"IT'S ONLY MAKE BELIEVE" conway twitty
A comment was left stating 'why not just let the state run this system?' Short answer: Because it's the Painesville City Schools, it's owned by the residents of Painesville.
O'K. I'll buy that, but if 65% of your funding comes from somewhere else, what exactly do you own.
If our schools are funded this much by an outside entity how can you believe you're running it?
We have a new Governor and I wish there was a way to get him to run the schools for the next four years... his way. Any movers and shakers 'got any juice' down in Columbus? Everything from cirruculum to whether to keep the 50% policy? Hold parents responsible for attendance.{There was a sign on the office door at Harvey Monday evening starting 02/14/11 any one tardy for three times in a day will receive a suspension?} to wages of administrators, teachers, food service employees.
The first thing we have to do as a town is admit that the present way isn't working.
If this would be successful, the Governor could show it as a model to other districts.
We have to think outside of the box and be open to any ideas. Maybe our governor could even show us a cheaper way to get more bang for your buck?
Great idea!
The best definition of Insanity.
Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein
You do know if the State takes over, they have the right to increase the local tax........the State does not pay the bills
Someone tell that nice lady who knows it's a bad investment in PCLC
but still will vote for it.
She should tell her neighbors to vote against the levy, take the money she will save and get her children out of this failed system!
Suggestions...go back to picking on the city. What has the schools don to you? Your father would be very upset right now.
I trust John Kasich to run the state less than I trust Painesville City Council to run the City. Putting him in charge of Painesville City Local Schools would end badly, methinks.
Mentor have %50 grading policy?
I knew Term's dad and he was a very practical man. Not only that but he put his money where his mouth was and worked for the schools for very little because it really was all about the kids with him.
Yes, Mentor officially adopted that policy a year or two ago. Another 'feel good' school system to pacify the parents and students and keep that money rolling in.
12:40 Painesville is paying to much presently. We can't continue to pay the wages and benefits that public employees are expecting.
The dismantling of America's Middle Class is in it's final stage. If allowed to continue at this rate, there will be a two class system in less than 5 years. The very Rich and the very Poor.
As far as future elections, one party will be running and one party will be winning. The fall of Unions will mean only one party will have a victory and in the words of Karl Rove a "Permanent Majority" in the three Branches of Government.
The schadenfreude of seeing the voters getting screwed by the corporatists they've elected, will not be enough to overcome my sorrow at the loss of our democracy.
SB 5
Interesting dilemma. Control public wages. Raises based on merit. Reduce the ever increasing burden of benefits by requiring public employees to contribute to their benefit package like the rest of us.
Currently, collective bargaining means public employees garner the raises based solely upon the number of years worked and not performance, attendance or advanced training or education.
This seems to be what people are protesting about. Tenure for teachers is about the same. Kinda sounds like our 50% policy and attendance diploma or the old stereo type of 4 guys holding a shovel and only one guy working.
So, we know were the public employees stand. Where do the rest of the union members (teamsters??), broke taxpayers, unemployed, anti-school levy supporters, just regular workers and those who think Painesville pays to much for their employees and their benefits.
Support unions or want to reduce spending and tax increases. Interesting dilemma.
We have about 155 million workers in the US. Of that number, 88% or 136.5 million are not in a union. There are about 7.6 million public sector union members. It seems that this small number are crying the most. Is it because they don't want to lose their sweet benefits. There are numerous safeguards to protect workers now. OSHA and labor relations boards are two that come to mind. I wonder if any of these union members would picket for your job.
"Upon employees in the Federal service rests the obligation to serve the whole people, whose interests and welfare require orderliness and continuity in the conduct of Government activities. This obligation is paramount. Since their own services have to do with the functioning of the Government, a strike of pubic employees manifests nothing less than an intent on their part to prevent or obstruct the operations of Government until their demands are satisfied. Such action, looking toward the paralysis of Government by those who have sworn to support it, is unthinkable and intolerable."
"Particularly, I want to emphasize my conviction that militant tactics have no place in the functions of any organization of government employees."
Our President said this. His name was FDR. He happened to be dealing with a depression.
7:26 pm what are you talking about ?
You try to do that work, you have no ideal.......
Does Term work or volunteer for the schools as his father did? My guess is he doesn't. When was the last time he spent any time at a school during the day to see just exactly what the people on the inside do for a living. Maybe if he or any of you that continually bash the schools did, you might be singing a different tune.
Parent of 3, Right on.
We love Painesville Schools.
Parent of 2, 1 special needs.
Does Term work as a volunteer for the schools?
Term and other members at a meetings offered ourselves to do anything they wanted help with readings ect.This offer was made to the School Board President months ago. It seems to have died that night.
Parent's of 3 and 2. Your children are going to get what they you deserve, a high priced failed education. Congrats!
February 2310:30 AM
NO THEY AREN'T. They will get everything they put into it right back.
Just ask their parents, grandparents and other family members. A couple generations have graduated from the PC schools and have gone on to successful careers.
Seems there are a lot of jealous people in this city. If they can't have it or do it then no one should.
Unions were started to fight the big corporations or big business. They had a use years ago.
The union protests in Wisconsin and down in Columbus have nothing to do with that. This time, they are fighting the government. Since the government is US the taxpayer, they are in a cense holding us, Joe broke taxpayer hostage. It is about the money, our money that pays them.
So when you choose sides you must take into account whether you it should mean more money for them or less money for you since you are the one who pays them.
We all don't have any money. Cuts are being made all over. Detroit is being told to close HALF of their schools. Providence RI has told all the teachers that they aren't coming back next year. Sure most will be rehired but a lot will be let go in budget cuts. What is going to happen in Ohio?
It all comes back to jobs. More jobs means more tax money without raising taxes. More jobs means they will in turn create more demand for goods thus more and more jobs. On the other side, if you create a government job, you increase the cost of government and need more in tax money or need to add to the deficit.
So in my view, they are protesting against me, a simple taxpayer.
2:12 meant "sense" not cense in above post
Please remember one thing with this Senate bill. Nurses,police, fire, corrections & teachers, most of them get paid the "big bucks" compared to custodians, teachers aides, nurses aids. Not all is good fir everyone. Those at the mid-low pay scales are the ones that will be hurting. Not the "professionals".
Senate Bill 5 passed. Now watch if the board or administration asks the school employees for a pay cut? The administration along with everyone should take an 8% pay cut. For the children.
So Senate Bill 5 passed. Wonder how our esteem ward 2 councilman and self proclaimed conservative Republican likes that ruling?
Oh, I almost forgot he's the school union head. Love to ask him how he feels about Gov. Kasish today?
Hal will join us in the real world very very soon.
Now we can all see the high regard Republicans have for not only teachers, but what about policemen and firemen? Most who vote GOP.
In the private sector, when things get tough, jobs are lost and benefits are eliminated. In the public sector, when things get tough the private taxpayer is asked to fork over to keep the public sector in the same status quo. Why do you not get this. That is what Bill 5 is all about. It helps all of us. Everyone needs to sacrifice in times like this. Teachers and other unions can't keep making us taxpayers pay for their benefits. They need to start living in the real world. Thank God this bill passed.
Least we forget Gov. Kasich called a police officer an idiot.
I don't want to hear one complaint from them.
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