Friday, December 11, 2009

"IN THE YEAR 2525"

A lot of people have been wondering why I worry so much about the city administration and the school system being attached at the hip.
Would they let anyone else do this?
Along with the way councilman Hada passed a resolution to forgive a large portion of the permit fees on the new schools. Now a new chapter happened at Monday nights council meeting concerning the acquisition of the three school properties.
The city manager stated that the city would make a $195,000 payment next year that included the money owed to the signaling that the city had installed for the new schools? {$123,000}
Resolution No. 12-07 February 20, 2007 was for the city to put out bids for the signals to be installed at Kensington and Liberty, Cedarbrook and Chestnut.
February 20, 2007

Now look at the minutes of the August 20,2007 council meeting where the city manager informed me the work was completed and a the schools would be sent an invoice for their portion of the bill.
August 20, 2007

December 7,2009 council meeting ,well it looks like we are going to get our money back. With payment in green space? Zero interest and about 30 months later. For a city that can't find money to fund safety forces they don't seem to be in any hurry to get the money owed to them. If for some reason my post is wrong, I can only hope the city finds time to correct me.

The city finds more contradictions in funding than anyone I have ever known. Then again its not their money its yours!

Coming soon! What our law department costs us and what has Painesville spent in outside legal fees in the last year. BDB anyone?


At December 12, 2009 at 8:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this is true there should be an investigation on practices such as these. Who's in charge of accounts receiveables? My question is how do you remember? Where is the oversite?
Now that I think about it Hada says we don't have the money for Cobblestone but we forgave that permit money to the schools, and Cobblestone isn't in the district. What benefit do they receive?
City employee??.

At December 12, 2009 at 9:07 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went to the city minutes site and yes the remarks are there. So what its not like the money was stolen was it? I think Term you have no idea how government works so you just look for fault. To you and Flock 9 minutes will just have to do for Cobblestone. Maybe he should learn to get along with the rest of council instead of letting you and afew others make a joke out of council meetings. That whole Cobblestone problem was planned by you and him to embaress Painesville. Maybe the two new members will bring order to the council meetings. At least I don't have to listen to Arlenes rants any longer.
Better in Painesville

At December 12, 2009 at 9:09 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting... and now they have access to our fuel pumps too. We can only hope they keep better records than they do now.

At December 12, 2009 at 1:37 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Charterlady, left a well written comment on Thansgiving 2009 I posted this morning, its like she read my mind and some others. Next week will see a big push for Amensty to be brought to the floor of Congress. All I can say is here we go again!

At December 12, 2009 at 3:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, charterlady's post is going to drop off the page soon if you leave it there. You should repost it here or in its own post if you want folks to see it.

At December 12, 2009 at 8:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous of 12/12/09 - 9:07 AM

There is not anyone in the City of Paine that could create the Cobblestone Problem. The true reality of the lack of EMT coverage for this new development lies in the lap of the negligence of Painesville's City Manager. If you read minutes of meetings, go back several years and read her supposed promises and how they have not come to fruition: then and now. Read the statements by Joe Hada. "Cobblestone, Heisley, and Liberty Greens developments have children that attend Painesville Twp Schools: therefore, Painesville Twp should have responsibility in the EMT issues."
Burp and excuse me: You people annexed the land to Painesville. These people pay city taxes for services. Yes they pay school taxes to Riverside School District and that is it. Your annexed land is your Responsibility and no one after that. Rita McMahon as city manager bit off much much more than she can handle (or chew); and now she is back paddling to find divine grace.
No grace to you Rita, especially when you make the statement that it is; "Fiscally Irresponsible" to allocate monies for Cobblestone EMS/EMT services. You personally turned down any assistance for this development and stated; "We will do our own thing." Well, your "own thing" has never materialized and your phoney sense of meeting with others has never been reported or submitted to council on the agenda. Just happen to know that you and the Chief continually cancel meetings with others to recitify this problem.
There was a terrific study/analysis that was called: "Closest Response" and it involved many communities in Lake County. This analysis/study is an open door to solving all communities concerns about response time and distance.The closest response avenue has been proven in Ohio and several other States. This is not about forming regional or local districts at all.
Their definitely needs to be a "meeting of the minds" towards these problems.
Contact Comm. Dan Troy and push for all communities to come together for the sake of safety within each community. The Governor of Ohio wants all of us to be regional. Regional of purchase would help, but not regional to cover more areas than the ENT/EMS trained professionals can handle. The closest response analysis is the way to go!!!
The News-Herald (Dave Jones) and the Plain Dealer - do the math and kindly investigate the parameters of this analysis: and print it!!!!! Let the people of this County know what is out there and let them decipher it and decide. Stop hiding information. Of course, you all have a boss. Hey Boss, who pushes your buttons to force you to not print the truth and the facts? I personally know that you had heard of this "Closest Response" analysis - but what did you print? Nothing at all.
Now is the time to rectify your mistake.

