Saturday, August 8, 2009


Just got done watching some Congressmans town hall meeting about healthcare in America. To say the crowd there were a little angry would be a understatement. One gentleman in his mid to late sixties yelled "We don't want socialized medicine, leave my medicare alone." Does he even realize medicare has been a government run "socialized" program for over 45 years? If you wanted to get thing done why would you even bring the abortion issue into it? People want the freedom to choose, and some do not want their tax dollars funding it. Why even add to the discource. Who wants to kill old people with national healthcare?
Is Lake Health socialized healthcare? Thy are a "not for profit" organization that pays no corporate or property taxes? Healthcare Insurance companies increase their profits by cutting as many corners as they can? Thats called the free market. Ask your doctor about all the different forms they receive from from insurance companies and the government now. Should healthcare even be somehow connected with your employer? Why do some provide it and others don't?
Everyone agrees we have to do something, but what? A friend of mine said Obama was elected President because he wanted national healthcare, he won the election so that is the peoples will. Is that a true statement? I want to know what everyday people in Painesville want. Lets face it the chance of CNN or FOX asking any of us is pretty remote but I'm sure some of you may have some thoughts on the issue.


At August 9, 2009 at 7:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Illegal Immigrants Account for $10.7 Billion of Nation’s Health Care Costs, Data Show

According to FAIR’s Director of Special Projects Jack Martin, illegal immigrants cost federal and state governments an estimated $10.7 billion a year in health care spending. The numbers are contained in a report that FAIR plans to publish in the near future.

“The numbers that I’ve been running come up to a total of $10.7 billion a year,” Martin told Those costs include the cost of so-called “anchor babies” – babies born to illegal immigrant parents in U.S. hospitals, almost always at taxpayers’ expense.

The cost of treating illegal aliens amounts to nearly $11 billion a year, according to calculations done by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), a non-profit group that opposes illegal immigration. And that cost is not expected to go away if a health insurance reform bill becomes law.

“If the illegal immigrants were prevented from coming into the country or were encouraged to leave the country, that cost would disappear,” said Martin. “Emergency medical care for the delivery of children is the biggest [cost].”

Each anchor baby costs taxpayers an estimated $10,000 each on average, Martin said. These costs are usually paid through Medicaid, the federal program designed to aid America’s poor

According to the CIS study, illegals accounted for 13.1 percent of all federal costs of covering the uninsured in 2004, an estimated $2.2 billion per year. Seventeen percent of households headed by an illegal immigrant were using Medicaid, accounting for 1.7 percent of all Medicaid recipients.

These trends look to continue if President Obama gets his way on health care reform, Martin said, because the legislation currently making its way through Congress would leave “very large” loopholes, loopholes that are not likely to be closed.

“The current health care bill is looking as if it is leaving a very large loophole for medical coverage being provided to illegal aliens,” Martin said.

At August 9, 2009 at 9:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, follow the money, when insurance companys and healthcare providers are giving your Senator, or Congressman, hundreds of thousands of dollars every election cycle do you really think there will be any kind of reform? The idea right now is to stop enything, tell lies, scare people anything to put the brakes on. Nothing will get done and the status quo will continue. Check the profits of the health insuranse companys plus there exectutives salarys. Should your heath be a money driven business?

At August 9, 2009 at 9:18 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets put the economy in hyper-drive. You dont want socialized medicine, employers no longer provide it, Companies could lower the price of doing business, governments could lower taxes, and you my fellow citizen could go out in the free market and purchase your insurance. Overweight, pay more, snoke pay more, pre existing conditions pay more. Your child has a life threatening medical problem growup be an independent American quit whinning to your fellow citizens. Don't want it or can't afford it,. Just find a comfortable place and suffer. Tired of Medicare, end the program tell the senior your on your own. Medicaid gone, take care of yourself. This is the Republican Plan in 2009 for healthcare. Deal with it!

At August 9, 2009 at 9:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's not the Republican Plan, you fool! This is the Democratic plan! Under the national health care plan is where the elderly will be allowed to suffer. You are so misguided.

At August 9, 2009 at 9:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this national health care plan is so great, ask your congressman and senator why they refuse to be on it. They are shoving it down our throats but they absolutely refuse to be put on it. If it is so great, they should be jumping at the chance to be included also. Think about that! If it is the "right plan" for the people then the great O should be required to be on this plan also.

At August 9, 2009 at 11:25 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I agree with both posters above. If Congress wants to pass a plan for me, they better be on the same plan. This isn't the Republican Plan I know that for a fact , but to defend the comment I've heard Rush Limbaugh speak of a similar plan? The Republicans have to come up with a plan or a solution to fix the Democratic Plan. Somebody on both sides must come forward as Statesmen and Adults to find a solution.\
When you make statements like the elderly will be made to suffer, please backup your claim.

