Almost forgot tonights council meeting seems lite on the agenda, but we will get a report from the Finance Director. Hope council has some good questions to ask him. How much has revenue fallen in the first quarter of this year to the citys income tax collections? Will report on the meeting tomorrow, with NO bias.
Council meeting didn't get off to to great a start. Heisley Park residents have now threated the city, and Ryan Homes with a lawsuit over the water in their basements, stateing enough is enough. Law Director Gurley told them they could do what they wanted, and take a Cavalier approach if they wanted. A Heisley resident said thats O.K. he was tired of taking a Pirate approach to the flooding in his basement. A resident brought up the city newsletter about being a respossible good neighbor. He stated that the good neighborhood policy didn't seem to be working to well and what other ideas the city had to make your neighbors more responsive. I asked about the 170 nanufacturing jobs in the city. I was told as of this week there were 133 jobs of all kind in town. Full time, part time, service jobs, nurseing jobs and the city only reported what was on the employers web site. Good enough.
Finance Director Andrew Unetic gave the first quarter report, Painesville is still above water even with a 15% drop in income tax revenue, and a 40% drop in investment revenue. Police overtime was down 30% and Fire Department overtime was down 43%. The city was aware that revenue would take a hit this year and all city departments were working it into their budgets. We did purchased that $190,000 camera for the sewer lines, lets hope that finds an issue before it becomes a problem.
Gristmill residents should get their money and be able to move on by the end of the month. Millstone residents are the only ones left to make whole. There seems to be problems there that make a quick settlement unlikely.
The Cobblestone Apartment fire and E.M.S. problem seems to have flared up again with the city manager agreeing there is not agreement with Grand River Fire Depatment or anyone else for that matter.[ back to page one] The Fire Chief claims he can get a unit there in about seven and a half minutes. I heard its a little over nine minutes to get there. seven, nine its still to long. Council President Joe Hada seems to think Painesville Township has some responsibility because the children go to the township schools? I'm still trying to figure out his logic out on that one, but the people living there should be everyone first concern. Arlene Becks stated that if residents see tennis shoes tied together and hanging from a utility line to call the city. That is the sign of possible gangs active in that neighborhood.
Maybe Hal will bring some more show and tell, Arlene can ramble-on, and Andy can show us how little he knows about safety forces. Plus the usual idiots from the peanut gallery. What a waste of two hours.
You forgot, Joe can be condescending to someone.
I hope they asked their questions in advance so the meeting can be productive.
You can try to be unbiased, we will see how you do, but the other posters will any unbias start you give the topic.
Arlene needs an education in what that ACTUALLY means. No need to call the city.
Bias you went after Joe Hada can't figure his logic? I can there getting most of the money out of there , let them earn some of it.
Its just one of Arlenes gangs anyway.
"Full time, part time, service jobs, nurseing jobs and the city only reported what was on the employers web site. Good enough."
Is that an apology? Is that all we can expect out of you? Please. And I didn't think there was another notch for this site to slip to...
Did you go to the bar after the meeting then post? Who were you with?
"I heard its a little over nine minutes to get there."
Ok another mystery source from Term. I trust the 7.5 minutes.
Sorry for he spellimg and hitting the wrong key. They will not get an apology from me there wasn't 170 manufacturing jobs in Painesville, no bar good idea. Maybe someone will put the chief to a test? I hope its not you waiting for that E.M.S. unit.
Joe Hada's statement about the township kicking in to help? What does he want that money goes to the Riverside Schools?
Let me understand Mr. Hada's thinking , first the city STEALS the Townships property {annexed] then he expects them to help with Fire and E.M.S. that guys got .....! If I was them I'd send a school bus. thats where the money goes. First houses on the river, now houses in a swamp. Genius at work I'd say.
170 jobs? Tell us why revenue from income taxes are down 15%.
"the city STEALS the Townships property"
Look, if you are from the township just say so. Sounds like he is doing a great job for us CITY residents.
Went to election board today out of curiosity, they have a log of who has taken out forms to run for offices in Lake County. since the first of the year I found 4 names for Painesville.
who are the other 4?, someone here said 8 were running?
You didn't find a Murphy?
I think you missed some names. Murphy and Dinallo.
Or his girlfriend Millie ?
joe hada must not have enough money in his PERS FUND i see he trying to get ELECTED FOR HIS 8TH TERM talk about strange... canidate # 3.
If you haven't accomplished everything you wanted to do in 28 years, just what does he think he can do in four more? Now hes building his base with the school district, he will back the candidates connected to the schools.
The school candidates are Dinallo and Fodor. Is that the change we need?
What happens the first time Dinallo, and Fodor are asked about illegals being allowed in the city, or even making the city a santuary city?
We know where Fodor stands. What about Dinallo?
talk about strange... canidate # 3
Now come on. We all know you don't get paid anythign to do this job.
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