The picture on the front page of Wednesday News-Herald should have been the picture on the front of the Painesville Magazine. Yeah, I know this blog. does ten times the harm that story does. You even have to wonder if that reporter is on HOLA's payroll?
If one more person tells me we don't have an illegal problem in this city they're crazy.
Diego Maldonados must have been caught without a drivers license for some minor traffic infraction. Now along with him three other family members must also face deportation.
The mother who has been in this country for at least ten years still needs a translator?
The father worked in a factory, which one along with who's Social Security number did he use?
You have to wonder what this family has cost our government for the last ten years, medical,WIC, welfare whatever. The dogooders should show up with their checkbooks to pay for this new form of social engineering.
Signs , we want immigration reform NOW. You do, where is your support besides Ms. Dahlberg. Where were the city and or county officials along with school and clergy? All they have is Veronica, you have to wonder why?
What it looks like NOW is you will see more deportation period.
You have to wonder how long it will take Ms.Dahlberg to understand this? I wonder if she even realize she's stand alone?
A more conservative government, along with Bills like 1070, plus the fact the country well.... is broke.
Here demands are falling on deaf ears. Thank God for the Border Patrol.
Cold, I know.
Cute story in the paper. I wonder if Rally was a play on some other group?
Funny, my husband thought the reporter was on HOLA's payroll.
I've always been a liberal/progressive, all for diversity, the whole nine yards. But Veronica Dahlberg disgusts me. Years of living in a neighborhood that is becoming more and more heavily Mexican have caused me to completely change my attitude toward these people. They DO cause problems. They are NOT good neighbors. And this whining sense of entitlement they seem to have makes me very angry. Dahlberg's little rallies are ridiculous. I never used to be a hater. You can call me one now. I would like to see every single illegal Mexican in Painesville arrested and deported. I've had enough of their crap. Their own behavior has caused me to feel this way - I never used to hate them.
Just hope the passage of the Dream Act bill during the current lame duck congress isn't pushed through. Could be a reason for VD to try and drum up support.
Interesting comments in NewsHerald online. Paid in cash makes it hard to collect any back taxes. Fine the employer a portion of gross sales??? A set fine. Or, the best one that I like. Make the employer pay the cost of deporting the ILLEGAL immigrant or immigrants they hire.
5:34 ever since I read your post it's bothered me. Hate, really? I don't think hate has a place in this debate. Along with people understanding your plight.
Yes I want them deported but I don't hate them.along with using violence against them. Do you think hate will work?
Perhaps hate is too strong a word. Would I ever hurt anybody? No. Do I think violence is the answer? No. Maybe I can put it differently. I hate their BEHAVIOR. I hate their noise, their music, their parties, their garbage, their insistence that we adapt to them and not the other way around. I hate their refusal to abide by our laws and their refusal to learn our language. I have grown to hate their presence in my neighborhood. As individual humans, do I hate them? No. I just want them to go away.
Well, a person can be driven to hate. Fear will do it. I am very close to that myself. Don't try to tell me that I haven't been threatened by more than one Hispanic. I mean threats of bodily harm. All for telling the drunks to stop throwing their beer cansand trouble making kids to stay out of our yard. Of coarse the magic "R" word came out. Police called and very little done. I was raised to be tolerant, charitable, trusting and helpful toward my fellow man. That has been taken away from me. The golden rule has been replaced with avoid the neighbors and guard your property.
I too use to be a lot more trusting and gave most people the benefit of the doubt. Now I get the houses near me full of several families or groups of men. I get loud music, traffic all hours of the day and night on a side street. Beer cans and garbage cans on the tree lawns for days at a time.
Don't get me started on the fancy cars they drive to pick up their free toys and food. Another interesting thing to find out about this sole bread winner. What kind of car do they drive. As others have said, no one else had a job. I started working at 14 and had my first real job the day I turned 16. Same for my wife and my kids.
