Sunday, April 26, 2009


Council races are heating up, it was brought to my attention that one candidate for Council at Large had her mentor take her in front of the Lake County Republican Party Executive Committee. First off Painesville council election are nonpartisan meaning free from party affilation, bias, and designation. No law is broken by receiving contribution, endorsements, and campaign help. That said, its not breaking the law reporting on any candidate receiving or asking for help from either party. I am positive Mrs. Dinallo will explain this in her campaign. If any other candidate receives help from either party it should be disclosed.
My concern here is that one or both partys should stay out of nonpartisan races. All it seems to do is add to the cost of running for a seat. Some candidates have already over $6000 in their campaign coffers, and to run a council race in Painesville I believe some will spend over that amount. Go figure?


At April 26, 2009 at 1:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would anyone spend that kind of money to be on council? It only pays $6000 a year, and you have more then a fair amount of time involved. What am I missing?

At April 26, 2009 at 2:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You must be aware of Mr. Jones article in the News-Herald about how the Republican Party was going to get involved with grassroot offices like city councils, and school boards. I agree if you go to EITHER party for help you should at least disclose it.

At April 26, 2009 at 3:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forget the parties, everyone should wait and judge the credentials of all the candidates. Personally I really don't want any more "education" experience running this city.

When are we going to get a good business person willing to run? What is it with this city that all we get are mediocre candidates at best?

At April 26, 2009 at 4:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Painesville schools rated last, now we have them wanting to run the city.

At April 26, 2009 at 8:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why should a candidate disclose talking to the Republican Party? Should they disclose when they talk to any group or organization? I don't believe she was being endorsed by the Republican Party. Just one more group to meet with to make herself known. Get off her case. This is another instance of this site being a forum to bash anything Republican. Repeat, get off her case. You don't think the Democratic candidates haven't approached the Democratic Party for support in one way or another. You know they have. But for you that is not an issue. This site is no better than mainstream media in distorting the facts.

At April 27, 2009 at 3:14 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Read the post again.... Nonpartisan,if a candidate goes to the Democratic Party let me know and I will post it. Distorting facts? did she or didn't she go in front of the committee for what reason?

At April 27, 2009 at 3:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Repeat get off her back. What happens to Term if he doesnt take your warning or threat? Now you have made me suspicious.

At April 27, 2009 at 6:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no such thing as a non-partisan race. There is party politics in everything. Just because there isn't an "R" or a "D" next to the names on the ballot, doesn't mean that a candidate can't run as a republican and on republican ideals. Taking money from the republican party is no different than taking money from a local business, a citizen, or some other group.

At April 27, 2009 at 6:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't you call someone from the committee and ask, or better yet, ask the candidate herself. Maybe none of them even read this site. You, as usual, are just trying to start controversy.

At April 27, 2009 at 7:49 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"When are we going to get a good business person willing to run?"

Business is good but wouldn't an education or experience in public governance be the best credentials to have?

At April 27, 2009 at 9:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no such thing as a nonpartisan race? Then lets put the [R] and [D] next to the name and be done with it.

At April 27, 2009 at 10:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Maybe none of them even read this site."

I would assume none of them do. They shouldn't not waste their time on this stuff. They should spend time more productively figuring out how to make the city better rather than crapping on it. Which calls into question a candidate who would have Term as his campaign manager.

At April 27, 2009 at 2:58 PM , Blogger Sandy Miller said...

and what do you think this site is for? Most on here are "crapping" on the city? We ask questions.
I am trying to build a life and business in this so called city.

I think it is important to establish healthy questions and seek responsible answers. If you are not asking questions of this city you would have to be on mars.
Many on this blog have watched the city deteriorate
over the last 20 years while council and city hall were high five-ing each other at council meetings. I check in here occasionally and am happy to hear people questioning what is going on.
In the past I have gone directly to the city manager or my council person and have had good success with getting answers. From what I have read Term has also done this and then reported back. I have also read his apologies and corrections.

If Kathy Dinallo was introduced to the Lake County Republican Committee I am glad to hear about it. It makes a difference in the way I vote. It doesn't belong at the local level. I don't vote party lines but I pay attention.

I do wish we would raise the salaries of council to see viable business people run for council. There is in imbalance between city council salaries and city manager salaries.

Good post Term!

At April 27, 2009 at 4:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grow the heck up!