At December 13, 2009 at 7:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Charterlady, you must have misunderstood coucilmans Hada's remark a person with over 27 years of sitting on council and a Masters Degree in Urban Planning would never make a stupid remark such as that, would he?
What has being in a school district have to do with EMS service?
Then again your probably right he would make a stupid statment like that. I'm not like Joe I don't forgive fees and money owed my spouse tells me to.

At December 13, 2009 at 10:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

After watching the last council meeting on TV it sure looks like Councilman Flock had the only voice of reason that night. What he is asking for (a symposium composed of local communities) is reasonable, timely and a good compromise. I cannot fathom how or why council would drag their feet on this proposal when it is:
1) their responsibility and
2) the right thing to do.
I heard a lot of blah-blah about how there are no legal ramifications with how things stand now, but does anyone really believe that? Painesville City is playing fast and loose with people's lives and when the odds catch up with them when someone dies as a direct result of their inaction on response times, then all their posturing will be meaningless. It's nice to be a big fish in a little pond, but get your priorities straight and start talking to the other little ponds in the area before something really bad happens. Thank you Mr. Flock!

At December 13, 2009 at 12:01 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

If you think councilmans Flocks ideas have merit please let your councilperson know, tell your neighbors to also call. The above poster is correct its just a matter of time before something bad happens. The present solution is no solution.

At December 13, 2009 at 12:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You left out the biggest blunder of all. Your own favorite "Horvaths Lagoons" 37 acres appraised at $103,000 and we purchased the 16 aces of land mostly under water for $250,000? Fiscally resposible? plain stupid or was something else involved?
Mary Poppins

At December 13, 2009 at 4:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So why don't we pay them off in gas?

At December 13, 2009 at 4:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only thing I can even think of the city manager being guilty of is a poor choice of words. Flock and the rest of you here should find the money and/or solution to this as some of you seem to think is a terrible problem.
Been here longer than most

At December 13, 2009 at 4:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Resently my mother who has lived in Painesville her whole life was transported by Painesville EMS to Lake East and along with paying property tax, and income tax. The fire Department sent here a bill for over $500 dollars? What gives and now they can't be troubled with providing service to the whole city. Arrogant bunch from top to bottom that needs to be replaced.

At December 13, 2009 at 8:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:40 pm If your mom does not have Insurance she does not have to pay the $ 500.00 and by the way I don't think they charge $ 500.00

You are wrong and Arrogant

At December 13, 2009 at 8:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Term will be kind enough to re-post this here so folks can read it - this is the earlier post of charterlady's that he's referring to.

"As I read here and read in other areas, someone made a poor judgement call to utilize the HOLA Party as a distribution point for a much worthy cause.
V. Dahlberg has made it quite clear in this area and across Ohio that: "she, and only she, is the representative for the rights of the Latino population." Veronica states that "She is there to provide the guidance and support for all Latino's that come to the U.S." Veronica's way of guidance/support is to try to force all levels of the government to change every law/rule/ordinance to make the Latino's entrance into our country a lawless environment of which has been their life all of their life.
Veronica has missed the boat. The countries where these folks come from (mostly Mexico)have more tight/stringent immigrant laws than the U.S.
Veronica, your real job is to assist all to respect and follow the procedures of this country in order for all of them, you claim to represent, to enter the U.S. as all others have done way before you! Your job is not to make their family heritage/language/customs a mandatory issue of a complete change-over that we the residents and government, of the U.S., must adhere to. Your job is to teach all of them respect. Respect for procedures of entrance, respect of the laws that govern everything in this country, respect of the fact that all of whom you supposedly represent do not trespass on private property, do not throw your spanish laden trash all over every city, respect that it is not tolerated that Adult Latino's allow urination/defecation in open public areas, rape/incest may be okay in their world; it is morally and unlawful in the U.S., respect the zoning laws for over-population of a home, get a permit (with permission from the Govt) to make extra driveways and parking areas, respect the rights of your neighbors when you decide to drive all over their property to reach yours when you have your parties that are full of beer and the participants are driving DUI, explain to the adults that their children do not have the right to ride all over someones property as if they own that land, explain to all of your supposed/protected people that torment our domestic pets that this is not only cruel but also against the law, tell them that when they have a vicious dog or any dog that they must license them/leash them/muzzle them (have already been attacked by one of their p. bull dogs), provide all of the parents with the parameters to teach their children that there are rules/laws that they must abide by instead of telling all of us that there are not rules/laws for them.
Veronica, if you so love and want to protect the Latino community, you are not doing right nor helping any of them at all.
If you want to fight the fight, go back to their homeland and make those areas a safe and productive place to live instead of trying to change every state in a country that has been just fine - up and until the massive illegal infiltration that you support.
Your people are not and will never be above and beyond; as no other nationality has ever expected nor demanded what you do.
Veronica you have failed those that you claim to represent. You have instilled in all of them a rebellious/me first mind-set.
Shame on you Veronica, you are a negative not a positive for your supposed good-will cause.
Do yourself a favor, and a positive favor for your cause:
Read all you can Read about the history of the United States and how you can advise/teach others to participate and become positive (not negative) CITIZENS.
If their growth is guided by your negativity, they will never ever grow/prosper/assimilate, and have the reality of a better life.
Many of us across the borders of the states challenge you to sit-down and be re-educated. Are you up to this or are you still going to be high-handed and stubborn?
The Ball is now in your court: but, all of us have the coin toss first.


