I can't help but wonder what the coming year will bring to our community?
What will be our towns propect's be in the coming year?
Is Painesville headed in the right direction?
Please post your thoughs for the coming year.
Poopy Pellets to fuel the light plant-how safe is that going to be?
If there are not enough pellets, does this mean we all have to defecate more and then bring in tons and tons of new poopy to insure we have electric power?
The road to no-where off Jackson street which will become the sinking bridge to no-where. Is this the road that will lead to "Come and Shop in Painesville"?
I doubt it. There is absolutely nothing to shop for in the downtown area now: and there will be nothing in the 400 acres to visit either. The only positive for this road to no-where is to gain access to (quickly) the entities on Diamond Drive in Mentor. If the state would not allow the new schools in that area and the hospital system also said, no no no; who in the heck would want to establish a business in that area?
Plans of this city to build a senior/community center. This city has a community center. One item that this administration has never debated or taken serious is to establish a Senior Center based on all of their recent pontificating green principles. If all of the other adjacent communities can accomplish the building of a senior center (through grants) what in the heck is this city doing? Grants, grants, and more grants to attract young families. Take care of what is here and will be here for a long long time. You may be young as you read this: but, there will come a time of your supposed positive love for this community that you will find that this administration thinks of you as a negative. Negative that you won't pay any tax monies to the coffers -as you have become a senior resident with limited income.
New scape for the downtown area through grants. Last time this city received outside money they built and then changed all roads to one-way. Wow, that really helped and enticed people to come to Painesville - NOT.
The storm cellar concept was to be for the college students. It now is the going place for those who own a business and those (within the city gov't) that have the delusion that they are all the greatest thing since milk with cream on top.
It is what it is. If those that tell us to get the _ _ _ _ out, so be it. All of you will be left with absolutely no one to inform you and give you any reason to downgrade/doubt our intentions.
Good Luck the City of Paine. You were poor in 2005, then in 07 and 08 you all of a sudden had mucho money!
Try getting rid of your SUV vehicles to stay green and lean.Get rid of your big pick-up trucks that carry absolutely nothing in the bed.
Sell the police vehicles that sit in your lot for weeks at a time and never go in service. Stop the vehicle replacement program that is out of control and too costly to us the payers of your checkbook.
Be vigilant, as other great communities have done, and accomplish all necessary services instead of trying to be "The Office". If you can convince him to lend you money - go for it.
Growth is a normal occurence, but never at the total negative expense of the taxpayers.
How can this city prosper/go forward when this city has only allowed one individual to direct their future?
The thought of this city not doing anything about the streets in town is enough to impeach everyone on council. Do these people not travel the roads in town? The Fire Chief has a great idea, a chase vehicle to CHASE everyone out of town!
Just read the previous two posts and understand why most people have quit taking this site seriously.
Even if a good idea was posted here it is lost in the negativity.
Well from the first two posts, it looks like the same old crap for 2009
I take this site very seriously.
Negativity? Its about time this city woke up to whats going on around here. Overpayed Administrators, Law Director who doesn't even sttend on on behalf of the city for Millstone property.[How much money is the city responsible for?] Councilpeople running for another term after already serving over 25 years, what can he accomplish that he hasn't already?
A Fire Department with spending out of control.
The question is is this citys government set up for the citizens of Painesville or the numerous employees that dont evem care to live here?
Yes I'm tired of the same old crap!
"All of you will be left with absolutely no one to inform you and give you any reason to downgrade/doubt our intentions."
You are using the word "inform" quite loosely there. By "inform" do you mean misleading or making vague baseless accusations of conspiracies and wrong doing where none exists? Or "informing" us about how hispanics are the downfall of the city?
And did I see a "NOT" up there?
"baseless accusations"? If it is not what you want to hear you call it "baseless". Well, several people have said basically the same thing about the inequality of the distribution program. Some have mentioned it here on the blog, and I have talked to others who have received gifts (no bikes). I still believe that Salvation Army is a good organization and I don't think the board realizes how the woman running the toy distribution actually ran it. This needs to be addressed before I would recommend anyone to donate to them again.
ok well the baseless comment wasn't about the salvation army in particular, but rather a general synopsis of how the site operates.
Please explain what you mean by "baseless" on this site?
You know, I don't want to hear this kind of crap about an organization like the Salvation Army either, but if this descrimination is going on I certainly don't want to keep my head in the sand. I agree that this needs to be addressed and until it is I will not donate to them.
What is the purpose of those 2 cement islands near the tracks on route 20, near Mr Chicken? They are hard to see after dark!
