Thursday, February 3, 2011


Seems at Thursday's (February 3rd) Lake County Commissioners meeting there was a little flack about different governing bodies asking for new or renewal levies through a special election to be held on May 3rd. All three Commissioners thought this was a waste of public funds. I can't agree more with them. For instance, take Painesville's failed levy this past November. It failed by 19 votes: very close but would voters be given an opportunity to repeal the election in May if it would have passed by 19 votes? The truth is the School Board and administration will keep asking for money until it passes. May, August (another special election), November, back again in February if need be. How many times can they go to the well on the county's dime? The Commissioners are right to ask for the money to finance these "Special" elections. One even stated that maybe there's something wrong with the your message if voters keep voting against your levies.
Painesville's levy will, I agree, be a STEALTH Levy; the least amount of people who know about it the better.
I'll throw down first. If none of the levy money will be used to increase system-wide wages and pay for steps, along with no further amount paid in hospitalization benefits by the administration I will support this levy. Then and only then will it truly be for the children.
And a final least we won't have to hear how we need to pass this levy so we can retain our 'excellent' state ratings.
I would expect this in writing, and all of you should too.


At February 3, 2011 at 4:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

85% of expenditures of school's monies are for personel. The board, nor the administration will guarantee that this money will not be used for wages. It's an out and out lie to say this is for the children. Lets keep staff and programs not to feather someones wages.

At February 3, 2011 at 4:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's my understanding that they can't get the money from the levy earlier then if they voted in November? If this is true the only reason for doing it now is to give them another opportunity to get it passed. Plus whowill be looking to vote in May with nothing else on the ballot?

At February 3, 2011 at 6:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's probably exactly what they are counting on. They probably are hoping that only the ones FOR the levy will bother coming out, and if they keep it on the quiet most people against it won't go to vote. And they probably figure that even the ones against it will not be compelled to get out and vote with nothing else on the ballot.

I do not think that school levies should be able to come to the voters any more than once a year. I agree that it is ridiculous that they can keep bringing up for a vote until they get a passing number.

I will vote no. They can get the illegals out, consolidate the schools, and hold out for a better economy. I can't afford any more, and I will not vote yes while there is a 50% grading policy in place.

At February 4, 2011 at 5:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why throw good money after bad? Anyone who believes this money will be well spent, spend a couple of hours at Harvey. Then decide.
High school might not be the way you remembered it.

At February 4, 2011 at 10:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I'm to understand the article in the paper today. Painesville taxpayers will pay $10,000 to the county to hold this special election in May? Where pray tell will this money come from? Win or Lose?

At February 4, 2011 at 10:42 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me again, I don't believe you will let them run a STEALTH campaign,will you?

At February 4, 2011 at 11:04 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

10:42 Not a chance! I just have to be creative to let voters aware of the election.[Yes or NO] This blog. doesn't reach enough people. Wonder what a billboard costs?
Black with White letters NO $$ ?
People will at least ask whats that mean.
Voting on levys should only be done in November.

At February 4, 2011 at 11:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just think how much it will cost if it fails.


At February 4, 2011 at 12:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 10:41...My take on the News(less) Herald article was that since the commisioners have to pay for it the money will take away from other parts of the county budget. It sounds like they would like all these boards that filed for special elections to be more fiscally responsible by only putting their particular issue on when there is a general election. That way all the basic expenses (poll workers, machinery etc) are already in place. Killing more birds with one stone. Makes sense to me, a much more efficient use of tax dollars. I will hold this thought the next time any of these people come up for re-election. And I have my 'NO $" sign ready!

PS. Term...I would be glad to donate to a billboard sure would make more people aware and get many talking.

At February 4, 2011 at 2:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Something we should all remember. Our future is not with teachers,but with our students.

At February 4, 2011 at 3:04 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

11:19 You bring up an interesting point. What will the cost if it fails?
Enlighten us,please.

At February 4, 2011 at 5:03 PM , Anonymous Wolverine said...

Get something in writing from the schools? HA! Neither admin or board would EVER agree to that.
I also wish there was a way to make the administration live and contribute in Painesville. Then they will have a birds-eve view as to what goes on in this community and perhaps take a pro-active stand.

At February 4, 2011 at 6:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't look now but I think Term is starting his own anti-tax Painesville Tea Party.

