Sunday, April 5, 2009


Read Bunkys post and went back and reread the Fridays 03/03/09 story on Painesville story on no cuts page2. Yes Bunky I have to agree with you the article gives you the impression that someone on council or all council people negotiated the contracts with the three unions and were in further negotiations with the Police Union. People that work for the city seem to be upset with some parts of the agreements? Why? does council have a clue? My question did any member of council sit in on any negotiations? are they permitted to? Why would they not want to hear first hand concerns of their employees? Does the CM negotiate the contracts with her and the $300.00 perhr. outside Law Firm and bringing it to council for a Yes or No vote. If council has no say why even involve them?


At April 5, 2009 at 8:31 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Council had no reason to approve this and the city manager is leading them around by the nose.

At April 5, 2009 at 9:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do you get so excited over the 300 per hour? It's not even that much compared to some lawyers. And to hire anyone less then maybe we'd be getting sub-standard representation and then you'd complain about that. How do you know how much they make anyway? And are you just assuming the outside law firm was involved in the negotiations or did you just include that accusation to try and sling mud at the city as is your regular goal. I can't tell because you started the sentence with "Does" and ended it with a period instead of the expected question mark. Even if all your accusations were true, which I doubt, I still can't say you communicated them effectively.

"...bringing it to council for a Yes or No vote. If council has no say why even involve them?"

Isn't this a bit counterintuitive? If they have a Yes or no vote, isn't that having a "say"? They could always vote no and send them back to the negotiating table by voting no. Don't they then have the ultimate "say" in what happens?

It is tough to respond to your posts without being insulting, so I apologize if it came across that way. I just hope other readers take your posts for what they are. I kind of feel as though the city would be wasting my tax dollars to respond to you, so I guess it's a good thing you post this stuff on an obscure internet blog rather than confront the city with any of this stuff on city time (and on my dollar) just so they can put you in your place. So blog on, my friend, blog on.

At April 5, 2009 at 1:39 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Sorry to insult you, just trying to figure out how many attorneys it takes to run this burg. My question was can a city councilperson attend negotiations?
Counterintuitive? Whats the answer Yes or No, and why not?
I'll blog on and you I guess will read on.

At April 5, 2009 at 3:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Counterintuitive? The heck with the $300. The city manager over the last 5 years has spent close to a million dollars with the law firm of Buckingham,Doolittle,& Burroughs what fund does she use to pay these people? Utilities? Why for what purpose? Do these payments show up in the budget? Ask the city manager yourself and you will learn first hand about wasting money. Then maybe you have a reason to be insulted.

At April 6, 2009 at 11:39 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If these charges can be proven they should be brought to council, but I'm willing to bet its all B.S. or in your head. Were these invoices buried at Harvey too?

At April 6, 2009 at 2:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why bother having a council if the only purpose is to rubberstamp everything? I always thought they were the ones that authored resolutions, and ordinances? and management worked for them?


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