Friday, February 6, 2009


It seems people like hearing about Painesville past. I will add afew more for people to think about. Feel free to jump in with your own trivia, as I found out it wasn't W.T. Grants but G.G. Grant Department store. W.T. Grants was a department store that must have been in the Painesville Shopping Center. I found an old ad for Lake Rambler that gave the address as 70 N.St. Clair St.
Try these;

Its 1963 you are a Painesville Policeman what make and color is your cruiser?
Its 1960 you are a Lake County Deputy Sheriff what are you driving?
Treon Sunshine Dairy where was their processing plant, and what color were their trucks?
Browns Furniture Store was at 27 N. Stae St. what was the furniture store at 45 N. State St.
The date of April 13,1957 what makes this date so important to Lake Erie College?
There is an empty lot on the southeast corner of Jackson and N. St.Clair St. what did they sell and what brand?
One more, describe what was "Frizzeles Freeze" and where you could purchase it?


At February 6, 2009 at 3:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the kind of stuff JT. would do? What gives?

At February 6, 2009 at 7:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

45 N.STATE-Furniture Land



At February 7, 2009 at 8:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your right about the fire at LEC that caused between $700,000 to a million dollars in damage, [1957 dollars.]
Sorry 45 N. State was Watkins Furniture.
Your right about the T.V. store but I think they sold a brand called Curtis Mathis and Kuntz?

At February 7, 2009 at 8:22 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The police cars were Plymouths and painted a dark grey.
The sheriff cars were regular black and white but were Rambler Ambassadors.
Treon Dairy was on the river side of S.State St. a very small building. south of Washington St. trucks were dull green with silver trucks across the street in that brike builbind with the large doors was the Sealtest Dairy depot, milk was distrubuted but not processed there.

At February 7, 2009 at 8:49 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could I have more information about the fire at the college was anyone killed or injured? What was the location of the building, the cause.

At February 7, 2009 at 8:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want any info. about anything, just google
it is so easy just type in Lake Erie College fire painesville ohio there were more then one so look up the date April 13, 1957

At February 7, 2009 at 9:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm thoroughly enjoying this trip down memory's a contribution from a Lake County girl that calls P'ville home now...what was the name of the dairy on Chester St (next to Fasson) and who founded it? What year did they come to Painesville and from where? And what happened to it? I knew alot of people that worked there in the day and it was a great place with lots of wonderful people...I know there is a retired milkman out there...give everyone else a chance first OK?

At February 8, 2009 at 5:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes you can google, but I think this question has more to do how it affected the people of Painersville.

At February 8, 2009 at 12:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many Gas Stations can you remember that where in Painesville ?

(Fleet Wing N-E corner Mentor Ave & Grant St)

Name the Grocery stores that were in town ?

Fisher Foods changed to Fisher Fazio
(Erie St where the Jail is)

Who had the first Auto repair Shop in Painesville ?
Hint : His parents built and lived in the house east of Bob the Barber's Shop.

Name the car dealers ?

Frank Stanton Ford
(N-W corner Erie St & St.Clair St. new cars and repair shop)
(S-W corner Erie & St.Clair St. used cars)
(Both moved to Richmond St. the Active Plumbing Building)
I think there was a name change too

At February 8, 2009 at 2:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fleet Wing was also where the BP station is a Richmond and Liberty.
Mobil had a station where Arbys is now, a Sunoco on Erie St. where the bank is up from Taco Bell Pure had a station at Richmond and Chester across from Chesters Rest. There was an Atlantic station on the NE corner of Erie and N.State S. A Red Head station where the monument company is now, a SOHIO station where T$T Bakery is, and the Sunoco on that corner was Weigels Shell .
Fisher Foods was also on N.State where Model Bakery is now in the building I remember wood floor with sawdust on them. then they moved to where the jail is [another fire]
A&P was across the street from where the Telegraph Newspaper was printed.[then moved on Jackson St. that building is now the Post Office]
Loblaws was at Washington and S.St.Clair St. {part of Lake East Hospital now.
Before they moved to the shopping center Krogers had a store just about wher you walk into the Storm Cellar now on the park.
Dutchs Garage was on Chester St. next to Fassons [a heating and cooling business is there now.]

Stanton Ford sold out to Commerce Ford in about 1978.

At February 8, 2009 at 7:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

SOHIO was on the S-E corner of Wash. & South St.Clair St. where CVS is now.

There was a Gas station on the S-W corner of Richmond St & Jackson St. before LAKE CAB CO. moved in there, What was it ?

The YMCA was just about where Subway on the park is, they had a underground shooting range.

Name some corner stores ?
LONGS- on the S-E corner of
Richmond St & Jackson St.

LIBERTY SHOP RITE- Corner Liberty St & Pearl St.

PAINESVILLE WINE SHOP- S-W corner Jackson St & North St Clair St. (it was DOLCE'S MARKET before that) What was it after the WINE SHOP left ?

At February 8, 2009 at 8:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Browns Furniture Store was at 27 N. Stae St. what was the furniture store at 45 N. State St.

At February 9, 2009 at 3:22 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There was also a SOHIO at the corner of Bank amd S.State at 5 points

At February 9, 2009 at 9:31 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was that the name of the ice cream stand where Carriage House is now?

At February 9, 2009 at 7:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where Carriage House was, it is closed and the building is comeing down to build a bigger Shell, I think.

At February 9, 2009 at 7:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes where Carriage House was, there were two more Frezzeles Freeze soft ice ceam stands another one on Richmond St. across from Lake Truck. and one on Madison Ave. by Park Rd. It was a secret ice cream recipe produced only by Lockie- Lee Dairy in Painesville.

At February 10, 2009 at 7:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where was the New York Central Hotel?

At February 11, 2009 at 9:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

First one in Painesville? Jose Cuervo, drink responsible.
No way to know, right?

At February 11, 2009 at 1:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

these are great memories but when I ask my kids their memories of Painesville they are not like the ones listed here.....
for that I am sorry.........

Baseball ranks high on their list as does fishing

At February 11, 2009 at 8:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the hell are you talking about ?

At February 12, 2009 at 6:07 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Staton Ford sold to Berkett Williams Ford, and they built there new car lot where Active Plumbing is now.
Where was Active Plumbing before it moved to Richmond St ?

Prospect Beverga

Gurleys ?

De Abates (man we miss Jim)

What was the name of the corner store on the N-W corner of N.State & Prospect St ?
(before Jefferies was there)
Wow the wimpy burger,
Do you remember that ?

At February 12, 2009 at 9:07 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Active Plumbing was in the building behind Stadium Lounge by the overpass, what was their before Active Plumbing? Hint Trucks


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