At December 13, 2009 at 11:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Three thoughts here:
1. Another thing that really scares me about how Painesville does business is that they never seem to pay off their debts. They just keep refinancing and refinancing and refinancing.
2. Term -- this is the first I heard of an amnesty vote. Details?
3. I agree with Charterlady. Dahlberg needs to quit pretending to be a citizen of the U.S. She may be legal, but her loyalties do not lie with this country. I think anyone who purposefully goes against our laws or helps others do so, needs to get out. Also, everytime you turn around, she is taking our law enforcement agencies to task for upholding our laws and doing their jobs. I think she is as undesirable to this country as anyone could be. She really DOES need to get out of this country, and go to Mexico where she can help these people fight THEIR OWN government to make THEIR country a better place to live. She is not interested in that, though. She is fighting to actually have this country taken over by Latinos and most Americans are just letting it happen.

At December 14, 2009 at 5:35 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

8:05 You just might be wrong and arrogant? What your right about if you don't have insurance at the present time the city does not even try to collect. If you have insurance or Medicare or Medicaid they will send a bill. I believe the $500.00 figure is in the ballpark on the figure they charge, I can't swear by it but a number like that was the figure I remember them charging a family member. I'm also having a hard time why you think this person is arrogant?

At December 14, 2009 at 5:47 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

While we are discussing healthcare. Painesville hearded Quick Care Center next to Subway on the square is Temporarily closed on weekends? Why? no idea.
This is just another sign of Lake Healths commitment to the people of Painesville. The Urgent Care Center should be up and running by May? Talk about kicked to the curb.

At December 14, 2009 at 6:01 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Here is where I'm going to get clubbed!
I as most of you know disagree with Veronica Dahlberg she is a natural born citizen of the United States. Free speech and all the other rights in the Bill of Rights are hers and yours. Part of being an American is letting peoples speech and ideas in the open arena be heard. You also have the right to disagree with them.
I hate the idea that anyone who disagrees should get out.
Beat Veronicas argument out in the open show her where shes wrong, explain to the public why amnesty won't solve this problem again, its been tried before.
Its plain forgivness of breaking the laws of the United States.
Once people notice you don't view this as a crime more will follow.

At December 14, 2009 at 11:39 AM , Anonymous Badger said...

Term, you are correct. She can say almost anything she wants. However, she can't do just everything she wants. By promoting illegal activity, she is just as guilty as if she did it herself. She shows people how to circumvent the system and at the same time she complains that our law enforcement officers are just doing their job.

She uses her race as an excuse to get what she wants and if she doesn't, she plays the race card. She has accused the authorities numerous times of racial profiling. Does she expect the authorities to overlook a law being broken just because of the persons race.

Two things are being talked about by our Federal Govt. Amnesty and whether illegal immigrants should be covered under this new national health care plan. We know that anyone that goes to the hospital gets medical care so let's drop the drop the denying medical care statements. But, to advertise that anyone coming to our country (terrorist and criminals included) will automatically get citizenship thru amnesty is just plain wrong. To say anyone who comes here is now covered by health care paid by our tax dollars is just plain wrong. With more and more people losing their jobs or companies dropping health insurance, how can we absorb this increased cost burden?

