"MONEY (THAT'S WHAT I WANT) barrett strong
MIA UNTIL MAY 24, 2016
The best things in life are free
But you can give them to the birds and bees
That pretty much sums up last nights council meeting.
First off our city manager wasn't happy with the actions of Waste Management and their fliers. He explained to WM representative Vince Crawford that that's not the way we do business in Painesville. The bids were opened and WM came in second. Plus the fact we are under no obligation for you to do a "do over." I guess in the scheme of things $96,000 doesn't buy you much?
Here are the four bids over the seven year contract costs;
REPUBLIC $6,965,491.00
WM $7,052,267.00
RUMPE $8,052, 088..00
KIMBLE $10,033,550.00
Finance Director Andy Unetic compiled these numbers.
He also mentioned all the paperwork has been sent to Columbus and we should be on Ohio Checkbook shortly.
This also reflected that Painesville has only 58 bag user's not the 350 as I was told. That said we haven't forgot about you 58.
Sorry some complained about the procedure as well as the bidding process. Me? I just realized that resident's will receive a 23% discount on their bills. Great job! Take your ball and go home.
Commander Charles Stennis from American Legion Post #336 spoke of the need for Painesville Recreation Department and Painesville Senior Center merging? It seems there is a need as well as increased funding. I see no opposition to the Painesville Senior's putting on a small levy so as to make them function properly. This way resident's have an opportunity to vote Yes or No. I do question the merger between the Recreation Department and Senior Center as to who in the end is in charged?
Next The one I oppose for many reasons, in the past since 2007/08 the City of Painesville has supported the Downtown Painesville Organization to the tune of over $200,000 and now councilman Jim Fodor wants at the next meeting to have a resolution drawn up as to increase funding another $6000. Now as most of you know Mr. Fodor is heavily involved with DPO and with this position should he be making this request? Look I know it's only another $6,000 but truthfully what has the first $200,000 accomplished? Bath Tub Races? A Friday Car Show? how much revenue have these brought into the city? How many businesses have located in Downtown Painesville since 2008? And flourished? . Although Dollar Tree seems very successful? Never mind the cost of Downtown Streetscape was quite a gift. It's time for these people to fly on their own.. This Money Pit Downtown can only be described as where so much, has done so little, for so few. God forbid if this group had to ask the voter's for money, say a levy? I expect this to pass on first reading at the next council meeting. That's how we roll in the City of Paine!
Clerk of council Tara Grimm mentioned some possible new rules , No clapping or Booing? Haven't ever heard a boo at a council meeting, maybe there should have been?? As well as visitors given three minutes in those three minutes the person is limited to one issue or subject? In other words if you go up and commend the city for the shape the cementers are in , well it's one and done. Democracy's Great, Uh! Someone asked where I believed this came from? Councilman Mike DeLeone has been harping about council procedures? Maybe this is one of those procedures?
Fire Chief Mark Mlachak gave an interesting account on since the first of the year Painesville EMS has responded to 86 Heroin calls where paramedics had to provide Narcan . It seems the rise in Heroin use is mostly due to people no longer getting or affording prescription pain medication as Heroin is inexpensive alternative. The chief explained that this isn't just a Painesville problem but is country-wide. You can also get Narcan without a prescription if you see a need for it in a loved one or neighbor.
The four most expensive words in the English language are, 'This time it's different.'
Sir John Templeton
Just viewed council meeting. Was Tom Fitzgerald absent as well as excused again? What's with this? Anyone excusing him should be replaced along with him.
Also why are people complaining about the rubbish contract?
Yes, that's quite a conflict of interest with Fodor. You really think it will pass?
9:55 Yes and Yes it's to the point I don't even notice anymore. When a council person is excused a reason should be given. Illness, family issues, vacation whatever. The reasoning for this is if a person is ill or a loved one it can be understood. Votes count.
I don't think it was complaining as much as having a problem with transparency and process.
Yes it will pass and his position with the organization will be the reason. He should have not been the person to ask for the increase. This is one of those issues where you wonder if it's worth your breathe?
If Mr DeLeone is so concerned about procedures, maybe he should be asking why most of the legislation before Council is an "emergency".
As such we get to hear "move to suspend", a vote to suspend the rules and then "move to adopt".
Is this the way Council is supposed to work?
Not according to any political science class I took.
IMO, Council has an OBLIGATION to listen to any one who wants to speak for 3 minutes., regardless of what the speaker wants to address. If three minutes is too long for any Council member, maybe they are in the wrong job.
I just talked to Republic. I am on the bag service, and I do recycling now. There will be no recycling available for people on the bag service. Not only is this bad for the environment, how long are those bags going to last when they have to contain all of your recycling? If I switch to the $51.67/quarter, which is a huge amount of money more than I pay now, I can opt out of recycling (which would be my only reason to be forced to go up on that), but I cannot opt out of yard waste, which I do not need. Without recycling, the quarterly bill would be $45.12. And it sounds like the only place to purchase the bags is at City Hall, as far as I know now, so good luck to the people who cannot make it during those hours. They are going to get back to me to see if I will have bulk pickup for extra things with the bag option, or not. This city is unbelievable. Either way I am hugely screwed.
