years. Lay blame at the feet of who made the rules.
What's Rita drilling for at the recycling center? No kidding.
The crews there were drilling soil samples for a grant to demolish the old hotel. No city funds were used.
gosh I hope they strike oil or gold or something we can use...........
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