Here's what we got people...this is an excerpt from the most recent questionaire from the News Herald for anyone that can't make out the originals posted above:
John R. Murphy Sr.
age 66 Place of bith: Newberg, W.Va.
Home address: 127 Chestnut St. Painesville, Ohio 44077
Length of residence in the community: 48 years Lake County 30 years Painesville.
cell phone 216-244-8976
Occupation: Retired - Business owner
(maint. millwright - labor leader)
Elected office experience: seeking
Non-elected office experience (boards, etc.): project director United Labor Agency. President Ohio Rubber Co. United Rubber Workers Local #3. Executive Board - Lake County United Way 14 yrs. Labor Chairperson - planning committee member.
Education (list degrees if applicable): WVU Morgantown, W. Va. (financial/business.)
West Virginia University.
Lakeland Community College (labor and social service studies)
Marital status: single
Name and age of any children: Karen - (47 - John Jr. - (45 - Randy - (42.
Organizations: Lakeland Community College - Labor Advisory Board.
Lake County United Way Executive Board member.
President United Rubber Workers #3 (Ohio Rubber Co.)
DISCLAIMER: Please note that John Murphy NEVER claimed to have any degrees. If anyone would like a copy, please include your e-mail in a post and I will send you a copy....and I will not post anyone's individual e-mail addresses unless you ask me to do so. The above copies include the 2007 questionaire also. Please let me know what you want me to send you; 2007...2009 or both. This should answer any questions about this except for how and why the News Herald got it wrong.
As promised....here is the 2009 complaint filed with the Ohio Elections Commission and signed by Bill Horvath.
Big deal John still tried to disceive the voters of Painesville. Bill Horvath was in his right to bring charges against this fraud.
and do you really think the News Herald gives a fly'n
fig about this?
Personally, I would like to hear an apology from Council President Hada and resident Horvath (nothing more, nothing less)
Mr Murphy must have had them worried to pull a smear campaign like this!
I am still trying to explain how Steve Costell did not
get a seat on the school board
and now I'm supposed to make sense out of this?
Maybe once Dimora and Russo go on trial the FBI can get started out here.
If even says (list degrees if applicable), and he does not list any. This should clear things up.
Term, Do you think we can see the complaint filed by Wild Bill and his sidekick? It would be fun to see there complaint.
So KAREN is john's daughter. No wonder she is so angry at joe.
DISCUSTED! That people in this community don't have anything better to do then wreck a persons reputation. Not once but over and over. Mr. Murphy call the County Prosector and ask for an investigation on Ms. McMahon charges all all the rest.
This must end here and now!
What exactly were the charges?
List degrees if applicable:
Then he lists a college and a field. How would you interpret this? The paper should never have apologized. They should have ran the questionaire and said "John Murphy Tried to Deceive US." Shame on them for having no backbone. It says LIST DEGREES and the only rational interpretation is that the person listed degrees. If they were certificates it was up to John to label them as such.
He says WVU Morgantown (Financial/Business) That looks like a Finance/Business degree from West Virginia. Lakeland Comm. College (labor and social service studies). That looks like a degree from LCC in labor and social service studies when you are so bold as to list it under the "Education (list degrees if applicable)" heading. John should apologize to painesville. How else would you interpret it? Please tell me.
I can look at this objectively. No Bias to Horvath, the paper, or to Murphy and read what was written. That's all you have to do. Read what is written. If you still say John was innocent then you are the willfully blind sheep.
Why doesn't he list his work for the AFL-CIO? Is that because it never existed?
1:09 not the same way you would. I would expect him saying he has a Masters Degree in .........from....
The News- Herald assumed and you know what happens then.
It says "Education (list degrees if applicable)."
To me this means list your education experience, and if you earned any degrees, indicate those. If it only wanted degrees, it would just say "Educational degrees" or something like that.