"TERM>> said... Instead of everyone at city hall looking like deer caught in headlights. Defend all you want,but somethings wrong...."
Nothing is wrong, nothing was wrong. A lack of heads up to the city is no reason to believe that something is wrong and therefore the accusation is baseless. It was standard operating procedure and you falsely created the notion that something was wrong.
TERM>> said...
AMP-OHIO Coal Plant that will bankrupt this city if we sign-up 2.9billion to 3.3billion and we haven't put a shovel in the ground yet.
Are we bankrupt yet? You gave no grounds to support this therefore it is baseless and in all I have heard about this accusation it is not only baseless but false. Time will tell how you are wrong.
Baseless was the notion that the city was paying for the demolition of the hospital...
Anonymous said...
If its a budget presentation why did the city manager present it and not the fiance director? Who would a councilman go to to get an answer the city manager or the director? Just seemed alittle strange.
No problems here but you assume there is.
Just wow:
TERM>> said...
The only thing that might come out of your idea is that your son will be able to say "Holy Crap" in two languages as some idiot flies a plane into a building he just happens to be in. Please think this out.
Baseless sure but a little ridiculous too.
Anonymous said...
Did you know the Lake Hospital Urgent Care in Madison, can't even draw blood ?
I'm not sure if the poster had a base for this but it is certainly wrong.
For one thing city hall doesnt have some of the best relationship with alot of the businesses in town. For example ask JT. the next time he goes into Flavors on the Square the last time someone visited him from the administration? How many years has he been there?
AMP-OHIO will bankrupt anyone who takes the deal they have to offer? Why hasn't the deal gone forward?Not enough takers? Gristmill Millstone, we were promised no city money would be used? To get the deal done we have to give all rights to that land away, what a great deal. The Hospital, the city has no business getting involved with that mess.Period
The schools I'll take my "Q" from the people that run it I will do everything in my power not to subject my grandchildren to that diabolical joke. Ask someone from the American Legion how Harvey scored on their civic test compared to other systems? 50% policy, raffle gifts for attendance? Please.
Increase the city budget, but no money for streets? Probabaly a good one-third of the streets in town are tar&chip how long have we been a city?
You think that when the emergency room is gone you will have adequate health facilities in town.Urgent Care Center good-luck
Baseless probably some things given enough time I could look deeper into, but by the time I get the answers "the train has left the station"
If someone comments we have someone making over $40.00perhr. at the fire station I check that fact out before I let it go up.
I have found out in the last 6 months there are more unhappy people in town that I was even aware of, all I tell them is vote if you want different results.
You cater only to the unhappy people and you foster that sentiment. You are biased. Good journalists are neutral and let people decide for themselves. You do no such thing. I used journalist even though it is far from the truth because you are the one who claims to be informative.
Later I'll address what you just wrote when I have more time. You were all over the place and I don't even know where some of it came from.
I cater only to the unhappy people? Good someone should.
I am biased? Yes I am, whem I watch whats going on around me.
Journalist? never claimed to be one. I guess I should be more like the Painesville Newsletter,or the Painesville Pride now theres journalism right?
When I watch channel 12 "Shop Downtown Painesville" I have no idea do I laugh or cry?
When I travel down some of the streets in town, and wonder am I in a Third World country?
I'm truly glad your happy, but alot of people know it could be so much better. Sorry I'm not your cup of tea, do what JT. did start your own site and you can explain how wonderful things are. AT least he didn't whine about this site.
Here we go, Term blowing a lot of smoke again.
1. Ask Flavors when was the last time he participated in anything this city had going on? Maybe he comes across with an attitude that says "leave me alone".
2.We have to give away rights to all the gristmill/millstone land, HA HA, that land was never ours to start with. Would you prefer we took millions out of our budget and outright bought it?
3.The city has no right getting involved in the hospital?, sure lets bury our head in the sand like our last city manager and we can have another building sitting empty like the old Holiday Inn. I applaud our Administration for getting involved to make sure the best possible scenario happens for Painesville.
4. Our schools, civic test scores , yeah they were low, gee, when schools are forced to take 20% immigrants, 20% low income, who gives a crap, I'm gonna sell drugs like my daddy, type students I would expect them to be low. That is not a reflection on the people who run the schools.
5. Our schools, the 50% grading is a non-issue, you again bring up something that is what, 2-3 years old?, get over it, everyone else has figured out it doesn't hurt the good students and it might actually help a few of the bad ones.
