Andy Flock's Town Hall Meeting
Tom Green (department head of the Painesville Municipal Electric Plant) spent a good hour explaining how Painesville handles its electric needs.
The Power Factor should be called the Power Cost Adjustment. [Everything that goes into the production and purchases of electricity from coal price adjustments to how much and when you purchased power off the grid.] Purchasing electricity in a very fluid market can cost or save you a lot of money.
Thats where AMP-OHIO comes in. Painesville has two turbines: if both are on line at the same time the plant can produce 35 megawatts of electricity. Sometimes only one is on line and Painesville usage can vary between 40 and 55 megawatts. AMP-OHIO (located in Columbus) purchases the power we need to make up the difference. As a rule Painesville only produces about 40% of the power we need. Sometimes its just more economical to purchase off the grid then to produce it yourself. AMP advises the city on what's the best direction to take. For this service it costs the city around $4000.00 a month, which is a very reasonable price to the city considering what it might cost to do it themselves. There's the rub, why would AMP-OHIO want to expand into the production of electricity? Wouldn't they be tempted to steer you in their direction to purchase power at the expense of other viable options? Couldn't this result in a conflict of interest at some point? How obligated would we be to purchase from them...meaning how much more power would AMP-Ohio have being an advisor AND producer? A few years ago another company had dealings such as these, anyone remember Enron?
The landfill gas we were purchasing from a site near Toledo closed last month; we will soon replace that with the natural gas plant near Milan, Ohio. Mr. Green said he believed it was the same amount.
We touched on Prairie States Energy Campus . He didn't want to be quoted on the agreement we have but he believes we will purchase about 6 megawatts when that plant is up and running; we also have power deals with NIPA (?) in New York Hydro plants on the Ohio River...along with owning something called JV2(?) that produces electricity with diesel fired turbines.
I also found out the plant in Painesville can operate on natural gas, I never knew that. Sometimes when they've had a problem with a consistent BTU using coal they have used natural gas.
When asked about wind power he said it can only be used about 26% of the time. Wind has to be between 9mph to 40mph or they must be shut down.
All in all Mr. Green did a great job explaining the power plant. Thank-you.
In another matter, Mr. Fodor was asked about his comment regarding a committee to rehabilitate Painesville's image and responded that the City and School System are collaborating on a committee to do just that. Although only a few planning meetings have been held. I believe its a step in the right direction if the problem is dealt with honestly.
Some of you missed a very informative meeting.
The question I have is who's on this committee? City employee's along with school board employee's who will come up with a finnished product that both the city, and school leaders will be quoted as being a new direction? We're you asked to be on a committee Term? Bet not, why you might tell them the ways things really are? they don't want to see the truth there looking for P.R. what a joke this will be.
Four thousand a month on amp-ohio? Just maybe you should checkwhat are total costs for services last year totaled?
City Employee #007
FYI-- The schools have been quietly cutting hours of some staff this week. The cuts again seem to be hitting the non-teaching staff- aids, secretaries, etc.
Some of the cuts are significant enough that people will have to find other work to make up for the lost hours or benefits.
I'm sure there has been some cuts at the top? Isn't that where a lot of money is?
There most be some kind of wage cuts, or give back like that is done in the REAL world?
I thought the whole staff was needed to insure the success of Painesville students?
If they want to really start changing the image of our schools and the city, they can start by stopping the 50% grading policy.
There is no truth to "the school is quietly cutting hours" there will be no cuts this year, at the end of April all staff will know who will not be picked up next year.
No cuts this year
I personally know a parapro from one of the elementary schools who received notice THIS week that her position is not renewed for next year. If there is not a person lower on the seniority list that she can "bump", then she WILL be on unemployment. Dr. Hanlon sent a notice out to all employees recently stating that by April 30, all employees that will not be renewed for next year will be notified. These people will be working until school is over in June. Oh, and by the way, she WAS taken aside, QUIETLY, by a member of administration and informed of her non-renewal.
7:00 -People were told last week that they will have their hours cut. The cuts are not effective until the next school year, but they have been made.
Your statement should be "No cuts this SCHOOL YEAR"
I was going past Harvey when school was letting out this week. Unless it was a dress down day, the kids certainly weren't following dress code. The girls had jeans with huge rips in the knees. One had holes all the way up the front of the leg. This certainly wasn't in the dress code policy. TERM, did you ever post was Hanlon said in the letter sent to those inquiring about the dress code?
If you so strongly believe that those people flipping burgers deserve the same or better health care than those of us who spent years of schooling and thousands of dollars on college then I think YOU should pay for it because I DON'T want to!
I worked hard and long for what I have and I am sick of a bunch of bleeding heart liberals telling me I am wrong for not wanting to give it away.
I believe if you ask the administration will tell you the students change after school at the end of the day keeping their school clothes in their lockers. I guess a trip during school hours to prove or disprove this is in order. I only care because the board made an announcement that this was their policy. Yet the people in charge at the high school don't think its that important. Board Meeting April 14,2010 ask your questions there.
12:33 Hey, I'm with you. You probably went to private schools your whole life, never bothered with the public school system. College? A private University, no state sponsored college for you. Probably had Mom and Dad pay cash for your college education, no government student loan guarantee was needed. or maybe you had a radio talk show during your college years. Had a car on campus, didn't have to use public transportation. Flew home on spring break probably didn't need Federal air traffic controllers, First-class has the right of way, right?
Took your LEC girl who majored Equestrian, and a minor in liberal arts to dinner at Ruth Crisps Steakhouse no need for federal meat inspector there,
After dinner a ride on an interstate to the yacht club for a ride out on the lake. Oh-Oh, problem with the boat call the Coast Guard to bring us home. Yeah, I love all the self made people.
Just maybe that doctor who saves your life after that massive heart attack benefited from this health care bill early in his life?
11:11"No man is an Island"
To 12:33: You are certainly entitled to your opinion. However, nobody is saying that everyone is going to get free health care. There will be a sliding scale. I think it's sad that you think what you do, but you are entitled to do it. Maybe you should quit listening to the talk radio people who do not care one bit about this country -- they only care about inciting riotous adults to fevered pitches so they can continue to make their living doing it. Did you have the "privilege" of health care as you were rising to the top? Don't worry, they're not going to get a living wage, or anything like that. Nor will they get a decent, safe car to drive. Just health care. And it will save America money in the end.
Man, not only is this site reaching Painesville, its a time machine. 11:11 sounds like Ebenezer Scrooge? Wonder if Fagan or other Dickens characters show up soon?
Oliver Twist
Obama should be impeached?
The first President that promised heath care reform and delivered. What was he thinking keeping a promise to the American people?
Hey There 11:11,
you must be a senator or somebody who works in government and has there rear end covered by the health care policy in the country. We only want the coverage Congress has written for themselves.
that's fair don't you thing, as we pay their or your salary.
Am I missing something here? Where is the 11:11 post you guys are talking about?