The car cruise does make money...sponsors, 50/50 raffle, tshirt sales, etc. every week....more than you think....those sponsors also pay more than you think...
11:38 I guess all that visiting to other council meetings must have brought this on? I guess he believes in solving a problem where none exists?
1;10 What your telling me, if I'm right Republic claims if you have bag service you no longer can recycle? I think everyone should wait until the city makes the contract public. I myself was told just the opposite. That said you have to wonder what exactly happens to the recycling?
3:44 Oh, I do have a pretty good idea what is made from the 50/50 raffle corporate sponsors such as the Classic Auto Group( talked about that last year) to name one. The DJ has to be paid ect. Now if your doing so great why are you coming poor-mouth to the city? My point about the car cruise you manage to get all these people downtown and everything is closed or worse yet doesn't exist.
This is 1:10. That is correct. They say as it stands now, that if you do the bag service, there will be no way for you to recycle unless you upgrade to the $51.67. They said that if enough people are unhappy with it, then maybe it would spur a change, but that is what it is now. I believe they also said that this is what the city chose. Republic gives the city a menu, and the city chooses what it wants. Right now, this just goes to show you what the city thinks of its citizens. In my opinion, it's a way of forcing people to pay a lot more for the bag service, because the bags will be used up so much faster or force people into the upgrade.
On the city's website, there's a news release saying that those of us who use the bag service with Republic aren't eligible for recycling OR yard waste pickup. I have used the bag service for years because I recycle and compost most of my waste, and have had many weeks where I didn't have to put out any trash bag for pickup because there wasn't any, or enough, to do so. In the process, I saved money by not having to pay for the tote service, since it wasn't necessary. Now I have to pay for a tote, even though it's a waste (pun not intended) of money, just so I can recycle and get rid of yard waste. I should have known that council and City Hall would do the wrong thing when it came bag users and the new contract; yes, residents who use tote service will save money, but so what? That doesn't do me any good. It's just one more reason why I have grown to despise living in Painesville.
5:49/10:39 Don't despise or believe the city cares little about you. Now here's what I have learned many of you are adamant about recycling and many of you could careless about it and want no part of it. Those of you must realize that you must attend council meetings to let those in power know what you desire or at least converse with an administrator or council person? I still believe this will work out. My best guess is Republic as well as the City do not want to play the bag game, I have no proof of this just my thought.
In the N/H today it mentioned you questioning $1,200 to the Senior Center what's that all about?
You really mean that these folk "couldn't care less". A common mistake.
Speaking for myself, the idea of recycling sounds good but the reality is very different. If you really think recycling is good for the environment or that it is worthwhile, then we need to apply a deposit to items to be recycled. Cans and bottles (plastic or glass) would be recycled a lot more if there was a deposit on them.
The truth, as of now, is that recycling is not cost effective.
9:46 good luck with that. I recycle items I know will be recycled. Many truly do not want to bother. As a society we are a throwaway bunch of people. There was a time before disposable diapers, plastic milk bottle as well as no 2lt. pop bottle to name a few. Plastic or glass presently there isn't a market for it simple because their is so much of it. Think about all those 16/20 oz. plastic water bottles we consume all the time. I don't see a deposit law passing statewide presently. No I see both sides of this issue. Me I recycle aluminum and paper.
9:25 What I was talking about was the City of Painesville takes $25,000 yearly to fund Painesville Senior Center. Starting this past April the city added another $1,200 a month to help with the Senior Centers rent. Now my question if the city now 'donates' $3,300 a month what exactly are we as well as the seniors receiving for this funding?
I have just had a communication with our city manager. He has assured me that BAG USER'S will still be able to purchase the RECYCLING service from Republic. I hope that clears this subject up.
10:14. Thanks; I hope you are right, meaning I hope his word is good, and that the cost will be no more than with WM to add on the recycling. If not, then I think all the bag users ought to gather up our recycling and deposit it all on City Hall's steps. But again, thanks. I'm anxiously awaiting to see the price, as they've apparently already upped the cost for our bags substantially.
Does the contract still have (mafia) provisions in it, i.e., every building in Painesville must pay for a garbage service, even if the building is unoccupied or if the resident/owner does not want it? Do you know?
$6,000 to the DPO? Really? I think they could use that $6,000 to replace the dead or half dead trees along the Streetscape boulevard. Perhaps planting a variety of trees that don't mind being sunk in concrete. $6,000 probably won't cover all the dead trees anyway…… just bring on the beer truck and the bath tub races.
I see Fairport Harbor has a sign up for their community garden this year, do we even have a community garden? Nope. Do we even have a Senior Center? Nope…….. Fairport is looking pretty good. Wonder why Rita didn't annex Fairport?