At April 27, 2009 at 5:55 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Just to let everyone know, I am not nor will be running anyones campaign. Again this post was to see if we could keep the two major partys out. Why would the city fathers long ago put nonpartisan in the city charter?

At April 27, 2009 at 6:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone better tell the "Queen" to hurry up and get the money to tear down Lake East Hospital before the Pandemic hits Lake County and Painesville. Stranger things have happened!

At April 27, 2009 at 6:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its done by stealth, Do you really believe Bob Fountain or Hal Werner, could have got elected in Painesville if they had an [R] behind their name. Think about it.

At April 27, 2009 at 6:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

MadPotter, you are such a hypocrite. You say politics don't belong on the local level, but yet you won't vote for Dinallo because of a Republican connection. Continue talking out of both sides of your mouth. This shows your true colors.

At April 27, 2009 at 6:49 PM , Blogger Sandy Miller said...

I said nothing about whom I was voting for.......

I said it made a difference if someone is introduced by a sitting council member to either party headquarters.
not important which party it is.........

read what you want .......

only color I see right now is GREEN!
Happy Compost!

At April 27, 2009 at 6:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry about the hospital. Rita will setup a triage at the old hotel, parking garage, plenty more places to tear down.
Mr. Rellik

At April 27, 2009 at 10:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you hear about the homeless man who drowend in the river, I think he might have fell from the cliff over by Hillside drive the all hang out there, they even have sex there, 2-3 years ago one died in the field, now there is a For Sale sign there, what a joke.

At April 28, 2009 at 12:32 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

The way I see it is, if we eliminate anyone who is a Republican or a Democrat, that takes a lot of qualified people out of the race. So if the City Council race is suppose to be a nonpartisan election, where are the candidates going to come from. Look folks, they vote on city issues at council meetings. Being elected to council doesn't give them the right to vote in Congress, Ohio's or the Nation's. Being a registered Republican or Democrat shouldn't disqualify anyone any more than what that person does for a living. There is another woman on council that is an OFFICER in the Democratic Party. She is head of the Women's Club for the Democratic Party. Should she be impeached or not allowed to run? Lori Dinallo is a precinct committee person in the GOP and as such she just attended a normal monthly meeting. She is not an officer of the party. If you want to set standards for one person or party, lets set them for the other one too. Nonpartisan qualifications should be the issue here, not what party the person belongs to. I for one vote in the local elections as well as the state and national elections and I can tell the differences in the issues. Let's get over the 2008 election and do our research on the 2009 election. Knowledge of city issues and listening to the residents so someone can vote on what is best for Painesville

At April 28, 2009 at 12:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post Badger.

At April 28, 2009 at 12:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Lori Dinallo can't attend Republican meetings then Arlene Becks must resign as an officer in the Democratic Party. NOW the problem is solved TERM. Are you the one going to tell her or are you just blowing smoke because you happen to be a Democrat yourself. Maybe you should tell her she can't run for council again. Go for it.

At April 28, 2009 at 1:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the candidates won't tell you is they are turning our election into a political control battleground for the democrats and republicans.

Hada, either is or was part of the Lake County Democratic Central Committee, DiNallo I believe is part of the Lake County Republican Central Committee. These are the two that are going to use party funds and fundraisers to battle for the "grassroots" control.

So what do the citizens of Painesville end up with?, do we get "same old, same old" or new "I'm here not on qualifications but on dollars"? Either way unless citizens realize what is happening they will spend enough big time money that either one or both will take seats and we, the citizens end up with mediocrity for another four years.

Someone asked why we don't get good people to run, well, good, everyday people can't compete with the dollars of a major political party and most won't even try.

Personally, I don't care what party they are with, I am not supporting anyone who is going to turn this city election into nothing more than a political spending fiasco. Had enough of that during the presidential election.

At April 28, 2009 at 1:03 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Badger, read the post, I didn't say get rid of any candidate because they were a Republican or Democrat. I said keep the political partys out of it. NEITHER party should be involved in a council race...It happen the last election. If Ms. Becks is getting help from the Dems. most of us would like to know about it. You shouldn't have to wonder if your candidate is going to put the city or a political party first.

At April 28, 2009 at 1:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You shouldn't have to wonder if your candidate is going to put the city or a political party first."

How do political parties influence decisions that are made by council on local issues? Please give me an example.

