Lake Hospital System: Snub an affront... Front page Fridays News-Herald. Maybe I'm wrong but I always thought affront meant insult, could be wrong but I don't think so.
I wish the Hospital would ask the resident of the city of Painesville if just maybe they felt insulted by LHS? Go ahead move out as far as you can from your patients as you can, to a location with no police department, a great fire department but really not equiped with dealing with more than a two story building a community that their "not for profit" business profile can not collect taxes on. Then they demand 2 seats on the JEDD, the allocation of funds, in other words what Concord and Painesville can do with the money. On top of everything else they haven't signed petitions to join the JEDD. To bad! You went to Concord now you want to dictate to them? I guess the old saying what goes around comes around.
Ironic isn't it, Lake Hospital System not getting their way? You have to wonder how they thought Concord was going to support them?
as a Concord resident I am glad there here but I"m not paying the freight for them. If your wondering how I got here my daughter is Karen.
Someones doing a real bad job of P.R. at the hospital. What right do they have to say what Concord or Painesville does with the ax money? Concord and Painesville dont tell them how to spend their money? Heres an idea start paying property tax.
Oh crap.
I recently watch a program on CNN about out of control medical costs.
I proceeded to take a few pictures of Lake East Hospital,front entrance, new emergency room and a few other shots. I e-mailrd everything to CNN and asked them to look into the demolishion of the hospital. A week later I received a e-mail respose from an asst. producer at CNN with more questions, Is this a county hospital? a non-profit hospital? were the pictures taken in the last 6 months? Hr seemed very interested where the financing of the demolition would come from? They explained that this is a interesting story and to keep them informed. I feel that the politicans that want to proceed with this terrible idea know people are watching.
All I can say is thank god we re-elected our county commissioners so we can continue to watch them turn Lake County into the rich elite county we all want to live in. NOT
I didn't vote for them...
Todays News-Herald doesn't seem to agree with your thoughts about Lake Hospital Systems. Either do I we have a first-class medical center being built and all you do is complain. The city and township just want to STEAL money from Tri-point.
I have to answer this one. LHS throws alot of money around the area,helping it sponsor this and that, just so your aware thats your health care providers, medicaid, medicare money is whats doing all those wonderful things. Remember LHS is a "not for profit business."
Now how much money do you think LHS spends yearly wih the News-Herald? Alot! Do you think they want to upset a large advertiser?
They spend $000 at this site so I could care less if they are "affronted"
STEAL money? Have you actually followed this and live in Painesville?
First, that first class hospital was helped the whole way by $1 rent and no property tax.
When the county helped this move they should have required LHS to pay every single city in Eastern Lake County because it is going to cost everyone a bundle of money for that extra travel time for rescue squads.
As the Concord guy said, no business has a RIGHT to be on the board. LHS chose to move there, if the local governments choose to profit off that so what?
If you actually agree with and believe in an opinion of the News Herald I feel sorry for you, The editors of that paper have never and still today do not believe eastern Lake County is anywhere near as important as Central and Western Lake County.
That first class medical center is being built for the high income crowd. I agree that the poor and lower class people in this area used the hospital wrongly, so the answer was to move to where they don't exist and reduce your bed count by half? I consider myself middle class and I am already shuttering at the thought of how much that hospital will cost me if I have to use it!
Call it progress if you want, I call it greed, "status greed" this is exactly why our health care costs are going through the roof, a paid for building with 200+ beds abandoned for a brand new multi million dollar building with 120 beds, who is going to pay for that?
If you wonder who the new hospital's cliental is going to be go to Lake East and look at the map on the wall on the way to the elevators, Chardon is now located 5 miles north?
What term are you saying the hospital shouldn't donate to all the good causes in the area? You really are a piece of work!
Donate to good causes? The next time you hear about skyrocketing medical costs remember those donations don't come out of hospital profits, they are a "not for profit business". Xo as to not pay any corporate taxes,property taxes, ect. Along with all the "donations" I can't wait every 3 months for my free hospital newsletter magazine what ever you call it payed by patients of the system.
Recently they gave the state, township however $750,000 to re-engineer the Auburn Rd. Rt.44 intersection again not payed through profits or taxes.
As far as demolishing Lake East my moneys on the City of Painesville, only because there the only ones dumb enough to tear someone elses building down for free. In these economic times it will be hard to find the money elsewhere.
Again its your money their donating.
This hospital sucks. The care is horrible. People are treated like they arnt even human
Ridiculously long waits even after you finally get in a room. Nurses and doctors spend my time watching tv on there laptops or flirting with each other and laughing. And if you ask how much longer it will be to see a doctor they are rude and you wait longer.
I have a disability and its hard for me to go there and because of there reputation im afraid to go alone. I called the er to tell them i was coming in and why and about my disability and this horrible nurse told me not to bother because they would not treat me. I started to cry and said im sick and need help and how could they refuse me care and she told me HONEY WE ARE A PRIVATE HOSPITAL WE CAN DO WHATEVER WE WANT. Then she laughed at me and told me to go somewhere else.
This place should be torn down. I live in painesville and we deserve a better place to get medical care.
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