Apparantly it says that Obama should be impeached? If so, let's see ... Clinton was impeached for lying about having sex with a young woman, who was of legal age, with her consent. You want Obama impeached because he is helping the American people and saving our country. But Bush, who lied to get us into a war in a country we should not be in -- what do you think should have happened to him? I believe that impeachment is supposed to be for those Presidents who commit "high" crimes. Bush is the only one who fits that description. I did not agree with the Democrats when they did not try to impeach Bush, but I understood why they didn't do it. They didn't do it to try to unite the two parties of the government and to stop the horrendous and dangerous games the Republicans had been playing. The Democrats were trying to take the higher road. It didn't work obviously. The Republicans are worse than ever, in my opinion.
11:11 sounds like Scrooge? I don't see an 11:11 post. Where? 12:33 I'm with you. I have worked hard for what I have and I resent paying more than I already am to carry this country. And TERM, you are so off base. That was really demeaning to treat 12:33 the way you did. Just because he can make a good living and says he earned it doesn't mean he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. The people affected the most are the ones that have done just as he said he did. Pulled himself up by his own boot strap. I am offended by your liberal comments.
12:33 might have missed out on a few days in college. Some people learn that not all men are created equally. No where in the Bible does it ever mention that life is fair.
Chances are that if 12:33 did pick himself up by the bootstraps he might have received some government help along the way, Federal guaranteed student loan? G.I. Bill? State sponsored college?
maybe his father was a union worker in an American auto plant that provided 12:33 with some of the resources for a better life?
Some of you, including me, on this site have probably never been destitute having to worry about basic living standards this country affords most of its citizens. Now I have people on this site tell me medical insurance should be a privilege?
Defend your position. What civilized country besides the United States runs there health care the way we do? Is it efficient? No, Is it reasonably priced? No, what exactly is our advantage over all these other countries? Besides profit for afew?
No, this has been along time
coming I'm the first to tell you its far from perfect but it's a lot better then what we had.
Now the GOP wants to Repeal and Replace the bill?
If your honest you wouldn't want it replaced by anything the government comes up with would you?
I'm 1:48 and the comment about impeaching Obama I was only trying to be facetious. Some of you must not have got it?
The Republicans had an opportunity to get involed in the process but chose to avoid the debate. Thinking this is a vote killer. It will be interesting in November when they run against health care reform. Theres some loud noise out there I just don't believe they speak for most of us.
The man delivered on a promise.
Sara Palin tells Dems "your fired!"
Dems tell Sara "your a quitter!"
Is that how you avoid being fired?
Carabu Barbie I'm soooo lovin' it!
To 1:48. I'm 3:46. Glad you are not FOR impeachment, but I got that from reading your post. It's the 11:11 post that I seem to be missing on my computer. I thought you were reacting to someone who was serious about impeaching Obama, and that's why I gave my opinion on impeachment. It wasn't you I was aiming my comments to, but thanks for clarifying.
To add to your latest comment. One of the main Republicans against this bill, when he had a chance to talk, was asked if he didn't like the bill, then what was HIS plan. He stuttered around for a minute then he said well, it used to be that neighbors took care of neighbors. What? I sat there thinking that if he wanted to leave his health care to that kind of ridiculous solution, then have at it, but leave me out of it. He doesn't, of course, because he is in the government and has very good health care. I think the Republicans are more frightening than ever now, and I think they will take down this country if they can. They'll do it thinking they are going to help themselves stay in office, but they will finish what they started, and take down this country if they are allowed to do it.
So Term, if not all men are created equally why do you believe that everyone should "have equally"? If all men are not created equally why shouldn't all men "get" what they are created to "get"?
Trying to over ride Gods not creating all men equal is just another example of mankind thinking we have more power than we do.
Throughout history as civilizations have risen and fallen when a few men have tried to convince others we could somehow "over ride what God made" the result has always been the fall and destruction of that civilization.
Mankind does not learn from our mistakes, and we are doomed to repeat them. Most of you look at this healthcare as just a "political" problem, reality is we have just taken one more step along the path of thinking we as humans can over ride what is nature, "all men are not created equally".
The federal govenrment should follow the Constitution of the United States of America, democrats and republicans alike.Less power to the federal government and more power to state and local governments. No federal income taxes - that money needs to remain with the earner so he/she can choose to support local police and fire, local government, local schools, local libraries, local social services, etc. On a local level, citizens can become involved. On a federal level, it's too far removed and operates outside the limits of the constitution on too many fronts. Case in point - healthcare overhaul. Putting the debate over whether we as a country need health care reform aside, how can we the people decide if this particular bill is good for us - have any of us commenting on this blog read the bill? Free people need the ability to participate in their government. They need access to the workings of their government. This happens best on a local level. We need to keep more of our earnings in our pockets so we can support our local police and fire, our local community services. The federal government does not and has never known what is best for us.
4:42 Correct me if I'm wrong here, but are you saying God has chosen some of us here in the United States not to have health insurance? Some to get it paid 100% by our employers? some at 50%,and some not at all?
Mankind has the God given power to provide health insurance for everyone?
To Kathy I understand what your saying but the same people who now tell me to read the Constitution, had no problem setting up ther federal reserve, bankrolling foreign countrys, involing ourselves in other countrys disputs. One of the main reasons the U.S. is having all this trouble with Iran was we overthrew a democratic election and set in place a dictator the Shah of Iran. Why? American oil business interests. You wonder why they don't trust us?
Now the Republicans are caring water for the health care industry, believe me its an industry.
This is the first President that doesn't seem to let Israel tell us what to do.The tail wagging the dog more or less. Good Allieds cooperate with each other.
Where getting way off the subject here,but if your telling me its either wrong or impossible to provide health insurance for all Americans well I believe I have more faith in this country than you do.
Religion has nothing to do with it but since you brought it up - most of our main - line religions run the best community care charities we have. The government does not. Health care is not a God-given right, any more so than being born into a wealthy family and able to buy any kind of health insurance you want is a God given right. Our God given right is our foundation, our belief systems, which lead us to take care of our brothers and sisters.I'm saying we are good people. It's not the federal government's job to issue an order to all to buy health care. Having said that, yes the health industry as a whole seems to be out of whack. And as a government we do provide health care insurance - it's called Medicade and Medicare. Answering the rest of your post would make this post too long. I support the beliefs of Ron Paul on all issues, including illegal immagration, the Federal Reserve, and going to war. He does NOT support any of your concerns mentioned in the post - and has not in the past. I don't consider myself Democrat or Republican. I consider myself a Ron Paul supporter. Ronpaul.com
TERM, tell me. What is my incentive to keep working my butt off to keep supporting the entitlement society, with them sitting back and enjoying the fruits of my labor? There is no incentive, and more and more wage earners will consider ir in their better interests to sit back and take, rather than give. I have worked hard my whole life, and I am so sick and tired of the society that is content to sit home and take. This is what will cause a great nation to fall.
we have the inalienable right of "the pursuit of happiness". We are not guaranteed happiness. We have the right to pursue it. Not the right for it to be handed to you on a silver platter held by me.
