0.This letter showed up in my Tuesday mail, I have a feeling many of you have also received it.
1. How have we supported our schools in the past?
November, 2004: passed levy to build new schools
May, 2010: passed Lake County School Financing District Levy Renewal generating
$1,614,609 for Painesville City Local Schools.
2. Why does the district need additional money?
Because Superintendent Hanlon, Treasurer Rick Taylor, Business Manager Ted Roseberry all received either bonuses or raises this year. Bonuses were handed out for the school district having new buildings. Treasurer Taylor had made a $500,000 error in the district finances and received a very large raise.[TERM>> I believe he didn't make a financial error only counted his chickens before they hatched] They cut teachers and support staff in the schools to scare us and lined their own pockets.
3. Levy literature emphasizes that $91,000 median home value in Painesville. Why do so many PCLS administrators make more than our homes are worth and NOT ONE listed below lives in the city of Painesville?
Listed below are the administrators that earn a total of $736,689 is a year's salary.
That averages out to $105,241 per year. Yes, some make more and some make less than the average but I feel that it is not my place to state their salary as individuals.
David Bull - Director of School Improvement
Kim Martin - Harvey High School Principal
Steven Ramos - Heritage Middle School Principal
Ted Roseberry - Business Manager
Greg Towns - Elm Street School Principal
Denise Ward - Assistant Superintendent
Michael Hanlon - Superintendent
This did not include the Treasurer salary, that was left a question mark????
These figures are a matter of public record and were taken from Board of Education minutes from July 10. 2010. Go to www.painesville-city.k12.oh.us
The letter I received listed the individuals salary.
The letter included facts such as in 2006 our graduation rate DROPPED from 83% to 65% in 2009.
The letter stated that they are failing the voters yearly and questioned who has to tighten their belts US or THEM?
The claim was made that PSLS had the highest tax rate and are rated the lowest in Lake County.
I was planning to attend the information meeting at 6:30 at Harvey tonight but I have to say "FOR THE CHILDREN" Doesn't seem to be what this levy is really about.
Again, I have no idea who this letter was sent to me by only its not mine [although I wish I had thought of the number of PSLS administrators that make more than the $91,000 medium home they talk about in their literature.]
My gift for this campaign season will be brought out sometime this weekend. {to a lawn near you?]
In the interest of fairness here is the letter the PCLS posted. If anyone would like to see it on their site I have provided the link below the letter.

Hellooooo, can you believe this? It's median NOT medium.
I also can't believe you or some of your buddies weren't behind this.
Too bad because it raises some very interesting points to which no one can claim the credit.
If you are so unhappy why don't you just leave Painesville I've heard it's better in Mentor.
I am not agreeing or disagreeing with this post but now that we know what they make, what are the job duties and hours that go with it?
I have learned over many years to never judge a persons pay until I know what they do and what is required to earn that pay.
I always thought managers made way too much money until the first time I had to sit across from someone with a wife and kids and fire them. Even a managers pay is not compensation for that moment of mental anguish at what I was doing to him.
Being so unhappy. I don't want to leave Painesville, but I would like to see some changes made. My question is how can you be happy watching your city and schools fall into disaray? Keep watching the medium and median if that will explain your purpose of following blindly. Again I'm just trying to figure out why your happy,and with what?
AS far as wages. God Bless them, I'm only upset with the results of what they seem to bring in our local government.
It amazes me that the eight people that would want this levy to pass can't even vote for it.If the figures are true that are in the anonymous letter there is no why this is a kids issue. Wake up Painesville your pockets are being picked.
Hellooooo again-YOU can't change things until your attitude and your approach changes. THiding behind this blog is a perfect example.
What I find that confuses me the most is that none of the top 9 administrators live in Painesville. Could it be they don't themselves believe in the product they are trying to sell us?
This seems bizzare.
To 7:38: You're kidding, right?
I wonder how we have continued to support a school board and administration with such a terrible record. If this was private business, the President, CEO and upper management would have already been replaced! Results are what management is judged by, not excuses.
Look, if New York City can graduate 83% in some of the worst ghettos in this country, why hasn't Painesville brought administrators and staff from these schools for help. Until this school board gets a backbone and cleans house, I predict Painesville will continue to have problems passing any school levy let alone one that would increase our taxes 5 fold.
To Sunshine: I have a a home in a very nice area in Painesville that has been for sale for two years despite price reductions. Everyone with children who have gone thru the home ask what schools have open enrollment as they do not want their children in the city schools because of poor performance! Unless you have a piece of trash for sale, good luck finding a buyer.
To 2:24 AM - No I'm not. I don't do that kind of thing. Besides, why would I kid? The Mayor of Owego's attitude and approach at most things are not the way most civil people would handle things like this.
