Veterans Day was yesterday. What did we do yesterday in Painesville to honor ,remember or educate ourselves and the younger residents of our community? Did we do anything at all? Everyone talks about good public relations in a community. You have to feel alot of Mentor residents felt good about Mentor after the story on the front page of the News-Herald. I'm not suggesting you do this for P.R. purposes but it would have been nice to introduce a few vets. to the younger members of town. Meet a WWII, Korean, Viet Nam, even some from the last Desert Storm, and Iraq War. at a Jr. High assembly it is part of our "Heritage".Well so is a American Flag in every classroom and were still waiting for them. "The Pledge Of Allegiance" Everday at all grade levels. Please don't tell be it will become redundant, is telling your wife or children you love them everyday redundant? A good motto to live by "If you don't know where you have been, you have no clue where your going."
We are going to do the "Wizard of Oz" in Spanish thats where this town is.
Great post Term! We have the gazebo and war memorials abound between Lake Erie College and Evergreen Cemetery.
So how about Mr Nagy? or anyone else up there in the ivory tower we call city hall...........
the city was just about dead yesterday, except for school buses.........
where is Hal on this one? Mr I'm wearing the flag on my lapel for council meetings.
You have to be crazy telling Term. that was a great post, it was a said thing to complain about things that bother you, and try to make others feel bad, it was Veterans Day a time to thank a Vet. not a time to make yourself feel better by craping all over Painesville, you should grow up.
You should grow up. Painesville city and schools should be as you say "craped" on. Again instead of examining the problem we attack the messenger.Is it Term thats bothering you or is it your conscious? Thanks for a great post and remembering my father who is no longer with us.
In Painesville Schools Cinco de Mayo Day is more important than Veterans Day or Flag Day. If some of you don't think this is not done on purpose as to not offend a large group in town you are mistaken. It is more important to not offend a group of people who for the most part aren't supposed to be here than to honor our Heros. Things will change soon. Wizard of Oz, billingual? Some people have more money than brains.
Yeah, Term is right something should have been done, the big problem is him and his loyal supporters are part of that group of people that sit on their couches, wait for government or someone else to do something, then complain when no one does it.
Wonder what your comment would be if this site wasn't here? We couldn't blame anyone but ourselves for this oversite. Although we would never expect city hall or the schools to do what was right. When all else fails, blame the bearer of bad news, does your conscious bother you too?
hey term, i'm sure the veterans were on the square at 11 am, with some family and civilian supporters. rain or shine they were there, just like they were for us before.
i also saw the painesville vfw was visiting one of the local schools and the children were having a ceremony for them. good for both of them they will honor each other.
alot of people told me happy veterans day but they were all vets except my son. we always toast to those who served with us, before us and who will protect us in the future.
"Wizard of Oz, billingual? Some people have more money than brains."
Well being bilingual makes you more marketable these days and it takes education to get there, so I would say that those people will have more of both money and brains when all is said and done. Are you just jealous?
him and his loyal supporters are part of that group of people that sit on their couches, wait for government or someone else to do something, then complain when no one does it.
I would say that they sit around and assume that even if the city does something it is wrong and complain but never present a viable alternative. Just a lack of positive initiative.
Flag Day is June 14th. I would be awfully hard to the schools to do something for Flag Day, when NOBODY IS THERE!!!!!!
I don't know one of Term's "loyal supporters" that just sits on their couches. When they try to do anything you "crap" on them. Tell me what more they can do. They go to council meetings, as I've seen on TV and read in the minutes. They make suggestions. When they aren't acted on are they supposed to take matters into their own hands and get a bus and drive the illegals back to mexico themselves? Are they supposed to go to the houses that are overcrowded and against ordinance and issue a citation? Are they supposed to annoint themselves as building inspectors? I am ashamed that I haven't been more on Term's side, but from now on you can count me in as a supporter.
Wow sit on my couch and wait for government......
you have no idea what you are talking about and I would gladly love a day to sit on my damn couch.
In private I thanked my Dad and grandparents. Dad served in WWII and suffered several "nervous breakdowns" during and after the war. They sent him to a VA hospital where they using vets to experiment on for electric shock treatment. He just never recovered but he went on to hold down two jobs, support his family and retreat every fall hunting season to his beloved Penn. home.