Kathy what is the solution? Everyone mentions the insurace companies, along with the whole health care system are out of whack? If we all agree on this why haven't we fixed it. I have been fortunate to have health care almost all of my working life. More by being employed by the right people at the right time then by anything I chose to do.
I always thought governments role was;
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. As quoted from the Preamble of the Constitution of the United States of America.
Would health insurance not PROMOTE THE GENERAL WELFARE?
Geez, I came here to find out about the power plant, and I find myself in 1776?
Love the comments, love the blog. only because most of you get so far off track.
Paul Revere
in order for everyone to afford their own health insurance, health insurance should be sold just like car and house insurance. so what is the problem with that? why has this become such a political and greedy issue for business people?why not let the american people decide if they want health insurance.ONE OF THE FEW PEOPLE WHO PAYS FOR THEIR OWN HEALTH INSURANCE, HOUSE INS., CAR INS., AND TAXES(NO 503-C TAX EXEMPT HERE) THIS IS WHAT NEEDS TO BE CORRECTED IN OUR COUNTRY.
12:47 Tom Green should be very happy about the controversy with all the debate started here about Painesville Power?
Most of us here are on the right track, just the wrong railroad.
Term, as it said.
"We the people". We are the ones who end up paying for all this General WELFARE. Not the government, not the unions and not the poor. So are you saying it is the governments responsibility to provide WELFARE or Health Care then who's responsibility is it to pay for it? PROMOTE welfare and PROVIDE welfare are two completely different things. Too many people expect the government to provide for them. I can't think of anything the government provided for me that I didn't have to pay for in some kind of tax. If the government is to provide healthcare to everyone why can't everyone get welfare? So if you are entitled to health care then why not the illegal immigrant that lives next door to you? The fact that they don't pay into the system change things? You must work so did the company you work for add insurance or remove insurance coverage for it's employee's? Other than removing barriers for pre-existing conditions or denying coverage, this bill doesn't remove the responsibility to pay for insurance. I think that too many believe that they no longer have to pay for it.
You are right - how did we get on this train anyway? Back to local issues - I just see your blog as so important. Makes people think and talk and get involved. Maybe we don't agree on everything but as I said before, no one will get sent to their room without dinner because they disagree.
1:30 You make many valid points. What you must remember is that you or I will probably not change one persons mind. An election was held the people have spoken, Obama promised to do this where was the outrage on election day? In America we will all get to speak again in around 8 months, than again in 2 more years. If you have this winning hand it will be no problem to repeal all this in around 3 years.
Sure we can speak again in 2 years. Sure. With all the corruption that occurred in the 2008 election? Oh, yeah, my voice was heard. So were dead people's, illegals, people voting more than once, votes bought with cigarettes. Oh, yeah, my voice was heard. 2012 will be so much more ethical.
The biggest corruptiom that ever took place was Florida in 2000. Brother running the state, and daddys supreme court appointees making the rules, but only this one time. Do you remember who won the total votes that year? Please don't talk about stealing.
Term, 1:30 did make some points. You also said that "the people have spoken". That's the problem with the government in all of this. As you said, in 8 months or 2012, all this can change. One thing is that we can not change is Social Security. We must pay. Not that it isn't bad to have a forced savings account set aside for retirement. The bad thing about it is the fact that the government can borrow from this account or change payments with a simple change in the vote. I'm not in favor of a group of voters or politicians having the power to change my health care plan after every election. My health care should be between my doctor and me and not subject to the next election. My care shouldn't be subject to the election booth or some politician who isn't even covered by the same plan. That's like having someone in California voting for our city council or our school levies.
Preventing denials and pre-existing conditions is a good thing. Creating a pool to cover this isn't all bad either. The problem is giving power to the government to control this pool. My care shouldn't be someone's political agenda. Government employment and tenure for teachers doesn't promote job performance. There is no incentive to do a good job. You and I can only just show up for work and go through the motions until Friday for so long. Sooner or later, you will lose your job. Just as job performance should be taken into account for teachers, I worry that someone deciding my health care needs who doesn't need to worry about job performance or only got the job by political appointment.
Vote for me, I will get you government subsidized housing, food stamps, cell phone, and now so called free health care. Vote for me and I guarantee all this will be sitting in your mail box on the first of the month. The big companies that provide the jobs are evil. The rich who pay most of the taxes are evil. Now it's beginning to be the average worker who is evil and not paying enough to support these people who feel they are entitled to be handed everything. What better way to control the people than to make them totally dependent on the government. Doesn't happen you say. Look at where the strongest support for this comes from. The poorer inner city populations where there is a greater dependency on welfare. These same areas also seem to score the lowest in education scores. The other areas also come from the do gooders that will drive their Prius to the airport to hop on their private jet and then say they are saving the planet. I'm not saying there aren't some real humanitarians out there but they don't live in the real world. People aren't hungry or sick only on holidays or when someone wakes up and says I have a few minutes to spare so I will solve all our problems.
This is going to take time and a lot of work. A few regulations to make insurance available to everyone is needed. But to turn over to much control and have to many regulations will either raise costs or reduce care. Do we really want health care provided by the lowest bidder or have cost overruns because of government bureaucracy.
As I've said before, the poor will be with us always. I'm will to help do my share to help these people. At the same time, I'm not willing to add a whole new group of people who feel they are entitled to free care too. Where do we draw the line for care? Do we want this line changed with every election?
Think I'm crazy. Things won't change with elections. Think about this. One of the ways they tried to pass this bill was to give special treatment to different states. Was this bill as signed ever shown to anyone here. Once a Supreme Court Justice is picked, there is more debate than there was on this bill. Just vote yes, it is good for you, trust me.
Well, Congress, you haven't proved to me in the past that I can trust you, so why should I start now.
Right now everyone's health care needs are subject to all kinds of denials and twists and turns. When the Republicans gave us managed care, they took away all kinds of right for patients and doctors, and doctors have been rewarded in many cases for denying care to the patients to hold down costs, as are the insurance companies.
This new health care will stop all that and give health care decisions back to doctors and patients. I don't see that anything is going to be taken away or limited more. Everyone can keep the same plan they are on if they want to, so nobody should notice any bad changes, as far as I can tell.
No cuts in hours or people "this year", that's this SCHOOL year -2009-2010. Too bad for the people being cut NEXT school year.
And where/what the heck is Ruth Crisps Steakhouse? Still supposed to believe you are correct?? I do believe it's Ruth's Chris Steakhouse, not Crisps.
Over & out of the country again.
Till I return.
P.S. If Ressy were a female, wouldn't you spell it Ressie?
Much like Bobbie, Robbie, Tommie, ETC.
Thank-You for the corrections, really! As you can tell I must never have been to Ruth's place. I did wonder when we would hear back from you?