3:20 Mafia Provisions? Those provisions are the city ordinance 955. Not the garbage contract. Your issue is with council not any hauler.
8:56 not $6,000. ANOTHER $6,000 on top of the $22,000 we already give them yearly. When I get back in town I will do a post on this subject.
This is 3:20 to 5:04. Yes, I did not mean to insinuate that it was the hauler's fault. And how I see this now, if I am correct in seeing it this way, is that the city had Waste Management overcharge the citizens so the city would have a kickback, and now they are blaming it on WM, and WM is paying the price by losing the contract.
Narcan? Its a buzz kill. How many addicts are administered it then come out of the high only to complain that someone ruined their high. They will just continue to use, be saved then use again. The cycle of dependency continues. Personally, I feel it should be used one time to save the person. After that, its called thinning the herd.
Yes, medical, police and ems should be mandatory to give but to keep on hand to help a friend, I don't think so.
5:30 Law of the jungle I guess?
Narcan can be given to you without a prescription it may be well worth the effort to have some around just in case?
You must remember that the reason many of these user's are do to the fact that they can't get prescription pain killers. Saving a life is probably one of the greatest feat you can preform no matter what the circumstances,. Ask a Dr., nurse, paramedic.
Ask a junkie who gets high all the time. They are breaking the law. Sorry but since this is a nation wide problem it has to stop. Narcan given by friends only generates more junkies.
This was a comment left Friday on a Post from 2009, I am reprinting it here only so the person knows I received it. Here it is;
This is a terrible hospital with the worse reputation for bad care or no care. I have a disability and it's hard for me to go there and because I had to go alone I was very scared. The nurse told me not to bother coming in because they would not treat me. I started to cry and said I am sick and need help and I was scared. She laughed at me and told me HONEY WE ARE A PRIVATE HOSPITAL WE CAN DO WHAT EVER WE WANT. She laughed at me and told me to go somewhere else. Then she hung up on me. I live in Painesville and we deserve a better place to get medical care. You wait for hours and once you get a room it's more hours. The doctors and the nurses are watching TV on their laptops or flirting with each other. And laughing and if you ask them when I can see a doctor they ignore you and you wait longer. I need medical care but no where else to go because the ambulance will only take you to the nearest hospital. This is wrong.
Now I have posted the comment but in no way do I believe this. First the hospital cannot turn you away especially if your brought in an ambulance. Also long waits are part of an emergency room (triage) it have never seen or heard of a nurse, hospital laughing and refusing a patient. Yes there are times you wait but I have never heard or witnesses this?
Speaking of the City of Painesville acting like a Mafia towards its citizens...
So apparently the reason they made everyone have and pay for garbage services, whether the home/building was occupied OR NOT, was so they could get more kickback? Now that they've been found out, maybe they can quit charging empty buildings for services they don't receive.
I have lived here for over 20 years, and I have never lived in a city like this where the city is out to get the citizens in so many ways. I think the city IS run like the Mafia, and the citizens its hapless victims. We even have a fee for a home/building being unoccupied, just in and of itself, and this is on top of being charged for garbage service that the home/building is not using. I mean, give me a break.
And now with them having us in all these horrible, scalping electric deals (not to mention a city full of illegals who don't care whether they pay their bills or not before they move out and will move on and do the same thing in another rental), they are more desperate than ever to make people pay for things that they have no right to be making them pay. For example, having unsuspecting buyers of homes here have to pay for someone else's unpaid electric, etc.
Come to Painesville, the Mafia city. They'll get you coming AND going.
Another way the City of Painesville acts like the Mafia is the retaliation aspect. Ask anyone who has spoken out against the city, or has disagreed with the city, or challenged the city in any way. There will be retaliation, and it can come in many forms, and it can last for decades.
4:46 Yes and no, with all my complaining I've feel I've been treated fairly. Only one time did I ever feel personally attacked by a former administration. Sidewalk's on Owego St. as well as painting my house. And then only I believed my neighbor's were treated unfairly do to me. At the next council meeting, after the sidewalks I questioned why a neighbor close to me was allowed to have issues with property they owned, The City of Painesville. An abandoned home on Storrs St. as well as the Electric Department Building being in need of a paint job, along with the the Novak property on Newell St. that was an eyesore.
People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones?
7:18: Sidewalks and having to paint your house, along with your neighbors being dragged into it is are pretty big retaliations.
8;04 Agreed. the neighbor's being dragged in is what upset me the most. I believed at the time it was to shut me up. I opposed the city on the 3.9 charter change levy. Along with opposition to AMP-OHIO.
So now that the city has been found out and exposed for their kickback deal, they have signed us up for a contract with another company that will charge the bag-only customers -- what is it -- almost double the price? There is just no end to what this city will do to its citizens. Do they have any idea AT ALL that THEY are there to serve US?
7:58 I will present an alternative to increase bag prices at the next council meeting. I don't believe it will go anywhere but I will attempt it.
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