I tryed to approach the city and the schools in a civil manner. Problem is it didn't fit their agenda. There is a disconnect between the private and public sector. One lives in the real world [private] and one that lives in a make believe world [public]. Well the people that fund the public sector are tapped out. The schools have a 44 million dollar budget yet the only thing that they cut are teacher aides? There is so much waste its not even funny. Its' not for the kids its the people who run a failing circus and expect us to reward failure.
The question is do you think things will get better if it passes?
To Sunshine. This is 2:24. I think the "Mayor of Owego" is doing just fine.
P.S. I like the title you gave him. I think I'll use it from now on.
to 12:45
There will be layoffs EITHER way!
Until we clean house (the board) things will not get better whether it passes or not.
They saw this coming 4 years ago, yet kept hiring new teachers/aides. My question is "Why?"
Why do we have teachers NOT in classrooms? We are paying them to sit in studyhalls! Look closer before you are quick to cast a "yes" vote.
I looked on the pcls.net BOE page for the July meeting minutes. There are no salary amounts listed.
I am not debating the levy, nor whether or not someone on that list merits the money they earn. Everyone is entitled to their own thoughts and opinions on those issues and their vote should be based on that.
The thing about this letter that IS bad is the breach of confidentiality at the BOE, even if the person who distributed the letter is NOT a pcls employee. (Maybe those amounts were discussed in public at the meeting - I wasn't there to hear it. If so, then it is truly public knowledge and just ignore my comment altogether.) If not, someone working in or at the BOE is disclosing this personal employment information and they should lose their job over it. Think about where you work - what if someone in HR went around your company and disclosed what you make per year to everyone?
This "inside" person may have thought that disclosing this info was "for the greater good", but PRIVATE is PRIVATE anywhere you work unless YOU sign off and ok it to be public knowledge.
I believe like you these figures came from within the school system, for what reason other to inform people I have no clue. The salaries of any public employee are open to public knowledge to view. I guess its one of the drawbacks for working for the government. I don't begrudge anyones wages they make, honestly. God Bless them. Me personally I just can't afford anymore.
8:02 All salaries of any smd all government employee's are public record. I'm with Term on this one God Bless them but this levy has very little to do with kids.
I can't help but have the sick feeling in my stomach that this thing is going to pass anyway. Regardless, TERM, please post a picture or at least mention when I can see the "campaign season gift", I'm sure I'll like it!
AS you drive around our city, you might see some black signs with
"NO$" that's not a statement for or against anything. Just a simple I don't have any money. The signs all have my name on them and the sign was run by the board of elections. Not much Adam but maybe it will make people think?
How does one find out the salaries of all the Painesville school employees? Tried google - nothing there. If it is a public record, where do you get access to it?
My best guess is to call the board office and ask. If they question you why you want it, tell them you would like to see where the greatest amount of 44 million dollars a year goes.
The administration made a point to show residents that went to the Harvey information meeting that either
$100,000 or $200,000 would not be going into "capital improvements" tis coming year? I thought we had five brand new buildings.
What capital improvements?
I saw one of those "NO $" signs on Liberty Street. Very cool. If I lived on a more major street I'd put one up, but I don't see the point in wasting more money for a street that only has 9 houses on it (and only 2 registered voters).
Term, 4:11
Are you saying the board of elections ran these signs or you just asked the board of elections if it was OK to have signs like this?
When you say "the sign was run by the board of elections" people will start placing blame on the Board of Elections or one or both political parties.
This is how rumors start.
3:52 I ran them by the Board of election to make sure I was within the law.
If you questioned the people running the city and the schools like you do me I bet this would be a better place to live. That's not how rumors start.
Thanks Adam I thought you might like it.
How can I get a sign?
3:52 here.
I've already voted NO. I asked for clarification because there could have been some confusion in the statement "run by".
Some people in Painesville might think that the signs were made by the Board of Elections. I know that some people in Painesville think that John Murphy is running for Commissioner. He is not.
I may be pointing out the obvious but some can be confused. You assume I don't know or question what happens in Painesville. You would be wrong. You seem to include me in the uninformed or don't care group. I just wanted you to make it clear TO EVERYONE ELSE that you dotted all your I's and crossed all your T's before placing signs. I knew what you meant and was only trying to prevent people from jumping to conclusions. Sorry if you misread my intent.
Maybe Dr. Hanlon should have spent less time on construction, and all his time on the education of the children in Painesville.
i agree! maybe we wouldn't have all the problems with the buildings if a professional ran the job. that would have been money well spent. they were attempting to have a surplus of funds to put back in the budget.
the recent slide in our performance matches up exactly with all of the construction projects, just look at the ohio report cards.