If I was filling this out and my intent was to indicate I earned a degree from WVU, I would put the following:
WVU - Bachelor of Arts - Finance
Lakeland Community College - Associate of Arts - Social Services
I don't know John Murphy, and I don't really care about any of this, but come on, he gave no indication that he had any degrees. It says "list degrees if applicable." HE DIDN'T LIST ANY.
We have a council president with a masters degree in urban planning. Will he ever use it?
Where is Mrs. Mcmahon resume? Lets see her qualifications?
John gets my respect for after the election he could of said screw you I'm not giving you anything, but instead said here it is. Horvath was used in all this.
United Rubber Workers are members of the AFL-CIO.
The citizens elected Joe, Lori and Jim in the November election. They all have Master Degrees and I'm OK with that. John you're a colorful guy, but I don't think the voters believe you are a qualified candidate.
To 1:09:
John listed his fields of study, he did not list degrees. Do you see the word "degree" listed anywhere on there, or do you SEE any actual degree listed on there?
No, you do not. I repeat -- NO YOU DO NOT!
P.S. To anyone but 1:09: I missed The News-Herald's apology to John. What did it say, please?
9:47 Yes we have master degrees all over the place. Except in cases where common sense should be used the city seems to be bankrupt!
Only an educated person would believe you could sell at 1200sq.ft. townhouse in downtown Painesville for $185,000.
Someone with normal common sense would probably giggle,smile and walk away.
Where has all this education brought Painesville? A safe city, a top flight education system? Tell us what good has it brought us.
Now it appears the city is stuck in mud with a doomed electric project, just maybe we need colorful guy to dig us out?
To 9:47:
You are most definitely entitled to your opinion, but wonder if I could add some insights into John Murphy -- assuming you and he don't mind.
I think John is the kind of guy who has tremendous thinking power. He starts with the very beginning of a problem or issue and thinks it over from the very beginning. He listens to everyone, but makes no judgment based on what other people are saying. He goes on a colossal fact-finding mission. He thinks the problem through and through, works with everyone he needs to, talks it out with everyone involved, and then makes a decision and takes action.
I say this as if I know it, because I do know it from personal experience. I was having a city issue, and I could get no help or cooperation from the city. I contacted John, and he stepped in and did just what I described. I was very impressed and not to sound like I am a pompous you-know-what, it takes a lot to impress me. The reason I had thought to ask John for help in the first place, is because I had seen him in action with regards to city issues, and I was so very impressed with that and his knowledge of the whole city and all its issues, departments, etc. This prompted me to seek him out, introduce myself and ask for his help.
I think John is an honest, down-home guy who is very, very smart. I think maybe it's the down-home, seemingly layed-back part that may throw some people.
It's my opinion that not having him on council is a terrible, terrrible loss to this city and all its citizens.
John is the kind of person who would do his homework before he voted on something. He is not a follower or someone who would vote for something just to be in the good boy club. The city and its residents would come first.
Someone mentioned common sense, sometimes we do things around here just to say we did something.
I have no idea why councilman Hada went after John the way he did, I guess you have to ask him.
John would have been a good councilman for Painesville.
Ward 3 right now has very little representation its not fair to pick on a sick person but why Mr. Fountain doesn't step down is beyond me.
Over the last three months the safety issue of Cobblestone has come up. Mr. Fountain is the councilman that heads the safety committee not a spoken or written statement from him.
This committee needs leadership.
New organization meeting coming to council who will be council president? Robert Fountain who turned it down last time? Paul Hach serving his second term in office? One of the rookies? Joe Hada,again? Andrew Flock 14 years of service, and seems to have the pulse and will of the community behind him? Pig will fly first, Andy won't play the game.
Let the games begin January 2nd.
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OMG! Is that a stretch?
Karen is the 13 most popular name out of 4276?
Karen word meaning: Unknown, debatable, pure.
I have an ex-wife named Karen, she is neither Johns daughter, or even owns a computer.
If a person posts a first name like Joe, Abby, Bob, John, Mary, even Angelo or Rita you would assume the indentity of that person.