Again, as stated above, Veronica Dahlberg should be working with the authorities to make sure everyone is law abiding instead of her constant complaints of profiling. If she can't work with people she only works against solving this problem. I have said before that I have volunteered for years thru my church and have yet to see any Hispanic get involved in helping. Sure, they receive help, but they don't volunteer. We help all races and not just one. Seems Dahlberg is only looking out for Hispanics. That's fine but that means she can't play the race card because it looks to me she is the one who could be called a racist.

Just as Justice is suppose to be blind, so should true charity.

At December 14, 2009 at 12:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The reason I think Veronica Dahlberg needs to get out of the U.S. and go to Mexico is because her loyalties do not lie with this country. Her loyalties belong to people of other countries. She continually defies our laws, helps other people defy our laws, and she continually takes our law enforcement agencies to task for upholding the laws of our land.
I'm not saying that if you do not agree with our laws to get out, but what I AM saying is that if you refuse to live by them because you are intent on giving this country to residents of OTHER countries, then you should go to that other country and live there.
She doesn't want to do that because she wants them to have OUR country, and as she is aware of, they are well on their way to taking over our country.
She is a disloyal citizen. She does not have the best interest of this country at heart. I stand by my conviction that she needs to go to Mexico and help these people fight their OWN government to fix their OWN country and quit trying to take over OUR country. I really don't think she belongs here. This is not a normal case of trying to change a law that you do not believe is fair.

At December 14, 2009 at 1:28 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Veronica has a lot of help. After Hal Werner got the city to not except the Mexican Matricla Card, it just means the city doesn't except it. Who will? I noticed the food bank down by the Senior Center does. Right in front of Lake County Republician Headquaters.
[Not blaming them ,just seems strange this would be done right downtown.] Go into Lake County Human Services building , there are signs all around stateing don't worry about your legal status we don't care about it.
Our own government is in cahouts with the illegals and we worry about VD?
My only question who's deciding to do this? Elected officals, and why?
Simple its not their money. Seems that this is the reason for everything.

At December 14, 2009 at 3:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joseph M. Gurley is Painesville, Ohio Law Director. What is his salary and what exactly does he do to earn it. Anyone know?

At December 14, 2009 at 3:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, the Lake County Republican Headquarters has nothing to do with the food bank at the Senior Citizens Center. They just happen to be in the same building. Why insinuate a connection. You are Catholic, so you must accept this card then, right?

Here is the info

Emergency Services – Food Force of Lake County
8 North State Street #455
Painesville, Ohio 44077

James R. Clements, Assistant Executive Director for County Services

Purpose: To provide food to families and individuals in need

Population Served: Income eligible/area specific

Criteria: Must be within the income guidelines and live within the area we serve. Eligibility for assistance limited to one time per month.

Fees: There is no charge for this service.

Major Funders:Catholic Charities; United Way Services of Lake County; Catholic Charities Hunger & Shelter Network; private donations.

At December 14, 2009 at 3:40 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Thats not that easy of a question to answer, you also have an assistant law director, and staffing. This has nothing to do with the Muni Court.
Does the law director work for the administration, or council? The city manager hires him.
Plus if most Painesville residents had a clue of what Painesville spends on outside law firms tthey wouldn't beleive it. I would take a guess of over a million dollars in the lat 4 years, maybe more! What funds do they pay these bills from, It can't be the general fund.
The administration will have to be more transparent in the future, and the budget needs more work then to lay afew part-time workers off.
As some one mentioned how healthy is it to keep rolling debt over? and why?

At December 14, 2009 at 3:57 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

3:21 No insinuation meant. Only that the card is being used right in front of all of us. I thought I made that clear. It could have been the Democratic Headquarters and I would have made the same comment. There are two Democratic Commissioners and one Republican who think this card is fine. All three are wrong.
Glad to see your doing your homework. Why so touche?

At December 14, 2009 at 4:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, maybe you should have said within sight of the courthouse. You could save yourself some headaches, but then I think you did it on purpose just to hit the beehive with a stick. Why else call Elm St.School Huntington? J.T.P.S.Off right?