6. Our schools, raffle prizes for attendance, I can tell you didn't look into this one very good. That program was sponsored and paid for by an independant non profit organization that was willing to try something to improve the attendance at Harvey. Gee, is that a surprise to you Term?, some people are actually working to improve stuff instead of complaining on an anonymous internet site.
7. Streets, one third are tar & chip?, yeah I bet you came up with that number after some real serious investigation. I don't know or have the time to get that correct number, but after 30+ years in this city I call BS on that one.
8. When the hospital is gone we will not have adequate health care in the city. So, tell me Term, how many cities have their own hospital? The only people who are going to be hurting for health care are the ones that used the hospital emergency room like a doctors office. The city spent a lot of money trying to keep the hospital here, I think if you want to blame anyone you should be looking to the County Commissioners and the Hospital Board (which is run by, surprise, am ex-county commissioner).
Here is my opinion: This site is a cesspool of negativity and un substantiated accusations that is spreading un-needed ill will among some of our citizens who are too lazy or uneducated to find out the CORRECT facts themselves.
Do you know his attitude? Go ask
How many cities wish they had riverfront property?
The present city manager was the one that now regrets the Hotel property deal, ask.
Everything the school does is an issue, why all the secrets? Ask a few Harvey students what they think of all the policies? I did.
Compare our streets to some in other cities? Fairport? enough said.
So tell me Batman how many cities look for funding to tear a hospital down?
Why are we helping a hospital who's leaving will cost the city over $600,000?
Cesspool? facts are facts Wll have more questions for you soon. Batman's you and your facts are fiction.
"Journalist? never claimed to be one."
As I said: You are no such thing. But you do claim to be informative which you are also not.
"Everything the school does is an issue, why all the secrets?"
Just because you are ignorant doesn't make it a secret. Nobody is hiding anything and those who take a real interest know exactly what is going on rather than just a biased venture into crapping on the schools.
You say "ask" alot but you give the impression you never have and when you do you have to either print retractions or hope nobody noticed you were wrong. You ask. Maybe then you might be enlightened.
"Ask a few Harvey students what they think of all the policies? I did."
Sounds like a very scientific poll you conducted there. I remember when I was in high school. I knew everything about the world too, sounds like someone I know...
"Why are we helping a hospital who's leaving will cost the city over $600,000?"
Are we helping them or are we helping us? Are you saying we don't stand to benefit?
"So tell me Batman how many cities look for funding to tear a hospital down?"
This is ridiculous. I don't think he should answer. I challenge you to answer a more accurate question: How many cities have a hospital leave their borders, leaving behind a vacant building eating up real estate where they would like to have another building/business in its place and THEN how many cities seek to find a way to deomlish the building? Now that is a question based in reality. Answer me that.
"facts are facts"
You don't give facts. You make insinuations and claim them to be facts. You make baseless, biased, claims. That is all.
I am not happy with the city in the least. Criticizing this site does not make me happy with the city, but someone has to have a voice here to show this site for what it is. I love this city enough to pursue the truth. Not what you are spewing and not what the Painesville pride is spewing. Readers do need to understand that the reality is in the middle ground. Some are overly positive, You are overly negative. If the Painesville Pride had a website I'm sure they would be exposed as well, but at least they are clear in their goals. Pride is in their name. Why would they write about anything that brought shame? I only post here to expose you and your goals. Maybe you should change the title of your blog to accurately reflect your goals.
Give them Hell Term. I think Batman is really the Joker he makes your argument for you. Thanks for this site. It really rubs some the wrong way. Tell thewm to shop downtown Painesville.What do I buy A hammer,loaf of bread, and some tires. Happy New Year.
The site for what it is? Even the News-Herald mentioned the school administration policy on the 50% grading policy should have been better explained, Read last years handbook. Must have been alot of ignorant people in town because this site wasn't the only place you heard complaints from. If the city is smart it will let the county and LHS deal with the hospital.
Ask A Harvey student what they think of the policies? Ask!
Fact is no money for repairs to the streets in town this year.Mentor Ave will be 80% State Money. Why is Meriden, Sanford, Cedarbrook such a mess?
Show us the middle ground Please.
Its time the city and schools had their feet to the fire. The people of Painesville have been overlooked for to long. I never signed up for a lot of this crap.
Term, your posts give me a headache. You jump around and I have no idea what point you are actually trying to get across.
I know I never brought up the grading policy and it is a very old issue but I do believe Dr. Hanlon put a very good description in the news paper. It is a very simple concept and has its good and bad points.
Why is the city smart to wait around for someone else to do something with the hospital? It looks like it is smart for them to take action to get rid of it and start the process of making the real estate productive, the sooner the better, why wait for others who have no real interest in it. Especially smart not to use any of our money.