Only one word needs to be used to explain this CARBONE
I didnt think Mr. Hanlon had as much to do with building the new schools as Dik Beeler did.
If I remember Beeler was put in charge of that project. As far as Im concerned, they both should have been fired for the shoddy jobs they have done.
This is the first time I've heard of problems with the new buildings. With a project of this size you can expect afew gliches. Are there real problems?
A thought to future taxpayers in 50 years or so. Won't all these building have to be replaced around the same time?
I have a few comments on Mr. Dillard's letter to the parents.
1. Superintendent worked tirelessly:
I thought Mr. Beeler was in charge to oversee the new buildings and I believe he received a good bit of compensation for it too. Ditto to 8:49, 3:48 and 9:51- because it should have been left to the experts not school administrators.
I consider this a conflict of interest and very unethical.
Besides, how many of his employees work tirelessly, above and beyond their normal duties? And are they compensated like he is?
2. Transportation Supervisor:
When was he hired? And were there financial problems at that time?Figure and check out that time frame. This district is in fiscal trouble now and his raise should have been put on hold. Years ago a Mr.Beeler (assistant to the assistant superintendent)over saw the business office which included hiring staff, the transportation department, and the people who kept up the grounds. I don't for the life of me ever recall anyone with the title of "grounds supervisor". Guess you should ask-if these jobs were so important before, why did they have them all in the first place?
3. Super's salary/benefits: These may be perks consistent with others across the country. That statement is ridiculous and there is no comparison. This is Painesville, not anywhere USA and the pay should be in line with what the city can afford.
4. All administrators under contract: The key word is "currently". Notice has been served. Again, as for the regional market - we are not the regional market- we are in trouble here.
5. The biggest insult in this letter was blaming the diverse student body for the schools problems. If this levy is for the kids, then don't lay the blame on them.
I still don't understand WHY all the buildings were replaced at one time. It's MY feeling that they should have replaced one of them. When that one was done and paid for, then they could have replaced the next one, etc. I still don't get why in the world they did that, and how it got past the voters. Maybe I'm missing something. Someone please explain if I am.
Why wasn't the poor graduation rate discussed?
Now this board and administration want to blame the kids?
I'm pretty unhappy with the schools myself, but just as a devil's advocate... if you have so many children in the school who do not speak the language of the country, then it's kind of hard to blame the school, isn't it? We have a city full of illegal citizens that everyone is paying for one way or the other.
This city did everything they could to make this a sanctuary city, and they did. Now we have a 50% grading policy in our school that hurts all the kids.
I think this is just ONE point, but it is an important point.
So what's the answer? Are the residents of Painesville to solve this illegal problem with our tax dollars? Why did we let this happen and now we are seeing the results. Mr. Dillard all but came out in the letter blaming the children we are to educate.
The Solution? Make English the official language of this country.
A few years ago I had to do some research about Ohio and doing so I read that English is the official langusge of this state.
Just what does that mean since it can't be enforced until English becomes the official language of the United States of America.
Can anyone explain this or tell me how we can get our government to move forward on this?
This is 3:37 adding to my post. I went back and looked at the figures that Alice posted on 10/12/10. They are from the 2008-09 school year.
These are the graduating percentages broken down by the different races, etc.
Black - 58.8%
Economicall Disadvantaged - 61.2%
Hispanic - 45%
Limited English Proficiency - 37.9%
Multi-Racial - 72.7%
Students with Disabilities - 76.5%
White Non-Hispanic - 65.7%
When you really look at these percentages, it's not just the non-english speaking students. These figures are shocking. Really shocking. The best group has a 76.5% graduating rate? Either we have a really crappy school system, or we have mostly unstable families with mostly unstable students in this area. How do these numbers compare to surrounding areas?
Unless it's that the whole school system is held back and dumbed-down because of the non-english speaking students, but that wouldn't account for a bad graduation rate would it?
Comments? Thoughts?
Here's a comment I'm glad you looked into this. More need to do the same. It's easy to blame one group but this school system seems to be in free fall.
Quit looking at the pretty new buildings and lets find out what's going on inside them?
Here is a link to the Superintendent's contract which lists his pay and benefits.
This is 3:08. More thoughts... In reality, they HAVE dumbed down the whole school district with the 50% grading policy. So that should mean that MORE people should be graduating. And who knows how much the curriculum has been dumbed down. But still these horrible graduation rates.
TO: Anonymous 2:24. October 24, 2010 10:44 PM
"Mayor of Owego" - don't you get it? that's sarcasm, unflatering &
not meant to be a compliment.
To 6:27. This is 10:44 p.m.