At February 4, 2011 at 6:10 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

6:03 Sorry no Tea for me. Just
"NO $$"

At February 4, 2011 at 7:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

DHS Napolitano introduced a new multimillion dollar program called "if you see something, say something". Wow. I would never have thought to say something before if I saw something. Thank you for spending taxpayer money to make me not stupid. I'll start now. I see illegals, and I'm saying so. What are you going to do? Finally secure our borders?

At February 5, 2011 at 6:09 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You gave $$ to the school ground parks, un-real how much they are costing us.

You should check it out.

At February 5, 2011 at 11:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The narc on your neighbor program has come to your town.

At February 6, 2011 at 6:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If you see something, say nothing if it's in Painesville"
You will only be critized. Ask Termmie

At February 9, 2011 at 3:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

New Levy for a School System that has not been able to meet the GRADE!
How novel. What is their thought process? Oh, more money will turn the tides of our endless failures to truly educate. NOT!!!!
Pick a dollar figure out of the air (1.4 mil) and let the auditor's office figure out what the sock-it-to-us millage will be; which at this point is just an estimate. Empty residential properties/empty rentals/empty business entities: no money from any of these at all because they have not been sold and are still listed as viable at the auditor's office.
Riverside Schools are in a world of hurt, as recently stated in the paper. They have already accomplished and will accomplish 3.8 mil cuts to stay solvent. They do know that the "Turnips" are totally dry!!
We shut-down a "stealth" city request for $$ in 2005, we shut-down the school's whining request for $$ in 2010: So, why are we waiting around to not do the same for this out-and-out ridiculous $1.4 million desperate request???
Again, we the City of Painesville have the lowest per-capita income in Lake County.

NO $$$ - show it everywhere!! In addition, Good-Bye Hanlon and all Board Members. "All of YOU" voted to waste "Our Money" and waste the precious educational years of our children!! None of you have kept your oath of office and henceforth you do not have any more rights to make this decision or any future decisions!!!


At February 9, 2011 at 6:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Painesville also has the lowest property values, you wonder how much the schools failed system had to do with that? I couldn't honestly tell anyone with children to move here.

At February 10, 2011 at 6:00 PM , Anonymous ANON said...

Does anyone have any information on that house for homeless Harvey kids? Is it open? How is it funded? How are the utilities paid for? Know what Im driving at? If not, I'll come right out and ask -
Is any part or portion of it coming out of monies from the BOE? Or is it all donations?

At February 12, 2011 at 1:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never heard of a house for homeless Harvey kids before. But I'd give my money for that. The kids don't need to be homeless AND have no diplomas. If they've got the grit to keep focused on a better future, I'm behind them 100%. Would still like to have details on the house, though. As I said, I didn't know it existed.

At February 12, 2011 at 1:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

An article from the Grassroots Rally Team's website (California Spends $21 Billion Annually to Support Undocumented Immigrants) says that the statewide costs for undocumented workers across the nation $84.2 billion.

With all the deficits and hard times, the government never mentions this as a problem. Neither do Painesville City leaders. It's the elephant in the room that THEY invited in, but now they want more of MY money to deal with it.

The article goes on to say that in Los Angeles County alone, the cost for the support of illegal immigrants' children stood at $52 million, while the overall cost for illegal immigrants (borne by L.A. County taxpayers) exceeds $1 billion.

I say again to Painesville leaders McMahon, Hada, Hach, Fountain that you brought the illegals here, now you get rid of them. They and their children are costing us and costing us and costing us. I have no more money to give the schools. Make the illegals leave, which will leave the money for the legal citizens and their children. Consolidate some of these schools if you have to. You should never have built them all at one time anyway. You built them with the illegal population in mind. Now I am paying for it, and I personally cannot afford this.

And what is the state doing? How many decades now have they said they were going to come up with a solution so the entire burden was not on home owners? Well, I got broke waiting for something that never happened.

At February 12, 2011 at 2:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is funded by volunteers and that is all anyone needs to know.

At February 12, 2011 at 10:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 2:46: That's your answer?! It's funded by volunteers and that is all anyone needs to know? What kind of nasty, ridiculous answer is that? Okay, now I REALLY want to know. Before I was just curious and lending my emotional support, now I am more than a little upset.

