Saturday, November 29, 2008


I received this comment earlier week and I was just going to post it at the bottom of the "Clarification" Post. This person seems to get it.

This is the first time I have commented on this site, I have been reading it off and on for about 4 months. I could never understand all the commotion about illegal immigration, what are we going to chase these people out? How many are there in town?50 to 100? Well this fall my oldest daughter started school at one of the new elementaty schools in Painesville, I learned in a hurry all these children cannot be legal can they? The Black and White children of Painesville are being short changed by all the extra attention and resources given to the Hispanic children, I was informed the schools by Federal Law can not even ask. I have been told over and over this is a Federal problem. Than please tell me why it is an obligation of the local schools to finance the education of all these children? Don't misunderstand me but all thes children should be taught English not some crazy bilingual study like English as a second language? Why would you teach first graders both languages? Is this part of the State of Ohio Education curriculum? I checked its not, if I wanted my daughter to learn another language I would expect it to be offered but not just taught. Whatever you do do not question anyone at the school they look at you as if your crazy. Perry, Madison, Mentor no one else teachers in this manner go and learn. Am I a racist because I want my daughter to be taught in a conventional way?
To all you local politians and so called leaders of the community start doing your jobs and enforce the law. I can only wonder what all this is costing my heathcare insuance, but thats a Federal problem also.
No one in town is a racist over this but alot of people are taking advantage of the good people in town.
Painesville Mom


At November 30, 2008 at 4:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, this lady does not "get it" Term! and neither do you.

By her statement that she wants her daughter taught in the conventional way she is just showing how closed minded she is, because to her convential means white person culture and English as the only language that means anything in this world.

This world has more countries speaking a form of spanish than by far english. When are we going to wake up and realize this "we are better than you" attitude is exactly why so many people in the world hate our culture.

Do yourself and your daughter a favor and try to understand that the world she will live in is NOT the same world you have lived in.

I regret the fact that I was never raised to learn other cultures and languages, I think it is a big negative to my personal and professional growth at this point in my career.

At November 30, 2008 at 5:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got the feeling she only wanted her daughter taught in the conventional way as other districts do. Panesville Schools should have been more open about English as a second language to resident, remember the 50% policy? or just used state guidelines. Explaining what your doing. I agree this could be a boom for our children.... might also be a bust.
I neve heard about English as a second language, has the schools ever explained it?

At November 30, 2008 at 10:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who I wonder put the first person that commented in charge of what was the BEST for our children? There lies the biggest problem.

At November 30, 2008 at 6:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The mother just explained why it's not just a federal problem, it's a local problem also, and us locals are tired of paying the freight.
Mr. Rellick

At December 1, 2008 at 6:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

First, the topic post is correct, it is not a racist post because it states clearly that not ALL are illegal and implies that some even might be legal and the writer does not make this distinction upon race like some posters do.
The writer does fail to understand how the government works and that this is an issue where the federal government does control. If you have a problem with it that is perfectly fine just point your criticism in the right direction. - And study up a little.
“Don't misunderstand me but all [thes] children should be taught English not some crazy bilingual study like English as a second language?”
They are taught english. They teach english as a second language because it is a second language to those students. To ignore what these students already know and pretend that they have the same upbringing as all students is non-sense and would make the entire class less productive.
“if I wanted my daughter to learn another language I would expect it to be offered but not just taught.”
No elementary schools have elective courses. Maybe you were not aware as only your first child is entering school. And as for your child’s welfare learning a portion of another language is only going to help them. It’s a different world than when we went to school and we can’t pretend that this country and especially our area is not diverse. I am proud to be from here and learn other cultures. I feel it has only helped me when I interact with other people here and outside our community, especially in the job market.
Yes the other schools would have to teach classes in the same manner if they had a different population make up. If you like their schools better and, in my opinion, want to do your child a disservice, take them there.
“To all you local [politians] and so called leaders of the community start doing your jobs and enforce the law.”
Another ignorant statement. The local governments, school and city, do what they can under the law. Again, address your complaints in the proper direction.
“No one in town is a racist over this…”
Another ignorant statement. Anytime you make an all inclusive statement like this you are bound to be wrong. You are too rash in typing this, or you are operating in a realm outside of reality.

At December 1, 2008 at 7:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

She's just might be operating in her own reality of what she is witness too. Are there any studies that can prove your points about education these children are receiving? Were German, Slovak, Italians, Greeks taught in this manner? English should be the offical language of this Country, State, and City. We are heading down a very slippery slope here.

At December 1, 2008 at 7:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

“[Panesville] Schools should have been more open about English as a second language…”
“I [neve] heard about English as a second language, has the schools ever explained it?”
What is there to explain? They have people who learned another language first and now need to learn English. You guys gripe all the time about Hispanics not assimilating to the country but when we try to teach them English you still find a way to complain. Why do you think they are hiding something from you? Did you ask and them tell you “no we don’t have classes like that”?

