Saturday, March 13, 2010


Having the council meeting at Harvey was a nice change of pace. We're not in a recession in Painesville. Bought everything we could and did. Didn't say "NO" to anything. Watched the meeting... Can be assured council will not let any low-income anything built on the hospital site. City funds will not be used on this project. Loved the City Managers answer to me concerning a $210,000 acquisition. Lake Heath is one generous group.
To Ressy, I expect you to chastise city hall tomorrow on the fact that with all the money and minds on this CORF Grant that they would put the wrong year on the document. How could you ever take anything serious that came out of city hall if they screw-up the years?

Be prepared for a long council meeting Monday night 03/15/10.
Seems like a full agenda. Tank trucks, dump trucks with chipper.
Shovel ready projects.
Lets get money to build an overpass over the CSX railroad tracks and connect the road to nowhere... to somewhere. Wonder how the Army Corp. of Engineers will feel about this?
Repair the parking garage. [anyone using it now that the hospital left?]
ALSO... passage of the CORF grant to tear the hospital down.
The reason for the title of this post. One Painesville councilman along with numerous residents want some answers to this before the city jumps into this head first.
Look around Downtown Painesville does it appear to you that past administrations along with the present have made good decisions?
Councilman Flock will be made to look like an obstructionist, my only hope is the residents and other council members at least listen. Its an uphill battle to explain why you would turn down over 2 million dollars to demolish the hospital that is no more in use.
My analogy to Andy was the Trojan Horse. The County Commissioner along with the Hospital administration have rolled this Golden Trojan Horse to the gates of the City of Painesville as a gift. Problem is no one in Painesville has a clue whats inside. Something to think about, when was the last time the county government ever gave anything away?
Councilman Flock would like some understanding that the city and its residents aren't left holding the bag.
The city manager said she received the deed to the property earlier this month. Well lets see if University Hospital, or the Cleveland Clinic would purchase it for a dollar? Or do we really not own the building and the property?
Under this scenario the state, along with the hospital would save a great deal of money right? The truth be told Lake Health will blowup that building before any competition to Lake County health care dollars could be taken from them.
I remember being promised an Emergency Room in Painesville, yet all we have kiosk for emergencies next to a Subway Takeout.
In case you don't receive channel 12 because you own a dish, or are with AT&T or just use an antenna.
You can now view city council meetings anytime you choose too.
Just go to the Painesville City site, open, to the left you see the green sections click on agendas and meetings it will open up city council meetings and to the right of that click on city council video. That gives you the pleasure of watching the council meeting at your convenience.
This is a very positive idea the city came forth with. Thank-You
Also last Sunday morning I was cleaning up on a few lose notes I had acquired over the past week. I noticed one that was a question I had to the city administration so early Sunday morning I emailed Doug Lewis. Thinking he would get back to me sometime during the coming week. To my surprise Mr. Lewis had received my email and answered it within two hours Sunday morning. To say I was impressed would be an understatement.


At March 13, 2010 at 2:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It does appear that if something is to good to be true, it usually isn't. Never thought about why they would give it away?
As others have brought up What are the strings that are attached?
Nice Trojan Horse

At March 13, 2010 at 4:50 PM , Anonymous CITY #007 said...

Termmy, I wish I had a camera trained on you when you find out who the project manager is?

At March 13, 2010 at 6:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city manager said she received the deed to the hospital property earlier this month. If so, why spend 2 million dollars to tear it down? Why not spend the money to refurbish it for something? The building seems to be in pretty good shape. Why destroy it?

At March 14, 2010 at 7:03 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

CITY #007 I can only hope that the person who is the project manager will be well versed in demolishion, excavation, understanding the CORF grant along with keeping things on time and in budget.
Why do you think I will be surprised?

At March 14, 2010 at 9:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok big question,
shouldn't the city engineer be the one demolishing the hospital? Never even thought it would be anybody else. Is there a state inspector on board or an independent entity to oversee the project and not just one person from the city.
Gosh I'm starting to feel like Twitch on South Park!