At February 13, 2011 at 8:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Anonymous said 10:45 pm,

Why do you need to know?, the question was is it funded by the BOE. The question was answered, maybe the people funding it don't want their names out in the public. I think it is a noble thing to do, and if the people doing it don't want their names known, so what?

You want to help? put your name out here and they will get in touch with you.

At February 13, 2011 at 8:31 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dare I say that the school board and superintendent live off our tax dollars. And, they are teaching our kids to do the same with the low grades and graduation rates.

At February 13, 2011 at 12:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 8:00: Another rude and insufficient answer. As you can see in 1:01, I also think it is a good thing, but now I am even more ticked off. I didn't say I wanted their names (of the kids or the adults in question), and I did not say I wanted to help. Again, rude answer. I left home when I was 15 and had to make it on my own. Managed to finish school, buy a car, have insurance, keep a roof over my head, but food was scarce, and it was scary and exhausting. No adults helped or cared. If I would have had support, that would have been wonderful. So curious on that point, and as a taxpayer, I do not think that that is a sufficient answer - just to be more clear. And by what authority do you speak?

At February 13, 2011 at 5:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is funded by volunteers doesn't make sense. I understand volunteers working there, but how is the money raised for the mortgage or rent, food, utilities, etc.? Owning a home isn't cheap and I don't recall seeing fundraisers for this or them soliciting for it. So where does all the money come from?

At February 13, 2011 at 8:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I attempted to donate to the home that helps the Harvey students but when I looked up the tax id number provided, it belonged to a church. I decided not to give since I wanted my money to go to the kids that need it and was not sure if it would.

After reading the rude answers from someone who sounds like they are "in the know" I am glad that my money (and my employers 100% match) went to another local charity.

At February 14, 2011 at 2:20 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try that link for the coaches corner house.

At February 14, 2011 at 5:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 2:20 from 10:45 and 12:30: Thank you so much for the link. Just read the whole thing. Wonderful work by all involved. I hate to say anything critical after reading about this endeavor, as fantastic and important as it is, but they need to do it for females, too, so I hope that is on somebody's radar to get to. I am almost 60 years old now, but as a young girl who had to leave home to survive, the world was a scary, scary place, too. I was even continually propositioned at the doctor's office I worked at for prostitution by the office manager, who thought she was doing me a favor, I guess. Either that or she just thought I would be an easy target to help line her pocketbook. I managed not to succumb to that or any other bad idea, however, and I look back on the whole thing now and give myself much credit for keeping my nose clean and making it through in one whole piece - with my diploma in hand.

This thing that they are doing is so monumental. I'm going to try to ignore the two rude answers I got here, and move on to put the word out about this wonderful work. If more people knew about it, I am sure they would have more help and donations. And also maybe then they can help all the kids, including all the boys that need it and the girls, too.

Again, thanks for the info.

At February 14, 2011 at 9:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 5:49pm, I didn't think the two answers you thought were rude sounded rude as much as very leary that just about anything good talked about on this site eventually gets ragged on in some way by someone.

Those "rude" remarks sounded more like someone who just would have preferred it wasn't talked about. Honestly, I have known about this house for a while, now that it is up and running please be careful how you publicize it for the kids sake. For a child, being homeless can be an embarrassing.

At February 15, 2011 at 6:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

February 14, 2011 9:31 PM


Term quite often posts things here with little regard to the repercussions to the said mentioned people or persons. Public officials have little right to privacy but innocent individuals DO have a right to their privacy.

Just leave the kids out of this. They have a tough enough time as it is and now you want to tell everyone where they live and embarrass them further.

At February 15, 2011 at 7:29 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

6:09 The only ones I care about are the kids, not aides, teachers, administrators. My view is presently the kids are being cheated. By the system and their parents.
Thee system seems to run as an entity on their own, students pass through and are only props that this system needs.
Presently we are failing, no nice way to say it. blame adminisrator's, teacher's, the diversity of the makeup of the student's,along with parent's and even the community. I attended a town hall where people were willing to devote their time free, Mr. Dillard was going to take it back to the administration. What happened?
Dr. Hanlon once commented he deals with what is handed him.
Parent's must be more active. I understand busy lives, single parent's but throwing a million plus dollars at this is nowhere near what has to be done.
Coach's House is a great idea and yes there also should be girl's home as well. Don't drag the children into this? I thought it was all about the children?

