Thursday, April 9, 2009


Walked into the City Planning meeting tonight, WOW! full house seem they want to form a Mentor Ave. Historic Distrct. A triangle that went from Liberty St. Down Washington Mentor Ave. back to Liberty St. A multitude of people spoke for and against the proposal. Have to report the "against" seemed to carry the day. One resident stated he felt we are about thirty years to late with this, another said he didn't feel the government had a right to tell him he couldn't change his house if he wanted to. Alot of emotion in the room. Planning Commission tabled the proposal.
Changing the zoning from B-2 to B-1 [a mix of business and residential].On that property om Chester St. They want to build a 12,000 foot two-story building that would have fifteen one bedroom apartments for people with a multitude of problems [mental, homelessness, ect] to get them to mainstream back into society. This facility would be run by Pathway and the property would sometime in the future be owned by a non-profit. Lots of positives, but more than a fair share of negatives that Painesville has more than its fair share of already. Planning voted against the change. Hope this helps explains what went on.


At April 9, 2009 at 8:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two words "OLD HOTEL"

At April 10, 2009 at 2:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its about time at least one group in this city had the guts to stand up and say NO to more low income, government assistance calling Painesville home.

At April 10, 2009 at 2:31 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's too bad that the historic district failed, that might have been able to protect the Steele mansion land from being turned into a modern section 8 public assistance apartments.

At April 10, 2009 at 4:42 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

The Steele Mansion came up, listening to some in attendance the faith of that building has been decided. First both groups want to preserve that triangle. some just thought alot more regulations just wasn't the answer. On Washington only covered the north side of the street? That didn't seem to make sense to some also this Historical District would have an impact on wht could be built on the Harvey sight. Neither group wanted old homes torn down and apartments built.

At April 10, 2009 at 8:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"A little more than 30 years late" That seems to be the problem how many new strutures have been built in that area? One side of a street is in the historical district the other not? All this a ploy to get this district established so someone can have higher resale value?

At April 11, 2009 at 12:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To bad the historical district failed? The whole town has failed and you have these little clusters all around town trying to protect there nighborhoods. Bank St. Mentor Ave. ect. The city has failed to provide any real leadership for over 25 years and now we want to protect small areas of the city? Go back in history and see what oour law director did to protect this town when he sat on council. I warned him something like this was coming to town. Ms. MsMahon is not a manager she was put in that position to steal land from the township. Joe Hada this year please list every accomplishmentyou have done for the city when you run for office.

At April 11, 2009 at 4:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How does the bike path fit into this Historical District?


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