Remember, unknown, debatable.
The post above mine was deleted because it made some claims about a candidates child.
It started OMG! Karen is Johns daughter.... and went on from there.
Let's also remember that John did not lose this election on his own. He lost by less than 200 votes and if not for the shocking dirty politics (to say the least), I think he would have won.
I think there needs to be some kind of full investigation into the election two years ago that was lost for John by lies, the McMahon allegations against John a while back (you know, the one that she said she knew there was an incident, but she just couldn't remember what that incident was -- shortly after they made the complaint against John because John found out about the complaint), and this election. Enough really is enough.
They get away with one despicable, horrendous thing -- you can't believe they had the nerve to do it -- and they go right on to the next despicable thing, and they just keep getting away with it.
What can be done? What are the options for bringing formal complaints against these people, McMahon included? Someone mentioned the County Prosector -- is that an option? What else? Who else? Really, these people must be stopped.
If and when this city ever does wakeup to the screwup this council and administration has made over the years, just maybe you will understand what Term and afew others have been trying to make you aware of. Pretty pictures and words are not enough.
The failure of the electric project along with the hospital leaving are just the start.
John Murphy would atleast voted against some of this and have made the people aware of things that were going on.
Before this last month how many times had you read anything about a 37 million dollar project?
I bet a lot more recall petitions will be taken out in the near future.
Marry Poppins
Who was the entity that the "McMahon incident" complaints were made to? Was it the local police? The county prosecutor? The Elections Board?
200 voters didn't wake up, read the News Herald and change their mind about John Murphy. John and Tony were beat by more qualified candidates. The people have spoken lets move on already. Besides, it sounds like TERM is already campaigning agains Bob Fountain. Maybe the third time is the lucky time for Mr. Murphy. Happy New Year
"The McMahon Incident" Was reported to the Ohio Election Commission in 2007 on a response by Joe Hada. No criminal charges were ever filed with any law enforcement agency.
John Murphy only found out about the charge when he asked for a copy of the action filed against him. At no time in the previous six months had anyone questioned John about the charge. Please feel free to draw your own conclusions.
The purpose of the charge was never explained
1:34 More qualified? I give you more educated but John and Tony had at least had some success in private business. Something I don't believe the other three had. All the three had was experience in education. If thats what you mean by qualifications?
I have heard rumbling coming from Ward3 on there lack of representation it will not be Term but those people who will have to deal with what to do about it.
1:34 are you the Great Karnak? How do you know what made people vote a certain way,just maybe someone was going to vote for Murphy and changed there mind and voted for Fodor? Thats two votes that changed.
I believe the "McMahon Incident" was trumped up because Hada, etc. were going to pull out those charges at the last minute before this last campaign. I don't believe they meant for John to even know about them, so they could broadside him with it right before this election. By the time he caught his breath -- trying to figure out what the heck was happening -- the election would be over and he would have lost.
Instead, John found out about it, and he brought it up several times in council meetings, trying to clear his name. That's when McMahon started double-talking and what was Hada saying? Wasn't he saying that he thought it was better to just let it drop?(!!!). He was stumbling around just like McMahon. I don't believe they meant those charges to see the light of day until they were good and ready to use these false allegations for their own twisted good. Or maybe they were just going to let them sit there with the Elections Board so when they started the NEW smear campaign just before THIS election, he would look EXTRA bad to the Board.
What were some of the falsehoods Fountain and the gang told about John right before the election two years ago? I believe Fountain had them right on his hand-out literature, and I was told by several people that Abby, Hada, and I am pretty sure Hach, too, went door to door to personally tell them to people.
Couldn't ask for a nicer bunch of people to run our city, huh? Good thing they have college degrees. They should have taken some courses in morality and decency.
When they started with the smear campaign two years ago, John was careful -- very careful -- not to let it influence the kind of campaign HE was running, and he refused to retaliate in any way or to participate in that kind of sleeze in any way.
