Saturday, November 22, 2008


In the Veterans Day post we got off track discussing Racists, and Bigots. What seems to have brought this on was someone comment on the "Wizard of Ozdriguez" I posted the comment for I took it as sarcasm, but a few out there saw it differently. I asked for a discription of what they thought being a racist and /or bigot was to them. The answer's to me seemed abit weak.
Then I asked what do you call someone who comes to this Country illegaly, and the people that knowingly assist and harbor them? Theives, Felons, ect. I could not get anyone to touch this part of ther question? WHY?


At November 23, 2008 at 7:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Were here and we ain't leaving ever you cant do athing about it either.

At November 23, 2008 at 7:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are you and your friends so concerned about these people? Why worry yourself.

At November 23, 2008 at 8:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

When Jalpeno Loco in Mentor was raided an inside cop tipped off the owners of restaurant. I now see he has been fired, terminated, relieved of his duty.
How is this helping anyone including himself? He will be hard pressed to find another job in law enforcement except maybe security.
It was handled............

At November 24, 2008 at 5:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haters? You don't know what you are talking about. We just want our laws obeyed. How do you distinguish which laws you obey and which you don't? You can't just pick and choose. People like you are what is destroying this great nation.

At November 24, 2008 at 5:49 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

because term they dont want to face facts, its all symbolism over substance. they won't respond or they will respond with some lame excuse. we have to worry about illegal immigration because it puts a drain on the legal taxpayers. we have a great country thats why they want to be here and i don't blame them one bit.

the illegal immigrants give the legal immigrants a bad rap. i would think those who got here legally should be upset even more at the illegals than aiding and harboring their criminal activity.

why do some immigrants do it right or legal, and others don't? now that should be the question.


At November 24, 2008 at 6:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Racist is someone who hates a group of people for no other reason except the race they belong to. They usually hate that group of people because they feel the group as a whole is inferior and does not deserve to live on the same "level".

On the other hand a bigot is someone who looks down on a group of people because of culture, lifestyle, situation, etc.

I will tell you I am not a racist because I believe anyone in this world with good morals and hard work can become an important part of society. On the other hand I will freely own up to being a bigot, in some cases with a capital B.

I absolutely look down on the group of people who because of laziness and stupidity live their whole life like leeches on the rest of society. Yes, I do believe I am better than them because of my moral beliefs, if someone doesn't like it, too bad.

I also look down on the people in this city who just plain hate all hispanics, and yes, there are plenty of them, even one on our council. If you don't want illegal aliens in this country that is great, neither do I, but that does not give anyone the right to hate all hispanics, that kind of person is a racist!

We have enough scum in this city of all races and nationalities that I will freely admit I am biggoted against them.

You might see a hispanic pissing in his yard on the north end of town, I see a white scum doing it on the south end of town, that doesn't mean they are representative of what the whole group is.

At November 24, 2008 at 6:20 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can't get anyone to touch illegals because "illegal alien" has come to mean the same thing as hispanic, and therefore if you are against illegals you are against hispanics and you are labeled a racist.

The sad part of this is that it was all caused by a few radical hispanic support organizations who realized that most Americans hate racists, therefore they have insisted that there is no difference between a "legal" hispanic and an "illegal" hispanic because of family ties, etc.. If you go after the illegals you are going after the whole hispanic race and therefore you are racist, and no one in public office can be afford to be called a racist.

Yes, America has been manipulated, I just wish that the very legitimate, valuable to this country "legal" hispanic community would stand up, acknowledge the difference between the two groups,legal vs. illegal and then we could see the hate and racism against hispanics start to dissappear.

At November 24, 2008 at 7:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

First, the wizard/rodriguez thing was creative and mildly amusing and I think many minority comics might even agree, maybe even carlos mencia.

I have given a dEscription of racism before on here but I can't remember if it was in that topic. Term maybe you can enlighten us. What does being a racist and/or bigot mean to you? And what about the dEscriptions given on this site makes them weak? Feel free to quote dEscriptions of racist and bigot from other topics. Not accusations of racism, those seem to fly all over the place, but posts where the person actually defines what they consider a racist to be. I would be interested if you select one of mine.

The labeling of illegal immigrants question was answered before, did you just ignore it or did it just not fit what you were trying to get across so you pretended like it wasn't there:

"I don't see why it matters what I call them, I try not to call everyone of a particular race by one label. They are individual people. I call them by who they are. If you absolutely need a label to satisfy the question: They are illegal immigrants if they are here illegally. If they are here legally, I call them neighbor. I think there might even be something in the Bible about how to treat your neighbor..."

So the answer was that the poster calls them "illegal immigrants". But I guess it could be argued that they are neighbors regardless of how they got here.

I, myself, would call a person a felon if they are convicted of a felony for sure. If you want to call them a thief or anything else, why not be correct about it, find the federal code section that addresses it and see how the code labels them. Some people are good at that type of research.

Ok that is enough of my day on here but You all have a wonderful day and I am sure the discussion will continue. happy trails until we meet again

At November 24, 2008 at 8:31 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

He was a HERO.

At November 24, 2008 at 8:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe the above post concerns the Policeman who was fired.

At November 24, 2008 at 9:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

exactly what race are illegal mexicans?

again i hope someone answers as to why a legal immigrant would support illegal immigration? i just dont see why someone who takes the time to do it right condones the others who don't.
they should feel cheated.

also i think they should finish the wall/fence along the border. they work. fences work or we would not have them.


