"MY HOMETOWN" bruce springsteen
Now Main streets whitewashed windows and vacant stores
Seems like there ain't nobody wants to comedown here no more.
My Hometown?
Police Chief " retires".?
Council Meeting For & Against 413?
People crying at the meeting, others wearing stupid hats and T-shirts for/against 413?
Here's a hint you are no more patriotic by wearing our flag as clothing in fact it disrespects the flag.
The police has had the same policy for over ten years "1" person deported in last five years?
It's a Painesville Council Meeting not a Township, Lakewood, Mantua, Perry, Kirtland meeting. Painesville resident should be the only ones who speak at the meetings. I don't care about who cried and the reason they cried. Along with who came from out of town for what ever reason.
Let's ask someone who was shot on the bike trail how they feel? Or a family member of the woman shot and killed in Concord? Send the Priest to visit them. If you are here illegally expect the consequences.
The reports I heard about was EVERYBODY was for the illegals? They weren't the Plain Dealer lied. Three meetings are enough Bulls**t on this subject .
Councilman resigns? Can't find a suitable house in his Ward or the city. Moving to Concord still wants to keep his finger in the pot. If Mr. DeLeone isn't getting his electric power at his residence in Concord from Painesville Power, sorry Mike you don't belong on our Electric Committee . You can still run for Judge. No better reason for Judge Cicconetti to live forever! Just the view of a man not in control of all his faculties? Right Michael?
While on that subject what is a "Hometown" boy? Where you born and raised here? Go to school and church here? Please explain?
Now we must deal with a dog hit by a car and the actions of an officer? Trust me that officer has dealt with worse than a dead dog, they all have.
Also get ready to deal with the Dog Park issue.
Just blowing off some steam, Sorry!. Remember from a man losing his faculties.
Troubled times had come to my hometown.
welcome back I assume you were in the hospital for a spell, I hope you are feeling well.
I have to admit that I never thought I would say this but, I certainly hope Judge C stays in his seat for a LONG time to come. I can't imagine what kind of judge our former Ward 3 Councilman would be and I really don't want to find out.
BTW, a four bedroom house isn't enough?? What kind of money is this lawyer pulling in off the tax payers backs?
I guess I realize that everyone attending a Council meeting has a "right" to be heard. After all, you don't know where they are from until they announce it. However, I certainly hope the Council doesn't listen to the people from anywhere outside of the City. These people don't vote for you and should have zero input into the actions of Council. Remember that you swore to uphold the law. You don't get to pick and choose which laws are "valid".
BTW, did anyone notice that in spite of the CM reading a statement as to the effect and intent of the law, people came with their prepared speeches and just ignored what she said? Folks, open your ears and your minds, you were not listening.
Just wondering, did the police Chief really leave??
Lt. Waterman is an excellent choice as an acting chief. This man understands community policing very well. He was responsible for establishing the crime free multiple housing project program. The man is a leader. He is educated and very approachable to the residents with their concerns.
My only concern, he might not accept a permanent appointment, that would not be good. That dept. needs leadership now.
2:06 I agree
6:59 I've heard different stories.
4:48 I have spent considerable time at Tri-Point and West. It's getting so bad the medic's ask me if I want to drive the truck? Last time I drove to the FD parking lot and they walked out the back door .
Speaking of "OUR' hometown how ironic is it that on the day they demolish our former Sears & Roebuck story they announce the closing of the Great Lakes Mall store that replaced it?
Jun 12, 2017 -PCLS BOE REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Category TREASURER'S CONSENT AGENDA NOTE: Subject 17-129 Resolution to Levy a Renewal Tax Type Information
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Painesville City Local School District (herein the "School District") (two-thirds of all members voting affirmatively).
SECTION 1. That it is hereby declared that the amount of taxes which may be raised in this School District within the ten-mill limitation by levies on the current tax duplicate will be insufficient to provide an adequate amount for the necessary requirements of this School District.