Grandma was one big 4'10" woman and an immigrant from Hungary, patrolled the neighborhood in Parma when the air raid sirens went off to make sure all the neighbors had their lights turned out. If they didn't she would pound on the offenders doors and tell them it was an air raid. We recovered her white helmet from the attic when we cleaned out her house last year.
Anybody else got stories of loved ones who served or are serving.........
Thank you...... we love and honor you all......
Great but what school? and who knew anything was going on at the square? Alot of us would have loved to join you. Thank-You
to madpotter's parents,
God bless you and thank you for your service.
The United States of America
Lets all celebrate death lets drink to them I would really rather have my son learn the Wizard of Oz in Spanish. It a time time people.
The only thing that might come out of your idea is that your son will be able to say "Holy Crap" in two languages as some idiot flies a plane into a building he just happens to be in. Please think this out.
we knew.
the veterans have been meeting on that square for a long time. i recall a picture of the american legion color guard in the 60's being there on veteran's day. i'm sure the vets were there before that.
11th month, 11th day, at the 11th hour, remember that. its your invite for next year at the town square. President Eisenhower started veteran's day, before that it was known as armistice day from ww1.
the veterans mark the graves of their comrades every year in the cemetaries with flags and sponsor the parade on memorial day which starts at riverside cemetary and goes to evergreen cemetary. guess what? your invited-memorial day 2009
after checking with vfw,the school was chestnut elementary school here in painesville city!
i also know that the children from painesville schools make decorations for the american legion and vfw on veterans day and memorial days. we hang them proudly on our walls of our posts.
we(veterans) know and we get it.
also thanks madpotter, you had great folks, you are rightly to be proud of their service.
pcs mom,
you dont make a lick of sense, you made the list, with karen, batman and mr rellik.
this is america. if it weren't for people like madpotters parents you would be speaking german.
term, with a mom like that he'll probably be flying the plane with crap still in his pants
PCS Mom, what the heck are you talking about? Make sense.
what is "it a time time people" pcs mom?
i think its time you made ammends with spell and grammar check, think out your point like they taught you in school. remember, the school with the flag, pledge of allegiance and with you not in attendance because you were out smoking a doobie. but your cool
i say, your on the list
Just a wild guess here, but maybe PCS mom just might be a stutter.
what is a stutter?
“are they supposed to take matters into their own hands and get a bus and drive the illegals back to mexico themselves?”
Now hold on. Don’t try to imply something that isn’t true. Council can’t even do this. This is an issue for the federal government. Council also doesn’t issue citations as much as they would like to, they rely on the police and inspectors to do that.
“The only thing that might come out of your idea is that your son will be able to say "Holy Crap" in two languages as some idiot flies a plane into a building he just happens to be in. Please think this out.”
Losing respect here buddy. Don’t claim that by doing a play in two languages somehow jeopardizes our national security. I won’t scare that easy into stopping an obviously educational function of our schools.
“term, with a mom like that he'll probably be flying the plane with crap still in his pants”
Wow it’s a little bit hateful in here. Calling this woman’s son a terrorist? Tone it down. This discussion is no longer rational. I think we are losing readers.
“i think its time you made ammends with spell and grammar check, think out your point like they taught you in school,...”
Is this opening the door for grammar attacks because there are millions of mistakes on here I find comical that I could attack and insult the intelligence of just about any poster. For a taste of your own medicine: Ammends or amends?
"Holy Crap" You missed my point, or I didn't explain myself. Just remember those who made it possible to learn more than one language. What jeopardizes national security is people forgeting how we got our freedom. I sure learn something this week 11/11/11 I will always know when to remember our vets. Sorry if I offend you.
Quit being a WHOZ term ,what are you running for something.
What does Cinco de Mayo got to do with the city schools.
she ought to send her son to the marines instead of being in plays.
whats pcs stand for post C syndrome
hey we had the wizard of oz, then the wiz, i think this production should be called wizdriguez.
thanks term, i think we all learned something this week.
This administration’s defining moment was the Iraq invasion. Over time, it caused death to 1.2 million civilians and the injuries of 1.1 million noncombatants.