At April 28, 2009 at 1:38 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

Sounds to me as if you are trying to give a review of a movie (meeting) by just sitting in the parking lot. You need to actually see the movie to give any reliable info or review. If you attended this meeting with Lori and the Republican Party and she asked for help or was offered help that's one thing, but just because she went to a meeting as she has in the past just as Arlene does, doesn't mean she was given tons of cash. As I said before, any person who is active in politics and going to run for office is likely in one party or the other.

If you think this is suppose to be nonpartisan then why don't you keep the candidates' political party out of it.

An intelligent voter votes the issues or voting record and not what party the candidate belongs to or who is buddy buddy with someone else.

You seem to attend the council meetings so if Lori comes to one and announces she is running, that would be a good time to question both her and Arlene. You might as well ask all of the council members just exactly what help he or she gets from the political parties.

Just wondering if this would have been an issue if Lori was a Democrat and had gone to a central committee meeting for the Democratic Party and announced she was running?

Talk about a Conspiracy Theory. Maybe we should call you Jerry Fletcher now.

At April 28, 2009 at 1:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Badger should be asking why would either party want to be involved in a city council election? Someone might be beholded to someone? How many of these candidates ever work in the private sector, or ran a business?

At April 28, 2009 at 2:03 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

Anonymous, who said the individual parties are getting involved in the city council election. Term has hinted at his Conspiracy Theory here. I think if you actually talk to any officer of either party, they will tell you about all the help they give is advice on how to run a campaign. You know not everyone runs for President in the first campaign. They run for some local office like city council or maybe the school board. Then they move up to mayor or a county office of some kind. Campaign advice isn't something a political favor or kick back is a big thing to worry about.

I think getting more people to attend council meetings and learn about the issues in the city is more important than what party someone belongs to. An informed voter is the most important issue here. The best form of checks and balances is the voting booth.

At April 28, 2009 at 2:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What if the County Commissioners were Democrats and they wanted to build or buy property in your community? If you were helped in the last election by the party and someone asked you to "smooth things out". Annexation what if you might be told to back-off, JEDD let Mentor work with Concord on this one. Grant money?
Mr. Rellik

At April 28, 2009 at 2:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way MADPOOPER

It's Lori not Kathy

At April 28, 2009 at 2:27 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Badger no conspiracy, but don't believe they only get advice,. Ask John Murphy, if all Bob Foutain got was advice. Did it make for Ward 3 getting served? Does he even return the phone calls from residents? Well, at least the two old women I overheard at Rider's "We had to keep that Ward in Republican hands." WHY????

At April 28, 2009 at 2:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob Foutain, is he a council member? You have to show up to be a member. Or you vote the way you believe not "I vote the same way Hach votes. We need to break up the cronyism and the same 4 against the other 3.

At April 28, 2009 at 2:55 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

Term, ask John Murphy. Contributions a matter of public record. Produce the records. I vote for who I think is the best candidate for the job. I also can contribute to anyone I want. As an individual, I have that right. Again, if you still believe in this Conspiracy Theory, produce the facts. Show us the public records. Show us the minutes of these meetings you attended. Both the Republican Party and the Democratic Party have a Central Committee and an executive committee. These are the people who decide who to support and how. They meet regularly and keep minutes. You know, you might want to attend the churches these candidates attend. Who knows, religion could enter in to this if they tell someone at church they are running for council. Separation of Church and State.

Absurd, yes, but no more than assuming someone is raking in tons of money from a political party.

Does your support for John Murphy have anything to do with your comments here.

Let's see the facts. The facts include what candidates you are supporting.

For the sake of disclosure.

Inquiring minds want to know.

At April 28, 2009 at 8:29 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Badger, if the election was held tomorrow I would only cast one vote as opposed to three [ I never dilute my vote] because I believe John would be good for the future of Painesville. He does what he says, and believes what he says. i know hes a good person that has run a business and has been around enough to see it all. That said my ideal candidate would not have any party backing, no fund raisers, spend no more than $250.00 to be on council. no rulers, no nail files to give out. At the most twenty-five signs around town, a web site where you could ask their views on things going on in the city. No friend and family ambushing me at poling sites, {Like I haven't figured out who I going to vote for yet and this is the closer,] someone who goes out and meets the residents one on one, takes notes, and if asked a question they don't have the answer admits it then finds it out and call the person back. No mailers with the candidate surrounded by Police or Firefighters like they go out on calls with them, endoresments from city official twenty miles from town, no union endoresments or putting yourself in a picture with someones ageing grandmother, Its never going to happen but thats my ideal candidate. I for the life of me can't figure out why anyone spends the money like some do. Thats probably why I like Andy Flock, ever been to one of his fundraisers? got a mailer from him, I don't remember him having signs. He win on his merits, not his wallet.

