Sunday, December 27, 2009


I call our local paper the Newsless-Herald and they seem to act as nothing more then a P.R. firm for local governments and businesses that do business [dollars and cents] with them whether its advertising dollars are for civic or business expense.
Watching the local paper its no wonder they are on the brink of going out of business.
Recently a resident asked my why this paper never made mention of this 37-50 million dollar project the city was embarking on? That's a good question that needs to be answered by someone at the paper.
Over the past few months I have sent the paper letters to the editor, both were rejected. To be fair they were both negative articles about Lake Health one of the News-Herald largest advertisers. It is equal to criticizing the Classic Auto Group if you get my drift. One article was said they couldn't substantiate my claims, and the other that they had already addressed this point. You be the judge. (Here is the last letter that I sent them, by both snail mail and e-mail.)

November 22, 2009
I recently attending a Painesville Townhall meeting sponsored by Councilman Hal Warner. Gary Robinson, (Communications Director for Lake Hospital System) a guest speaker at the meeting, mentioned to the audience that the JEDD agreement reached between Concord Twp and Painesville City ‘carved out’ the hospital administration building from the JEDD agreement, but this was not done at the instigation of the hospital. This begs the question of whom and why was it ‘carved out’? Was this at the insistence of the Concord Trustees or Painesville City administrators? Since the administration building is part of the Tri-Point campus, why are the hospital administrators exempt from paying JEDD income taxes but doctors, nurses, dietary and housekeeping (and other support staff) located in the hospital itself expected to pay the JEDD income tax? The administration building will reap the benefits of this JEDD agreement without contributing to it; roads, fire and safety services, etc. Painesville City will run electric power to the JEDD area and produce substantial savings to the hospital campus. My only hope that this administration building is not included in this agreement. Am I the only citizen that thinks this is an unfair agreement?
Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.

Angelo Cimaglio


At December 29, 2009 at 3:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gary Robinson, (Communications Director for Lake Hospital System) a guest speaker at the meeting, mentioned to the audience that the JEDD agreement reached between Concord Twp and Painesville City ‘carved out’ the hospital administration building from the JEDD agreement>>

If this isn't illegal, it should be. Maybe, someone should ask our city legal expert (Joseph M. Gurley) if this is legal?

At December 30, 2009 at 3:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it legal? Is it ethical is the questions that should be asked? The News-Herald covered this story When?

At December 30, 2009 at 5:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could see that a possible reason for the Admin to be excluded is because a lot of those employees are probably covered by contracts that might require rrewriting or could be legally considered "broken" if the employee was receiving less money because of income tax. I don't necessarily think it is right but that is a very possible reason why it was done.

The bigger question that should be asked is why the line was run down ravenna road to include the Concord community center?, just wanted the cheaper electric?, no one works there for income tax.

At December 30, 2009 at 6:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe that their reasoning for not putting it in was that they couldn't substantiate your claims. It is amazing the garbage they put in there most the time. The editorials are filled with half-truths at best. I've never had a problem getting mine in there.

I'm not sure what claims they can't substantiate. They can easily check to see if the administrative building is carved out of the JEDD. A simple call to Gary Robinson should clear up the reason.

The paper sucks. I use to get it at my job, so I didn't subscribe. A year or two ago I started getting home delivery. The news is a day late and a dollar short most of the time. The only reason I guess I get it is for the small local information that you can't get on websites along with the editorials.

The whole idea of a JEDD seems shady to me. Obviously it is somehow legal, but it just doesn't seem to be in the spirit of the laws. Townships can't collect income taxes, so let's just buddy up with a City to do this and split the taxes. Tax, tax, tax, tax, tax, tax, tax, tax. I'm sick of everyone thinking this is the answer to our problems.

At December 31, 2009 at 11:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We will need to ask someone besides Gurley. He just says whatever McMahon and Hada tell him to say.

At December 31, 2009 at 5:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Close but no cigar, McMahon,and Hada do what Gurley tells them. He is the true Oz here.


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