Now, if I could only help one person or family, it would be a legal or becoming legal citizen over this family who has abused the system for the past 10 years. Sorry, If I donate to a charity, I expect that charity or social service to make sure the family is not collecting under false pretenses.
You know what really FROSTS MY B____ (as my father used to say)? Every time the illegals, i.e., criminals that are in our country, are held accountable for breaking our laws, they end up on the FRONT PAGES OF NEWSPAPERS, AND/OR FEATURED PROMINENTLY ON THE NEWS PROGRAMS. Oh, poor us. And the newspaper, or whatever, tells their whole sad story and shows them using their babies as props so everyone feels sorry for them.
On the other hand, when the LEGAL citizens of this country hold marches and fight to save our country from this INVASION, they get no press, or almost no press.
The News-Herald is a huge offender in this area. Barely, and almost never posts and Rally Team efforts to save our country, but these people are all over the front page.
How about telling us, News-Herald WHERE this guy works, so we know exactly what job he has been stealing from an American citizen. How about letting us know how long he has BEEN DRIVING A CAR ILLEGALLY on our streets. How about letting us know if the person who hired him will be ARRESTED?
And again, they are saying that WE will be responsible for separating their families. Unbelievable. That newspaper article should be telling us how the police are doing a good job for us by getting yet another illegal family out of our country. Their reporters should be doing some investigating to see who the employer was, etc. The headline should be "Criminals living in Painesville Will be Deported."
Dahlberg can go WITH them.
I keep wondering why is it only brown people who are illegal? As I watch TV I see and hear people (white)with foreign accents that recently came to our country and have no problem, finding a job or being threatened with deportation. Is it the color of their skin and country of origin, the main factor?
7:54 Thanks for clearing that up. I understand you better.
11:48 I would hope that ICE and the Border Patrol would treat everyone the same. I have read many times of other's, European, Asian people being deported. I guess theres just an greater a amount of Hispanics.
Badgers idea of letting your Representavives know how you feel about the DREAM Act is a very good idea.
To 11:48...the biggest difference is the level of education. The second biggest factor is the business sector's tolerance so that they can increase profits (greed). Business is aided and abetted by the government; sure, there's ICE and border patrols but that's lip-service to convince the average American that something is being done. If Mexicans were educated they would have the means to come here legally. It isn't the relative poorness of Mexico itself because many other legal immigrants come from poorer nations too. (Philipines, Vietnam, India etc)
TERM>> said.... I have read many times of other's, European, Asian people being deported.>>
I find that strange, because I never have read anywhere of this happening on a mass scale. The fact is, the white foreigners, just come to our country and stay. Just recently, I saw a young girl (white) with an English accent working for CNN, who said she waiting to become a citizen. How did she jump ahead of the immigration line?
I too define hate as the loss of trust and just being neighborly. Loss of respect for my property and privacy. I would never hurt anyone but now feel the need to protect myself. Here in my land of the free. So you and others have take my freedom of having a safe and friendly neighborhood from my family.
I also don't think that every Hispanic is ILLEGAL but as others have stated, it is the large Hispanic population around here that causes the tension. The percentage of ILLEGAL Hispanics here far far out number any other group because they outnumber any other group.
They say a few rotten apples spoil the barrel. Well with ILLEGAL immigration, chances of getting a few more rotten apples increases. Very few doctors, lawyers, or other professionals are ILEGAL immigrants.
Funny thing about HOLA. They only serve and justify Hispanic ILLEGAL immigration??? This family was here 10 years and they didn't help them learn English so as to increase their chances of better paying job. If HOLA was truly on the up and up, then I believe they should have started them on the road to legal immigration followed by teaching them English and then helping them get a job. Instead, they enabled them to remain here ILLEGALLY and assisted them in receiving government and charitable support. Yours and my tax money or charitable donation. Most people want to help the needy not the criminal.
Don't tell me for a minute they didn't know what could happen if they got caught. Other criminals go to jail for their crimes. No one ever shouts racism or that they are breaking up a family. No, they serve their time. You brought your family here so take your family back home with you.