At August 9, 2009 at 11:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

O has himself said that medicare benefits to the elderly would have to be decreased in order to help fun this health plan. Also, he has stated that there would be limitations on the care to the elderly. After a certain age it might not be worth the money to keep these people alive. sounds like another name for euthenasia to me.

At August 9, 2009 at 12:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just think 16% to 17% of our gross national product goes to healthcare, much higher than those countries who have a single payer system. And one in three dollars is not spent on healthcare. My premiums have been increasing 15% each year!

If we had a single payer system no American would find it necessary to pay for the huge premiums (as high, for a family as over $1,000.00 a month, but anywhere from $300 - $600 for inadequate coverage) they are now paying. Even if taxes had to be raised to some degree, people would probably still be paying less, and getting more for their money. Single Payer system is hard to argue with.

At August 9, 2009 at 12:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you don't like government programs, give up your SS and Medicare. Put your money where your mouth is and stop taking government entitlements.

And you somehow think having your health care choices and services controlled by a corporation with a mandate to make a profit off you represents "freedom"? You're nuts!

At August 9, 2009 at 1:55 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

Health care for ILLEGAL immigrants is only the tip of the iceberg. You must then add the cost of government housing and the cost to educate these children and yes the adults too. The stress this brings to government social service and even charitable groups is nearing a breaking point. Tax revenue and charitable contributions are both down.

Let's face it, in today's economy, fewer people are working or making as much money as before. Guess what. Less money is collected in the various forms of income, sales and other taxes. How are we going to maintain these services at current levels and increase the federal deficit with the governments $700 billion stimulus package added to a possible 1 trillion dollar plus national health care plan?

Term is right above when he says we ALL need to come up with a plan or solution. If you are going to tell me what health plan I must be on then you need to be on that same plan yourself. Writing bills of over 1000 pages and then passing them as fast as you can without reading isn't in our best interests. By doing this, only political interests are being served. Passing a bill as fast as you can doesn't make it better than one everyone takes time to read, understand, and fix any problems. Remember the big executive bonus' in the stimulus bill?

Time for all the politicians to remember who elected them and who they serve. Can't they see that taxes, the economy and health care are MAJOR issues with the American public by the amount of debates and protests at the Town Hall meetings and the peaceful protests being made at the Tea Party gatherings.

Before I'm labeled a racist again, people talk about reducing healthcare costs by cutting fraud, red tape and general inefficiency in our healthcare system. Solving ILLEGAL immigration by securing our borders and increasing E-Verify in the workplace will lessen the drain on the rest of our government services. Fraud and illegal activity is still against the law whether you are doctor, insurance company, American citizen or an ILLEGAL immigrant. Receiving benefits or payment for services under false pretenses is wrong, period. All of these illegal activities must be stopped.

At August 9, 2009 at 2:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You want your Congreeman to have the same insurance as you have? Yet in this fine town that brags about its school system, you do not even care that from Dr. Hanlon on down noone in the administration lives here. Because the people in the know, know education in Painesville STINKS!
HHS 83'

At August 9, 2009 at 6:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:53pm anonymous, I do care about Hanlon not living in the city, but that is a totally different issue. You are just trying to take the spotlight off of the insurance scam, which is how democrats handle any situation. One has nothing to do with the other.

At August 9, 2009 at 8:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Badger you are right-on and so is the Term. Equal ground must be established for Health Care. The Feds and the States have awesome programs: these health-care systems that they have are perfect for all of them. They do not have any rights (in the constitution) to dictate that we the people must have anything different than they have. So, the answers are as simple as a smack in the face: All of you elected nuts stop jogging for elected votes and just include all of your voting public into your wonderful healthcare plan. It is established, it is great, It never includes illegal persons from any country, the costs are well contained, the care is the best, it would not require negotiations with every Insurance Company under the Sun.
From a very Great and Wise Friend it was a learning experience that when there is a difficult decision to make the people think it to death instead of seeing the true answers right before their nose. This is what is happening and it must stop and stop right now!!
Badger, the 1000 pages that you spoke of equates to the 300 plus pages of legislation in this city that must be passed immediately without any opportunities to read nor digest. Vote on this as an emergency level - regardless if it is in the best interest of the people of this community - as it is the dictate of a Cm that has absolutely no clue as to what she has presented - current/future ramifications - Oxbow dictation.
Rush and rush: sorry CM we the people would just like to put chains on your high step two shoes.
Their are many folks that have lived in this city long before RM and DN that have seen the destruction (in the name of development) for P'Ville. Way back when all of this happened - it is now the same today - NOTHING. Now they hear of all of the shopping you can do in Painesville (where?) and the plan to build 100 townhomes - for what and for whom!! To encourage people to live downtown and shop. Learn from the one-way Streets and the New Market Mall Fiasco. When this supposed change for development happened, nothing happened and it marked the demise of this city. This City was vibrant and in the earlier days of RM who insisted that the plans were great - the walls of success came tumbling down!!
Is this again, what should be the direction for the City of P'ville?
Blue Lights on trees/hanging plants/large planters on the sidewalks ----- do all of these give us the business atmosphere to prevent us from going to Painesville Twp/Mentor/Willoughby to purchase what all of us need?
Then there is DN that states we have a full-service grocery store in town. Gee, DN, the only sausage that you must love is Charizzo. This store is only a full-service small building that caters to the Hispanic/Latino population needs. Gee, DN, what is your use of large Sugar Cane plants during a Holiday?
Get real, and as a good friend stated: " stop drinking Kool-Aid" as the sugar is totally distorting your vision. After all, too much sugar gives you the shakes and always thins-out ones ability to think on an even/rational plateau.
AB,CL,GB,SR, and so many others.