At December 14, 2009 at 4:25 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

Term , you are entirely correct when you say our Government is the one to blame for our immigration problem. Both the Republicans and the Democrats are failing to address this problem and to secure our borders. Is this about getting votes or the money. Who knows? Probably both. This only makes it our problem as citizens of this country since it is us who have to pay the bill.
On a local issue, it is the Lake County Commissioners who passed a resolution to recognize the Matricula card. So, if you believe this should be changed, call or attend a commissioners meeting and let them know how you feel.
105 Main St 
Painesville, Ohio 44077
(440) 350-2745
Fax (440) 350-2672
1-800-899-LAKE Ext. 2745
County Commissioners
Daniel P. Troy D - President
(440) 350-2752
Robert E. Aufuldish 
 D (440) 350-2754
Raymond E. Sines
 R (440) 350-2755

We need to get all out politicians to listen to us on this issue

At December 14, 2009 at 5:09 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Dec.13 11:55 PM Something will be brought to the floor Tuesday, concerning Amnesty and it will be very liberial. Here we go with that Dream Act again.

At December 14, 2009 at 5:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems that it is the county that accepts these cards. I believe the Rally Team (homegrown group that fights amnesty and is trying to get the illegals out of this country) has been taking the county to task (or trying to) for accepting these ID cards. Everyone needs to gang up on the county so we can make them stop accepting these cards.
Also, there is so much fraud in the Latino community. They tell whatever lies they need to to get assistance of every kind they can find. But I guess why would we expect anything different from them? Just by coming to this country illegaly, refusing to leave, taking every advantage here that they did not earn and using all monies they can get their hands on from every source they can find, really does show us who they are, doesn't it?

At December 15, 2009 at 5:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term You are a liar

After Hal Werner got the city to not except the Mexican Matricla Card, it just means the city doesn't except it.

Hal werner didn't get them to do anything. They already didn't "accept" it, nor did they except it. Don't act like Hal did anything.

At December 15, 2009 at 7:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to correct a misperception about health care for poor American citizens. Yes, if you show up at the hospital, you will be treated..but if you have no insurance (private or Medicaid/Medicare) you will be billed at top dollar and then sued in court for the balance owed plus attorney fees and interest. I have yet to hear of one time that the hospital didn't win. Oh, the hospital will try to negotiate with you before going to court, but if you didn't have the 1 - 2- 3 thousand dollars (or more) to pay for your visit, then how could anyone be expected to have half of that? (the general offer of settlement)THERE IS NO FREE HEALTH CARE IN THE US. And Term is right, anyone can walk into Human Services and just read the signs in the lobby...if you are not a citizen, no problem. And just to address another issue brought up at the last council meeting: the hospital does provide vouchers for a taxi so someone can get home, but they are only given out if you arrive in an ambulance. Ms. Rita claims to be talking to Laketran about transportation to and from the hospital; I hope she hurries up so our EMS services can be used more cost-effectively for true emergency calls rather than as a taxi service. The city had plenty of time to get used to the idea of the hospital leaving and yet the transportation issue and the urgent care situation are still pending. Sure wish she held an elected office rather than working thru a cadre on council.

At December 15, 2009 at 8:57 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:00AM I'm a liar? Hal took it from a city mananger memo to a resolution. The city should inform businesses why they aren't worth the paper there printed on. If I had a document that said I was an qualified electrician and the city didnt use me becauce the papers were fraudulent, wouldn't you expect them to notify the residents? Kudo's for Hal's small step but a step in the right direction.

At December 15, 2009 at 9:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hal did a good job, in getting the Resolution passed. Let's see if the city enforces the Resolution. It may keep illegal aliens from flocking to our city. Does anyone know if the Matricula Card has been used to sign on for utilities?

At December 15, 2009 at 9:29 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

The city manager stated that the city does not use that card as indentification for any city business.
That said banks and other businesses card use the card at their own peril. Which a lot do.

At December 15, 2009 at 12:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There was (is?) even a song about Painesville, Ohio in the Latino communities across the U.S. and in Mexico telling illegals to come here -- that they'll be safe here -- nobody will bother them. I don't know if it's still a popular song, but I'm sure everyone remembers it even if it is not.
People now have to take this up on the county level and the Federal level. I know the Rally Team has had some protests on the county level, but I don't think many people show up. If everyone that was unhappy about it showed up, then the county would have to start listening, wouldn't they? We really need to make them accountable and make them stop.
On a Federal level, I wrote to President Obama on this issue. He wrote me back saying that they are too entrenched in our country to do anything about it. He said that they hold too many jobs, and that our economy depends on them.
I wrote him back and told him that he doesn't have to point out to any American how many jobs they are holding and taking from Americans. We are all quite aware of the unemployment rate and how many jobs they hold. They are now in landscaping, factories, building, roofing, etc., etc., etc. Since when don't Americans want and need these jobs?
We need to all get our behinds going and protest at the county level and at the Federal level ASAP.