My concern and everyone who supports Painesville School System should be about where the cuts will be made.
3:59pm you seem to be ok with your party being corrupt. The difference between the republicans and the democrats is the republicans don't revere crooks, thieves, womanizers, etc. To the democrats those are a big badge of honor and reason to relect. We police our own.
If YOU are a tea-Bagger, anti-socialist, I want you to take the PLEDGE NOW:
You pledge to:
1. Not accept a penny for the socialitic social security
2. Not accept ANY benefit that the socialistic Medicare provides
3. You will NOT eat any food that was inspected by the socialistic food inspectors
4. You will NOT use ANY public socialistic highway or freeway
5. You will NOT use any public sidewalk
6. You will NOT support the socialistic military and not use it for your protection
7. You will NOT fly the airlines that use the socialistic air controllers
8. You will NOT use the internet because it was developed by ARPA a socialistic quasi-government agency
9. If the socialistic fire department shows up to your burning house, you will send them away
10. You will make sure that NONE of your children, grandchildren attend socialistic public schools or universities
5:41, what planet have YOU been on?
11:47, right on.
3:59, you are so right. The past memories of Republicans storming places where the official counting of votes were taking place -- or should I say TRYING to take place -- among the screaming Republicans helping Bush steal the election.
I couldn't believe that that was happening in America. And I have been watching the Republicans ever since then get louder and louder, telling more and more lies to suit their own ends, and acting more and more like big overgrown babies.
One fine example of that was watching McCain and Palin the other night. Unbelievable. Straight out of the kindergarten playground to perform for their public. And people follow them. I thought they were actually going to start saying na-na-na-na-na.
Democrats have to make sure that they all get out to the voting booths, because you know the angry Republicans will be there, tea and all.
I keep waiting for them to stop it, and turn back into adults, but it's only getting worse and worse. How do they even begin to come back to a normal maturity level from where they are at? Just keep listening to those radio personalities, and bring out the safety scissors and construction paper is all I can say, I guess.
And the only big suggestion the Republicans have for the health bill is that they want citizens to not be able to sue their doctors when the doctors maim and kill them. What other group of society would we even THINK of not allowing to pursue a case the normal way in the legal system if they thought they were wronged? They do all this screaming about the constitution, yet think nothing of trying to take this basic right away from the victims of health care providers. And there are a lot of victims out there. I don't get it. The whole thing is scaring me to death, and I only see them getting worse and worse, and their followers getting more and more radicalized. I am afraid America will fall if they don't stop it.
Funny thing about your 10 points. I pay for all of those with my taxes.
The government only collects from me and most others to distribute to these.
I pay into the Social Security System for my SS.
I pay gasoline tax to build and maintain or roads.
I pay into medicare with ever check for my medicare. I also pay for more than 50% of my hospitalization now while the company pay the rest. Not long ago, I had my own policy and paid 100%
I pay property tax for schools, police and fire protection. We also pay college tuition.
I paid for my sidewalk in front of my house and every time I visit a store I pay for my slight use of there sidewalk. Sidewalks are paid for by the building owner and not installed with public funds unless it is a government building such as a court house, jail, county or federal office. I paid for those too in some form of federal, state or local tax.
I pay income tax to provide for national defense and have family members who serve or have served. I even lost 3 family members in WWII.
Every time I buy food or fly I pay the store money or the airline for my ticket. Sales tax is paid here.
I pay for my internet connection and am taxed on that too.
So if I pay for all the items in your list in some form or another, explain to me why YOU say I am a hypocrite. Are you saying I can pay taxes for all these but I am not allowed to receive any of these services?
Sounds as if you have a problem with me because I support myself. Maybe you think I am suppose to support you too. Well, I do support myself and still find the time and money to volunteer to help the needy. Notice I said needy and not just lazy. So if that is being a hypocrite in your eyes, so be it. I can look myself in the mirror every morning and when my time comes, I can look back and say I left the world and my fellow man just a little better off.
I guess I've listened to everything thats been said since the passing of the health care bill. Threats that have been allegedly made, whatever.
First off I'm an old school Democrat along with being a retired Teamster. I'm alittle embaressed how some in the party have acted. Like a bunch of whinners. Back in the day, Democrats would have said lets go, we have guns to, or you take one of ours out and will take two of yours out. Then watch how quick everyone in Washington D.C. would have told us to cool things down.
Bullys only understand bullys.
Ya, I remember the strike by the Teamsters in '69 or '70. Term, you were at Lockie-Lee then I think. I worked at a Pick-n-Pay then. The drivers who delivered to us were in a different union so they still delivered food to us. They had to have big signs on the side of their trucks saying they belonged to a different union. Shots were fired a trucks and drivers back then too.
Having signs hanging around some of these politician's or lobbyist's necks so you know who you are really talking to or voting for be a good idea. Is violence the answer? No. Are the extreme right and the extreme left crazy. YES. When does the strong political convictions progress to crazy and then cross the line to violence? Will these people solve anything. They can't even talk or listen to each other.
One thing to think about,
Support for this health bill was partisan.
However opposition for this bill was bi-partsan.
Republicans favor health care reform, but not the massive government-run scheme the Obama Democrats negotiated behind closed doors with their liberal special interest allies that drastically alters one-sixth of our economy.
Here are some facts about the Democrats' "reform" that they do not want people to learn.
1.Causes 9 million people to lose the insurance they now have;
2.Increases the already bloated deficit by $260 billion over the next decade when all the components are included;
3.Adds $371 billion to the deficit by not including the Medicare physician fee schedule change, also known as the "Doc Fix" provision;
4.Raises taxes by $569 billion on small businesses and creates a new marriage penalty with new income and investment taxes;
5.Cuts Medicare by $523 billion;
6.Increases premiums by 10% for people without employer-based insurance;
7.Expands the power of the IRS to enforce a government mandate that requires Americans to purchase government-approved insurance; and
8.After all the spending is done and the bill is fully implemented, 23 million people will still be uninsured in 2019.
Facts speak for themselves.
If Obamacare is so good, whywas it written into the bill that all members of Congress are exempt from it?
To 4:39: I think the reason the opposition to this health care bill even existed at all is because of all the untruths the Republicans (including the radio personalities, too) told the public. They tried to scare the hell out of them and they did. I think if everyone actually understood what was in the bill, they would know that there are things to still work out -- it's a big endeavor -- but they would know that not only would they be okay, they would be better off because of it, and so would the country. That would work for the Democrats who are against it anyway. It wouldn't work for a lot of the Republicans, because the only thing they care about is trying to make the Democrats look wrong, no matter how right they might be.
P.S. I have not seen any evidence of anyone on the extreme Democrat side act crazy, but have seen much evidence for a decade of the Republicans acting crazy. Just because one side is behaving badly, there is no need to point to the other side to try to even it out, when they are not part of that problem.
I do agree with you, however, that it would be nice to have signs around people's necks so we would know who we are really talking to (or should I say talking to us) and voting for -- and that goes for both sides.