At March 14, 2010 at 11:36 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

That would be the logical person. Only #007 seems to believe it will be a surprise, and everyone will go Whaaaa...?

At March 14, 2010 at 2:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on CITY #007, spill it. Who? Come can do it. The plot thickens, huh?

At March 14, 2010 at 3:14 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

#007 spilled the beans in an email didn't post because I couldn't verify it. All I thought was WOW!
Then why? Is this person qualified for this.

At March 15, 2010 at 7:09 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You and kathysak are two of the most parnoid people I have ever witnessed. Both of you don't trust anyone or anything and believe the worse about everyone and everything Painesville was given a gift accept it don't go looking for threats everywhere Your both fools.

At March 15, 2010 at 7:53 AM , Anonymous REW said...

They're not the only paranoid folks..just the most visible. Some gift! The commissioners didn't want it....the hospital organization doesn't want it and so some fancy football was played with land titles and now the city has it....If this hospital property isn't handled correctly it will turn into a political hot potato that will burn Painesville. And need I remind you that this city can ill-afford any more costly errors? Anyone that cares about Painesville and DOESN'T ask questions is the fool....does the above catagory include you?

At March 15, 2010 at 9:32 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

In todays News-Herald they printed that the council meeting will be held at City Hall at 7:30pm.Instead of at Harvey.
I can only wonder [for starters]if RESSY thinks this is as big as a mistake as me useing a "Y" instead of a "G" in Chief Hagers name?
Wonder if she will chastise the News-Herald or City Hall for this Typo? How can you believe anything if they don't even know where the meeting is? Oh, Ressy its not even Tuesday yet. I give the F to everyone who had anything to do with this, how about you?. Stay tuned. Typos can be will a ....

At March 15, 2010 at 1:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

News Herald is just as bad about mistakes as everyone else, maybe worse. Always has been and always will be especially if it involves Painesville. Who is ressy? What makes you think she is a she?

At March 15, 2010 at 3:55 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Just a guess and it seems like a female theory that 83% would be an "A" I know I will catch it for this sexist remark I just don't see a man arguing this point.

At March 15, 2010 at 4:03 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Ressy made a comment that if I can't spell the new police chiefs last name how could anyone believe anything else here. I only can hope he/she holds that thought a little longer.

At March 16, 2010 at 6:45 AM , Anonymous REW said...

I'm going to be sexist as well....I had the impression that Ressy is a female because the grammar and spelling was good and the tone was what I would expect from a female. But TERM...that grading policy is not a gender thing...the policy makers that debate and institute education initiatives are top-heavy with men. Also numbers are not gender-specific...they just follow the money...which in this case is more students passed to keep the funding tap open. Lowering the bar on grades just dumbs them down but no one seems to care about the end result...just keep those student stiles turning. The rank-and-file have been forced to go along in the name of job security. Its easy to blame the people that you see on a local level, but our dysfunctional system runs on (many times unfunded) mandates and policies that originate in Columbus or Washington DC. Often these policies are not well thought out; anyone remember the 'New Math' or the 'Whole Word' theory that replaced phonics to teach reading? Private and parochial schools aren't as bound by these policies and that's why they turn out better-educated students. Don't get me wrong...the teachers' union has lost its focus of unity for collective bargaining at the expense of creativity and going the extra mile. Society itself has rapidly changed as well; expecting schools to take over many duties that they just aren't designed or equipped to carry out. Today's teachers have the responsibility but not the authority to do their jobs. it's an all-around sad state of affairs. Sorry about the rant but education and participation are so important and are being lost in the shuffle.

At March 16, 2010 at 7:20 AM , Blogger Sandy Miller said...

Something I am finding interesting is the graduation rate increase through charter schools in Harlem, NY.

The public schools are floundering but graduation rate more than doubled in the charter schools. The theory being, competition is good for the schools. Parents, teachers and kids want a good education. Mayor Bloomberg is pushing for 100 charter schools to be added in the coming years to the NYC system.