At December 1, 2008 at 7:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

No its not just a federal problem but they are the ones with the jurisdiction to handle it. Point your criticism in the right direction if you actually want something done. When you complain to those who have not the jurisdiction to handle it you lead me to believe you don't actually want anything done and you really only want to complain and feel self-righteous.

At December 1, 2008 at 8:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, did you institute this new policy of viewing posts before publishing them so you can get the last word in everytime a new post comes through or are you still sticking to the whole censorship claim?

There are plenty of studies to support that bilingual people are better off in societies where more than one language is spoken. It is common sense and obvious to most, but if you don't believe it I suppose I could cite you some studies published on the net but I think if you believe otherwise you are either naive, stubborn, or very closed minded. To take such a stance reflects poorly upon you.

"Were German, Slovak, Italians, Greeks taught in this manner?"
I don't know that the public school system had the same structure at the time when immigrants from these places were arriving in high numbers. I would imagine that if a high population came to one community then yes today, in the world we live in now, (not the one you grew up in and like to think still exists) there would be english taught as a second language for them as well.

"English should be the offical language of this Country, State, and City."
I fail to see the effectiveness of this, but let's go with it. Say it was the official language. Wouldn't it only serve that end more to educate all new students here in our official language? Or should we just let immigrants legal or illegal fall into the gutter and not allow them to participate in society because they have no efficient way to learn the language. Teaching english to students only supports calls to english as the official language.

Very slippery slope? Please explain where you think this could lead so people can see what absurdities are going through your mind.

At December 1, 2008 at 11:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Common sense should be English as a first language. and in elementary schools teach the second language at home.
Now we know the real reason Hanlons kids don't come here.

At December 2, 2008 at 6:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Karen you are missing the concept. Yes English should be the first language. However, REALITY is that these particular students learned spanish as their first language before coming to school which makes english their second language. How can you fail to get it? You have no idea why Hanlon's kids don't come here. I guarantee it is not because we teach ESL classes. I also guarantee that Hanlon would like for his kids to be bilingual in life as it will only help them. Every parent should want something for their kids that helps them.

This is the problem with this site. Posts like yours. Someone will not read the well thought out posts and catch your little snippet and it scares me someone might buy into that. You disgust me.

At December 2, 2008 at 5:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Her's a test you parents can do the next time your in a Painesville City School ask the teachers where they live?
Then ask them if they have children , and where they attend school? With open enrollment if this was such a good idea, along with the new facilities this would be the perfect educational setting.
The teachers, administration all know this is a crock, but they sell you this crap because you might believe them.Thats why Mr. Hanlons kids avoid everything in town but the gym.
Mr. Rellik

At December 3, 2008 at 5:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most teachers do not live here. If I were in their position I'd have a hard time taking my kid away from their neighborhood friends and sendign them to a new school regardless of how good it was. This is not a crock, but I'll let you have your momment. What is the alternative? What would you do different?

I've notice that people on this blog can tear down others but their ideas, if ever presented, don't hold water in the least.

At December 3, 2008 at 9:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting thought, but if you drive by an automobile plant that say makes Dodges yet all the cars in the employee and administration parking lot are everything but Dodges you have to feel that the people on the inside know something, There is more than a fair amount of B.S. going around. Ask that teacher why she or he doesn't live here? One teacher threw Dr. Hanlon under the bus, when I asked?

At December 3, 2008 at 11:45 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To me its a matter of geography. There is no reason to suspect teachers of avoiding Painesville because they don't want to send their kids here. Most simply don't live here. Maybe their spouse works somewhere else, maybe they stayed closer to their sick aging parent when looking for a home. I don't know. I am not inclined to speculate in such a manner. I also am not going to dream up such a conspiracy where there is no evidence of wrong doing. I doubt our district is very different from other districts. I am sure teachers in other districts don't have their kids coming through the same system they teach in either. Maybe they might find it to be awkward or uncomfortable teaching in a school where their kid is a student. I am sure it would put a strain on professional and family relationships. To assume otherwise shows an unfounded bias against the schools and Hanlon. Give us all a break from this on-going BS we find on this site.

At December 3, 2008 at 3:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just maybe they want to send ther children to a district with higher standards, and maybe don't see all the positives about all this Diversity. Someone should ask the administration not how many students we send off to college, but how many get a four year or better degree? I know our children are not as well prepared for college as some of the other surrounding schools. Well they can speak spanish.

At December 4, 2008 at 5:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think our college rates are the same if not better than other communities where the student's family income is as low are they are here in Painesville. It's not all the schools, most times its the environment in which the kids are raised.

I have noticed that everytime I present a question on this site that asks the posters on this blog to come up with ideas or alternatives to the issues they complain about, they are always unresponsive. hmmmmmm


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