Oh, the stories that can never be told.
My favorite that concerned me it was back in the early 80's Deepwood Center MRDD went on strike. I was delevering there and when I drove up to the pickets and stopped they waved me through, I tried to explain to them all they had to do was ask me to honor their picket line. All they did was yelling about fair treatment and kept waving me through, so I drove through and made my delivery.
When I finished the day and drove back to the Dairy I swear everyone but Jimmy Hoffa was there. As a Union steward you should know better what's wrong with you crossing a picket line? Someone from there union went screaming to the teamster hall about what I had done. Luckily my business agent Frank Lacoti {why are all these guys Italians} knew me and called the business agent at Deepwood to verify my story All Frank told me was, forget about my three day suspension that guy at Deepwood hadn't come off the ceiling yet since he talked to the pickets, "yeah we waved him through its just a milk truck?"
Badger, You just pay a meager amount of the cost of those services. We, as a society collectively pay for all the services you receive! Taxes are the price we all pay for what is called civilization.
I have never had a reason for the Coast Guard I'm in my early 40's grew up in a land locked state never even been on Lake Erie in a boat.
Still Badger I'm glad we have a Coast Guard .
12:45 AM
Never said I paid it all. No one person does. It takes ALL of us. I'm not complaining because this is my civic duty. I have done so my whole life. Just pointing out that I pay my share and try to be a productive member of society.
No disrespect to anyone on welfare but a lot of recipients receive much more than they pay in to the system. Are we inviting more with national health care. Don't know, yet. Will the ILLEGAL immigrants get more free assistance paid for by us? How will we prevent this? Veronica and HOLA basically teach these people how to use the system as much as possible. Question them in any way and you are called a uncaring racist.
These programs should be for those in need and not for those who just want more. IF safeguards need to be there for the hospitals and insurance companies to limit extreme profits then we also need safeguards to prevent fraud and abuse of the system by those who really don't need assistance. After all, it should be a two way street and we all need to share the road.
Speaking of Illegals and politicians with signs around their necks. Both sides of the aisle should have signs now that say "I'm willing to give away your country for votes." There are only a few Republicans that are still brave enough to be speaking against amnesty. I thought they were all gone, but I heard one speak the other night.
It is too bad, as a previous blogger was saying, that the Republicans are who they are, because their message about the illegals is a good one. Because of the exaggerations and lies about the health care bill and their horrifying, immature behavior in general, people are tuning them out. If they would knock it off, tell the truth and organize against amnesty, they could do this country some good. It's a bunch of middle age people just following the lead of their peers in a mob format instead of thinking for themselves. I personally have no respect for them. And everyone is going to associate the movement for no amnesty with them, and that could kill it. A while back, I called the Grassroots Rally Team and asked them not to associate themselves with this Tea Party Movement, but they did anyway. So far that is not a good thing, in my opinion.
One thing the politicians apparantly don't realize is that if all these illegals get legalized, within ten years I don't think there will be anyone in any office in the land that is not hispanic. They will organize and vote and that is the end of America as we know it. In my newspaper yesterday, I could not believe how many of the fliers also are in Spanish. It's a slow creep that is almost complete.
And we've seen what they've done to their own country. There won't be enough money in the whole world to take care of all of them. They will all have their hands out. Between that and the crime and the drug gangs they will bring, good bye American, hello the OTHER New Mexico.
What kind of name is Vagos? I saw in the newspaper the other day that this gang is setting up booby traps for the California police department in retaliation for a law enforcement sweep against the Vagos Motorcycle Club. Now they are threatening to blow up a police car.
The one thing I objected to the tea partiers were they were all over the place, taxes, right to life, illegals, anti-federal government, yes even anti Democrat. Will this gtroup formulate a policy, or limit it to one or two items, Birthers,were included and when I asked for proof and was told people like
YOU don't believe the truth! Made me feel warm and fuzzy.
Now what happens if they run candidates in an election, against established Republican or Democratic candidates? Does the name Ralph Nader, and the Green party ring a bell?
There needs to be unificatication on this Amnesty issue or I promise you it will pass.
This is 11:38 adding to my last post. 4:56 is a prime example of someone who is just following the screamers and has not taken the effort to actually get themselves informed.
Also, one huge hazard of having the anti-amnesty movement associated with one party is that it will not work, as we have seen. Both the Democrats and the Republic citizens must come together to fight this issue. The politicians have to be able to blame it on the American public and not themselves or each other. If we can band together and they can point to us and say "Gee, nothing we can do. The American public demands no amnesty and all illegals out," then we have a chance of accomplishing that. If the citizens are not able to do this, it will not happen, and as Term says, the amnesty issue will pass. We certainly can see that the government is not mature enough to have either party do it alone. The message has to be aimed at both parties FROM both parties so WE can take the blame and they will all be off the hook.
One thing people have to realize is that there are many groups of Tea Parties. Tea Parties or as some of you like to call them Tea Baggers are a bunch of individual groups all over the country that formed locally to speak out about high taxes and get the attention of Congress. They can vary on their agendas and a loosely tied to each other in their basic goals. They can be Republicans, Democrats or Independents who have similar views on taxes or other issues. They are not a part of either party nor are they funded by them. They don't receive any public funds as Acorn did. They are self supporting local groups. While more conservative in their views, they draw from basically middle, mainstream Americans. That could be Independents, as well as the R's and D's.
So the reason they are all over the place is because each group tends to support what the core members of that group feel are important. They don't all have the same agenda nor have they adopted the same platform. If the John Wayne, Leave it to Beaver, baseball and apple pie or patriotic view of these people who are against some of things Term posted above, then maybe we are headed in the wrong direction.
Green Party or Tea Party are in no means a political party. Would a legitimate third party force our two party system to actually govern rather than just trying to get re-elected? Maybe. What groups like this do do is to get people together to discuss what they want to see changed or maybe support a common cause.
Imagine if someone who didn't live around here stumbled across this blog. People are all over the place here too. AMP Ohio, School board, city council, fire truck, potholes, horse stable, housing inspectors, sidewalks with X's on them, piles of dirt, road to no where, illegal immigration, slum landlords and not to mention all the political back and forth. That's just some of the things.
If any one party or any one person had all the answers, we wouldn't need anyone else or discussions. I've said it here that our local government is a lot like the federal government.
I will also say that the Tea Party movement across the country is similar to Term, John, Tony, and the rest who care enough to go to council meetings to let council know they are watching and want answers. Instead they are asking Congress. Not everyone will agree with all these people (Tea Party and Term Party) about everything but we need to give them some credit to walk the walk and talk the talk for the rest of us.
Doing your civic duty and speaking out for what you believe is a good thing. We need more people like this.
4:55 PM
I totally agree with the second part of you post.
However the first part about being informed is difficult to do on some things.