At August 10, 2009 at 3:49 AM , Anonymous LOL said...

Good grief somebody's been into the bottle again.

At August 10, 2009 at 4:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:32 Not trying to change the subject. Just pointing out Congress wants to give us a health care plan, but will they be apart of it? Dr. Hanlon decides whats best for the education of school children in Painesville, ESL, 50% policy but at the same time would not subject his own children to his policies, That all I meant. The school board is a sham that paints one pictures and the truth is a far uglier picture. Continued improvement, what that means is they can't go down any lower.

At August 10, 2009 at 4:29 AM , Anonymous impressed said...

I really think that Anonymous from August 9 at 8:25 PM ought to run for council. This individual clearly has a high level of experience, education and intelligence, with a lot of great ideas for improving the City and a very eloquent and articulate way of expressing those ideas. Anonymous 8:25 if you aren't running for Council, you ought to be. You are just what we need to turn this city around.

At August 10, 2009 at 7:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Rush and rush: sorry CM we the people would just like to put chains on your high step two shoes."

WHUH????? What the heck is that supposed to mean?

And can someone tell me what Charizzo is?

At August 10, 2009 at 8:39 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i listened to a lawmaker from england talk about the socialized medicine on t.v. health care is the third biggest employer in the u.k.
at least 1/3 rd of empoyee's are admin. their system is broke.

the govt, congress, d's and r's cant fix anything for us. look at their track record of late. the best thing they can do is keep their hands off of stuff and not screw it up anymore.

they're buying planes, junk we dont need and living like rock stars on our dime. why give a big wig a couple billion to bail out his company that he screwed up in the first place? why reward people who lived outside their means?

only thing i can count on is this govt taking us more towards socialism and its scary.



At August 10, 2009 at 9:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

maddog Why is it always government employees that have government health insurance the first to complain, I don't like Englands system, who said we have to have their system? Better to do nothing then to try to fix it? If you know it or not, when someone walks into a hospital without insurance, YOU pay. Your co-pays go up your premiums go up, what Rita pays for you goes up. I guess as long as your safe in your little taxpayer supportrd world thats .O.K.

At August 10, 2009 at 9:42 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Karen, you are right that we pay for the freebies handed out at hospitals, such as the medical care given to the illegals. But you will still be paying for them under the new health plan. You and I will be paying for them. The only difference is, our quality of care will go down. There's will stay the same.

At August 10, 2009 at 10:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


i am complaining about the govt getting into my PRIVATE health insurance. i was not the first to complain. i am just one of the millions that are not supportive of more taxation so we can pay health care for illegal immigrants and those who refuse to work.

i am glad you don't like englands system, but the reality is that the proposed single payer system is very much like england's and canada's. again the proposed legislation is enormously long with lots of fine print.

it has been explained to me the proposed focus is on the 20-50 year old person for the most benefits. the elderly and young suffer from the proposed system, i believe because they are not the workers or TAXPAYERS.

if you wipe out the private health care and this govt stuff does not work then what. private health care is not broke, it won't go broke they will just charge more for their services. a govt. system will charge more taxes and then cut services or delay them. don't believe me then ask a veteran who seeks care at a veteran's hospital.

how do i know? i know because i am a veteran and have worked at a veterans hospital for 3 1/2 years.

also I can not wait to meet you, so i can tell you to your face what a rude person you are. of course its easy to be rude, insult and take cheap shots at public officials if you are anonymous.


At August 10, 2009 at 11:51 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Maddog calm down, One disagreement our Private Heathcare System is broke.

At August 10, 2009 at 11:56 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I believe Charizzo is a type of Mexican Sausage, and thats the kind that La Mexicana sells, I wonder where DG buys his Brats?
La Mexicana is a specialty store not a supermarket.