SECTION 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 5705.21 of the Ohio Revised Code, it is necessary that a renewal tax be levied in excess of the ten-mill limitation for the benefit of this School District, for the purpose of current operating expenses at a rate not exceeding six and six-hundredths (6.06) mills for each one dollar ($1.00) of valuation for five (5) years, commencing in 2018, first due in calendar year 2019. Said tax is proposed to renew an existing 6.06 mill five-year levy authorized by a majority of the electors of the School District voting on said proposition at an election held on May 7, 2013.
SECTION 3. That the question of the adoption of said tax levy shall be submitted to the electors of the school district at the election to be held on November 7, 2017. If approved by the electors, said tax levy shall first be placed upon the 2018 tax list and duplicate, for first collection in calendar year 2019.
SECTION 4. That pursuant to Section 5705.03 of the Ohio Revised Code, the county auditor is hereby requested to certify to this board of education the total current tax valuation of this school district and the dollar amount of revenue that would be generated by the number of mills specified in Section 2 hereof, and the treasurer of this board of education be and is hereby directed to certify forthwith a copy of this resolution to the county auditor so that said county auditor may certify such matters in accordance with Section 5705.03 of the Ohio Revised Code.
He wants to be on the Electric Committee??
Please tell us what his experience in the electric energy field involves?
Being a lawyer does not qualify him as an electric expert.
As I looked at the qualifications, I thought experience in the field was required.
Having been a member of Council was not on the list.
12:49 Looks good on a resume for Judge I guess? Electric expert why not, he seems to be an expert on everything else?
Want to watch how they pull this one off.
3:53 What can I say but YES or NO ?
Here's something unrelated I heard something that was confirmed by 2 people - maybe you can investigate. At the meetings.The "New" PCIC group has a full buffet spread at all of their meetings now. They have raised table rates, perhaps to counteract this. How ever did Gabe Cicconetti and all those good folks make it through a meeting without a buffet spread..This new leadership can't seem to do it. Is this the best use for dollars of a nonprofit organization? I smell a rat...get em Term...glad you are feeling better.
NO Absolutely NOT
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It's not.” ― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax
I will be voting NO on the school levy.
Probably No on anything on the ballot. Unless things change a whole lot, my answer will always be NO.
5:38 What they do with their money is O.K. with me?
7:42 The Lorax!
5:32 A Painesville property owner?
The property owners are the ones that carry the schools, you dont think the renters care a fig about taxes do you? Heck- rent goes up, no problem most renters have school age kids live in Kensington or Brentwood - Section 8 housing. They dont care about levys or taxes.They are the ones voting yes.
New TaskForce formed for the 413 Policy? Seriously? How on earth was this put together? The names are a who's-who for pro-undocumented people. These people were hand picked and looks like Painesville should be classified as a Sanctuary City now if not by the time these people get done it will be for sure. What the heck is wrong with the policy as written? Break the law, return to Mexico, China, Ukraine don't care where you came from just leave if you are illegal-criminal. Shame on those for not reaching out to REAL residents with a REAL stake in this town. Without getting the article, Shoop and Shepard seem to be the only property owners here.
Thank You Powalie for the mess you made. If you kept your policy where it belonged, not public, none of this would have been an issue. How many policies does the city have? How many cause this much problem? You had to be a pompous person trying to make yourself look good and it blew up.
So Painesville business owners have no right to speak at City Council?
I respectfully disagree! I pay 30K a year local taxes from the 3 buildings and two businesses I own in the city
I should be allowed to speak also
WuzzzzzUP? No postings in a really long time. Hopefully Mr Term decided he likes it here and the fantastic job everyone does here. Therefor there are no complaints!
11:58 Hardly
9:40 Please don't blame me for your misfortune? Exactly how many council people did you vote for? And why they should listen to you?
4:24 No comment
4:20 Agree wholeheartedly!
1:55 Maybe Wonder for how much longer?
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