At April 29, 2009 at 6:36 AM , Blogger Sandy Miller said...

City council, who is running...........

I like to sit back and watch what people do, not what they say; in the military it's called "making one's bones". When I hear someone blowing their horn I walk away. I will vote for someone who shows leadership and not blowing ones horn.

I will not vote along party lines nor do I belong to any party. I will vote for anyone who has the best interest of Painesville in the forefront of their campaign.

Residents in Ward 1 wanted change and needed a change but few are very happy with the change we got. Unfortunately with three candidates running the vote was split.

Apologies to "Lori" Dinallo and wish her well. My kids always refer to her as Mrs. Dinallo and I guess I will too.


At April 29, 2009 at 7:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love it when a politician tells me "They" brought these jobs to town. Funny the same people are never around when some business leaves town. You'll never hear "I" drove these jobs out of here?

At April 29, 2009 at 9:44 AM , Anonymous Badger said...

When you vote for someone to serve as council person, mayor, senator or president it becomes political. To expect that same person not to have anything to do with politics is like asking the bear not to, well you know, in the woods. People run for office for all kinds of reasons like power, popularity, prestige or a chance to serve. I for one wish the first three could be eliminated and just stick with the last reason. Candidates like the Hada's and the Becks' can run on name and voting record. The Murphy's and the Dinallo's have to meet with as many people and groups as possible to get there platform and name known to the public. I don't vote party lines but if someone wants to eliminate listening to someone who MAY have some good ideas for the City of Painesville just because they went to this meeting or to that meeting isn't really interested in what is best for Painesville. These new candidates need to meet as many people as they can. That means talking to as many groups as they can.

As someone said, show me where someone on council voted to send us to war or pass over 700 BILLION bailout package without reading it and then you can say council elections are partisan.

People voted for CHANGE in the last election. 2008 How's it going so far???? It's time we wake up and take a serious look at all our elected officials, top to bottom. We need to get off our butts and get involved in the community and our country. Saying you voted for change and then just sitting back and doing nothing isn't going to get us out of the mess this country is in.

Hard work and true American values is what made this country great, not sitting back and asking what's in it for me. The President isn't coming to Painesville to solve our problems. If you think Painesville needs to get better then maybe it's time for change. People need to get involved. Just remember, it's easy to say the word change but a lot harder to bring about honest change.

So get out and listen to these candidates running for council. Truly listen and then vote for the ones who you think will serve Painesville the best. If you don't vote or just vote for someone because you recognize the name, then don't come back here just to complain. You're the problem. We need Change in our duty to be a truly informed voter to really bring about a Change for the better.

Well, time to get off my soapbox now.

At April 29, 2009 at 2:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder how many people in Painesville only voted for Change because they expected to get their own stimulus/bailout check in the mail. Vote for me and get free money. WOW talk about buying votes.

At April 29, 2009 at 2:36 PM , Blogger Sandy Miller said...

You are kidding right..........

who gave us the first bail out check?

who told us to go shopping after 9/11?

I think folks care a bit more about the country than a few hundred dollar check in their pocket.


At April 29, 2009 at 3:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The question was asked, how can council influence anything at a higher level?

Why has our "democrat" council for years allowed our "democrat" county commishes to make sure all low income, and public assistance is isolated in Painesville?

Hmm, we'll make sure you get the dollars to sit forever on council and you don't question the fairness of our public assistance programs?

We can never prove that, but why else would year after year our council people keep their mouths shut about something that most business people or non-low income will tell you is a problem?

Why do we constantly make it easy for our "Democrat" county comishes to grab our valuable retail land along our main streets?

I'll bet you'll never get Becks or Hada to speak out against the county, that is run by their "party".

People on here that think that is a non issue need to open their eyes to what happens in the real world. If you think favors and corruption only happens above a certain level of public office think again.