Someone had mentioned on one of these blogs earlier that he lost against Fountain and that Fountain didn't even campaign. Well, Fountain campaigned alright -- in more ways than one.
It's one thing to lose an election fair and square. What's going on in our town with our elections is an entirely different thing.
Speaking of qualifications:
What IS the deal about McMahon's resume? Were there some members of council that did not get to see it before she was hired, or what?
(For those who do not know, the city manager is hired by city council members.)
With all do respect people, he didn't lose because of this stuff in the paper. If you analyze the absentee ballots, he was 1 vote behind Fodor but afterwards he got destroyed, now why is that? Is it because he did a major bonehead mistake the weekend before the election in front of the whole city? Remember, he was going up and down the street in his car with his girlfriend with all his campaign signs before a marines funeral. Trust me, I was there and there was a lot of ticted off people. It may have not been intentional but remember perception is everything in the eyes of the electorate! That article had nothing to do with him losing, it came out the day of the election, most people didn't even know about it. Mr. Murphy shot himself in the foot, plain and simple. By the way, he didn't go door to door either and I know that 2 of the candidates who won came to my door. Mr. Murphy lost because of himself, no one else.
To 7:54:
Yes, he was only 1 vote behind in the absentee votes. Interesting point.
He never "got clobbered" -- he lost by approx. 180 votes. That suggests to me that he may very well have lost because of the newspaper article.
But even if he had lost by 1,000 votes, I do not believe the people of this city can look the other way anymore -- especially when we can't even have honest elections.
Will you please post the complaint? I heard Horvath complained about a phone number?
To 7:54:
Let's see -- John was only one vote behind in the absentee votes. Then The News-Herald article came out the day of the election, and he lost by approx. 180 votes.
Looks to me like you PROVED the point of the article losing the election for him. How could you possibly say it had nothing to do with it?
well this puts Dave Komjati in of Key Bank in my mind as a questionable also So much for putting my money at Key Bank!
Bill Horvath should be horsewhipped for these shenanagins!
Now folks how do we beat them at their own game.
Thank goodness for the power of public speech, the freedom of information act and people who question authority!
Seriously, thank from the bottom of my heart to all of you!
Dave Komjati, is just a Notary Public who swore William Horvath sugned these in front of him.
Can't help but wonder who wrote it up? Maybe another Veronica?
Yes, lest we forget about Horvath's infamous letter, supposedly on behalf of all of us Painesville citizens (but unbeknownst to us at the time) to whom? It was to the county, right? He made a passionate plea about how we here in Painesville LOVE our illegals so much, and how we do not want anyone to do anything about the situation.
Somehow one of the citizens found out about it and brought it to the attention of the public.
Horvath also swore over and over how HE had personally penned the letter on his own. If I recall correctly, it was after one such denial at yet another council meeting that Veronica Dahlberg, head of HOLA (Latino group), stood up and admitted that SHE had indeed penned the letter for Horvath.
We had to move mountains to get him to finally send a retraction to the letter.
Ah, such fond memories. And after all this time, it is still "business as usual" in Painesville.
The article had NOTHING to do with him losing, most people didn't even know about it until after they voted! It was on election day!
So how many times will Murphy run and get spanked?
To 5:02:
A better question:
When are we going to start having fair, honest elections in this town? If that's what they do for an election, what else are they doing?
To January 3, 2010 5:02 PM
I hope Murphy learned his lesson and won't try to run again but if he does we'll keep spanking him. And next time hopefully he won't drive around during a funeral in his campaign vehicle - how crass that was. The man is a loose cannon and shouldn't be on council same for Hal Werner. Both only have concerns for their personal agenda and not what's Best for the city and residents.
Anonymous - SG
And yes, 5:02, it WAS on election day. And why do you think they PUT it in on election day? Maybe because that would be the most effective day?
You do not have the knowledge to say that most people did not know about it until after they voted.