Are you totally informed. Can you name someone who is totally informed and willing to explain these bills to the average voter. Hard to be informed if these thousand plus bills are pasted so quickly after there written. Maybe if they wrote the bills and had at least a little public debate, both sides might know what is in them.
9:50 PM: The Republicans know exactly what is in the bill(s), but are choosing to misrepresent them. That is why all the misinformation is out there. The Democrats have been talking about what is in the bills for over a year. There was bound to be a little confusion because there were several versions coming forth when it was all being worked out. There was information forthcoming during that whole time, however. I also believe the finished bill is online in at least two places, but have not looked them up. I think CNBC, or someone similar posted it, and the government posted it, too. There really was a lot of information during this whole thing, it was just that so many people were purposefully putting out the wrong info that it drowned out the legitimate stuff. There was a time when the President backed off and tried to let the other branches of the government work out the details. I think he should have realized sooner than he did that the whole debate was being hijacked by pusposeful misinformation, and jumped back in faster, but I think he thought that as soon as the actual final details started coming out, that the American people would know the truth and everything would be okay. I believe he underestimated just how much people wanted to believe things that were not true. He was looking for people to be reasonable, when there was no reason to be found. As soon as he realized this, he started talking more and more and went on a campaign to correctly inform the people. He is still doing this as we speak. Many just choose not to listen. It's hard to hear someone who is talking over someone who is screaming.
Republicans got caught with lets say their pants down. Donations from GOP Sue and others going to pay for a bill at an erotic S%M club in West Hollywood Club Voyeur. Watch how they will blame it on the Dems.
GOP stimulus?
Obama throws the Republicans a bone with the col drilling. Guess what, there still complaining.
What a mistake.
Lib Anne
Now I am really in a confused state, who should I think is worse, the million dollar retail crime ring busted today or our congress that just passed the biggest public rip off bill ever.
3:22 That sorta thru me for a loop to. Now let me be the last to put forth a conspiracy theory. but what made him do a 180 on something no one expected? Whats happened internationally in the last couple of weeks? Vice-President Beiden goes to Israel and gets snubbed while hes there. The Isreali Prime Minister comes to Washington D.C. and is coolly received by the President. They meet and the Israeli Prime Minister leaves and within an hour calls for another meeting with the President which they both agree to. Now please no one tell me this is about a Vice-President,
What if the President was told we have proof that by 2015 Iran will have a nuclear weapon and a delivery system to attack my country. We plan a preemptive strike that will take out the threat that Iran poses to us. This will inflame the Middle East. You better start making plans today on how you will replace the oil you will not be receiving from there.
I can't believe this change in policy was made to make anyone happy.
Term, please don't tell me there might be Weapons of Mass Destructions in Iran. Or that we live with the threat of terrorism from the Islamic world in the Middle East. These all have to be LIES. Please tell me we will stop attacking more countries like Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia with drones. We need to reach out to these countries. Was this complete turn around or another broken campaign promise or another lie. Depends what party you belong to. Will the troop increases in Afghanistan slow down or increase?
Events change in the World all the time and believe it or not, the American people aren't told everything. When the Republicans were in office, everything they said were called lies by the Democrats. Now that the Democrats are in office, it's the other way around. Campaign promise or lie. Most politicians only tell you what you want to hear just to get your vote. Once elected, they do what the Party tells them to do. In other words, the Party comes before the American people.
Just wondering if oil drilling is the a new conspiracy theory. After all, we all know Iran is our new best buddy and would never, ever have those WMD. Why would Lib Anne and the Democrats need to throw a bone to those nasty Republicans? Inquiring Minds Want to Know.
Term, I too, want to know what happened to bring about the change of policy on drilling. Well now we will get more name calling back and forth.
Maybe we need to forget the Democratic Party, the Republican Party, the Tea Parties, the Term Party and even the Badger Party and form a new Party. The American Party. The Party of the American people.
Badger, I agree with almost your whole post (7:11), but I do not agree with the last paragraph. I do not think that the Tea Partiers are just doing their civic duty and speaking out for what they believe in. I have no problem with petitioning and protesting the government in the proper way, and anyone who knows me knows that I have held my share of signs and had my share of disputes with government entities. The Tea Partiers, however, are storming government offices, etc., etc. -- suffice it to say, they are acting very badly -- over things that are not even the truth. They are protesting the Democrat side of the government over Republican lies. I do not see that what they are doing is good for our country. I think what they are doing is very dangerous for our country, and I do not think we need more like them.
To 2:03 am
I'm not sure you are correct, I believe they are acting the same way a group of people did that caused the formation of this country in the first place. The kicker to that is the issues are also very similar, taxes, etc.
Maybe our politicians should learn from history and listen to the masses before we end up in the same situation as we were 200+ years ago!
Again 4:41 We held an election the Democrats and Obama won. They had promised health care reform. Please explain what they should learn from history? Not to do what they promised? I knew health care was their agenda, are you saying the people that voted for them didn't? It's like someone voting for a school levy and then complaining when taxes go up. We live in a Republic, this is how it works. I'm not happy with some of the things in the bill but I'm not going to start a revolution.
This is 4:41, to Term
First, I said nothing about healthcare, 2:03 am was referring to the Teapartiers which I do believe have been protesting long before the health care was passed.
Second, it doesn't matter what or who was elected, when every poll taken before the vote showed the majority of American Public against the healthcare bill why would a political party think it was OK to ignore that and push it through anyhow? That type of behavior is exactly the kind of behaviors that throughout history have caused revolutions, government overthrows, etc.
I am not for or against any party, I vote the issues. Our country was not set up to be run as "one group decides and does what they think is best for everyone" "of the people, for the people, by the people" means our elected officials should be acting on what the majority wants, not what one political party or special interest group wants.
2:03am, when two million tea party members marched on DC on September 12th it was the most respectful demonstration in history. No trash left behind. Can't say the same for any other protest including the illegals when they marched in DC. You just resent anyone going against what you want. You are part of the entitlement society.
7:58 Sorry, it does matter. The only reason polls were showing numbers like they were was the shrill voices coming from the Insurance industry sponsored politicans, death panels, grandma's going to be left to die. Yet everyone claims we needed reform?
With your statement elections shouldn't matter? They did act on what the majority wanted. Maybe we should just vote on who screams and whins the most.
7:57 What entitlement group are you worried about? The Wall St. bankers, Citigroup,AIG? Talk about an entitlement group. I guess average Americans are just not to big to fail,right? TARP was President Bush's baby, and Obama should have just let GM fail? Some of you speak out of both sides of your mouth, and follow party politics to a tee.
Change the politics, and don't complain when you lose. I thought everyday between 2000-2008 was a nightmare maybe I should have been whinning?
7:57 Sorry I'm part of the entitlement society. I feel entitled for my government to keep me and my family from getting raped by insurance companies, and other health care providers.
Isn't it stranged the same prostitute congressmen and senators who were against this health care bill received the biggest contributions from the health insurance lobby.
The problem with me and many like myself we're just not to big to fail. Thanks Term this is a hard sell bunch.