At April 29, 2009 at 5:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to make sure, what County do you live in? Most Lake County offices are held by Republicans unless they all did a "Spector" last night.
The four for sure votes Hada {D}
Abbey{R} Bob{R} Paul {UNKNOWN}
Lot of mixing, and the others Andy{D} Arlene{D} Hal{R}
I don't think your theory holds water. Abbey, Hal, and Bob have no problems either.

At April 29, 2009 at 6:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just so Badger knows on May 2,2006 Lori Dinallo was elected Republican County Central Committee Member Painesville 1B
In the same election Arlene Becks won election for Democratic County Central Committee Member also in Painesville.
Both of these candidates are well known to their partys and neither needed an introduction.

At April 29, 2009 at 7:31 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

Yes, I am fully aware of that. Arlene is an officer in here party and Lori is a regular Central Committee person, not on the Executive Committee. Term was the one who said Lori went to the Republican Party for support and/or money. She went there for a regular Central Committee meeting just as I'm sure Arlene attends her meetings. Doesn't mean any money is being raised for her. Come to think of it, I heard even John Murphy attended a Republican fundraiser. Is he getting money too? Term, maybe you can show us the dirt on all these candidates shady dealings with the political parties. Unless you have facts spare us the rumors. An election with honesty and about the best person for the job. Talk about HOPE or CHANGE. Maybe it's time for a breath of fresh air in Painesville.

At April 29, 2009 at 7:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think again Madpooper 700+ billion bailout, Million dollar bonus' provided for in bailouts, stimulus package full of Pork barrel, 3.8 trillion dollar deficits, talk of making soldiers have their own insurance cover their medical bills, wanting to tax your medical insurance paid by your employer, government takeover of banks and companies. I hope your kids will enjoy paying for all of this. To cover the outrage on the bonus' they wanted to tax at 90%. Let's see, rewrite the tax code to punish a few certain people. Am I next or are you? Force banks and companies to take bailouts?? Why, for total control later. Let's see, fly Air Force One over NY with fighter jets. Who's bright idea, why it's some ones military advisor who by the way just came from the board of directors of the failed IndyMac bank. He can't even appoint cabinet members who pay all their taxes. Now he can appoint federal judges. Look out America, you complained about the last president, wait till this one takes your money and spreads the wealth around.

At April 29, 2009 at 8:18 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

A follow up to Anonymous about Central Committee members. I see nothing wrong with either of these people being members of their parties. My problem was that Term singled out Lori Dinallo. Was it because Term is a Democrat and she is a Republican? Maybe he wants to have people question her qualifications or make people think something shady is happening. Could it be that he supports another candidate. If he want Lori or any other candidate to explain these events to the voters then he should disclose who he supports. If he truly wants this to be a clean election, let's keep the dirty politics and rumors out of it.

At April 30, 2009 at 4:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Badger, thanks for telling it like it is. And TERM, I think Badger nailed you on your motive for picking on Dinallo. You are just another example of how the mainstream media works. Telling lies and half lies and inferences, but it does the job of turning people against a candidate. But no disclosure on your candidate. And Madpotter, you obviously are such a democrat that you would have voted for any unqualified person as long as they had a D by their name. Well you got him, and the problem is I got him too. Along with all his redistribution of wealth. When it really hits your pocket book you will realize what you helped do, but it will be too late.

At April 30, 2009 at 4:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Paul is a D. And two of our 3 commissioners are D's. Look what they do to us. Clerk of Courts, D. Municipal Judge Cicconetti is a big D. Common Pleas Judge Gibson is a D.

At April 30, 2009 at 9:27 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Badger, if any candidate gets help from the Democratic party let me know who and what and I promise you I will post it here. I know John Murphy ask the local Democratic Party for help two years ago and was told we don't involve ourselves in nonpartisan elections, if thats not true let us know. Please don't take this wrong but some of you seem parinoid about this blog. site. One minute you tell me its no big deal what party a candidate supports and the next time your telling me the party running the candidate? What is it?

At April 30, 2009 at 2:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not confused anymore, I pride myself on being able to say I never voted for a Democrat....Well I guess I have been for over twenty years and that will stop as of NOW. thanks for the info.

At April 30, 2009 at 7:39 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

Term, you started the topic not me. I'm simply saying that just about every candidate is going to lean toward one party or the other. Simply because one of them attends a meeting or supports another candidate running for a different office as a Republican or a Democrat doesn't mean they can't run for City Council. They are entitled to vote for anyone they want just as you and I are.