At December 15, 2009 at 1:20 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Today 12/15/09
Rep. Luis Gutierrez {D} Ill.
Brought to the floor the;
Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act
For American Security and Prosperity
Like I said, here we go again.
Grassroot's people be prepared.

At December 15, 2009 at 2:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, that's the biggest part of the problem. All people need to join in the fight, not just the Grassroots Rally Team. They have done a superb job, but they need the backing of everyone in this area. Otherwise, how can a handful of people do it all alone? All Americans need to join in to save this area and to save this country. People are sitting back and letting other people fight for them. We have almost lost this fight now -- the Latinos almost have us outnumbered and are birthing babies at enormous rates in this country -- all of which are now legal citizens. People need to actively join in the fight, and that means protesting in person, too.

At December 15, 2009 at 2:43 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

7:24 AM

You are correct about the poor. What about the ones who can and do use different names or someone else's SSN. You and I can be tracked because we have a SSN and a photo ID such as a drivers license. However, the use of the Matricula card can't be verified and so what. They just move on, change the order of their three names, use someone else's SSN or use a different name. We can be tracked throughout the country, illegal immigrants aren't tracked. In other words, we all pay for this type of fraud. How can we lower health care costs if we allow this to continue. If we can prosecuted for this because we have a verifiable ID, what is wrong with requiring everyone to have proper ID?

It is not uncaring to require someone to show proper ID and follow the law. Once a person is identified, then the amount of assistance if any can be determined. Otherwise, everything will be free and the only ones paying will be you, me and Term. The three of us just can't pay for everyone.

At December 15, 2009 at 3:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is the link for the Amnesty Bill that was introduced today.

Start making phone calls and sending e-mails and faxes!


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Voinovich, George V. (R-OH)
DC Phone: (202) 224-3353 Fax: (202) 228-1382
Columbus Phone: (614) 469-6697 Fax: (614) 469-7733
Cleveland Phone: (216) 522-7095 Fax: (216) 522-7097
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Austria, Steve (R) OH 7th (NEW) - replaced retired Hobson, David (R)
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Boccieri, John A. (D) OH 16th (NEW) - replaced retired Regula, Ralph (R)
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Boehner, John A. (R) OH 8th
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Driehaus, Steve (D) OH 1st (NEW) - defeated & replaced Chabot, Steve (R)
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Fudge, Marcia L. (D) OH 11th (NEW) - replaced Jones, Stephanie (D) who died in office 8-20-08
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Kaptur, Marcy (D) OH 9th
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Kilroy, Mary Jo (D) OH 15th (NEW) - replaced retired Pryce, Deborah (R)
Telephone: 202-225-2015 Fax: 202-225-3529

Kucinich, Dennis J. (D) OH 10th
Telephone 202-225-5871 Fax 202-225-5745

LaTourette, Steve C. (R) OH 14th
Telephone 202-225-5731 Fax 202-225-3307

Latta, Robert E. (R) OH 5th (NEW) - Assumed office 12-13-07 after the death of Paul Gillmor 9-4-07
Telephone: 202-225-6405 Fax: 202-225-1985

Ryan, Tim (D) OH 17th
Telephone: 202-225-5261 Fax: 202-225-3719

Schmidt, Jean (R) OH 2nd
Telephone 202-225-3164 Fax 202-225-1992

Space, Zachary T. (D) OH 18th
Telephone: 202-225-6265 Fax: 202-225-3394

Sutton, Betty (D) OH 13th
Telephone: 202-225-3401 Fax: 202-225-2266

Tiberi, Patrick J. (R) OH 12th
Telephone 202-225-5355 Fax 202-226-4523

Turner, Mike (R) OH 3rd
Telephone 202-225-6465 Fax 202-225-6754

Wilson, Charles A. (D) OH 6th
Telephone: 202-225-5705 Fax: 202-225-5907

At December 15, 2009 at 5:21 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

To things I have noticed, people are uncomfortable seeking out illegal immigration, its not politically correct to do so.
The charge most feared by people is to be called a racist. and as most of you know those charges will come. You have to ask yourself am I a racist? Maybe just someone who wants the laws of this country followed. Also I see very few young people in the crowds, why? they don't care, they don't see a problem? Live and let live?
There is also a large group that are oblivious of whats going on and when they wakeup it might be to late.
Let this go it will be the end of the Republican Party in 8 years and..........The Democratic Party in 16 years.