At November 24, 2008 at 11:13 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maddog the arguement you will hear is that if you build a 50ft. wall someone will bring a 51ft. ladder.
I'm with you building the wall and stationing troops on our border. Maybe than they will know we are serious.

At November 24, 2008 at 11:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does any one out there think that someone on council will answer this question? I dont think they have the guts, but that goes with the territory.

At November 24, 2008 at 11:24 AM , Blogger Big John said...

Wizard of OZdriguez would surely make Carlos Mencia laugh if he heard it. I guess that people are most offended when they are attacked themselves. But my personal opinion on the matter is that I would venture out and say that there are a few out there claiming to not be racist that have themselves bashed a race for one reason or another. I myself speak a fair amount of Spanish, not the best, but you won't get one over on me either. What I mean here is that terms like "Gringo" and so forth are not really "positive" comments, now are they. So to say that a person that makes a play on words is a racist is a blanket comment that I am sure covered up some of the original complainers.

Racist to me, a person that allows their hate for a race based solely on their race, interfere with normal thinking. Everyone has the right to not like who they wish, it is America. BUT, when that dis-like transcends into public displays of hate and out right disrespect, I feel that is the true mark of a racist. JT

At November 24, 2008 at 11:30 AM , Blogger Big John said...

I would stand behind the need for securing the borders as well TERM. I think, regardless of race creed or color, the times that we live in have proven that we need to be more concerned with our safety and if building the wall adds to that security, then so be it. I do not like the idea of people thinking that this is a free ride and just being here is proof positive that they had rights to this place. There is no more land grabbing and we are a land of workers. Come here to contribute, not just bleed dry.

And someone in the beginning made a comment about laws they felt were stupid. You would not think they be so stupid if it was a law that someone broke against you. Most murderers and rapist think those laws are stupid too, lets do away with those laws...what? No comment about that, you don't pick and choose what laws should be obeyed. If you are here, you obey the laws. JT

At November 24, 2008 at 11:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

what happens when someone crawls over the wall into israel? what happens when you try to crawl over the fence at lucasville?

a couple times and they will stop, if not, well...the dumb ones will just get dead. the others will apply legally and get a chance at the american dream because mexico is such a bad place. can you imagine leaving there for all this snow? it must be really bad.


At November 24, 2008 at 2:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wait, when the great allmighty Obama takes over, everything will be allright, he will fix it all, we will all be rich, and happy.

At November 25, 2008 at 5:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gary I know thats you! Quit trying to scare people,

At November 25, 2008 at 1:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Just wait, when the great allmighty Obama takes over, everything will be allright, he will fix it all, we will all be rich, and happy.>>

Yeah, Bush is leaving the country in such great shape! Bush inherited a record surplus and, in less than eight years, has turned it into a DEEP SEA OF RED INK:

At November 25, 2008 at 6:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry the new God Obama will save us all.
They say he is better then JFK, FDR, MLK

At November 26, 2008 at 5:20 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

and while Sarah Palin is pardoning turkeys in Alaska

Obama seems to be doing a bit better appointing his cabinet.

At November 26, 2008 at 8:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My understanding is that this blog was started to inform the people. Now, this blog is full of people who just like to complain or resort to calling others nasty names. If anything bad happens, it's Bush's fault. Obama will tax us to death and spread the wealth just because everyone should get their entitlement. Rita and City Council are out to destroy Painesville. The way I see it is, politicians will do whatever they want unless we as people get involved and watch over what they are doing and start being part of the solution instead of just whining about the problem.

Immigration is another hot topic here. I agree with anonymous above who said,

"You can't get anyone to touch illegals because "illegal alien" has come to mean the same thing as hispanic, and therefore if you are against illegals you are against hispanics and you are labeled a racist."

I believe this is a legal problem. No one is called a racist for being against drug dealers, robbers, killers and other law breakers. Why, because they are a danger and a drain on our society. Immigrants aren't criminals, ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS ARE. There are legal ways to come to our country just as there are legal ways to make money. A robber steals from our banks or our pockets. Illegal immigration steals from our social services by draining our health care and public assistance programs. We need to be on the lookout for all these different types or law breakers. Laws are laws and saying someone should be able to break the law just because he or she has a family is just another form of racism. Reverse racism. Ignoring this problem will only make it worse. As Ric Keller said,

"Common sense and history tell you that rewarding illegal behavior will only encourage more of it."

Thanks for giving me a little time on my soap box. And, on Thanksgiving, give thanks to your family and friends and thank our soldiers for protecting them.

Happy Thanksgiving

At November 26, 2008 at 9:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Badger, You hit it square on the head, the reason I've let somethings get commented on is I do not want to censor anyone but some of it gets lame.
Thank-you for your comment again, maybe a few more people will become aware of whats going on.

At November 26, 2008 at 10:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Farewell to this site. I just can't stomach the political bashing that goes on here. I thought that was what your other site was for. It is getting old listening to that type of rhetoric. I will not use this site any more to get my information on what is going on. I have other sources.

At November 26, 2008 at 11:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Farewell to this site." I agree with you, I suggest you help me come to a solution about this "problem"
!. When they come in should I just Put them on the other site?
2. I do not want to censor anyones thoughts but outside of deleteing them have you got any ideas?


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