Want to become a citizen then I'm all for a hand up but I am dead set against a hand out to anyone living under the radar and fraudulently collecting benefits. Especially after 10 years. No sympathy from me in this case.
No place for HATE? Your blog is nothing but hate. Peppered with a lot of contempt, disgust, half truth. I think you don't like yourself and thats why you cause so many problems for the great people of this community who are trying to do whats good for everyone. If you cant stand it why dont you run for council to fix it or leave Painesville to those who don't want to hear all this trash talk?
Sunshine the only thing you hate is someone not agreeing with you. I wouldn't run for anything because some you are sitting in a pile of ... and believe your in Heaven. Contempt, digust, half truths what have you been doing watching council meetings?
Freedom of speech Sunshine, now if I were you maybe to keep your blood pressure down, don't click on to this site. I will miss you and any positive things you can bring to the table. You just might be confusing facts with hate?
I/m not going away Sunny!
10:57 Something tells me that young lady has a VISA. Also comes from a country who's government isn't corrupt. That's why she's in this country. Now I'm willing to bet and I'll leave it up to others on this blog. to answer.
If there were 20 million illegal Russians, Italians, Germanys, Asians in this country illegally the screams would be just as loud. The Hispanic's believe it is a color thing? I would be just as upset if the signs at Home Depot were in English and Russian.
Have to give the News-Herald credit for reporting a story on the Grassroots Rally Group. They have been a big part in the push back of Comprehensive Immigration Reform along with making people in this area know the facts. that isn't reform just an easy way to let the government off the hook.
They are not Haters or Bigots they just care about this country.
They pretty much alone have made HOLA and Ms. Dahlberg useless.
Now even after my buddies the Dem's have taken a beating,whats the first thing they do? The DREAM act. Why? You and I both know.
It is our duty as Americans to protect our country. Obviously, we cannot take the laws into our own hands, but we have a frightening invasion going on here. Do we have many illegals from other countries, too? Yes, we do, and they all need to be sent home. We need to know, and we have the right to know everyone that is in our country and to get everyone who doesn't belong here out.
Several years ago the Mexican government - probably three or four years ago now - said that they estimated that there were 20 million Mexican illegals in this country. They said they had the ghost towns to prove it. Their country is literally emptying out into ours.
The Mexican people, along with all other Latinos know they are invading and taking over America. They count every person who is elected to an office in this country, from the smallest to the largest.
I watched a C-Span presentation by the head of the National Assoc. of Latino Elected Officials (NALEO) just before the election telling the R's and the D's just how much they needed the Latino vote to get elected and how they had better appreciate that and work for those votes. He layed out just how much they are influencing our elections now and how rapidly their numbers are growing. As I watched that program, I knew that what he was REALLY doing is telling America how the Mexicans and the rest of the Latinos are taking over. But America is too stupid to GET that for the most part. Big Clue - THE LATINOS GET IT!
They've used that Trojan Horse of "oh, they're just nice people here to work," or "you can't separate our families," or "we're not taking any jobs that Americans want" for decades now to get to this level. Americans need to stop messing around and throw the bums out. Sorry, but they are squating on our land and taking our jobs and using up all our money on free social services. They're trashing our neighborhoods and committing crimes. (Not to mention that a Mexican moved in my neighborhood a few years ago and was stealing everything from our garden from that day until the day he moved out.)
The voices of all Americans need to get strong and loud. Glad to see it happening here. If everyone who wanted the illegals out, stood up and marched and were counted in every other way possible, our government would be FORCED to get them out. Every person counts.
I hate them
Come to my house for one day and you will too.
We have no help to stop this and I see no end to it, just don't know what to do.
I think this hate you feel is hurting you more then the people living around you. I can understand your position. Call the city call the councilpeople and don't stop until you get results. If your problems are real be a pest until someone does something. Go to council meetings aexplain your plight..