If you are interested in what they are doing here is an excellent article that ran last fall.

At March 16, 2010 at 9:32 AM , Anonymous been there done that said...

Term, you are either the dumbest person in the room or the most hard headed. How many times will it take before you realize your good buddy is only using you? I only know you as the person with the tire tracks on your back from having Andrew throw you under the bus. Is this some kind of crazy sickness you two have? Wake up and smell the coffee buddy.

At March 16, 2010 at 9:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me understand this, the state gives us 2 million to tear the hospital down. Later in the meeting council votes the first $80,000 of 3 million to repair the parking garage? Have all of you lost your minds?
You have all been drinking the kool-aid!

At March 16, 2010 at 2:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it true that Cathy Betterman is the project manager for the demo. of the hospital.

At March 16, 2010 at 4:40 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

REW, Your right the grammar was better than most. What I was trying to say a man wouldn't have kept insisting 83% was an "A". He would have just moved on, I also feel this person is in the education field. Plus she didn't answer to the wrong place and date. A man would have chimed in.

At March 17, 2010 at 9:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Charter schools have an increase in numbers only because the students attending them come from families who are motivated to get the kids an education, this leaves the public schools with an even greater percentage of students who will fail because of family.

Go into any school, talk to any teacher, they will tell you parent and family motivation to see the student get an education is usually one of the "factors" needed for kids to suceed in school. When it is missing it is an almost foolproof guarantee that a child will fail, unless another teacher or adult injects themselves in some way to stop that failure.

Anyone who wants to understand the factors that come into play for a childs success or failure should talk to or join a big brothers/big sisters group and read the info they will give you. Once you have read some of the info they have available and understand it you will easily grasp why Painesville or any other lower income area has problems in our school system

At March 17, 2010 at 12:24 PM , Blogger Sandy Miller said...

Get it, but as with government, business etc competition can be a wonderful thing.
When you have teachers who are not allowed to use
red pens due to upsetting kids (or maybe more the parents) I think we have lost our minds. A bit of competition among adults and children can be good.

That is what I found so fascinating about the Harlem school charter schools.

At March 17, 2010 at 6:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What worries me about charter schools, and why I don't like them, per se, is because it leaves less and less money for the public schools. Not that money is everything, but I think it leaves the public schools in more trouble than ever. The ideal situation would be to have the same effort and methods put into the public schools as they do in the charter schools, to give all kids more of a chance of success. Maybe that's a pipe dream, seeing as how it hasn't happened yet, and the public schools just seem to be getting more and more in trouble, but in MY mind, that is what needs to be done. As I said, it hasn't happened yet, so maybe it IS time to let some kids move on to charter schools, but it seems very backward and counterproductive to me as a whole. If people can do so much better in most of the charter schools, then why are we not doing that in our public schools?

At March 17, 2010 at 7:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you ever look into the dress code at the high school? Have you received anything that is truth or fiction?

At March 18, 2010 at 12:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe a little ray of hope for our schools? I just watched a little bit of a congressional hearing (or some kind of hearing)on C-Span about the state of our schools, and they are gathering information to try to straighten them up. They were talking about checking out the schools that are doing well to see what they are doing that is working. It sounds like they are not going to try to force schools to all do one thing, but to take what they can learn from other schools and use what they can. They were saying things like they would allow for local flexibility, etc. So -- maybe some hope. It sounded like they understood that it was time for a sea change in many schools, and they were going to try to change the status quo. Maybe we will see some of the things that are working in the charter schools start to be implemented in our public school systems.

At March 18, 2010 at 5:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Look into the dress code at the high school" is written on paper, but not enforced by the Principal cause she disagrees with it. Just drive past the school when they are letting isn't too hard to see this is what is happening..hoodies..baggy name it..everything but the uniform..

At March 18, 2010 at 6:41 AM , Blogger Sandy Miller said...