At December 15, 2009 at 7:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think that it is racist to protect (or to try to protect) our country from this invasion -- and it surely is an invasion. I think the fact that our government is not stopping this and not correcting this is treason, isn't it? I don't know the full definition of treason as it pertains to our Constitution, but letting our country be taken over like this, in every way possible, must surely be a crime against our Constitution.
I also agree with one of the previous writers about the fraud that is committed by many of these people. (That last sentence was structured for you, Term. Notice I said "many of" and not "all".) They move into a house, run up all the utilities, then just move out, change their names, and move on. They also go up to welfare and claim that they have no man in the house, when they really do, and get benefits. I also think they get benefits right away -- not having to wait like legal citizens do, I am pretty sure.
What I am about to say next is going to sound shocking to some people, perhaps, but let it settle in for a minute before you react, please.
Term says that soon it will be the end of the Republican and Democratic parties if we do not act, but I think it will be a little different than that (probably same idea, though).
We will soon have so many Latinos in government positions, whether it be city, county, state or federal, that parties won't matter. They will all be for the Latinos, for legalizing all Latinos, and for giving them our entire country.
One interesting web site is It used to be a lot more blatant. They have calmed it down a lot now that Americans are starting to pay attention. It still shows, however, how they keep track of all Latinos in power, how they plan to get more and more in power, and how they are clearly aware that they are taking over our country.
I think in the interest of our country that we must stop electing Latinos into public office -- that's the part that I thought might ruffle some feathers, but sadly it is a fact that we had better learn and learn fast.
I'm bracing myself for the responses, so go ahead and let me have it. Although it may sound like that goes against everything America stands for, we had better give that some serious thought or America will only be for Latinos.
Just one more quick thought about them breaking our laws. If I were to run the stop sign at the end of my quiet street and a police officer saw me, would we not expect him to pull me over and do something about it? Of course we would. Compare that to being in the country illegally, and you can see why it it absolutely absurd that this has not been stopped.

At December 16, 2009 at 5:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just don't understand why we can't just secure the damn border. That is the answer. Once we do that, then maybe we can consider amnesty for the ones here, but without securing the border, granting amnesty will just encourage more to come over.

At December 16, 2009 at 7:41 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Did you ever think that a lot of people and business don't want that border secured? Customers, cheap labor to hold wages down. With all the problems we have now bringing 12 to 20 million people into the system right now might just sink the ship. Maybe even some that want to see that happen. If people knew the costs of illegals to this country most would head south to help erect it.

At December 16, 2009 at 11:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If all these people are granted amnesty, our country will soon be lost. That is not an option. The Mexican government -- several years back now -- estimated there were 20 million illegal Mexicans here. They have the ghost towns to prove it. There are certainly millions more by now. Once they are legal, our country is doomed. That is not the answer. They must be sent away -- back to their own countries.
As far as the border fences are concerned, I heard that they have stopped building them and pulled our law enforcement people off the borders. Does anyone know if this is true?
As far as amnesty is concerned, though, this will take our country down. It is not an option. And if for no other reason (and there are plenty of other reasons -- these people are bleeding us dry), do you have any idea how many relatives these people have that they will bring here, too? There is no reason to legalize people who have their own country but refuse to go back to it. To save our country, they need to go, and there is no reason for them not to.
We need their labor in the fields, and that is it. They can have a work program where they grant just so many work visas to people for a couple of years at a time. After that it is the next guys turn, and this guy goes to the back of the line and gets at the end of the list. Meanwhile, they can work on their own country and demonstrate against their own government.
As far as being afraid of being called a racist is concerned, that's partially how we got in this mess. We are going to "politically correct" ourselves right out of a country.

At December 16, 2009 at 12:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you imagine what just giving all these people Social Security Retirement benefits ALONE will do to the system? They didn't pay in, and how many will try to get on disability? This will crush our country. On the other hand, if they all leave, there will be so much more money for the legal people of our country, that it will be amazing. We don't even realize what all these people are doing to us. It's never factored into the equation.
And don't forget -- there are millions here from other countries, too. The Mexicans are the biggest problem by far -- not only by numbers, but also by attitude, but there are probably millions and millions here from other countries, too.
We really do all have to fight now or soon it will be too late. Rome fell and so can we. This already has us in such a weakened state, that we may not survive anyway.
And all these people have had children who are now legal, because nobody has changed THAT law, either. So most of these people will be able to come back legally with their legal children. That will be enough to change and permanently damage our country. They really all must go NOW.