Speaking with some Hispanic people today they seem to think its to late in this for the government to turn this around.
One well educated Mexican woman told me if 9/11 wouldn't have happened Bush was getting ready for his Amnesty plan. Remember kinder and gentlier?
They believe President Reagan 's amnesty in 86' was what opened the flood gates.
They really believe we have passed the line of no return.
They both agreed that most Hispanics do not want to assimilate
both for the most part alot of their young reject the old culture.
"Second Generation".
So NOW yoyu kiss up to the Rally group?
To late buddy you missed the bus.
As far as The News-Herald goes, they DID do a story a long time ago on the Rally Team. But I don't think they even put most notices of the activities and events of the Rally Team in the paper - not even as announcements.
They do print many articles on some of the issues in Mexico and here as it concerns problems with the Mexicans, so I'll give them that because we certainly need to be kept informed on these issues.
I'm just real tired of these criminals having such a bleeding-heart platform to try to blame our country for their law-breaking.
Hope to see more notices of activities by the Rally Team in the paper, and hope to see more coverage of their efforts.
I hope everyone here who is unhappy with the current situation will join them and help to stop this problem.
4:57 Maybe I'm to sensitive, but explain how hate will solve this? The Border Patrol and groups like the Rally group seem to be making a difference. Maybe its the city councils, mayor, city manager, county commissioners, congressmen, senators, Presidents from both major parties for numerous reasons for not enforcing the law of the land for the past 20 years?
No wonder the Hispanics are angry and confused? Their probably wondering what happened?
Everyday I see the failure of our city when I drive by 458 N.State St. Yeah their probably laughing at us. We choose to run our city this way.
Sorry I gave a shout out to the Rally people, Once they put a name to the faces of the group it was accepted by the media. If they would have said no names. There wouldn't have been a story.
I remember when the N-H wouldn't even take an add from them.
Oh my gosh, Term. Here you go with the no names with the Rally Team again. These Mexicans kidnap, kill and behead people. Nobody was hiding anything, but nobody wanted to put ONE name out there for their protection. If you think that that was some kind of a joke or weakness to have some intelligent fear about that situation, then you are sadly mistaken. I didn't see YOU marching and getting your picture and name in the paper like many brave people did.
You're finally giving them some credit. Let it go at that.
And let's not tell him (Term) that it's too late for him to acknowledge the Rally Team. We are all in this together and we need all the help we can get. This is a common cause to save our country and EVERYONE should be involved as much as possible to get these people out of here, along with all the other illegals.
Hey! This is 11:42 and 5:04. I just now read my Thursday's News-Herald. I owe them an apology. I see what you were talking about now, Term. Nice article about the OTHER side of the immigration issue in the form of an article about the Rally Team and what THEY are saying on this subject. Sorry, News-Herald, and thanks for the article. In my book, THAT'S what I call a newspaper doing it's job properly, by showing the other side of this issue.
The fastest way to empty illegals out of our city is to go after the landlords that rent to them. Without somewhere to live they will leave.
If you know of illegals living somewhere start reporting every little infraction that landlord allows and insist on action from the city.
Even though it is a long process, it will work if you persist.
7:28 Sorry, I have been named in News paper articles in both the News-Herald and the Lake County Gazetteb concerning illegal immigration, along with going to city council meetings and voicing against illegals. If no one wanted to put their name out their,what changed their minds now?
Don't tell me about killings and kidnapping then tell me it wasn't about fear. A little honesty here please.
Term 3:44. This is 7:28. Go back and read what I said. I said it WAS about fear - a healthy, warranted fear. It was also about time constraints for the leader who was trying to do other things at the same time. That was at the very beginning. They were the first people to speak out around here, and it was the wise thing to do. Now let it go, please.