The government reformed health care just like the majority wanted. Just because the people that are screaming against it keep saying that the majority did not want it, does not make it true. The majority DID want it.
What really gets me is now the Republicans are saying that, yes, we needed health care reform, but we just needed a little piece at a time. Well, after stopping any Democrat plan to reform it in the past, the Republicans had eight years to do something. They provided us with Managed Care. That gave the insurance companies even more power to maim and kill Americans, and took away power from the doctors and the patients to make the health care decisions for patients. And that was supposed to reign in costs. We can see how well all of that worked.
The Republicans have also led the fight in many states, including Ohio, to limit lawsuits against the medical profession by the people they have injured, or the people who have a loved one who was killed by them. It is nearly impossible for a patient to sue anyone in the medical profession now. Yet the Republicans keep yelling about the Constitution. I watched as patients actually signed petitions in doctors' offices to limit their OWN protections and that of their families. I guess if you scream "frivolous lawsuits" often enough, people will believe you. It has always been hard for people to get lawyers to take a medical malapractice case no matter how legitimate the case is, and now it's nearly impossible, and the Republicans say that any compensation has to be severely limited, no matter what they do to you. When you look at the facts, lawsuits had nothing to do with the doctors malpractice insurance going so high. Even if it had, the solution would not be to stop letting people sue them, it would be for them to quit killing people. I see in one state a patient is suing one of those laws as being unconstitutional. Thank goodness.
To 7:57. Yes I am part of the entitlement party. I think everyone is entitled to health care when they need it. What you guys are not acknowledging is that most Americans will be BUYING their insurance coverage, not having it handed to them. Even the ones that will be subsidized, will be saving us money, because when they get sick, their insurance companies will be paying for it, not us. I think the subsidies go up the economic ladder too high, and actually go to some people who have a high enough income that they do not need them, but the costs are so high, that maybe that is needed for now until hopefully the costs can come down some. I don't know all the details on that.
Careful Republicans, the life that is saved might be yours.
I can live with health care change and some of the other things I believe to be positives, like student loan reform.
Still dealing with my lost part time job, downsizing in husbands company with large pay cuts & kids student loans rejected.
Can't live with off shore drilling. Will we see the democrats chanting; Drill Baby Drill?
Can't live with China holding so much U.S. paper.
Can't live with the foreclosure mess.
Can't live the bail outs of big business
Isn't the middle class is too big to fail?
Think I'd vote for Dr. Seuss at this point.......
well anybody who was able to tell the truth and stay on a policy I can understand.
I just receive an email from an old friend of mine .She is 57 years old. She has been un-employed for 18 months. Her spouse is an artist and makes those leaded glass windows. They have NO health insurance.
The e-mail?
Telling me how this health care reform is UNCONSTITUTIONAL ... and it must be rescinded.
April 2, 2010 2:03 AM
Still depends what party you belong to. The Tea Party on 9/12 marched to the Capital Building and not the White House. Sure there were Obama signs but there were just as many signs speaking out against Congress if not more. It also was one of the most peaceful marches and as someone said above there was very little mess afterwards. The only ranting and shouting took place at the CNN truck.
The Tea Party name came from the colonials who protested King George and his taxes. They were more violent when they boarded the ships and threw the Tea into the harbor. The ironic thing about this is that it took place in Boston, the basic home of Edward Kennedy, the Democrats spokesman for national health for years.
There is nothing wrong with peaceful demonstrations, or trying to see your congressman. It is when people from either sides make threats, throw bricks, fire shots or make death threats against congressmen that things have gone to far. There is no room for violence nor is there a need. These people need to be caught and punished regardless of which party they belong to.
I can't remember a more hotly debated issue or the number of protests since the Vietnam War. Interesting that back in the 60's and 70's it was JFK and LBJ they blamed for the war. Iraq & Afghanistan are blamed on Bush. Very few people who protest blame world events or other regimes. They don't protest Islamic terrorists or Communists, only the current President.
Now we have the wars in the Middle East, bad economy, rising national debt, unemployment and the latest, National Health. There is enough blame to go around to pick on any one person or party. Time to hold everyone responsible from POTUS to our city council and school boards. Time to put us first instead of their party.
1:29 Ask your 57 years old friend if Social Security is unconstitutional along with Medicare? She and her husband will soon be eligble to collect. Lets go for the Tri-Fecta and rule all three unconstitutional after the November elections.
By the Constitutution only Congress can declare war? When did we have a signed declaration of war against Iraq? Small point I know. Funny how we drag out the Constitution out when it fits OUR purpose.
Where were all theses voices when the Republicans passed the perscription drug bill? Oh, that one was Constitutional. Right?
They have NO health insurance.
Can't get is the part of the health care that needed fixing.
Can't afford is a whole different thing entirely. The bill will only slow cost increases not pay for it entirely. If a tax rebate helps them great. I have enough trouble paying my own and don't think I should have to pay for someone else's. Are you saying they should get free care now?
The video I watch the weekend of the Health care bill showed a man spitting on an United States Congressman? Throwing dollar bills at sick people the week before? Honorable peaceful? I have nightmares what some of the Tea Partiers will do with Immigration Reform? Everyday it looks more and more like a lost cause by the "Know-it-alls"
Term, signed declaration of war. Have we had one since WWII? Both Parties have gone to police actions or political disputes with the use of our military. As I said earlier, both sides have enough blame to go around.
We have Republicans are Bad. We have Democrats are Bad. You have mentioned Republican Sue and Democrat Sue here. We know you are a D so since City Council is suppose to be non-partisan do we call you Painesville Term? What does council or Rita call you?
Well, I think we should say people with strong opinions who may or may not agree with me instead of the childish name calling. Let's face it, do you know anyone who agrees with EVERYTHING you believe?
Sherry????? ha-ha. I'm just saying.
Term, I just read a story on the web about an Arizona rancher who was killed, apparantly by illegals, on his ranch. Have you read about that? It is heating up the race between McCain and his Republican rival.
It looks like that murder is really bringing the illegal issue the forefront, although not enough yet, because that article is the first I heard of it.
The rancher that was murdered had been fighting the illegals on his property for a very long time.
What I know is that people need to straighten up, find out the true facts about things, and quit protesting about things that aren't even true. We need to band together for the illegal issue. If the murder of this man spurs outcry about the illegals, people have to be ready to fight the government together, and this just might be the impetus the government needs. They can blame getting rid of the illegals on the property owners and the American public who are upset.
I totally agree that things like this should not be tolerated. I would also say violence is generally committed by the extremes in any group and not the group as a whole. Ever notice how they always seem to find the weirdest or dumbest person to interview on camera. Peaceful isn't news, violence is news.
Violent extremists almost never succeed. Yes, they do make the news in today's society. But it only strengthens the resolve of the people or issue they are committing the violent actions against. It is the ones who are doing the talking and listening who bring about our greatest advancements. Makes me yearn for the simpler days of John Wayne where the good guys wore white hats and the bad guys wore black hats. No one took that as politically incorrect. Will the ACLU sue me just because I am right handed? Now we need to fear everyone. Can we blame this on a political party?