At February 15, 2011 at 10:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:09: This is 5:49. As I said previously, I was homeless when I was a kid. I managed to keep an apartment most of the time, but there were also times I was outright homeless and still trying to go to work and school and not let anyone know. I know all about being embarrassed over having a home you have to leave. You need to calm down. This is an effort by many entities, and they have a website about it - or didn't you notice that. I believe they even have a photo of the home on the website, do they not?

It IS about the kids. I would think it is about helping the kids, not your nasty take on things. As far as I am concerned, they are asking for donations, and if people are so inclined, I hope they donate. As I said, maybe more boys and the girls, too, can be helped. I never ran across adults who wanted to help me. Every adult I ran across - and I didn't hang out in bad places (except for renting apartments in poor neighborhoods, because that was all I could afford) - wanted to use me or hurt me or steal from me. And that was many years ago. I can't imagine what kids today run into. It was also possible then for me to go to high school full time and to work full time (or more when the hours were available). My employer needed the cheap labor, I needed the hours, and they were willing to hide it from the government. I could also afford to squeeze by financially, although there was almost never any money left for food. I do not see how that would be possible for today's kids because the prices of everything have gone up so high, and paychecks have not kept up at all. How anyone could survive now I do not know.

This is an extraordinary thing that these people are coming together to do for the kids. They are obviously asking for help. I hope their efforts will be successful, and that they will be expanded to help all kids that need it. In order for people to help, they need to have information about the place. I think it is YOU who is creating a problem. My take is to let's just get the word out so everyone involved can get the help they need for this noble effort.

At February 16, 2011 at 8:04 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:49 When I listen to a story like yours I kick my self for complaining about my adolescense.You managed quite well and as I stated before some have no clue how some kids grow-up today. Coach's House is something that the people of Painesville can be proud of. It shows what a community can provide.

At February 16, 2011 at 7:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is 5:49, Term. Thanks for the kind words. On their website, they also touch on another serious problem, at least how it pertains to one of the kids. That is kids who "age-out" of the system of foster care, etc., are now 18, and expected to be able to totally fend for themselves. There are also kids who were up for adoption, and never got lucky enough to be adopted. They then age-out of the system, also, with no family. Can you imagine being 18 with no family, and also having to fend for yourself in this day and age. My heart breaks for them. When I was a kid, as I said, and as anyone my age remembers, it was easier to pay the bills and to get by with just a regular (nothing fancy) job.

At February 16, 2011 at 7:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:09 here

You seem to think I am against the home. I am against the parents and the school system that is failing our children. I support the home and the people who are supporting this project. I still feel that some kind of anonymity must be maintained. Just as the Forbes House. Those are the kids I'm talking about. They don't need any more attention or embarrassment brought to them.

You are right. This is all about the kids. In our family, the kids came first. We sacrificed so they would get taken care of and receive a good education. I too can't afford any more taxes.

I think the real fight here is with the school board and administration. The fight should be with them and waged in the voting booth.

Now, if we could only find a way to get more parents involved in their children's education and life. That's the biggest problem.

At February 17, 2011 at 1:40 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:49 I had thought about that. Now I will get on my soapbox. Since I was a mere lad of 5 I have been told I live in the greatest country on earth,richest, smartest, bravest, best schools, healthcare you name it.
Then I see a simple problem like a child reaching a certain age and wala, can't help anymore. What do we think this problem just will go away on its own?
It's not my problem? Yes it is pay me now or pay me more later. For every person like 5:49 who struggled and made it ,bet I could show you 50 that don't.
Coach's House is a great grassroot's idea and as long as it's able to stay out of the hands of bureaucrat's it will succeed.

At February 17, 2011 at 6:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Mayor ITS "VOILA" not wala. says "it is a French word that translates to "here" in English. It's usually used as a slang term to say "ta da" sort of expression if you know what I mean by that. Also usually pronounced wrong by Americans for some reason, they like to say it like "wala." ".
"Voila" is used to call attention to or express satisfaction over something. EX: "Then you add onions and tomatoes to it, voila!, you have a delicious pizza."


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