Couldn't agree with you more. As 12:54 points out there are things working is some schools. Grateful there is dialogue opening to start discussions on some of the "other" ways of achievement for kids.

Laying off teachers aids and the 50% grading policy should be discussed but not an answer. Has anybody talked to the teachers or schools to see how the impact of those layoffs is shaking out? Just wondering........

Our family comes from three generations of teachers in the public school system. As they retire and some have kids of their own they are moving in them into the private sector of education. There isn't a family get together that doesn't discuss what is going on in education, and everybody from Grandma to grandkids has an opinion but all agree the system needs help. The program; Not one child left behind, is not working for the teachers or kids. Our cousins who went the private route are having a much better out come in the jobs market currently.

All in all when I read over the days pages in my mailbox I am encouraged by what is taking place in some cities with problems much greater than ours.


At March 18, 2010 at 7:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dress code? I was told once at a meeting that the high school dress code came straight from the school board. Now you tell me the principal ignores it? Why would any one in the administration, students, employees even parents follow guide lines if a principal shuns her nose at the school board?
I don't believe this was ever going to policy. More P.R. from the board to make us all feel better. Mays coming people leave a message to them, vote NO.
Mary Poppins

At March 18, 2010 at 8:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The dress code isn't enforced because my little spoiled brother and his buds know they wont be sent home because they wont come back. Then the school loses the state money for that day. Its not about the dress code its about the money. When the kids figured it out it was open season on dummies running the place.
Harvey '02

At March 18, 2010 at 10:20 AM , Anonymous Kathy Sak said...

When I was in school we had dress codes too. If I violated it the school sent me home and then my Dad beat my a!* for getting sent home. Now days that's called child abuse. God I long for the good old days

At March 18, 2010 at 1:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone have any suggestions on how the citizens can get together to stop the 50% grading rule that is going on in our schools? Apparantly the school is not going to change this unless they are forced to do so.

At March 18, 2010 at 6:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My kids wore uniforms to school everyday. The older boys wore ties from 7th grade on throughout high school. All my kids got jobs as soon as they could too. Guess what, they wore uniforms at most of those too. How many of us adults have jobs that have some kind of accepted dress code. You may be against uniforms in school, but in my eyes it is one step in teaching the kids what is required to make a living once they graduate. The 50% policy and ignoring the dress code sends a message that rules don't need to be followed. Wonder what the rules are on the street corner or maybe even the jail cell will be if they can't follow these simple rules now? The parents need know what their kids are up to and teach them what it means to take responsibility for their actions.

At March 18, 2010 at 7:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is 1:31 to add to my post. I just watched the council meeting on TV. I couldn't quite make out what he said, but councilman Fodor mentions something about a meeting that includes the schools and has to do with Painesville's image. What exactly was that, did anyone hear it better than I did? If there IS such a thing going to happen, then certainly the 50% policy should be the first thing to go to help Painesville's image. Nobody in their right minds would move here with that going on if they have children that will be going to the schools.

At March 19, 2010 at 3:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was I the only one who caught the comment by the CM that if you don't answer your door the inspector may ask your neighbor to view your property from their yard? Ms. Dinallo brings up a good points but Gurley will water it down to mean nothing. How will they maintain that hammer over your head?
The dress code is a farce and the board knows it, you want to change the 50% policy get a new school board. That will be the only thing that changes things.

At March 19, 2010 at 6:34 AM , Blogger Sandy Miller said...

Dress code.......... not a fan.

I learned to sew because there was no dress code in the 70's at my school. If I wore something unacceptable, you were sent home. I think my Mom had a wooden spoon or pancake turner. God, red welts looked tacky in hot pants. People we had standards. You were called on the carpet.
Today it is unacceptable to send a kid home. It's unacceptable to teach a kid to dress themselves or feed themselves. I hear the argument for uniforms because they are cheaper for families. No more kids getting killed for tennis shoes or jackets. Wake up it will just be something else, the bottom line ......... it's not ok to kill anybody for something you want. You didn't have to worry about other kids killing you, it was your family who proclaimed they loved you and then there was the old German lady who lived next door! It was our neighborhood, our community, our peers, our common sense. Gee there is that common sense quotient again.