The only way you would have a valid argument is if the article did not appear until the day AFTER the election.
So Term if you were the notary Mr Horvath came to for the service would you have signed and witnessed the
Why Mr. Komjati?
With everything so skewed let's keep asking questions!
I don't blame Mr. Komjati I don't think a notary is given that kind of latitude. He just sworw Mr. Horvath signed the complaint in from of him.
I would like to know who the attorney who wrote it up was?
GEEEZ! Term you can't figure it out? Well lets step back and see who has a lawyer right in the family? Thats how sidekicks help out. Just a guess, you know
You can't take this out on the notary. His job is to confirm that the person signing the document is who he claims to be. It can be a car title, an affidavit, a complaint or anything. The notary is in no way agreeing with the document.
If Horvath is a customer at Key, it is typical that they will notarize items for customers. That is a service they provide. It is highly unlikely that the notary even read the document other than the signature block.
I'm not a fan of the complaint, but you can't possibly blame the notary.
Did you get Mr.Horvaths O.K. to print his complaint? Bet not I hope he sues you!
Give this a rest already, maybe Term will print this truth,
Many of us did not vote for John for one reason only, he is associated with Cimaglio, Miller, Werner, and Andy. He would probably be a good councilman but we don't need someone that is influenced by those types of negative people.
I believe the complaint is a public record.
Hey 10:58...Horvath can't sue because it is a PUBLIC document...and as such no one needs to ask for his permission. He put himself out there by filing with a state agency. I think it is despicible what some of the present majority has tried to do to Mr Murphy (over and over again) and I am really glad that John has the class not to conduct himself in like manner. He certainly has the right to defend himself against spurious charges and I hope he tries again....it would be great for the city to have a different kind of majority (or at least a strong minority bloc) on council.
Hey 3:22 AM, I could overlook Johns association with Cimaglio, Miller, Flock and Werner but when he wandered out into the township and accepted the support of Bob Gibbs that was the last straw. What were you thinking John? That's why you lost the election.
I'm not well enough informed to know why the support of Robert Gibbs (and who IS Robert Gibbs?) would hurt John's election bid.
So NEXT time, John, Are you going to be truthful or misleading? Are you going to write on the education line "high school diploma"? Or are you going to make it look like you have some further education that you don't? Will you write "certificate' next to whatever BS you put down? What do you have anyway? Did you attend a seminar? Get a certificate? For what? How extensive was this education? Did you have to earn a grade or take a test? When was it? If there anyway to verify it? Seems like your education is somewhere between reading a book at the public library and ordering a fake degree/certificate from some sketchy online "college".
Please explain. If you want respect for this "education" then earn it.
To 8:52: We've been all over that college degree thing. How smart are YOU? Read the blog. Look at the papers that John filled out that Term posted. He never listed college degrees. That is a mute point.
To back up my 10:55 post:
The only thing NOT mute about this point is the people that erroneously sabotaged him.
moot, not mute.
Use moot in a Sentence
1. open to discussion or debate; debatable; doubtful: a moot point.
2. of little or no practical value or meaning; purely academic.
3. Chiefly Law. not actual; theoretical; hypothetical.
Whoops! Thanks, 10:42. That's probably why it's a good thing to preview your work before you hit the publish button, right?
On second thought 10:42, I think you are probably just a pompous jerk. I think you should take your dictionary and your marbles and go home.
to 10:42...thank you for clearing up such spelling errors since the spelling and/or usage of a word can change the whole meaning from the one you may have intended into something else entirely.
Dear 1:48 AM
Definitions of mute on the Web:
a deaf person who is unable to speak
expressed without speech; "a mute appeal"; "a silent curse"; "best grief is tongueless"- Emily Dickinson; "the words stopped at her lips unsounded ...
muffle: deaden (a sound or noise), especially by wrapping
dumb: unable to speak because of hereditary deafness
Gosh I love you folks!
Golllllly! Thanks, 8:21.
Love you, too!
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