You implied Lori did something wrong or sneaky by attending her Central Committee meeting. I don't think she owes anyone an explanation and neither does Arlene, or John Murphy. They are the other candidates mentioned here so I will include them. Anyone running for council needs to get out and meet as many people as they can. Any money they collect is a matter of public record and you or anyone else can get that from the board of elections. To repeat, I don't see any wrong doing here by any candidate and I am not accusing anyone of any wrong doing.

My problem was with you singling out just one candidate and implying something shady was going on. Everyone remembers the initial accusation but very few ever follow up and get the real facts. If you wanted to keep this race nonpartisan, why did you try to bring politics back into it.

Also, I never once said either party was running any candidate. Most people know what party these people belong to. One thing still remains, no one knows for sure how anyone votes. They can guess, but that's all.

Let's give all the candidates a chance to be heard and hopefully we will elect the best people for the job.

At April 30, 2009 at 10:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey John,
Hope you are ready ?

She is about to find out the truth.

Love ya.

At May 1, 2009 at 4:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice try Badger, Why would any party support anyone in a non-partisan race? thats all he stated as a question, and I for one glad he did. Its nice having a scorecard.
Mary Poppins

At May 1, 2009 at 5:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said, Badger. An intelligent voice of reason. I just hope people take in what you said, and are not left with the insinuations that TERM instilled in this election.

At May 1, 2009 at 8:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe its time to ask Badger what his/her agenda is,seems this has upset him.
Oh, I think most are happy for the information on what the candidates are up to, Badger what are you up to? Do you have a dog in this race?

At May 1, 2009 at 11:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was the lady at that meeting? yes or no. Thats the only thing he implied? She can explain why she was there shes a big girl. Nothing to be ashamed of right?
Mary Poppins

At May 1, 2009 at 7:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mary Poppins, that has already been explained. You are as bad as TERM in trying to start a fire where there isn't even any smoke.

At May 2, 2009 at 6:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Badger the smoke comes after the fire has been started, I didn't see anything shady. Maybe for the first time we will know who, and why anyone runs for council. First I have to ask is the school system taking over municipal government?
Shady Lady

At May 3, 2009 at 3:46 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

I have an agenda. Maybe I just want a qualified group to run for the at large seats. Let's not try to eliminate a candidate for the political party they belong to or the place of their employment. We have around six months before the election. Let's here what the candidates have to say. If you want to ask them a question, ask them in person. Don't like their answer, then vote for someone else. Starting rumors or implying wrong doing doesn't help any voter or candidate. My personal agenda or candidate??? There are three seats open so guess what, we get to vote for 3 people. I repeat THREE different candidates. Who cares who I vote for. It's not one or the other, it's what 3 YOU think are best. I think we need to listen to all the candidates and then vote for the 3 each voter thinks are the best for the job. Last time I checked my vote counts exactly the same as everyone else. No more, no less. Go to a council meeting, call and talk to a candidate. Come to Party in the Park, I'm sure the candidates will be there. Ask the questions. Do your research and then vote for the best one. This will be an off year election so turn out will be low.

At May 4, 2009 at 6:41 AM , Blogger Sandy Miller said...

Will we have meet the candidate night again?
Thought it was great the last time it was hosted.
Would be nice if it was televised on channel 12 too.

Please get out and vote this year......... please.

the last council election numbers were pretty sad.

I think I would vote for anybody who said they would pave the roads.........


At May 4, 2009 at 9:32 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

One meeting at each of the three elementary schools, September thur October, Maybe the League of Women Voters can run it.
Format can be decided by candidates.
Channel 12?

At May 4, 2009 at 12:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will the League of Women Voters have only the Democrats show up. Maybe Acorn can run one too.

Let's keep the groups that have political agendas out of meet the candidate nights.

At May 4, 2009 at 1:50 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

It was just a suggestion, Derrick Advey did an excellent job during the last election , I'll ask him if he will to it again. Open for ideas whats yours?

At May 4, 2009 at 2:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats, the way to win just say you will pave the roads, and MadPothead will vote for you.


At May 4, 2009 at 2:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

League of Women Voters are liberal Democrats.

At May 4, 2009 at 7:44 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

You need a good neutral meeting place that will hold enough people. A school gym or auditorium is probably the easiest and the price is right. Some people will complain it gives an unfair advantage to candidates connected to the schools, but where else can they be held with enough room and inside. It has to be planned ahead and weather for an outside event is to iffy.