At December 16, 2009 at 5:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if this will help anyone who goes to the hospital and cannot afford the care, but we can see. They have a program called "Compassionate Care", or something along those lines. You can ask for the forms to fill out. Even if you do not qualify by their guidelines, you should still fill out the forms unless your income is really high. Sometimes (and they probably will not tell you this up front) you can qualify for half of the normal write-offs, or some other equation. This can really help someone out. You can, of course, still be in big trouble with the bills.
There will also be all kinds of other bills from separate doctors, etc., but you should call and talk to the office of each entity, explain the situation, and beg for mercy. Most will write off at least part of the bill and make payment arrangements with you.
I know someone who did this. They still ended up owing a lot of money, but it ended up to be a full 50% reduction in what was owed.
The biggest problem was that this particular person had worked full time and made decent money until they were hurt (that's how they ended up in the hospital), and then there was no income. The hospital based the eligibility on the previous three months and not what was happening to him currently. But he applied anyway because one of the women who works for the hospital was kind enough to tell him to do so, and he did, as I said, qualify for half benefits which was better than none.
This also translates to how a lot of the illegals get away with cheating the system. Either they can give false credentials, and just walk away from the whole bill, or they can say they have no income when they do and get a full free ride.
This has got to be such a huge contributor to the problems our hospitals and medical systems are having that I think, as Term says, if we really knew and understood the full extent of what it is doing to us to have all these illegals here, we would go build those fences ourselves.

At December 16, 2009 at 7:49 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Well thanks for the information.
Along with this story I was told someone went to Tri-Point with kidney stones, or a kidney infection. After they were through in the emergency room they could not find a friend or family member for a ride home. She asked if she could get a voucher to get home. The lady told her "we only give vouchers if you are brought her by an EMS unit." The moral of the story is the next time this person needs to go to the emergency room she will call Painesville City for transport. Good policy Lake Health that should help increase costs for everyone.
Coming soon are Lake Health and the News-Hearld in cahuts?

At December 16, 2009 at 11:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to touch on the healthcare reform debate -- I don't understand anyone fighting that. If it's because they are sitting fat with their company-provided healthcare, they should know by now that even THEY aren't safe from financial disaster brought on by health issues. And God help the people without. Very good way to suffer and die for no good reason. There are also so many issues with the insurance policies as we know them that need to be fixed, I would beg everyone to support President Obama in this endeavor. Not trying to make this a Democrat vs. Republican issue. All legal Americans need access to the proper healthcare. That should be the very LEAST that America stands for.

At December 17, 2009 at 5:20 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have company provided healthcare, but I wouldn't say I'm "sitting fat." We have a few options, some that cost about $75 a pay, and that comes with the $20 deductibles and cheap prescriptions. I choose the option that is $8 per pay. I am responsible for the first $1,500 of medical expenses each year, then the insurance kicks in at 80%. There is an out of pocket maximum of $5,000 each year. Something like this prevents people from running to the ER everytime they sneeze, and prevents people from loading up on 50 unnecessary prescriptions. If you are responsible, you can save a little each year, so when you have a large medical expense, you can pay the $1,500. If anything, this is something that EVERYONE should adopt. It will keep medical costs down, because there won't be the demand to see a doctor for something that rest and some orange juice can treat.

As to the hospital bills, four years ago, I was mugged in Mentor and had to go to the ER. I had to have stitches and x-rays and everything that goes with it. I ended up getting a bill for about $6,000 from Lake East. There were charges for just about everything on there. There were about ten $65 charges for drug tests for a bunch of different street drugs. I got the bill, then it was sent to the insurance company. The insurance company negotiated with the hospital, and the drug test charges and other charges were removed. The final bill was somewhere around $2,500-$3,000 after all that. I had to pay the first $1,500, then 20% of the balance.

I guess my point is that you can negotiate with the hospital, as most of the charges are unnecessary or inflated. The other point is that if we are going to do something with healthcare, a plan like this would be the best way. It insures anyone against a catastrophe that could bankrupt them, while discouraging the unnecessary use of medical service. I also forgot to add that all preventive care (mammogram, annual physical exam, PAP) is all covered at 100%, and the deductible does not apply.

People need to stop thinking that insurance should cover every little medical expense, like a $20 prescription or $75 office visit. It is to insure against LARGE and UNFORSEEN expenses. You don't expect your homeowners insurance to cover your toilet breaking or your garage door breaking. You don't expect your auto insurance to cover oil changes or a flat tire. So why do people expect medical insurance to cover an annual office visit or some penicillin?


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