I'll be the first to admit that while I now agree with the Rally Team, I would never be able to publicly associate with them, because of fear. I would be afraid of things happening to my house while I'm at work all day. I'd be afraid of being harassed on the street. Heck, because of my position at work, being publicly associated with the Rally Team could probably impact my job in a negative way. I wouldn't be afraid of being killed or kidnapped, but there are plenty of other potential consequences that I'm not brave enough to risk. I admit it. There are probably hundreds and thousands like me. I want to help fight the illegal invasion, and to be honest, if my neighbors were as bad as Badger's, I WOULD be hating, and with good reason! (I'd be armed, too) But for now my contribution to the fight will have to be limited to writing my representatives and perhaps making monetary contributions to the Rally Team if they need that.
To you Rally people your a little late I remember Angelo going after HOLA and then council-president Horvath about a letter sent to a Ohio senator about illegals long before you guys were even around. He and Mr. Torre put themselves out there long before you even came into existance, If it wasn't for those two Painesville would have been a Offical Santuary city.
check your history.
4:30 Tanks for the memories. If it would impact your job? How is asking for laws to be enforced affect your job?
Term...please think a minute before you judge other people. Not everyone is in your enviable position of not having any major fears of retribution. (Although I only half-kid you about not wanting to be anywhere near your car when you start it) It is highly probable that 4:14 has an employer that holds diametrically opposite political views. Financial suicide is not an option if you have other people depending on you. Maybe he/she has children in the school system and has justifiable fears for their safety. Maybe they have already been a victim of some kind of retribution and the system worked too slow (or not at all) for them to feel safe. At least they are willing to participate behind the scenes financially and, hopefully, in the voting booth. Bad things do happen to good people so please just keep doing what you do best and let others do what they do best without judging.
Sorry REW I wasn't passing judgement on anyone and am sorry if people took it that way.
The reasons you gave make sense and I did ask it as a question?
There's something wrong with our society if you are punished for wanting laws obeyed and can't speak our mind about it.
Your right I have paid in the past for speaking my mind, I should have known better.
Yes Angelo and Tony deserve the line share of the credit. Once they got the word out, a candidate for council and a few others climbed on board to show what two former council members were up to in dealing with immigration. The "letter" and a national news interview along with the Mexican Matricula Consular ID card endorsed by the commissioners that prompted the formation of the Rally group.
Again, Angelo and Tony put the light in the church steeple and rode through our pothole filled street warning us all. We need all the citizens of Painesville to be our Minute Men. Time for Painesville to declare independence from the ILLEGAL immigrant.
My thanks to Angelo, Term and anyone else who joins the fight.
I wonder if anyone is checking into welfare fraud or any other benefits this family has collected for the past 10 years.
It is common for Jose ILLEGAL to hide income and still collect from our social services. How about HOLA? Are they knowingly telling people to collect benefits under false pretenses? 10 years, one wage earner and a large family. Inquiring minds want to know.
Just a reminder. It was Veronica who convinced Horvath to use Painesville stationary in his famous letter. She also lives in Ashtabula and not Painesville. She has proven time and time again that she will do or say anything to further her cause. This case goes to show that we are starting to ignore her sympathy card.
Thanks Badger, but a lot of people were very supportive.
Veronica Dahlberg had very quietly and smartly set up herself along with HOLA into a network from Colleges to Chambers of Commerces, city governments to businesses and churches. The only ones she didn't go to were the everyday people because she knew most wouldn't buy what she was selling.
Coming across that letter Mr. Horvath wrote almost by accident and then trying to understand why he did it, really threw me.
Look around where is her support? for the most part she has been abandoned by civic supporters.
Along with the backlash against Democrats this elelection. The three county commissioners had better rethink their stand on the Matricula Card. I believe Troy's race was as close as it was over the way he treated citizens over that issue.
We need to contact every senator and congressman that we can in the next week and tell them to vote NO on the Dream Act. Ask them how could they think of bringing up such a bill when our country is in the shape it is in.