Just last week we found out that there are now five million orphans in Iraq. Lets celibate peace, not war!
Term. you don't like bad stuff, then why did you let that racest/ bigot two post up, post ?
Term,you dont like the bad stuff, then why did you let that racist/ bigot two posts up, post?
Help me out, which comment are you having a problem with?
C syndrome I always thought had something to do with a mis-diagnosis?
Cinco de Mayo?
Sorry, I'm finding it hard to find out what your talking about.
If its a Federal problem,illegal immigration, then why is it a local problem to educate their young children with local schools and tax dollars?
We forget you don't mind racist comments.
Wizard of Oz, most white cast.
Wiz, all black cast.
Wizdriguez, ?
That person that posted that post, is Racist and if you don't see that, then we all know where your views fall,
Get real Term.
Sorry, must have moved beyond this point. I viewed it as just funny, You better get a life. Racist, Bigot, I don't think so. TERM>> the "Dago"
Anyone who thought that was funny is racist.
I'm with term I thought it was said in good humor not in a mean manner, he's right get a life.
Unknown to me racist.
I also agree with Term. That was not a racist comment. You need to chill out. You are reaching so far out to find something to criticize Term that you are about to fall off. You have lost credibility.
its not racism, its called sarcasm. when things dont go your way you cry racism. i have seen your types before. i agree with one thing, get a life.
Bite me.
would love to but would probably catch something from you
To the above poster, please describe what a bigot or a racist is to you, no kidding give us all a clear definition.
Cool that was not my answer but I like it, thank you.
I would add to it.
Anyone who thinks that all Latinos are illegal.
Interesting, Now what do you call people in this county illegally, and the people that harbor them?
It is legal, is it right?
Funny, but you called me a bigot because I said I might catch something from you. I do not know your ethnicity. I just know you are crude. You could be a white person supporting illegal immigration and yet you call me a bigot. You are the bigot.
Not all latinos are illegal. We all know that. But they are all supporting illegal immigration and all are using our hopsital for their free medical care, whether they are here legally or not. And they are all turning Painesville into mini Mexico. I live in America. If I wanted to live in Mexico and watch my neighbors peeing in the yard and listen to their loud music all hours of the day or night, I would move to Mexico. I don't want Mexico moving into my neighborhood! And don't call me a bigot because I want to preserve what has made this country so great! You use the racism card because you know that none of us want to be called that, and so we will back off and hand this country over to you. Well, buddy, that aint gonna happen without a fight!
Why not just answer the question? What do you call these people felons,lawbreakers,theives or maybe there racists? Term asked wheres the answer?
I don't see why it matters what I call them, I try not to call everyone of a particular race by one label. They are individual people. I call them by who they are. If you absolutely need a label to satisfy the question: They are illegal immigrants if they are here illegally. If they are here legally, I call them neighbor. I think there might even be something in the Bible about how to treat your neighbor...
"they are all supporting illegal immigration and all are using our hopsital for their free medical care, whether they are here legally or not."
This is absolutely false and racist. You are attributing a certain activity of a few people to everyone of that race. You assume that all people of that race have that negative attribute of supporting illegal immigration. This is text book racism. I am sure anyone reading this will see you for what you are. You disgust me and I can only assume you disgust other people. You disgust people who might have contributed to this blog. Take your hate elsewhere.
Anonymous who said:
Not all latinos are illegal. We all know that. But they are all supporting illegal immigration and all are using our hopsital for their free medical care, whether they are here legally or not.
Who are you? This may explain alot to me. It also explains alot if you choose not to say.
This question seems to not have an answer? The bigger problem is just around the corner as unemployment reaches numbers we haven't seen for along time 10-12% this will get worse as people looking to keep a roof over their heads see "individuals" that aren't legally here taking jobs, and other resourses. Can we pass a school levy when people realize they don't have the money to raise
property taxes, and a large segment of the school population are not here legally? Why can't anyone answer the question the man asked?
Well if unemployment goes up it will result in more citizens taking the jobs that only the "mexicans" will do so as the employment demand decreases so will the amount of illegal immigration?
"Common sense and history tell you that rewarding illegal behavior will only encourage more of it." Ric Keller
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