At August 10, 2009 at 12:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, it services the needs of a good portion of our population in Painesville, but what about the rest of us? They don't care about us.

At August 10, 2009 at 1:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I bet the poster meant CHORIZO, then.

At August 10, 2009 at 3:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

They don't care?, they are a business, if you were in there every week shopping and asked could they carry polish sausage I'll bet they would consider it for a customer.

It's not they don't care about you, it's you don't care FOR them.

At August 10, 2009 at 5:53 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

Health care in this country isn't free nor is it a right. The Constitution does not state that health care is a right of every citizen. Let's not forget that when we talk national health care.

Health care also isn't an entitlement. In other words, everyone isn't entitled to health care whether they pay or not. Why work if everyone is entitled to welfare and free healthcare. Let's all stay home and let the government take care of us. We pay SS all are lives and so when we retire, we are entitled to get that money back in Social Security. We all need to pay for health care if we want to receive care. It can't be free for everyone. Now just stop and think for a minute. Health care can not become another welfare program. The last stimulus package eliminated the incentives to get people off welfare and back to work by rewarding the states with increased poor by giving them more and more welfare money.

Yes, we need to take care of the uninsured who can't afford coverage or are denied coverage. There are also the people who choose not to have insurance, who can pay but don't, that are included in this number of uninsured. Let's not reward these people or increase the numbers because they think the government will just pay now. This is another reason health care costs have gotten out of control.

We need to take a long hard look and figure out how to repair the system before we throw everything down the toilet for a new unproven plan passed by Congress as fast as they can and with little chance to debate the pros or cons.

At August 11, 2009 at 5:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

term, its not broken down. its costly and needs some reform. we just cannot keep paying for others who do not belong here or will not work.

where is this money going to come from? govt needs to get their house in order before they start telling us what we can have and not have. 1.6 trillion dollars for this, uncle sam ain’t making money. we make the money and then they tax us to death.

we need less federal govt involvement and regulation-not more. watch the news about these town hall meetings. folks are getting angry and are not real happy with their D.C. representation at the moment. in the late 1770’s, americans started to get rid of an oppressive govt. that taxed them and did not give them fair representation.

Congress in my feeling is in it for themselves. Like I said before they act like rock stars-not legislators. Look how many get themselves into trouble-r’s and d’s.

They better start looking at the polls, President Obama has lost 15 points since jan 20 th. I bet congress is worse yet.


At August 11, 2009 at 6:08 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

I think we can guess what most Painesville residents think about national health care. One reason some people came here if for better health care.

Now if the population in Painesville would read the proposed bill starting at 838 and see what it calls for they might just be upset. Basically, The government would provide in home child raising and child care advice. This would be optional unless the person lives in a poorer less affluent area then the government would step in and start to tell you or help you raise your children. Let's face it, Painesville qualifies as does say Cleveland and most inner cities. I have just made a short and maybe simple observation here, but that's what I think it is saying.

Best if you read it yourself starting at page 838. I hope I'm wrong about this but I want to look into this further. I need this clarified.

At August 11, 2009 at 7:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Badger, you are totally right to be concerned. I have studied this health care bill and am familiar with this section. The government will come into the home and tell you how to raise your child. This will apply to low income areas, which Painesville will fall into. Do we really want the government telling each of us how to raise our kids.? And who's values do that want taught to the children? This is extremely dangerous. What happens if we don't teach them the values the government wants? Be afraid. Be very afraid!

At August 11, 2009 at 8:10 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

A follow up to the last post I made.

The two areas I have a problem with are

‘‘(iv) monitor fidelity of program im18
plementation to ensure that services are
19 delivered according to the specified model;

Who's model is it? Yours, mine the government's?

9 ‘‘(IV) modeling, consulting, and
10 coaching on parenting practices;

Read bill here

Again, the word model. I feel the government could intrude on a family's privacy if we are not careful here.

Children are the fastest growing segment of the population living in poverty and we all need to take care of them. I just think we need to be careful not to replace, say a father, with a government watchdog. We need stronger family ties not more government intervention. I for one wouldn't have wanted some government employee telling me how to raise my children. We need to tread lightly here.

If you take time to look around you will see most poverty is in the same areas that have the lowest rated schools. Less education leads to more poverty. I would be willing to bet that these same areas also have the most single parent households. With a better education comes a higher paying job that in turn brings in people who can afford better homes. Better homes bring in more tax money to further better a school system and the city. We need to educate our children so they can get the jobs needed to break this cycle parents on welfare followed by children on welfare and so on. The government can only perpetuate this cycle with more welfare and what people think will become free healthcare.

At August 16, 2009 at 11:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will someone out there please show me the Republican Plan? What is our Congressmans solution? We are on a sinking ship.


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