We have high unemployment and yet we are giving english classes paid for with our tax dollars to illegal immigrants and what are the new jobs that are being created? Bilingual jobs! Ask your senator if you can take a foreign language paid for with your tax dollars - the answer is NO! Ask them why we would train foreign nationals with our tax dollars to take over our jobs.
Please call because believe me the illegal immigrants are! NO to the Dream Act!
You are welcome, Term. One thing for sure, you couldn't place your lantern in St. Mary's steeple to warn the local residents, right. I also seem to recall that the American flag was dragged through our streets in one of Veronica's protests.
You would swear by all the pitures featuring Veronia Dahlberg is featured she lives in the park downtown.
Your right she has somehow become the face of Painesville.
She and her cause is how Painesville is viewed by the outside world.
Lets have a rally for another law breaker, that we have been told don't exist here.
What if we all forward the NH articles along with the blog responses to our Congressmen & Senators in Ohio & DC. Think that wiuld help? We the people need to get the politicians moving and if they are afraid of losing their positions vote them out for someone who can stand up and get the illegals out of here.
This was on the internet yesterday, in case anyone missed it. "Boosted by immigration and high numbers of births among Latinos, minorities now make up roughly half the children born in the U.S., part of a historic trend in which they are projected to become the majority of Americans by mid-century. Roughly one in four counties currently have more minority children than white cildren or are nearing that point.
Still, the Census Bureau has made clear that projected minority growth -- particularly among Hispanics -- could change substantially depending on immigratiion policies and the economy."
(This was a PEW report.)
We don't have one second to waste. Every voice counts. And this Dream Act is a back door way of starting legalization. It surely cannot be tolerated. Where are the tea partiers now when it would be a cause that actually makes sense?
Yes, I'm with 2:19: Let's have a thorough check on how many social services and/or free hospital visits/doctor visits him and his family have had on our backs. And lets find out who the employer was? Does anybody know? Time to flush that criminal out, too.
I doubt I would lose over my job over any sort of political involvement, but let's say that it would likely be uncomfortable for me for many reasons. It's impossible to explain in this forum. I do have good reason to be cautious about what I do and say publicly, though. I admire the ones who are brave enough to take a stand and put their names and faces out there. It seems like the worst epithet you can throw at a white person these days is "racist" but I've finally come to understand that this isn't about race. It's about laws, it's about respect, it's about culture, it's about behavior. It's about preserving our way of life which includes so many things we take for granted until it becomes threatened by invaders and I've finally woken up to the fact that this is, indeed, an invasion by hostile people, hostile in the sense that they don't care about our way of life, our laws, our country, or anything. They want to bring Mexico here. And anybody who's aware of what a mess Mexico is knows how undesirable that is. We have to stop them.
illegalsgohome said at 6:11.
Very well said.
I too have to be very careful in what I say and do politically and what issues I support while doing my job. Not to say I can't talk privately, just not in the business or public venues. For instance. A teacher should not promote religion or one party over the other. A priest or minister should not talk politics from the pulpit. While I am not either of these examples, you get the point.
Veronica and others like her try to use public sympathy to get support. They will also throw the RACE card at you if try to disagree with her. Well this family broke the law for 10 years and people are finally starting to see right through her.
I too am beginning to get tired of being called a racist because I disagree with ILLEGAL immigration or the current president. Race has nothing to do with immigration issues, political policies or what political party one belongs to.
Want to get Painesville to do something about immigration, vote the council people who support it out of office. Same with AMP Ohio. Go to council meetings, town hall meetings and talk to all the council members and tell them how you feel. Trust me, they could care less about Angelo's and Tony's two votes. Show up in numbers large enough and they will maybe just get the point. They might just not get re-elected.
The Dalai Lama made an interesting statement in China recently, as reported by the Associated Press and printed in The News-Herald. He said "Tibet should have the right to preserve their culture, language, and all these things."
Even the Dalai Lama knows how important it is not to have the culture of your country taken away. Now, the only problem here is not the Latinos. Different countries in the world are being overtaken by Muslims and their traditions and demands, for example. And make no mistake that we have huge sections of American being overtaken by Muslims, also.