Badger, thats my point we have let our leaders of both parties slid. Make them commit to there actions.
I have a general idea what they call me at the Golden Dome [PITA] I respect the people of Painesville and who they elect. I would never threaten them or spit at them. The whole point of the blog. was to show the other side of a city issue. I had noticed it seemed everything was one sided. If you only read the News-Herald, Painesville Pride, The city and schools newsletters you would believe everything was honkey dorey. I'd like a dollar for everytime someone told me they had no idea about the citys investment with AMP-OHIO.
No I guess I got alittle out of sorts when someone suggested elections shouldn't count?
From now on all of us should use Rush's excuse "I wasn't wrong, I was just misinformed."
3:10 I read the story about the man that was killed only thathe had provided water and help to illegals crossing his property, curious which story is true?
What came first, the chicken or the egg?
Good question.
Now, if Democrats are suppose to be for the average worker and pro union and the Republicans are suppose to be only for the rich and big business, I have another question.
What came first, the company that provides the jobs or the workers who get paid to do the job?
Shouldn't it be a two way street. Both the company and the workers benefit by a profitable business. The list of companies already expecting to have lower earnings next quarter is growing bigger all the time. How many companies have left the area or worse gone overseas. How many in the country will do the same? Companies have to turn a profit. They answer to their shareholders. Yes, the big wigs own stock but so do a lot of retirement plans invest in stocks to provide for their plans. That effects more people than you know. If a company leaves or closes, then the workers lose health insurance and their income. No income, can't buy their own insurance. Less people working less taxes coming in and services are cut. Happening everywhere. Now more need to be subsidized by the rest of us. The more they have to pay (or support) the less they spend and down goes the economy. So the downward spiral begins.
That's what worries me. It's the jobs people. IF people have money, they complain far less.
Badger, there is no doubt that TERM should be called Democratic TERM. I find it offensive how he talks about any republican. Calling us "know it alls" and much worse. Well, he is a "know it all" and so are all his Democratic buddies. They do no wrong. Constantly saying our facts are wrong but theirs are right. Do the research.
Well Term/ I have friends from both parties. I happen to be one of those you claim always believe they are right and one who always lies. Funny thing, I can say the same about the other side too. How often do you say, Maybe the Republicans might be right about something? How about your Democratic friends? Not everyone or either party is right all the time.
As far as violence goes, there are crazies everywhere. They need to be punished. Think the Democrats aren't guilty too, then why have 4 of the 5 Presidents ever shot been Republicans. The first was Lincoln, who freed the slaves and was for a stronger federal government and weaker state rights among other things.
Term, I have a conspiracy theory for you. Why drill on the East Coast and not off of California?
7:15 is talking about past presidents, so I will, too. This article was in the March issue of the AARP Bulletin. Here is the first part of it -
Angrily, President Lyndon Johnson went west late in 1964. For the third straight year, Congress had failed to enact a comprehensive health care plan for older people, and he pointedly blamed Republicans and conservative Democrats. At a California rally, he shared an important Texas truth: "Any jackass can kick a barn down, but it takes a carpenter to build one." Nine months later, Congress enacted Medicare.
The article goes on, but you get the picture. I don't want anyone to think I am calling them a jackass. I would have changed the word if it was not a quote.
It's health care, people. It's not treating everyone to the Ritz. It's health care. Most people will be paying for their own. It will almost all be through private companies. If the President does nothing, the premiums for everyone will continue to rise exponentially. Nobody will be able to afford it, and neither will the companies. I listened to the President talk tonight. He said health care costs have risen three times the rate of pay. All these people who are so worried they are going to pay more, are actually going to end up paying less in many ways, including the fact that this will bring down the deficit. If nothing is done, it is ALL going to collapse, and nobody is going to be able to afford their health care.
And why do people always say that it's only the Republicans who care about business. President Obama is very cognizant, as are the rest of the Democrats, that businesses need to be alive and well. If he does nothing, they will not be able to maintain due to the cost of their health care. I do believe it was the Republicans who gave businesses tax breaks, and maybe incentives, too, to take their companies overseas. I have heard President Obama say he will stop those policies. The Democrats are just making sure that businesses AND the American people are BOTH okay.
I only made a statment when someone mentioned Elections don't count? There are many good Republicans I many I would vote for. On health care letting the Dems go it alone I believe will be seen as bad policy. Its hard to complain after you tell the public they don't need us they have majorities in both houses. It would have been interesting to have seen them act as lawmakers instead of whatever they were doing. It was the job they were sent to do legislate. well now you have the results. Jay Leno claims the reason the government had no drilling on the west coast was because Jesse James was doing all the "drilling" in the west. Whats your theory?
TERM, I find it hard to believe you would ever vote for any Republican, with the total disdain you speak of them as a whole.
Obviously it was a deal made with Pelosi who doesn't want drilling off her coast.
What else would I expect from a "know it all." I voted for Reagan twice two times more then Rush Limbaugh [he admitted he never voted during that period] Along with our present Republican Congressman, Once I voted for Ms. Califono call it my Sara Palin moment I thought she was hot!
11:55: "I thought she was hot!" Term, Term, Term. (I'm shaking my head.) Men!
I'm with Term, If your going to get screwed by a politican you might as well have a smile on your face, and at least be distracted from whats coming next.
"I thought she was hot", just a perfect example of how Dems decide to vote!
Right, and its all about Sara policies, Please.
You're not serious are you, 3:35? You're going to use that one example and say that that is the way Democrats decide their votes? With an exclamation point, no less.
Just to set the record straight....I do not always agree with TERM. We have heated debates on many subjects....I even used to say that I only voted in order to cancel out his vote. I'm like some of the above posters...I vote issues, not parties; and the reason I still discuss things with TERM is because he IS willing to listen to opposing opinions and he IS well informed. And if TERM thinks Sarah Palin is pretty, at least we know his eye-sight isn't so bad.
Used to call my republican husband and ask him if he voted yet and if he did I raced like hell to get to the voting booth. It wasn't until the last election we both voted for the same party as did our kids. First time our family came together for one candidate.
I have to say I have never voted for anybody because they looked good. Not even JFK!
I was talking to some people at work today about health care. We were going around and around and at one point someone said "Look at Social Security, Medicare and Amtrak. They are all just about bankrupt." Well it went back and forth over that statement when the mailman walked in. Dead silence. We looked at each other and the light bulbs turned on above our heads. Another government agency that is running out of money. Wants to cut Saturday deliveries. Could they be covered by the same health plan as Congress? The Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program.
Just something for the rest of us to think about.
Nice post Sherry, Nice to see someone lighten the political rhetoric and inject a little humor and personal honesty by saying she isn't bad looking. No political debate, just a statement. I too happen to agree.
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