Find it all very interesting watching society trying to figure stuff out and scratching my head.


At March 19, 2010 at 7:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

madpotter you said it all. The problem is there is some much that is unacceptable now so someone has to make rules.
I see young men in oversized pants hold there penis with there hand as they walk. Should this be O.K. at a school? Girls showing way to much skin, even the ones that really should keep there bellies covered. Sorry but people with class or self respect seem to have left this new generation. I think they think they shock me, when all they really do is make me laugh and wonder is this the future?

At March 19, 2010 at 9:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The dress code was a good idea for the high school and would save parents a lot of money. Madpotter when you go to work are you allowed to dress anyway you want? I bet there are dress codes where you are employed.

At March 19, 2010 at 11:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As per 3:54's comment: What? If you don't answer your door to let the inspector on your property, they will ask your neighbors to view your property from their house? Oh, brother. And I had thought I saw a little progress there.

At March 19, 2010 at 6:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term - r-u related to Glenn McKinney in Mentor? (see letter to editor in News Herald 3-19)
Me thinks you 2 could be related.
Painesville has you and Mentor has Mr. McKinney -- 2 of a kind.
Every city has to have at least 1 .

At March 20, 2010 at 9:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its about time Painesville had one. We could use a dozen the way this town is being run into the ground.
What McKinney was writing about is not even close to the items brought up in this siter. Getting worried are you?

At March 24, 2010 at 3:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I took it upon myself to e-mail the 'Rumor Mill' on the Painesville City Board of Education's website regarding the dress code at Harvey and promptly got a rather confusing response. I can't post it here because it has a disclaimer at the bottom that says I better not. (The disclaimer was confusing too so that is why I am erring on the side of caution) I strongly urge anyone that is curious or has an opinion about the dress code to e-mail the Board at:

or e-mail the superintendent directly at:

I would really like to hear what kind of response other folks might get and their opinion of those responses would be.

At March 24, 2010 at 5:23 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

This communication may contain privileged and/or confidential information. It is intended solely for the use of the addressee. If you are not the intended recipient, you are strictly prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing or using any of this information. If you received this communication in error, please contact the sender immediately and destroy the material in its entirety, whether electronic or hard copy. This communication may contain nonpublic personal information about students subject to the restrictions of the Federal Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). You may not directly or indirectly reuse or redisclose such information for any purpose other than to provide services requested by Painesville City Local Schools.

This is what you get when you ask the school administration a question. So I understand why you wouldn't print their answer. I wonder if they have computer cops?
The person only told me the answer was more of a non-answer.
Take my word the dress codse isn't being enforced at the present time.

At March 24, 2010 at 6:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

it says "if you are not the intended recipient." Since this person was the correct recipient they can do whatever they want with the memo.

At March 24, 2010 at 6:31 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

6:18 Whats does you may not directly or indirectly reuse or redisclose... mean?
This blog. was not the intended recipient was it?
Better to be safe than sorry, at least thats what my lawyer told me.

At March 24, 2010 at 8:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

so go to a school board meeting, which is televised and on the public record and ask the question.

Maybe take pictures of kids walking in and out of school with a blue dot over their face and ask if this meets the school dress code.

C'mon this isn't rocket science!

oh the passion of fashion.......

At March 27, 2010 at 9:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...'re so isn't rocket science. I e-mailed them because I thought I was asking a simple question that required a simple answer. Apparently that isnt going to happen so I will do what you suggest. I wonder if there is a rule/law about taking pictures of kids without their permission. Sure seems like there is an us vs them mentality here even though I thought everyone was on the same side (educating kids). I know authority doesn't like to be questioned but they ARE accountable to the citizens paying the tab. It would be so refreshing if someone would step up and admit an error or poor judgement instead of dis-information and side-stepping issues. I can dream, can't I?


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