Everyone here illegally must be made to leave ASAP, and this whole "anchor baby" thing has got to change. We cannot continue to have legal babies born to illegals and maintain our country.
It's very scary what is going on here in America, and it is apparantly up to the people to demand action from our government, because they are certainly not doing it on their own.
I got my permit.....
And then what are we going to do with the mess that is left? After we get rid of the illegal lawbreakers and put Islam in perspective then we will be left with the dysfunctional culture that permeates Americans today. We have a greedy 'What's in it for Me" society that feels entitled to the easy way out. The values that made this country great are vanishing and it is not totally due to the Mexicans or Muslims. What's the plan for re-educating our young, rebuilding our cities and infrastructure, and recapturing our sense of pride and dignity?
The first thing you do is make fair trade laws, GE is investing over a billion dollars in China? because of our "Free" trade laws bring the jobs home, or make these corporations pay. Remember capitalism may be the best system, but let's give it a conscience.
Education is just to top heavy today, plus the fact we expect teachers to take the place of parents that's not what we do.
Lake County at the most should have two school districts, duplication, duplication, were in the 21st century not the 18th?
Someone last week told me last week what she felt was the real problem with our society...
There no longer is Shame?
Made me stop and think,what say you?
Repeal tax cuts for anyone making over a Million dollars a year, sorry Badger I know you won't agree.
Plus a President that will tell the Orangeman, along with the guy with no lips, NO?
Joyce, tax cut for over a million is a far cry from $200,000. The wealthy as you describe don't need as much of the benefits of the Bush tax cuts. However, there a lot of small businessmen that fall in that 200,000 to a million dollar range that can create jobs if the tax cuts remain. Why do we give companies tax abatements? To draw them here and help them create new jobs.
Joyce, I will agree there isn't any shame anymore. I would like to add to that that we seem to have lost our pride and respect at the same time.
The funny thing is that there isn't a separate tax rate for a person who creates jobs vs someone just investing or doesn't make or create anything. I believe there is a huge difference between say a lawyer who makes a million and the business man who makes a million and employees 50 or so people. One creates things and isn't that what made America great in the first place?
On a side note. TSA If they are searching kids, cancer survivors, maybe even nuns in religious clothing, How do the Muslim women who are completely covered dealing with this invasion of privacy? Is this what the IV Amendment means by "The right of people to be secure in their persons, ...." Surely some kind of safe and respectful solution can be devised.
So Badger am I to understand you would be O.K. with people making over a million dollars a year to not continue to get the Bush tax cuts? Boy, don't let the "Orangeman" hear that.
Joyce seem to want to start class warfare, The rich are kicking the poor and the middle-classes &%$
Everyone is worried about Socialism you better start worring about Fascism. Where the many are controlled by the few.
I know you know the reason why the tax cuts were made to end at the end of the year, enlighten us.
Yeah I'm happy that Lebron James, Paris Hilton's, all the actors, and pro athlete's won't have to did deep. When you sign that 5 year $20 million dollar contract and bat .213 at least they don't have to worry about taxes.
Can you say Tiger Woods, Hasn't seemed to affected him.
Forget the illegals for a minute, but please explain why we are letting radical Moslem's into the country?
Badger said...Yes Angelo and Tony deserve the line share of the credit. Angelo and Tony put the light... .
My thanks to Angelo, Term and ...
Just what did these people do other than stand up and speak their opinion? They haven't changed ANYTHING. And neither has Hal. It's nearly impossible to change this with the elected officials in the state & federal government.
PS Term is Angelo.
It was suppose to be Angelo and Tony but I typed Term by mistake.