"Ask A Harvey student what they think of the policies? Ask!"
What are you even saying here? Are you telling me to conduct my own poll to trump your extensive systematic "I asked a few kids" poll? I asked a few kids too. Some like it some don't. All depends who you ask. What's your point.
"Mentor Ave will be 80% State Money."
I am sure it will be a very expensive project but what are you saying? Do you wish it was more Painesville money? If it is only 80% state money doesn't mean 20% has to be city? Doesn't that directly contradict the accusation "no money for repairs to the streets in town this year."
I don't know. I'm trying to get my info from you. Maybe that is my problem. Your posts are incoherent.
For stability and safety purposes, the railroad crossing gates do not
span the entire roadway (five-lane) width. Therefore, a void exists
between the crossing gates when they are in the closed position.
The concrete curbing (or islands) exist to impede traffic from crossing
the railroad tracks at this middle-of-the-road (or void) area.
Anonymous, I guess my answers jump around because I have more than one person questioning what I post. Sorry.
The school system never had a 50% policy until we had a large Hispanic population right? Draw\your own conclusion.
Whats the big hurry to tear the hospital down? Replacing a 232 bed hospital with a 121 bed hospital begs me to ask lets keep this building around for awhile. Its not like some one is in a hurry to build across the street from public housing, a parking garage, storage space and a drug store right?
I mentioned the state money of 80%for Mentor Ave. so people didn't think that was Painesville money.
Drive down Lexington, West Eagle and a few more I've mentioned, This towns roads plain stink.
I will try to be more direct and coherent in the future. If your upset now please think twice before coming back and upsetting yourself.
I believe your giving them a headache! I don't know why they even come here.Better yet why to try to explain things to them. That Milstone money is going to be tied up for along time 7 8 million dollars and the city had no legal representative at the hearing.
You'll probably get blamed for that to.
Anonymous, take some aspirin, and find a life outside of reality.
Pride and Shame. How about the Truth.
Truth, You think you get truth here? All you get is someone out to destroy the City of Painesville.He seems to be very angry about all the progress this town has made in the last 20 years. Painesville was on the verge of becoming a very proud and diverse place to live. I plan in the coming year to get the city back on the path of becoming a sanctuary city. Alot of progress has been masde in the last 20 years to welcome our friends and relatives to this city only to have a few misguided people derail our efforts, please embrace the new Painesville.
As a Ward 2 resident that tried to forewarn my neighbors about making Hal Werner your councilman a quick review.
Voted for an Assistant City Manager at $85,000 site unseen.
Passed a city budget with a 5million dollar increase.
This after telling us the city had to be more effecient and fiscally responsible.
On the plus side he did get a lady on State St. to park at least 10ft. from a fire hydrant.
I cleaned this up so please post it.
Hal seems more concerned about himself then the city.
to the deluded anonymous two comments above, you will never make this city a sanctuary city. Too many of us have had our eyes opened to this travesty. Nothing at all against diversity and LEGAL immigrants, but illegal aliens are not and never will be welcome in Painesville by the vast majority, and the few that do want them, well, you have a fight on your hands.
The city, the schools, even the courts will do nothing to stop this. Diversity is the way we get to sanctuary city status. The city is already printing numerious documents in Spanish, The schools are completely behind us. Even the courts look the other way. Why if not to let this happen.
Racist like the author of this site are living in the past.
I can only hope this is someones poor idea of a joke. This city seems to live in the fear of being labeled. To be truthful after some of the things I've done ie; the 458 story its not far from the truth. I wonder why St. Marys and the Salvation Army were excluded?
Give it up Term. we will take over, and don't think where joking.
This just sounds to "American" to me. nice try.
Idiot, wants to know whats going to happen when Americans that are legally here, see Americans who are illegally here taking jobs that they have no right to?
If you see this who are you going to go to? city hall I don't think so. the county? the state? the federal government? Painesville sold it soul along time ago sorry.
Will some one get to the bottom of this Bikes story no one at the Salvation Army wants to discuss this it adds a lot of doubt.
you will not take over. We are ready for the fight!
THANK YOU YOUR TERM MUST BE ENDING. fighting and not including ALL MEMBERS OF COUNCIL IN ON CITY POLICY may be the reason no one has any answer's for us. no one want's to take over. JUST GET PEOPLE WHO WILL DO THEIR DUTY AND ALL SEVEN COUNCIL MEMBER'S TALK TO EACH OTHER. ETHEL.
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