Now you need a fair and neutral moderator. I didn't see Derrick Advey last time, so I can't comment on him. Maybe a different moderator each time might be an idea. Anyone who can control a meeting and give each and every candidate EQUAL time would work. You need to move things along so the 3 minute limit sounds good to me.

Topics. Maybe a poll for people to list their concerns or questions. Maybe a list of the citizens complaints from city council meetings. Maybe the candidate's own list of important issues. A lot of work here for someone or maybe a group of people.

Everyone complains about the schools. Why not get a group of the students from Harvey's government classes and have them get involved. Time would be short but they would have a little over two months to do something. Some may be able to vote in this election or the next. What better way to get the youth involved in this important right. The right to vote.

We need to get more people involved. Just my thoughts for now.

At May 4, 2009 at 8:17 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Good idea Badger, except lets keep the high school kids out of this. The reason being the school board probably like to keep their student out of direct politics. During the last election Ch.96 interviewed former student Bradley Dean on their weekend T.V. news show and all but endorsed him. I know some of the students involved and it was innocent. Because of the T.V. time offered Brad they felt it was fair to give all candidates free air time. In July we will know all the candidates running and ask them what format they would want.

At May 5, 2009 at 4:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Topics. Maybe a poll for people to list their concerns or questions. Maybe a list of the citizens complaints from city council meetings. Maybe the candidate's own list of important issues. A lot of work here for someone or maybe a group of people.

This is the scary part. the topics should not be accusatory and should be neutral for all candidates. We don't want the cohorts of one of the candidate's organizing the topics and questions which prompts the concept, maybe Term shouldn't be involved in the planning. Maybe the best way to go would be to use the high school students. They can poll the city for concerns, they can produce it with their tv station. They should be more neutral than other members of the commuity, and they could learn something about producing an event such as this. I would be proud to see our students work on this and having our students taking a greater interest in the community and I think we would see a diverse set of topics and viewpoints coming from our diverse student body.

At May 5, 2009 at 1:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You got to be kidding? Use high school kids, some candidates will spend upwards of $5000. and you want them running the debates. Hi Mrs. Dinallo didn't see you in the office this morning?, Mr. Fodor probabaly can't wait to get back to work uh? Mrs. Hada can you write me aletter to Wittenberg College a letter from the school board President sure would help, Joe looks ready to debate. PLEASE
Chance of slanting the race? This is a city election not an election for student body President. I was a one of the debates last year and the black gentleman {Mr. Advey?] was more than fair and even childed a person asking a question that took place 20 years ago.
this is for the leadership of Painesville, not a workshop for a civic's class.
What would happen if Hada, Dinallo, and Fodor ran as one on a slate? With some goofy catch pharse.

At May 5, 2009 at 6:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You would be against helping our kids get involved with a good activity in our community. The point was to have the high shcool kids poll the city for concerns. There would be no slant. Please. You and your conspiracy theories.

At May 5, 2009 at 7:02 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

From getting involved to running the debate??????? Where did I say anything that remotely resembles that statement. A meeting at a school could easily become a learning experience for the kids. They have Mock Trial and Future Business Leaders of America. Why not include something else with government?? If you want to improve the schools then you need to get busy.

At May 6, 2009 at 5:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Badger I apologize for any confusion, but my comments were directed to Karen. She is off her rocker.

At May 6, 2009 at 2:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was at the last meet the candidates and honestly, if I was a candiddate I would turn down the chance to be at one this year.

There was only maybe 50 people at them, 45 were already supporting someone and about ten of them asked questions designed to badger and make the other candiddates look bad.

Those were about the most useless meet the candidate nights I have ever seen.

I won't attend them this year, what a waste of time, and I can guarantee you the same group of people will show again this time (except the Hal Werner supporters, they learned their lesson)

At May 7, 2009 at 6:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I were a candidate I wouldn't run at all. The job could not pay me enough to deal with Term and his buddies attacking everything I did as an attempt to ruin the city, not to mention their occaisional ventures into my personal life. I would not subject myself to these low lifes on a daily basis.

At May 7, 2009 at 9:36 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Please give one example of a venture into someones personal life?

At May 8, 2009 at 1:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

No takers on your question? They complain without proving anything.


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