You bring up an interesting point about pro athletes and actors. They say they deserve the huge salaries because their careers are so short. I would like to retire after just a few years and still get the big buck. The average Joe loses one job then he has to find another. It is hard to sympathize with pro athletes, CEO's with huge salaries and then the golden parachute. To come a little closer to home, how about Hanlan and bad schools or Rita and 17,000 people. I believe salaries have gotten way to top heavy. Everyone needs a bear minimum to just live. Everything on top of that only adds more gravy to life.
I think we need to close a few more loopholes in the tax laws and add more tax incentives for keeping jobs here and creating jobs. That may be done through personal taxes or business taxes or both. We need to get people spending again and not afraid their taxes will keep going up and up.
I guess I'm trying to say that I'm less opposed to a business owner making money so long as he provides jobs and meets his payroll every week. I don't expect to make as much or more than he does. Just so he keeps me working and pays what we agreed on. In a sense, he supports me and I support him. What has Lebron done for you lately? Pay any of your bills or put food on your table?
Think about this for a minute. Do we really want to keep taking more and more money from the taxpayers and then keep giving it out in social services and welfare for the ILLEGAL population in our country.
Give me a rich business man who provides jobs over a rich athlete or actor any day. My question is. If you are against business (capitalism) and want to tax only the those with more money than say you (socialism), then what is the cut off amount of income? If you can only make X amount of money, then most people will just stop working. Who will pay for all our government services then?
How about we just stimulate what is good for the economy and not just simply good for the rich. Stimulate Painesville's roads and not the administration. Stimulate the American people and not the federal or state governments and the pensions that go with them.
The huge pay CEO's receive and the pensions government workers get need to be held in check. Easy, no. They sure can figure out how to cut the cost of living adjustment for seniors so why not limit government pay increases to the same??????
Cut Medicare then cut government health benefits to match.
Found on internet- We have an official language-why isnt it enforced? Time to make English the official of the USA. Ohio House of Representatives Approves Official English Bill
Business Wire, May 22, 2008
WASHINGTON -- The Ohio House of Representatives voted today to make English the official language of the state. By a vote of 54-42, the House passed H.B. 477, marking the first time the Ohio House has approved an official English bill since 1998. The measure now goes to the Senate for consideration.
Introduced by Rep. Robert Mecklenborg, the legislation would require the use of English in the majority of state affairs. Under H.B. 477, government agencies will be required to conduct official business and proceedings in English, helping to promote English learning among immigrants. The bill contains exemptions to comply with state and federal law, as well as to protect the health and safety of Ohio residents.
"As the number of Ohioans who struggle with English grows, the government must react swiftly to ensure that these newcomers are on the road to learning English and becoming Americans," said Mauro E. Mujica, Chairman of U.S. English, Inc. "H.B. 477 is sound government policy that will lead to the development of a more productive citizenry and reduce the likelihood of a permanent linguistic underclass."
To date, 30 states have made English their official language, including Arizona in Nov. 2006, Idaho in March 2007 and Kansas in May 2007. Since the beginning of 2006, official English legislation has also been approved in at least one chamber of the legislature in Delaware, Michigan, Nevada, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. A 2006 survey by Mason-Dixon Polling and Research found that 77 percent of Ohioans support making English the official language of the state, including majorities of Democrats, Republicans and Independents.
"Ohio residents have made it clear that they want state government to promote English learning among immigrants, not the permanent crutch of perpetual multilingual assistance," added Mujica. "I want to applaud Representative Mecklenborg and the majority of the House of Representatives for reflecting that belief in their vote today and I look forward to quick consideration of this matter in the Senate."
U.S. English, Inc. is the nation's oldest and largest non-partisan citizens' action group dedicated to preserving the unifying role of the English language in the United States. Founded in 1983 by the late Sen. S.I. Hayakawa of California, U.S. English, Inc. has more than 1.8 million members nationwide.
Can't we get the ICE and Border patrol to come in and do a sweep/raid of the town?
Why/why not? Other than it infringes on someones rights (and if you are here illegally, you have no rights). And be sure to block the doors to St. Mary church so no one has sanctuary.
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