Ahhhh, duhhh, I not only understood the sarcasm, I returned it. Keep up.
Here, Have yourself a feeding-frenzy.
Dear PCLS Staff Members:
We certainly find ourselves in a difficult financial period in the State of Ohio. It is a certainty that the district will be making some mid-year non-personnel (and possibly some personnel) reductions and definitely much more sweeping reductions in all areas for the start of the 2011-12 school year. I want to share with you what to expect in the next several weeks.
With the uncertainty of the levy result at this time, the Board of Education has determined that specific discussions concerning reductions WILL NOT occur at the Board of Education meeting on Monday, November 15, 2010. Rather, they have elected to schedule a Board work session for Monday, November 22, 2010 at 7:00 PM at Harvey HS to discuss reductions in light of a more certain election result. There will be more general discussion of the following points this Monday evening:
I will be meeting with the leadership of both the PCTA and OAPSE bargaining units early next week to discuss reductions that are being considered at this time. None of these reductions will be officially considered until the result of the election is finalized and , therefore, the list should be considered preliminary.
Several members of the central administrative staff have been starting the process of speaking individually with those that are potentially being considered in this reduction discussion. This is being done out of respect for those individuals and to attempt to cut down on the rumor mill. Again, I emphasize that this is preliminary and DOES NOT constitute any official notice of Reduction in Force now or in the future, only that a particular position may be discussed at some point. It is only to give those individuals that hold positions being discussed some advance information rather than having them learn about this in some other manner. Keep in mind that I have not had the opportunity to finalize the potential reductions or discuss them with the Board or the respective Association leaders at this time, but will do so early next week as the information becomes clearer.
I had the opportunity to be in Columbus earlier this week to hear information concerning what districts across the state can expect. The news is not at all optimistic. The Board of Education and I certainly understand that these are troubling and indeed scary times for everyone. I will do my best to communicate information to you as it becomes available. I am also asking that you refrain from engaging in rumor mill discussions that are not based in fact as these can be very detrimental during this time of great uncertainty. I assure you that it is not possible for anyone to be discussing a "list" with any certainty at this time as it is still very much a work in progress. It will also be equally important for us all to continue to focus our energies on the job at hand, serving the 3,000 students that come through our doors with our very best efforts each and every day as we work through this challenge.
Michael P. Hanlon, Jr. Ph.D.Superintendent
Here, Have yourself a feeding-frenzy.
Dear PCLS Staff Members:
We certainly find ourselves in a difficult financial period in the State of Ohio. It is a certainty that the district will be making some mid-year non-personnel (and possibly some personnel) reductions and definitely much more sweeping reductions in all areas for the start of the 2011-12 school year. I want to share with you what to expect in the next several weeks.
With the uncertainty of the levy result at this time, the Board of Education has determined that specific discussions concerning reductions WILL NOT occur at the Board of Education meeting on Monday, November 15, 2010. Rather, they have elected to schedule a Board work session for Monday, November 22, 2010 at 7:00 PM at Harvey HS to discuss reductions in light of a more certain election result. There will be more general discussion of the following points this Monday evening:
I will be meeting with the leadership of both the PCTA and OAPSE bargaining units early next week to discuss reductions that are being considered at this time. None of these reductions will be officially considered until the result of the election is finalized and , therefore, the list should be considered preliminary.
Several members of the central administrative staff have been starting the process of speaking individually with those that are potentially being considered in this reduction discussion. This is being done out of respect for those individuals and to attempt to cut down on the rumor mill. Again, I emphasize that this is preliminary and DOES NOT constitute any official notice of Reduction in Force now or in the future, only that a particular position may be discussed at some point. It is only to give those individuals that hold positions being discussed some advance information rather than having them learn about this in some other manner. Keep in mind that I have not had the opportunity to finalize the potential reductions or discuss them with the Board or the respective Association leaders at this time, but will do so early next week as the information becomes clearer.
I had the opportunity to be in Columbus earlier this week to hear information concerning what districts across the state can expect. The news is not at all optimistic. The Board of Education and I certainly understand that these are troubling and indeed scary times for everyone. I will do my best to communicate information to you as it becomes available. I am also asking that you refrain from engaging in rumor mill discussions that are not based in fact as these can be very detrimental during this time of great uncertainty. I assure you that it is not possible for anyone to be discussing a "list" with any certainty at this time as it is still very much a work in progress. It will also be equally important for us all to continue to focus our energies on the job at hand, serving the 3,000 students that come through our doors with our very best efforts each and every day as we work through this challenge.
Michael P. Hanlon, Jr. Ph.D.Superintendent
I left my comment on this letter on the "ANTICIPATION" Post
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